Page 14-Tuesday, October 16, 1979-The Michigan Daily Check oul By ALISON DONAHUE video, which allows' Man wins out over machine; your ts as they happen, fa level of skill in using communicative typewriter. equipment reaches new heights. After The LSA Media C much practicing, you finally crank out in the basement of term papers in 60 wpm, dxpiue the- six, offers all these sticky "K" on your Smith-Corona. more to interested Congratulations. But if your expressive faculty. To borrow e capabilities are always limited to a an authorization forn stack of neatly double-spaced white Media Center) sig pages, perhaps it's time to expand. member and proof t Why not present your ideas in a slide to operate the mach show with two projectors whose pic- don't worry if you'r tures dissolve from one to the next in Center offers trainin synchronization and are accompanied equipment, so you g by a taped narration? Or maybe put comfortable with it1 your concept on celluloid in a super and produce. 8mm movie. Still another medium is A MORE extensi the Media Center The Michigan Daily-Tuesda Co ffeeho use opens mikesi you to record even- ar away from your enter, tucked away Angell Hall, room e media tools and LSA students and quipment you need m (available at the ned by a faculty hat you know how ine you want. But e a beginner. The g sessions on all its et a chance to feel. before you go out ve compilation of their resources is available 'at the Media Center. So that you'll have an idea of what they have to offer, here's a skeletal list: Besides the equipment mentioned earlier, you can use film projectors, audio tape recorders, video and film editors, a video special effects generator, and basic lighting equip- ment. The Media Center also has a rather make-shift but serviceable studio space. Most of the center's equipment is old, and since it is the one resource center for all of LSA, much abused. But it does the job. There are other places on cam- pus which have advanced production equipment, such as Michigan Media and the medical and dental schools. But T his spice c5nt or I ty the pub uI r "Maybe; g o The five most dangerous words in thieEnglish language. American Cancer Society We want to Cu re cancer in our lifet ime. Whatever Your Photographic Needs May Be- WE CA N SE RVE YOU! Doily Photo by MAUREEN O'MALLEY Bring us your KODACOLOR Films... FOR QUALITY COLOR PROCESSING BY KODAK We offer Kodak quality processing for all your KODACOLOR Films. Stop in today, and ask for details. Don't Forget to Catch all of the .Maize and Blue with our Weekend Film Specials ara Camera Shop, swam*. ASK FOR COLOR PROCESSING E.Koak TELEPHONE: 66".101 Inc. they don't let the inexperienced student near their expensive, delicate machines. The Communications Department also has good equipment, but in order to get access to it you have to take specific classes. The Media Center offers hands- on experience to many, so its equip- ment suffers a little wear and tear. But even the best cared-for machines are not without bugs, and Media Center personnel are trained to help you trouble-shoot technical problems. While learning to use most Media Center equipment is not difficult, many students aren't sure how to go about conceiving their project in media- related terms. For example, what's the best way to set up an interview for video taping? Or, how does one main- tain continuity when editing a film? The Media Center staff serves to consult those who need advice on how to put productions together and they welcome appointments. THE MEDIA CENTER also doubles as a showcase for new forms of produc- tion equipment. Last year a group of video artists from Chicago brought their image processors and other esoteric machines here and demon- strated the equipment's capabilities. Media Center manager Julie Kofke hopes these special presentations will continue. KOFKE SAYS that times have changed since the center's early days seven years ago, when it catered only to faculty. Now half of the users are students. Back then, rooms didn't have much more than a few slide and film projectors. But as faculty members became more enthusiastic about term paper alternatives for students, the demand for access to media tools in- creased. LSA Academics increased its funding through the years, bringing the center closer to meeting that demand. Last year alone, Media Center equip- ment was signed out 4,000 times, and this year that figure is increasing. A group of students including Tom Bray and Steve Danowski used Media Center equipment to produce a video, tape on what students think of LSA. This tape is used by the LSA ad- ministration as a regular part of their orientation program for new students. Beth Ann de Stigter and Alex Sergay, both students, are now producing a weekly cable TV show with Media Cen- ter equipment. Give the Media Center a try, and let your Smith-Corona collect a little dust while you discover a world beyond the printed page. J (Continued from Page 6) climbed up onto the mantle over the fireplace and was shouting down at them. It was very, very weird. We've never seen him again." Linda says she's never had a perfor- mer too embarrassed to continue his or her act, though forgotten lyrics, cracked voices, snapped strings, and second starts are common and accep- ted happenings. Nor has she ever had someone who refused to relinquish the stage after three songs, though she says she'd simply go up front and insist that the act stop were this to happen. 