Page 4--Saturday, October 20, 1979-The Michigan Daily i WASHINGTON WINDOW Uble £icgan 1aiIy Ninety fears of Editorial Freedom Kennedy, Carter Florida bout a dry run 'Vol. LXXXX, No. 39 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan U.S. must now alter ;Moroccan arms sales SarNCE AGAIN, the United States has another losing m 'L the chance to shore up her mounting anti- sgging prestige among the nations of abroad. black Africa while making an impor- Basically, the 1V tant commitment to the principle of down to a q self-determination. And, as in the case determination for of:the Shah of Iran, Anastasio Somoza, presently without and other U.S. bedfellows, the ad- co's claims to hist ,sinistration has the opportunity to the disputed Saha *rease the skids of another monarch more or less tha 'Who, by all indications, may soon be expansionist Kinj ollowing the Shah and Somoza. egotistical desig This time, the scene is Morocco, Morocco." To sel here King Hassan is bogged down in naissance planes hopeless desert war in the Western ships he has requ %ahara with guerillas of the Polisario make the U.S. th Front. The guerillas are fighting for an Morocco's aggres, dependent Sahawi Arab Democratic us squarely at odd epublic for the Sahara region, and which have alrel teir claims have already been endor- Sahawi Arab Dem d by the Organization for African Unity. The Carter a 'But until now, the Carter ad- rhetoric on hum ministration has continued to tinuously profess Mcognize Morocco's "administrative self-determinatio control" over the disputed territory, with the 80,000 ind has continued to supply defensive Western Sahara arms to the king to help him beat back finally winning- the insurgency. Only now, with the determination, th var turning more in favor of the the chance to ma guerillas and Hassan crying for more more than hollow irms, have top administration cing Morrocco' 'nalysts begun to reexamine this now, refusing t ,picy. A Cabinel Level Policy Review weapons, and re Committee wound up evenly divided on state, the U.S. c rhether to give Hassan more arms, or tant step higher in .reak off America's ties early before as a true crusa Ois country is caught supporting human rights. policy onarch in the face of American feeling Moroccan war comes question of self- an indigent people a homeland. Moroc- oric sovereignty over ra amount to nothing n a land-grab by the g bent on his own ns for a "Greater 1 Hassan the recon- and helicopter gun- ested would not only e arms merchant in sion, but would place Is with the 33 nations ady decognized the ocratic Republic. dministration, in its tan rights, has con- ed a commitment to n of all peoples. Now, inhabitants of the struggling for-and -their rights to self- e administration has ke their commitment rhetoric. By denoun- s territorial claims he sale of offensive cognizing the SADR ould move an impor n the eyes of the world Eder in the cause of AP Photo Teddy and Jimmy both claimed big victory after the Florida caucuses, but everyone knew that the contest was just a dry heat. WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Florida Democratic convention next month will hold a mock. elec- tion in which, according to those who are supposed to know, President Carter will win. The vote will have no part in the selection of Florida's 1980 national convention delegates. The delegates will be chosen next March in a presidential primary; the significance of the straw vote,. at the St. Petersburg party con- vention Nov. 18 must be assessed on its own merits. AND. JUST WHAT does the Florida straw vote mean? Because it was touted as the first head-to-head confrontation between Carter and Sen. Edward Kennedy, some said it was an important measure of rank and file sentiment for the president and his expected challenger. Because it is a "beauty con- test" with no delegates at stake, others say the Florida ballot is By Arnold Sawislak . not even as useful as a properly conducted public opinion survey. As usual, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. IN THE FIRST place, the vote at the convention certainly has less meaning than was the process of electing county delegates. The counties are sen- ding 879 delegates, and the Ken- nedy and Carter camps battled in most of the 67 counties to get their people into the delegations. The elected county delegates will be joined at the state conven- tion by 839 others who will be ap- pointed by state Democratic of- ficials or get automatic delegate status by holding public or party office. In as much as the state Democratic establishment in Florida is overwhelmingly loyal to Carter, the president seems sure to have the edge in the final balloting. So the county voting was the real