'U' tight-ipped about
By TOM MIRGA Any planc
Negotiators for both the University and the Department may well go
of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) Office of Civil bers. Accord
Rights are remaining tight-lipped about talks on the future of contact any"
the Tribe of Michigamua-a secret, all-male society for his office. He
University seniors. "I DON'T
On Sept. 20 HEW found the University in violation of Title that's the fun
IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 by providing sity really ha
"significant assistance" to the society, whose members have Title IX p
included ex-president Gerald Ford and late U.S. Supreme discriminatin
Court Justice Frank Murphy. The federal agency also in the compla
requested that the University provide it with a plan of actions as alleged-r
they will take to achieve compliance. First, the
never had a
recognition s
"WERE CURRENTLY in the process of negotiation on a roabl e
plan," said Mary Frances O'Shea of the Office for Civil probably exe
Rights-Region ,V in Chicago.- "The University hasn't had HEW deter,
much of an opportunity to act or consider the changes that jurisdiction,
willhaveto e mae i the h tassistance is
will have to be made if they wish to come into voluntary com- receives from
pliance." Michigan Uni
University attorney William Lemmer confirmed that In the opi
discussions with HEW have begun. He declined, however, to Michigamuaf
comment on the substance of the negotiations at this stage. faculty StoI
The University has been given 90 days from the issuance organizations
of the decision to come into compliance with Title IX. Accor- upon a studen
ding to O'Shea, Regional Director Kennth Mines will make tunities bothI
the final decision on any action plans submitted by the students only
University. The federa
receives sign
IF FOR SOME REASON University representataives do points. First
not submit a plan that meets Mines' approval, O'Shea con- society is Sig
linued, or decides not to comply with the HEW ruling, the Of- Michigamuat
Tice of Civil Rights could recommend administrative enfor- educational a
tement procedures be initiated in Washington, D.C. Furtherm
"Under existing procedures," she said, "an ad- tension of off
ministrative law judge is appointed and both sides are given tion which t
the opportunity to present their cases." Michigamua.
of action submitted by the University to HEW
without consultation with Michigamua mem-
ing to Lemmer, his office has not attempted to
"braves" nor have they made any overtures to
said he wasn't very surprised by that fact.
EVEN now these people," Lemmer said, "and
nny thing about this whole matter. The Univer-
s very little contact with the group at all."
prohibits recipients of federal assistance from
ng on the basis of race. The University's position
int-that it did not discriminate against women
ested upon two distinctions.
University argued, while Michigamua has
woman member in its 75 year history, it is a
society rather than an honorary society and
mpt from Title IX jurisdiction. Secondly, even if
nined that Michigamua came under Title IX
the question of its receiving significant
open, seeing that the only aid the society now
m the University is a rent-free room in the
inion of the Office fpr Civil Rights, however,
has been commonly understood by students and
be one of the most prestigious student
on campus. Further, membership bestows
nt a special status along with significant oppor-
before and after graduation available to male
, HEW says.
al agency based its decision that Michigamua "
ificant assistance from the University on two
, the University's official recognition of the
gnificant, the opinion read, in that it allows
to maintain a close relationship with University
nd extracurricular activities.
ore, the opinion continued, the University's ex-
ice space in the Union is an important connec-
ends to demonstrate University support for
The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, October 17, 1979-Page 5
Campus Interviews
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Rape workshops
By MARY GAITSKILL Maureen O'Rourke, consultant in the
Rape prevention workshops run by University's Office of Student
'students for students are being held in Organizations, Activities and
dorms and women's studies classes this Programs, says the workshops focus on
year. Resident advisors trained at the information, preventative measures,
local Assault Crisis Center are running and legal rights. For example, she.
two-hour sessions at the request of in- says, many women don't know that sin-
terested groups. ce 1975, the state rape laws are no
Judy Price of the Crisis Center says longer limited to forcible penetration,
the workshops are designed to educate but include any form of forced sexual
vomen who "think they know all there contact. I
as to know about (rape)," having been O'Rourke says there are four degrees
exposed to much publicity on the of sexual assault depending on the
prevalence of sexual assault. seriousness of the crime, and that the
"ACCORDING TO the FBI, a rape is focus of the law is now on the degree of
reported every three minutes," said force used by the assailant, rather than
Price. "And that's only the reported on the victim's resistance.
ones. When it's that widespread, O'ROURKE SAYS the preventative
women can't afford to hear about it on- focus includes a discussion of a major
ce and forget it." study which indicates that rapists
Despite increased discussion of rape choose their victims carefully, rather
in the last few years, says Price, than attacking blindly.
people's attitudes "are back in the 50's According to the study, rapists look
again, not only on rape, but on other for women who are clearly vulnerable,
feminist issues too." such as a physically small, shy woman.
Price says in working with young After picking a potential victim, con-
women, -she has found myths about tinues the theory; he will test her with
yape are prevalent, and that even those some small" act, such as grabbing her
who don't acknowledge the myths act purse, or saying something obscene to
and think in those terms. her. If she reacts fearfully, or
FOR EXAMPLE, she says, women passively, he knows he can intimidate
react to rape with guilt. "It's very her. If she becomes angry, he will
frightening," says Price, "to think you usually give up and look elsewhere.
could be viciously attacked out of the O'ROURKE SAYS women are ad-
blue, for no reason. It's almost natural vised not to walk alone at night or take
to think you must have somehow rides home from someone met at a
caused it." casual gathering, such as a party. "Of
o ffe re d
course, these precautions are a real
nuisance," she adds.
, People have to consider how much
they're willing to tailor their life to
avoid attack," says Price. "The impor-
tant thing is to realize that when you
walk alone at night, you take a risk."
O'Rourke says she expects these
small, spontaneous sessions to reach
more people than large, planned talks
would. "When a workshop is done by
another student, it brings the issue of
rape closer to home," she said. "It's not
being done by an outsider like a Crisis
Center worker as part of her job, or for
a credit. It's somebody like
them . . . also, it helps them rely on
other women for support."
To set up a workshop, call Price at
994-1616 or O'Rourke at 763-3242.
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U.S. Army:
missing mark?
(Continued from Page 1)
old draft-based Army. The last
draftees were inducted nearly seven
years ago and most have long since left
the Army.
Unable to meet its recruiting objec-
tives, the Army lowered its standards
again this month in accepting women
and 17-year-old volunteers who have
not graduated from high school.
Previously, a high school diploma was
required of both groups.
- Starry said it is too early to tell yet
how this is working out.
As for young officers coming into the
Army, Starry said "they are as good as
they have ever been and better
motivated than in the draft years."
The University of Michigan
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