The Michigan Daily-Saturday, 0
ctober 20, 1979- Page, 3
j l
Bagels ease student's tuition bill
For Larry Goldstone it all began six
years ago with a few bagels and a
couple of New York Times.
Back then Goldstone was a high
school sophomore and his bagel route
didn't medn much more than some ex-
tra bucks for the weekend. Today Gold-
stone's Sunday morning deliveries help
pay his way through college.
American institution-service for con-
venience-Goldstone,,now in his fourth
year in the University's Inteflex
program, first began his bagel and
newspaper delivery service as -a high
school student'in Oak Park.
"I knew that no one enjoys waking up
early, getting dressed, and strutting a
few blocks for just a few bagels. So for
three years I was giving dozens of Oak
Park households more sleep while I was
making more money than a paper
boy," Goldstone recalled.
Sensing that Ann Arborites also
yearn for warm bagels, lox and a
newspaper to accompany glorious Sun-
day morning stupors,, Goldstone de-
cided to continue his profitable ven-
ture when he came to the University
three years ago.
"WHEN I STARTED college, I
thought the work load would be too
overbearing to continue it. But last year
I managed to work a route into my
schedule and it takes about six hours of
work per week. Actually, I look forward
to my deliveries, although it means ab-
breviated Saturday nights," he said.
In a typical week Goldstone makes
about $63.00-approximately $9.00 an
hour. Goldstone said his semester ear-
nings will be just shy of $1000, which
will cover about half of his in state
medical school expenses.
Goldstone and partner Tony Bordo, a
sophomore in LSA, bill all their
customers a 75 cent service charge,
regardless of how much they order.
They receive the bulk of their revenue,
however, by paying discount prices for
the newspapers and bagels while
charging their customers the ordinary
stand prices.
Goldstone's and Bordo's morning
begins at 7:15 with a quick drive to
Washtenaw News Company, at 1239
Rosewood, to collect several bundles of
the New York Times and the Detroit
Free Press. "Some people only want
the Sunday paper and with us they are
killing two birds with one stone," said
The next stop is, predictably, The
Bagel Factory on S. University. The
door is unlocked for Goldstone and Bor-
do who arrive an hour before opeing to'
pick up their order of 40 dozen bagels.
BACK IN THE car, the delicate
operation begins. Bordo is behind the
wheel while Larry carefully stacks the
newspapers on the floor and spread the
bagels out in a specific arrangement.
Egg and raisin, the most popular, are
placed in the left and righthand corners
of the back seat. Lox and cream cheese
are reserved for the middle, nestled
between the pumpernickle and the
whole wheat.
Goldtone then reaches for the first
bag and mutters, "three egg, one
raisin, three salt." With assembly line
precision, he lunges for the egg bagels
while he stimultaneously scoops out the
raisin and both are neatly stacked into
the bag. Bordo pulls up at a house on
Cambridge street where Goldstone,
with bagels and newspaper in two jogs
to the front door and places the bag in-
side the screen door and collects his
'payment from the mailbox.
"Payment is easy," said Bordo. "In-
stead of wasting time by making
separate trips to collect money, we tell
our customers what the bill is in advan-
ce and to have the payment ready for us
Sunday morning. If people become
negligent we follow one dictum-no
money, no bagels."
GOLDSTONE'S AND Bordo's prime
markets are the Ann Arbor Heights and
Burns Park areas. Surprisingly, only
four of the 47 stops made on this par-
ticular morning were in the "student
Their largest order that day? Four
dozen bagels for a church meeting.
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Anti-government students riots in
SEOUL, South Korea (AP)-Students rioted
against the hard-line government of President
Park Chung-hee yesterday for the fourth straight
Police using tear gas dispersed the protest in
the southern industrial city of Masan, where a
night-time curfew was imposed earlier yester-
day, and seized a dozen persons for questioning,
witnesses said.
Hundreds of students assem led around down-
town business districts and neat a public park af-
ter sunset and then roamed the streets in groups,
shouting anti-government slogans.