test, and the two camps spent about a half a million dollars in the most basic kind of political organizing. THE FLORIDA pro-Kennedy group, noting that the Carter campaign got a pretty good psychological lift when it defeated George Wallace in the .state's 1975straw vote, decided to- turn the tables this year. It hoped to sweep the county caucuses and then declare to the world that Kennedy had whipped Carter in his'own back yard. But they made so much noise about it that the Carter people became alarmed and laid on their own campaign. Their intention was to beat or fight Kennedy to a standstill and raise their own hurrah about the president's political strength. Even though the county results were mixed, both sides tyried to claim big victories. The Carter people said the president was the big winner because he came in late and 'demonstrated that the vaunted Kennedy appeal to Democrats was not all that un- beatable. And the Kennedy sup- porters said the senator had shown for all to see that the in- cumbent president was fatally- vulnerable. There is a lot of nonsense in these claims from both sides. The battle for the Florida county delegates was a good test of cam- paign organizations, but everyone knew it was a dry run. It didn't give either Kennedy or Carter the Democratic nomination. The two men seem headed toward some serious and vital confrontations in a struggle for the Democratic presidential nomination, but the Florida caucus vote wasn't one of them. Take back the night- E VERY TIME an Ann Arbor woman steps out of her home after sunset she must come to grips with an undeniable fact of city life: the possibility that she may be raped. That fear has an effect on every female in the city. In the most extreme cases, women have become virtual prisoners in their homes ,after dark. For others, it means giving up night courses, avoiding housing in isolated areas, asking men to accompany them too their destinations. And for those women who cherish their independen- ce, it means living with nervous fear each time footsteps approach from, behind. Remedies have been few and largely inadequate. Self-defense courses and increased awareness of the problem have not helped pull back the curtain of secrecy that surrounds the problem. Because of long-standing stereotypes and stigma associated with sexual assault, the problem is acknowledged but rarely addressed. Thursday night, a group of people began a new anti-rape campaign by thrusting the problem under the com- munity's nose.In a dramatic effort to "take back the night," several hun- dred women marched through the city's high-rape district, including Washington, Ingalls, Observatory, Catherine and Huron streets, deman- ding their right to walk the city's streets without fear of sexual assault. The protest is similar to others that have been organized in various parts of the country in an effort to inform citizens. While they highlighted the seriousness of rape, organizers also pointed out the less commonly noticed aspects of the crime. Organizers ex- plained that rape is a crime of domination rather than a crime of sex, and that the commonplace use of sex to sell products helps perpetuate that desire to dominate. But speakers reserved their greatest anger for "the system that forces violence out of its people and needs violence to survive." Because sexual assault is a societal problem, it is up to the entire society to' stop ignoring the problem and begin attempting to solve it. In the short run this means better street lighting and protection so that women no longer have to travel city streets in packs like medieval wayfarers. In the long run, that means re-education and re- orientation to destroy the attitude that makes women mere objects. Letters to The Daily To the Daily: The last decade hasn't exactly been a sterling one for the U.S. ruling class. We witness the much touted "American Dream" rapidly becoming a nightmare for the American population, The current mouthpiece for U.S. im- perialism, Jimmy Carter bum- bles onward as his "popularity ratings" have sunk lower than those of Richard Nixon prior to his resignation. Indeed it is not hard to under- stand why the U.S. working class has little faith in Jimmy Carter. This is the man who's three years in office have brought more grin- ding inflation, another "oil crisis", and an "economic slow- down" which has meant the loss of tens of thousands of jobs here in the motor-city already. Car- ter's "human rights" platform has meant the demise of busing and other of the token gains gran- ted in the 60's as well as the growth of the bourgeoisie's future shock troops, the KKK and Nazi scum. Jimmy Carter's anti- Soviet "human rights" crusade is harder and harder to shove down the