'WE ALSO HAVE performers who will come to the hoot nights just to wat- ch for several years, and then one night they'll show up with an instrument. These peole have been practicing, and a lot of times they are some of your better acts." What the Siglins like to emphasize are those special performers who make the nights sparkle with the eclectic beauties of folk and pop music. Ex-Ann Arborites like Martha Burns, Craig Johnson, and Deede Palazzola all broke in their acts at the hoot nights, and old favorites like Dick Siegel and Jay Steilstra " make regular appearances just to meet old friends and swap songs and stories. Since the professional entertainers who headline the Ark each weekend take their room and board inside the coffeeshouse, occasionally they too are pressed into service at the hoots. "Once Melvina Reynolds, Patrick Sky, Liam O'Flynn, Utah Phillips and Ramblin' Jack Elliot were all here, and I told them that since they ate with us, they could just get up there and play," says Linda. "It was fantastic." ONCE IN A WHILE, of course, an act will hit the hoot night stage that is so good that the Siglins immediately pull out the contract papers. '"Kate McGarrigle (Warner Brothers' recor- ding artist and author of "Heart Like A Wheel" and "The Work Song") and Roma Baran picked up a hitchhiker who told them about the hoot night in Ann Arbor. They stopped in and ab- solutely stunned the audience," recalls David. "That was in December, and we hired them to do a weekend in May. "They only knew three songs then, and they worked solidly until May to learn enough songs for a weekend. They got an encore-which was very rare in those days-and couldn't do it. They'd played absolutely everything they knew." Other noted Ark featured performers who started at hoots include Paul Geremia and Pat and Victoria Garvey. For the most part though, performers 'are just regular folks, let's-go-easies and fair-tomiddlers, who enjoy the. stage but can't or don't want to get themselves booked into bars and night- clubs. TIM CONNOR, WHO led off the hoot night several weeks ago accompanying himself on the guitar for a trio of soft. folk songs, has been coming to hoots irregularly since 1971 when he was a student at Ann Arbor Pioneer High School. His first time, he and a friend spent six weeks practicing their three songs. Tim (first names only at the hoot night, says Linda), 25, has played semi- professionally at bars and small clubs, though he says he gets his worst case of, nerves when he plays to Ark audiences. "They're very sophisticated here," he says, "But I've never seen them be anything but polite. In bars, most of the audience doesn't listen, and if they do, they usually don't know enough about music to know if it's any good or not." Starting the evening, Connor played to only about 15 people-most of them musicians waiting their turn to per- form-but as the evening went on, perhaps 30 or more musicians and spec- tators wandered in. BRIAN WAS ONE of these. A taxi driver from Ann Arbor, Brian played popular tunes from artists like Eric Clapton and Dan Fogelberg while jamming on his guitar. He performs at the hoot nights in order to polish his solo act after having played with a group. "This is totally different," he said backstage putting his instrument away. "In a group you're hidden, but here it's right up front. "A single act must be kind of like hyptnotism in terms of controlling an audience. Everything you do comes back on you: If I'm nervous, I'm going to make an audience nervous.' Brian is working on his stage per- sonality, and it helps him to stick around and watch the other musicians. "It's sort of like a mirror image for me to watch others," he says. "See how a new person apologizes right away for not-being very good, and pick that up. It's not good to make excuses. Con- fidence is one of the biggest obstacles we all have to overcome. It's hard. It's a one-on-one sort of thing with an audience. This is great experience." EXPERIENCE IS a big reason why Roger Treet plays his fiddle for hoot nights. A 22-year-old Vermont native who saws mostly at the Scottish and Irish tunes, Roger can almost always be found down at the Farmer's Market on Saturday mornings playing old-time string band music with his outrageously talented friends. He has become a more and more frequent con- tributor to the fun at hoot nights in recent months. "It's great to play in front of other, people," he says simply. "I like to ex- pose them to my type of music, and, at the same time, listening to the others who come in broadens my perspective. I've heard a variety of folk music from other lands I might never have bothered to listen to." David and Linda probably pay the least attention of anyone at the Ark to what's happening on stage. Through the years they've heard almost all there is to hear in folk music, so they hang out in the kitchen, keep one ear on a remote speaker, listen to the baseball game, talk to friends, and read the paper. WHILE MICHELLE, a clear-voiced balladeer who works at Olga's when she's not practicing, is belting out a 303 S. State 668-7652 11 SINCE 1939 1115 SOUTH UNIVERSITY Come in and these self * MUS " PHO' 9*MED Mon, slowed discuss good fc ting lik "A g says, ' enougli same s does f charisn ween a profess around unders "Bei you ar straigl charac the son Some hoot ni Most 1 hopeful front o is neve can sta teasing "Any Linda. you're corn. N AN Need A Darkroom Rent one at Arftworlds. Four convenient rental options to choose from: A1 10-6 r, f <7 * Darkroom (B&W) open lab time " Darkroom punchcard system " Darkroom & studio hourly rentals " Develop & proof sheet Top quality enlargers and chemistry provided. Flexible hours. Low fees. Call 994-8400 for more information or visit Artworldsv 213% S. Main, Ann Arbor 48104 Bring in your art. 205 forth main Rin Arbor, Michigan Ph.(313)769-9420 Mon. 10:00 a.m.- 8:00p.m. Tues. - Fri. 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sate 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. For the fine your band : the best en the best ser Bigfoot Bentz B Boyfren Bullit Cat & C Chantz Cinema -Former Specic4 City Bai Emeralc Frosted GABRIE Hoax Imaginc Proudly Representin and iz o. ?ry i Guest nd id City EL ation ptcr Vice. a and apro( 206 s. main suite 207 ann arbor,'mi. 48104 313 769 0800 st sound and deper booking needs. Big tertainment, persor r s yr. f s.a x ............ . .