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October 17, 1979 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-17

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, October 17, 1979-Page 3

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'U' prof.
U.S. oil

HONOLULU (UPI) - University economist Paul Mc-
Cracken said yesterday the nation did not experience a
recession this year but rather a series of "dislocations"
caused by the government's "mismanagement" of energy
McCracken, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors
in the Nixon administration, said the government's failure to
deal with the oil shortage was especially hard on the auto and
tourism industries.
IN A SPEECH to the First Hawaiian Bank Conference,
McCracken said the evidence is "persuasive" that the U.S.
has not yet developed an expected business cycle type
"What we have seen in 1979 are the dislocations forced on
the economy by the ineptitude and demagoguery of gover-
nment's management of energy programs," he saiSd.
McCracken said a recession can be avoided only if

government policymakers resist election year pressures to
pursue inflationary monetary and fiscal policies.
".. . IRRESISTIBLE PRESSURE may, as in 1971, build
for reflating the economy with less restrictive demand
management policies and with controls on prices, wages,
credit and foreign exchange and trade controls tlo 'deal with
the problem,' " McCracken warned.
He said such moves "would do more to make things look
better in November than simply pushing hard on the
monetary accelerator, but it would vastly intensify the ar-
thritis that already afflicts the economy.
"Indeed, the probability would then be high for an in-
definite 'management' of the economy through suffocating
government controls."
McCracken said' the current unstable condition of the
economy reflects not a recession but consumer fears about
how the oil crisis was being met.


........................ .. ...... ............ . ...... ................................ . .

Series aimed at aiding
student group strength

To battle ineffectiveness, leaders of
;tudent organizations must make group
nembers "feel like they are part of a
eam," according to a staff member in
he University department of Student
)rganizations, Activities, and
'rograms (SOAP).
"One of the most common problems
Af student organizations is that they
ion't know how to motivate voluntary
nembers properly," Lisa Mitchell-
ellin, a SOAP consultant, said yester-
lay. Mitchell-Yellin and another SAOP
!ohsultant,a Kevin Taylor, met with a
andful of students in the basement of
he Michigan Union to discuss
irganizational problems.
IN HOPES OF aiding campus student
;roups in their effectiveness, Mitchell-
Yellin and Taylor organized the
Leadershqp Series, a ten-week-long
program of workshops on problems in
leadership and organization-building.
Topics for future meetings will include
decision-making and fund-raising.
Mitchell-Yellin and Taylor shared
many of their personal views about
organizations with the other group
members during yesterday's meeting.
The most fundamental theme they
stressed was that anybody can be a
leader. Techniques of effective leader-
ship can be learned, they said, adding
that the key is in learning how to
'"motivate" people.
THE NOTION of "leadership" is
misunderstood by most people, says

Mitchell-Yellin, because it is often
associated with certain sterotypical
masculine qualities, such as physical
size and strength, aggressiveness, and
stubborness. But some of the charac-
teristics of a good leader are flexibility,.
willingness to compromise, and sen-
sitivity to others' wishes, she added.
A good leader, according to Leader-
shop organizers, is one who can main-
tain a balance between pressing for his
or her own demands and staying "sen-
sitive and responsive to the needs, wan-
ts, wishes, and expectations" of his
subordinates and constituents.
The two University staff members
also said it's essential for organization
leaders to keep their goals in sight, as
well as their projected means of
achieving those goals. Another impor-
tant consideration, they said, is
gauging the proper amount of authority
and responsibility that must be
delegated to others in the group.
The goal of effective leadership, said
Mitchell-Yellin and Taylor, is the tran-
sformation of the organization into a
cohesive "team," in which each mem-
ber identifies with the goals of the
group and works toward those goals. A
frequent cause behind the disin-
tegration of student organizations,
reports Mitchell-Yellin, is forming of a
clique among themselves, the group's
leaders. A leadership clique tends to
exclude other members from par-
ticipating in the goal-setting process,
and as a result, many members lose in-
terest in the group's activities and drop

Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM
LISA MITCHELL-YELLIN, a co-organizer of the Leadershop Series, tells
a workshop participant how to run a voluntary organization.



Ann Arbor's Film Co-op-Till Marriage Do Us Part,"4 p.m., Love on the
Run, 7, 8:40, 10:20 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Cinema Guild-Notorious, 7, 9:05 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Greenpeace-Voyage to Save the Whales, 7:30 p.m., Multipurpose Room,
Phychiatry Department-David A. Freeman, Baylor University, "The Ef-
fect'of Sensory and Other Deficits in Children on Their Experience of
People," 9:30-11 a.m., Children's Psychiatric Hospital Aud.
Center for Russian and Eastern European Studies-Pamela McKinsey,
"City Worker Contributions to Russian Populism," noon, Lane Hall Com-
Center for Research on Learning and Teaching-David McMillen,
"Evaluating Student Performance," 3-5 p.m., 2417 Mason.
Center for Continuing Education of Women-Dr. Barbara Forisha, book
review, noon-1:30 p.m., E. Conf. Room. Rackham.
Computing Center-Kalle Nemvalts, Gail Lift, "Mafnetic Tape Use in
MTS," 3:30-5 p.m., Mason Hall.
English Composition Board-"Spelling and Vocabulary," 7-8 p.m., 2402
Mason Hall.
Chemical Engineering-Prof. Brice Carnahan, "Running Time-Shared
Jobs in MTS," 7:30-9:30 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, History and Anthropology
Departments-Prof. Bernard S. Cohn, "Representing Authority in Victorian
India: The Imperial Assemblage of 1877," 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
Women in Communications, Inc. - 7 p.m., Kuenzel Room, Michigan
Union. Membership dues due.
Undergraduate Political Science Association-Internship seminar, 7 p.m.,
Room.35, Angell Hall.
Stilyagi Air Corps-University science fiction club, 8 p.m., Conf. Room 4,
Michigan Union. Discussion of science fiction artists.
Spartacus Youth League-discussion, "The Fight for Socialism," 7:30
.p.m., Conf. Room 2, Michigan Union.
Dharma Study Group-Buddhist Meditation and Study Center, 7:30-8:30
w p.m. Open to the public. Call 665-4481 for information.
University Lowbrow Astronomers-mass meeting, 7:30 p.m., Room 807,
Dennison Building.
_ Musical Society-The Moscow Pops, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Professional Theater Program-"Idiot's Delight," 8 p.m., Power Center.
Pendleton Arts Center-Music at Midweek, Richard Ridenauer, pianist,
noon, 2nd floor, Michigan Union.
Pendleton Arts Center-Lynn Coffin, poetry reading, 4 p.m., 2nd floor,
Michigan Union.






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