throats of the working class as U.S. imperialism lives out its death agony! There should be little doubt in the minds of the black working- class about how much Jimmy Carter cares about their plight. Carter himself broke the America is KKK crosses in Plains, Georgia and Bakke. In this city Coleman Young, one of Carter's few remaining loyalists, offers us a phony renaissance, one-man garbage trucks and his integrated police force to guard the Nazi headquarters. Despite the labor bureaucracy's past support for Carter, and their current willingness to shove sellout con- tracts down the throats of their membership, many of the pro- capitalist fakers are having a hard time whipping up any en- thusiasm for Jimmy Carter, the man who brought out the Taft- Hartley act two times in his three year term and has used every other trick in the capitalist book to try to crush the labor movement. But let no one be taken in by these labor lieutenan- ts of capital and their recent shift to the Kennedy bandwagon. Ken- nedy despite his somewhat more liberal and competent image is no less anti-labor than Carter. He would simply be more effective, more professional in leading the Democratic party in its continued assault on workers, blacks and the poor in order to prop up the sagging profit margins of the capitalist class which he and his party represent. There is an alternative to decaying capitalism. Inflation, layoffs, fascist nightriders and capitalist economic system. The Spartacus League/Spartacus Youth League as the American section of the international Spartacist tendency, has taken up this fight. If you are interested in examining a strategy for this battle, a strategy to WIN state power for the working class, then come to our forum: HATE CAR- TER - HATE CAPITALISM! to be given by guest speaker Briab Mendis, member of U.A.W. Local 140, on Tuesday, October 23, at 7:30 p.m. in Trotter House. -Spartacus Youth Leaigue To the Daily: It is quest' for even-handed reporting, the Daily has plum- meted to new lows in H. Scott Prosterman's article on the Arab-Israeli dispute (10/4/79). In his assessment of the current im- passe in negotiations over the Palestinian issue, Mr. Proster- man finds it fitting to raise the topic of Israeli violations of the human rights of its Arab citizens no less than five times. Perhaps the concept of human rights has been echoed a great deal by all the recent press, but surely the cowardly murder of innocent children at Ma'alot or Israeli athletes in Munich, as well as countless other incidents upon unarmed Israeli citizens, con- stitute the most gross and unac- ceptable violations of the human rights of the Israeli people imaginable. Though one searches high and low through Mr. Prosterman's article, one finds not a single mention of this reverse side of the human rights issue that the author raises. This shameful ommission is an affrontery to the memory of those who died in- nocently, as well as to the con- scious of any sensitive human being. The allegation that the PLO's recognition of Israel is predicated upon Israel's greater recognition of the human rights of the-Palestinians is twisted and distorted thinking. When the PLO calls off its brutal and murderous activities against citizens of the world changes in Israeli policy can be expected. But until that time, do not expect the Israelis to welcome the murderous PLO with open arms! The human rights issue is surely a complex one, but the Daily and Mr. Prosterman can be expected to present a more educated assessment of its role in the Mideast, instead of the erroneous fiction they pawn as truthful news. -J. Kahn che Allicblogttn 3Bttilg EDITORIAL STAFF Sue Warner .. ............ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Richard Berke, Julie Rovner...........MANAGJNG EDITORS Michael Arkush, Keith Richburg..... EDITORIAL DIRECTORS Brian Blanchard........................ UNIVERSITY EDITOR Judy Rakowsky.................... ....... ... CITY EDITOR Shelley Wolson..................PERSONNEL DIRECTOR Amy Saltzman.......................'FEATURES EDITOR Leonard Bernstein ...................... SPECIAL PROJECTS R.J. Smith, Eric Zorn.....................ARTS EDITORS Owen C. lIiL......... 5i&athl ak...-._1-*MAG~AZI'NEW ED'fITOlRS SPORTS STAFF GEOFF LARCOM ............................... Sports Editor BILLY SAHN ......................... Executive Sports Editor BILLY NEFF ......................... Managing Sports Editor DAN PERRIN......................... Managing Sports Editor PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF MAUREEN O'MALLEY................ Chief Photographer JIM KRUZ ................................. Staff Photographer LISA KLAUSNER ........................ Staff Photographer _ _ _