Page 8-Thursday, October 18, 1979- -The Michigan Daily By ERIC C LUTTINEN Redshirt rule adds' o athlete s playing day Four years ago, Curtis Greer was not the starting defensive tackle on the Michigan foot- ball team. As a matter of fact, Curtis Greer never appeared in a Wolverine game during the 1975 season. Now he's grateful that the NCAA "redshirt" rule gave him a fifth year to display his defen- sive talents to hundreds of thousands of fans and, more importantly, pro scouts. And year after year, thousands of collegiate athletes jump at the opportunity to make up for lost time in their respective sport. This pleases their coaches, who count on competitive ex- perience to build winning teams. EVERY ATHLETE has four years of eligibility which can be used up over a five year span. Most of the players redshirted are those who have played three years and want to play as "fifth-year seniors." The head coach discusses the redshirt possibility with the athlete before the beginning of their fourth year of eligibility, and the players decide whether or not they want to play as fifth-year seniors. The fifth-year seniors on this year's Michigan squad include middle guard Dale Keitz, defen- sive tackle Curtis Greer, defensive halfback Mark Braman, and offensive guard John Arbez- nik. Keitz and Arbeznik were redshirted as a result of injuries, while Greer and Braman didn't play in any games as a freshman. Not all of the redshirted players are fifth-year seniors. Some are injured while others are red-. shirted because there are too many good players at his particilar position, and he may not get enough playing time. PLAYERS WHO have been injured in the first or second game of any season or have played in less than twenty percent of the total games may be redshirted. If an injured player is redshirted, he may not be redshirted again. Senior guard John Powers has been aggravated by a knee injury all season; he only played in the California and Michigan State games. Recruiting coordinator Fritz Seyferth said, "John is a possible redshirt candidate, although if he is needed, he will play." Seyferth went on to say, "If he wants to play, he can. His knee is such, however, that it would be better for him to sit out." THE WOLVERINES' offensive line has been plagued by injuries all season long, but with the return of Arbeznik, Bubba Paris, and Kurt Becker, Powers is not needed this season. 'We (loll't ittlw'ioiuilly redshirt ar yorel. At this point in th' seasor, SOxE1O111 l1ho hasti't plaYedl Vit is ( gool choic' for a redshirt 1 he's (d sophonore.' - tenruititig Cnoordin(ltor Fritz S11 forth The rule against redshirting freshmen was revoked prior to this year so even if a freshman didn't play in any varsity games, the year would still be counted as a season of eligibility used. The freshmen generally play in junior varsity games as well as practicing with the varsity squad. Some- freshmen see duty in varsity games, althoaugh they usually play sparingly. Exceptions this year are split end-kick returner Anthony Carter, tailback Lawrence Ricks and kicker Ali Haji-Sheikh. "WE DON'T intentionally redshirt anyone, said Seyferth. "At this point in the season, past the halfway mark, someone who hasn't played yet is a good choice for a redshirt if he's a sophomore." As is usual for Michigan, the fifth-year seniors are playing a big role in the Wolverines' success, along with another ex-redshirt. Greer is third-in total tackles with 51, and he has intercepted a pass and recovered a-fumble. Keitz and Braman have 24 and 17 tackles, respectively. And Arbez- nik has done a fine job, opening some big holes for the backs. Stanley Edwards, an ex-redshirt, missed all of last season with an ankle injury. Edwards is the team's leading rusher this year, with 532 yards on 107 carries, and is only a sophomore in eligibility. s a BILLBOARD Michigan students may apply and pay for their season tickets to men's basketball on October 19 and 20 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Track and Tennis Kuiilding. Each student must apply in person. Student tickets are $28 for the 14 homue games. Spouse tickets are available, with proof of marriage, for $42. Upon payment, you will receive a numbered stub which must be ex- changed for the. book of tickets. Distribution of tickets will be held at Crisler Arena November 5-7 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Seating priority will be determined by the number of credits earned at Michigan. Within a prioity group, all seat assignments will be based on a random selection. We know a lot about styles. TALK TO US U.M. Stylists AT THE UNION SPOR TS OF THE DAILY Cuban amateur boxers suspended By the Associated Press NEW YORK-The Amateur Inter- national Boxing Association voted yesterday to suspend Cuba from inter- national boxing competition for an in- definite period. The action stemmed from the