AFTER SIMILAR rioting in Masan Thursday
night, the government slapped a 10 p.m. to 4 a.m.
curfew on the city of 372,000 and announced that
its two colleges would be closed until further
Masan is 175 miles south of Seoul and 35 miles
east of Pusan, South Korea's second largest city
and the scene of bitter battles between students
and police this week.
The protests were triggered by the Oct. 4 ex- stration since Park came to power in 1961.
pulsion from Parliament of opposition leader
Kim Young-sam, a native of Pusan. They began The government blamed the protests or
Tuesday with what police called a "premeditated versive elements" and imposed martial
riot" when students attacked city buildings and Pusan, a city of 3 million.
called for the overthrow of the government.
ON WEDNESDAY and Thursday, 3,000 In Seoul, about 300 students of Seoul N
demonstrators converged on government and University held a brief campus rally Fr
private offices in Pusan, setting fire to several demand democratic reforms in sch
buildings and police cars in what was described ministration, including reinstatement of:
as the most destructive anti-government demon- ts expelled or suspended in connectio
n "sub-
law in
iday to
ool ad-
n with
2 suspects charged
-r -- . r _ ... .... _ ., .. .,.
in 'Hillside
exchange for escaping the death
penalty in both states, Kenneth Bianchi
pleaded guilty yesterday to killing two
college coeds in Washington and then
admitted murdering five of the 13 Los
Angeles Hillside Strangler victims.
Bianchi implicated his cousin Angelo
Buono Jr. in the California killings and
within an hour of his confession, Buono
was arrested at his Glendale, Calif.,
home and charged with 10 of the
Strangler killings. Buono, 44, an auto
upholsterer, showed no emotion and of-
fered no resistance.
LOS ANGELES District Attorney
John Van de Kamp said Bianchi agreed
to testify against Buono and would be
sentenced to life imprisonment on five
counts of murder, one count of con-
spiracy to commit murder and one
count of sodomy.
Bianchi could have been sentenced to
' slayings
hanging in Washington or the gas
chamber in California.
"This agreement shall dispose of all
charges arising from pending in-
vestigations in California" against
Bianchi, Van de Kamp said.
TREMBLING AND weeping at
times, Bianchi,"28, a security guard
who had once pleaded innocent by
reason of insanity in the deaths of the
two young women in Bellingham,
changed his pleas to guilty.
"I can't find the words to express the
sorrow for what I have done," he told
the judge. "In no way can I take away
the pain I have given to others, and in
no way can I expect forgiveness from
Bianchi to two consecutive life terms in
prison for killing Western Washington
University students Karen Mandic, 22,
of Bellelvue, Wash., and her roommate,
Diane Wilder, 27, of Bremerton, Wash.
V19{iVEI(-SITY (:IMUSfCAL c8CJE7TV pres en t,,
Tickets Available: $4, $5.50, $7
at Burton Tower, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48109.
Weekdays 9-4:30, Saturday 9-12.
Phone 665-3717
Sales also at Rackham Auditorium,
1 % hours before performance.
in its 101stSeason J
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Women in Love, 7,9:15 p.m., Aud. 4 MLB.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Eraserhead, 7,10:20 p.m., I Changed My Sex,
8:40 p.m. only, Aud. 3 MLB.
Cinema Guild-Fellini's Amarcord, 7, 9:05p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Cinema II-James Bond night, Goldfinger, 7, 11 p.m.; On Her Majesty's
Service, 9 p.m. only, Aud. A Angell Hall.
Mediatrics Films-Turning Point, 7,9:30 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
PTP-Guest Artist Series, "Idiot's Delight," 8p.m., Power Center.
UAC-The New Muskey Company, "In the Boom Boom," Residential
College Aud., 8p.m.
Contemporary Directions Ensemble-"Sparrows," guest composer'
Joseph Schwanter, featured soloist Carlotta Wilsen, U of M School of Music
faculty. Also "Echoi," "4 for Percussion," "Antichrist," and "Ocho por
Radio." Stephen Osmond, conductor, 8 p.m., Rackham Aud.