Cubans' refusal to compete in the current World Cup Tournament here. According to association officials, the Cubans demanded to participate as a separate team rather than as part of the North American squad.R Even though they finished second at the Pan American Games, the Cubans are billing themselves as "World Champions." It was not immediately known how the action would affet the Cuban team's status at the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow. United States Amateur Athletaic Union boxing chairman Bob Surkin said the United States "will not entertain the Cuan team" in this country, thus can- celling a USA-Cuba national team mat- More Kush capers: Miller def TEMPE, Ariz: (AP) - Athletic Director Fred Miller produced sworn statements from five players and five assistant coaches yesterday to back up the firing of Arizona State University football Coach Frank Kush. "I rts 0rjs1ub SINGLES NIGHT GIN. VODKA & WHISKEY COCKTAILS only 50Q EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT 1 nds firing "At my last press conference... I stated that Frank Kush lied and attem- pted to cover up that lie," Miller said as he read from the transcripts. AMONG THOSE who gave sworn statements was interim head Coach Bob' Owens. He recalled a recent meeting of Kush's staff. "Coach Kush indicated that we were having problems ... and he indicated at the time, that if we didn't stick together and all stay together as a group, even if it meant lying or per- juring ourselves, that we would probably all go down, meaning that we all would lose our, jobs," Owens'- statement said. Kush, one of the winningest coaches iin the nation during his 22 years as head man at Arizona State, said Monday that he had told his staff, "We as a coaching, staff must stick together." But he told a news conference, "I never would ask anybody to lie for me." Kush and the school have been sued for $1.1 million by former punter Kevin Rutledge, who claims Kush punched him after a poor kick in the Washington game a year ago. Kush also denies this. Most of the statements released by Miller counter Kush's denial of hitting Rutledge, who has since transferred to Nevada-Las Vegas. Miller, in scheduling his latest news conference, said a booster organization's call for his own suspen- sion is "hasty and based on emotion, not fact." ch that had been slated for Dec. 8. (argi siilou reterart ST. LOUIS-The St. Louis Cardinals moed to strengthen their bullpen for 1980 by trading veteran second baseman Mike Tylson to the Chicago Cubs in exchange for right-handed reliever Donnie Moore yesterday. Tylson, 29, had played out is option during the 1979 campaign,.his seventh in the majors. The 25-year-old Moore, who appeared in 39 games for the Cubs, had a 1-4 record and 5.18 earned run average. "Fred McAlister, our super scout, had seen him and recommended him as a desirable acquisition long before Tyson's status evolved," Cards General Manager John Claiborne said of Moore, who in 1978 had a 9-7 record. Tyson, who throughout his career has been prone to injury, lost his job as a regular last summer to Ken Oberkfell a rapidly improving newcomer. The 5-foot-9 Tyson played in only 73 games, hitting .222 with five home runs. He was out of the lineup for nearly all of the season's final eight weeks with a knee injury. PONTIAC-The Detroit Lions, in an effort to shore up their sagging defen- ses, have picked up cornerback Eddie Lewis on waivers from the San Fran- cisco 49ers and released defensive back Ken Eillis. Lewis, who was the 49ers' second draft choice when Lions' Coach Monte Clark coached at San Francisco in 1976, started the first game this season but was replaced in the 49ers' lineup and subsequently released this week. Earlier in the week, Jerry Golestyn was tabbed by Clark to be the Lions' starting quarterback -in New Orleans this Sunday. Golestyn, who was acquired fron' the New York Giants, has been playing behind signal-callers Jeft Komlo and Scott Hunter. 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The Institute for Paralegal Training is the nation's first and most respected school for paralegal training. Since 1970, we've placed over 2,500 graduates in over 85 cities nationwide. If you're a senior of high academic standing and looking for an above average career, contact your Placement Office for an interview with our representative. We will visit your campus on: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Howard has already turned in his: so have Keith and Don. And with the World Series over, more baseball fans will be able to tear away from the boob tube to contemplate their Griddes this week. Of course, there's still plenty of time or you to join the baseball bur- nouts as they try to decipher tle goings on of college football. Get your picks to the Daily offices at 420 Maynard by midnight Friday and if you win, delicious one-item from Pizza Bob's will be yours. The ATHIEES SHOP Lady Brooks 25 % off 309S. State 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. + y 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. MICHIGAN at Illinois (pick score) Purdue at Michigan St. Wisconsin at Ohio St. Minnesota at Iowa Northwestern at Indiana Southern Cal at Notre Dame Texas at Arkansas Stanford at Arizona California at UCLA Arizona St. at Washington St. Missouri at Colorado Kent St. at E. Michigan Auburn at Georgia Tech Dartmouth at Harvard Maryland at Wake Forest N. Carolina at N. Carolina St. Tennessee at Alabama Pittsburgh at Washington Grambling at Jackson St. J.T.'s"Natchez Nibbles at DAILY LIBELS AP Phntn' A standout on defense, Mike Jolly (16) breaks up a play just as the Spartans approach the goal line in the recent 21-7 Wolverine victory. AJolly. good era. for Blue defense By GEOFF LARCOM "I always wanted to go to Michigan," the tall, moustachioed athlete reflected. "I remember when I was in the eighth grade, a kid said to get him season tickets when I played for Michigan. I said, 'yeah, right!' If Mike Jolly's incredulous eighth-grade reply is any indication, a Jim- my the Greek he's not. For here it's now his senior year at Michigan, and for four seasons he's been firmly entrenched in Bo Schembechler's football scheme. The Wolverine defensive halfback plays on a Michigan defense which this year has bordered on the impregnable. Only Minnesota could make any appreciable dent in the Wolverine unit and talking to Jolly, those 21 Gopher points seem only a momentary fall. "Minnesota was sort of a setback," Jolly said. "We had improved every game through Michigan State. "It was just some individual breakdowns," he added. "They (the Gophers) would do something different and we'd adjust, but one guy would do the old thing. Looking at the films, it was weird." Jolly got into a little "weirdness" himself against Minnesota, getting called for pass interference in the end zone, which led to one Minnesota score, and was also victimized by Gopher quarterback Mark Carlson, who lofted a toss over Jolly to Gopher receiver Elmer Bailey in the end zone for anothersix. In Jolly's defense however, the 6-3, 180-pound defender came up with two key interceptions, while the interference call was at best, debatable. "I didn't think it was a penalty, apparently the ref did," Jolly said. Jolly has had his share of odd plays this season already. Against Michigan State, "Stickman," as he's called by his mates, stole the ball on a kickoff from Spartan whippet Steve Smith. Jolly knew the ball was his, trouble is, nobody else did. "I couldn't believe they wouldn't give me the ball," Jolly mourned. 'They (the referees) were trying to get the ball from Smith. I had it, but they said he was already down." So, the football takes odd bounces, and likewise, you sometimes can't tell which way the refs will go either. Jolly can live with that. What's most important is the caliber of play we can expect from the Wolverine defense and this is where Jolly's optimistic. "I honestly thin4 this is one of the best defenses we've had," he said. "We've got experience, so we can do a lot more. We put in the flex defense, and we're-calling up to five plays in the huddle. When I was a sophomore, we'd call one, maybe two plays in there." Now, Jolly explains, the Blue defense can better adjust to whatever of- fensive setup is thrown its way. The better to tackle you with ... eh, Mike? It's Jolly's ambition to play pro ball next year and he makes no bones about it. He told newly-appointed baseball coach Bud Middaugh not to in- clude him in his plans this year, despite his making the varsity squad during Moby Benedict's final season. "I'm going to concentrate on football. I told Coach Middaugh I didn't want to scare football coaches off," Jolly said. But what about his size? Despite his height, Jolly is hardly a walking gridiron behemoth. Butterknife (another pet nickname) says that is no problem. "I talked to Tom Seabron (drafted ley the San Francisco 49ers) and he said most of the defensive backs are around 5-11, 175-pounds," he said. "I run 4.6 in the forty, which is average. Being 6-3 would help covering a Harold Carmichael (6-8 Philadelphia Eagle receiver)." But for now, Jolly's goal remains a return trip to the Rose Bowl and the chance for his coach and. the Wolverines to vindicate themselves. Jolly en- joys playing for Schembechler, although he sees relatively little of the 11th year coach in practice. "He's always down with the offense," Jolly said. "He's a good guy to talk to off the field; once the whistle blows, though, he's all football." Jolly may not be such an expert at predicting his own future, but it seems he's got his coach figured out pretty well, doesn't it? BrooknaThruh Wrina Block - MASCO Presents Lectures By: RalphNder &r agie Kuhn Consumer Senior Power advocate advocate