National Organization for Women-ERA Move-a-thon, 9 a.m., Palmer
Field (behind Hill dorms).
NASCO-Co-op training for the '80's. Workshops on Starting Co-ops, Co-
ops for Elders, The Co-op Bank, and Food and Housing Co-ops, Michigan
Union, call 663-0889 to register.
Co-op Auto-Open House. Free diagnostic inspections for visiting
vehicles, 10 a.m:-4 p.m., 2232 S. Industrial.
Packard Food Co-op-Benefit Social featuring musicians Julie Fink and
Cindy Page; and Tom Preston, Nash Rambler and Reverend Morris, 8 p.m.,
Halfway Inn (East Quad basement) ; $3.00 admission.
Union Gallery-"Upper Peninsula Artists" display, 12-5 p.m., Michigan
Union Gallery.
Baits Housing-rummage sale and carnival, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Baits
parking lot and tennis courts, N. Campus. More information 764-4153.
Hillel-Grad Students Coffee House party, 8:30 p.m., Hillel, 1429 Hill St.
University Extension Services-Renaissance Conference and Annual
meeting, Rackham Building.
Socity of Amateur Cinematographers-24th annual convention,
Plymouth Hilton Inn, Plymouth, Michigan.
Neighborhood Senior Services-Chore Day, volunteer to perform odd
Jobs for senior citizens, 662-4862, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Friends of the Ann Arbor Public Library-Fine books exhibit by four an-
tiquarian book dealers, 1-5 p.m., Ann Arbor Public Library. Registration
Alice Simsar Gallery-opening reception, Cornelia von Mengershausen,
artist, 7-9 p.m., Alice Simsar Gallery, 301 N. Main St.
AP Photo
KENNETH BIANCHI wept yesterday after changing his plea to guilty in
the killing of two Washington women.
Author: Turning East: the, Promise and
A VEY COX Peril of the New Orientalism; The Seduc-
tion of the Spirit; Feast of Fools; The
Secular City; Professor at Harvard Divin-
ity School.
8:00 pm Mon. Oct. 22 at
New School Public Health Auditorium
"The Spiritual-cum-Political Crisis Of America"
(in cooperation with the Pilot Program)
10:00 Mon. morning at
First Baptist Church, 502 E. Huron
"What Would A liberation Theology For The
First Wor/dlook like"
A conversation with Prof. Cox who has visited Cuba and Brazil, taught in
Mexico, attended the Puebla Conf. and is currently teaching a seminar in
liberation theology.
On SATURDAY MORNING at 10:30 Harvey Cox will be speaking on "The
Mission of the Church in the Decade of the 80's." Baptist Church, 502 E.
Ethics and Religion (764-7442) in cooperation with First Baptist Church and
American Baptist Student Foundation.
kills self
who was fired as an FBI supervisor
Tuesday for alleged criminal miscon-
duct, apparently committed suicide
yesterday at his suburban Virginia
home, authorities said.
FBI Director William Webster said
Rotton "was found dead at his residen-
ce as a result of an apparently self-
inflicted gunshot wound."
AN FBI spokesman said Rotton's
body was found about noon.
An official for the Fairfax County
Police Department, which was in-
vestigating the case, said it was "being
worked as an apparent suicide... The
official cause of death will be deter-
mined pending further investigation
and an autopsy."
Rotton, who was with the FBI for 14
years, was fired from the bureau based
on evidence he and another agent
pocketed money earmarked for infor-
mants and joined in a theft ring they
were assigned to investigate.
THE OTHER agent, Stephen Travis
of the Kansas City field office, was
suspended and then submitted his
In a statement in the Washington
Post the day he was dismissed, Rotton
denied the charges,
We know what
good grooming
looks like.
UM Stylists
Ted, Chet 8 Dave
at the UNION
...,. I. Aftmm tAA%,v