Page 4-Sunday, October 14, 1979-The Michigan Daily The Michigan Daily-Sunday, Charismatic pope shepherds moral crusade in Chi By Keith Richburg IS ROAD TOUR swept the East and Mid- west with enough fury to make an Ameican political candidate envious. Everywhere he went, from the Iowa cornfields to the ew or streets, his loyalists flocked by the millions to see him. But when Pope John Paul II last week became the first Catholic pontiff to set foot in Chicago, this nation's largest archdiocesce, his mission there was to quell a rebellion. The American Catholic Church has been in open revolt against the Vatican for over a decade, ever since Pope Paul in- troduced his controversial 1968 encyclical, the Humanae Vitae, reaffirming the church's traditional ban on artificial birth control. Now only Pope John Paul, with his own style of personal magnetism and charisma, could hope to bring America's runaway Catholics back into the Vatican line. The pope's message to American Catholics was clear as he delivered it at Chicago's Quigley Preparatory Seminary to a meeting of all this coun- try's 350 Roman Catholic bishops-the church reaf- firms its traditional hardline doctrine forbidding-bir- th control, premarital sex, divorce, abortion, homosexuality, and demanding cellibacy of its clergy. And Pope John Paul made it incumbent upon himself to take that message personally to the people, harsh scolding for America's 50 million Catholics. The pope's theme was unity, a unity around the common faith, and before it was over, the pontiff had warned each one of those listening that the fling with permissiveness was over. He challenged each to return to Catholicism's traditional, conservative doc- trine. America, the pope recognized, is admittedly a diverse land, and the American Catholic Church con- sists of diverse-and often divergent-parishes. Yet, he homilized, "We are all bound together as the people of God, the body of Christ, in a unity that tran- scends the diversity of our origin, culture, education, and personality-... "Our unity in faith must be complete," the pope told his audience, and, quoting his conservative predecessor Pope Paul IV, author of the Humanae Vitae and the indirect cause of the current disunity, Pope John Paul added, "While being translated into all expressions, the content of the faith must neither be impaired nor mutiliated. While being clothed with the outward forms proper to each people . . it must remain the content of the Catholic faith exactly as the ecclesial Magisterium has received and transmits it." Whether the message will be heeded is too early to d ka b t th crnwd', sfervent reaction-which in- Catholicism may eventually take even more than Pope John Paul's charisma, since the Ameican Catholic tradition is rooted in the unique nature of American society. America has always prided itself on the separation of church and state, and for series of sweeping reforms that, to traditionalists from strict Catholic backgrounds, must have bordered on the radical. Suddenly, Masses were being conducted in English instead of the traditional Latin, and parishioners were astounded to one Sunday walk into a church and actually be able to understand the prayers. And the priest, who for centuries had con- ducted the rituals with his back to the audience, sud- denly turned around and looked at his followers showing them he had a real face with real features and emotions. Nuns, too, long imprisoned in flowing black robes, began to reveal arms and legs, wearing shortened skirts and dresses. Before his death in 1963, the kindly Pope John had succeeded in putting humanism not only into the papacy, but in every Catholic church in America. But Pope John was followed by Pope Paul VI, one of the truly tragic figures in the Church's history. Despite Pope Paul's stewardship through the chur- ch's transition perdiod under his predecessor, this pope became the victim of his own attempts to walk the delicate middle between conservatives bent on preserving tradition and liberals pressing for more reforms faster. In America, which has always been the vanguard of radical change and truly out-of-step with most Catholics worldwide, Paul would not allow the church to keep pace with the fast-changing American society. So when in 1968 Pope Paul reaf- firmed the church's birth control ban in his en- cyclical, the American faction openly revolted. Catholics in this country ignoredsthe birth control ban overwhelmingly, and for the first time began to secular society-for all tl as ill-counts more heavi church." But the revolt of -Am( limited only to church-goe was restless-perhaps no structure of the Church a revision, or, perhaps mc reality that liberalization Catholic Church to surviv there was insurrection it jumped ship, opting for ci nounced outright that th birth control ban. Also, tli nulments in this country And in 1976, a "Call To Ac and nuns passed radical church to change its har issues of birth control, ma women priests. HEN POPE Ji pope in rec last year to I Roman Cath perona l 59-year-old pot towards, or at least mo Americanized version of developed over the last d made it clear from the I he would follow the same American Catholics, secular values grew to dominate the sectarian. And the modern American society of and to rely on his own dynamism to sway the, juge, uui. eU wayward back onto the path of the faithful. Only cluded a spontaneous chant of "Long live the the 1960s was growing more receptive to the taboo hours after that meeting with the bishops, the pope Pope! "-indicated that the people were too caught up previous decades-birth control, sexual freedo went to Grant Park on Chicago's lakefront, where an in the moment to really care. The true test of whether divorce, and even abortion. estimated 1.5 million worshippers and watchers had the pope's mission was a success or failure in The Church at this time, under the jovial Pope i braved the midwestern October chill to gather for his bringing the American church back into line will XXXIII, was in a state of transition to modern tim words of salvation, come in the weeks and months ahead, after the The controversial Vatican II Council institute There, from atop a 20-foot altar and with a euphoria of his first American tour finally has sub- judicious amount of the requisite pomp and splendor, sided. the leader of the world's 700 million Roman Catholics But to turn around the liberal trend of American delivered a half-hour homily that was, in reality, a Keith Richburg is co-editor of the Daily Edi- China subjugate By R J. Smith s of question the church's authority to regulate morality. bee rut ms, A 1974 report prepared for the National Council of Bishops found that for Americans, "the influence of ,,,." ""' es.... ' " d a Dalai Lama wi austere Tibetan ii wwwo brought to Tibet a respect for and belief in com- passion and wisdom. With Buddhism acting as a tranquilizing influence which also helped to create a loose power structure, the country developed a unified culture. It was a culture that valued inwar- dness and eschewed material conquests. For centuries after the teachings of the Buddha took hold in Tibet, probably in the late 7th century, a social system was established which centered around Buddhist monasteries. Buddhism helped establish a sedentary culture, and tended to shape a pacific people of modest ambition, a people attuned to the elements of nature which forged their lifestyle. But, when the Western World last glimpsed a free Tibet, what many saw was a nation detached and ' backwards, a nation edging fearfully closer to a takeover by China. Today, of course, China claims Tibet as a part of "the big family of the Motherland." Reports from many sources indicate that over 2,5001 Buddhist monasteries have been closed down or destroyed; since the Chinese army took over in 1950,1 genocidal practices have resulted in there being today more Chinese than Tibetans living in what only two decades ago was the capital of the free nation of Tibet. Tibet's anguish today is caused both by the im- perialist tactics of modern China and by a people's unwillingness to reassess their beliefs in the light of the pattern of global events. To some degree, the cause of Tibet's anguish-and at the same time perhaps the solution to it-revolve around the religious leader, the Dalai Lama. * ..* .* HE SACRED AND the secular uniquely T intersect in the person of the Dalai Lama. To Tibetan Buddhists he is the holder of the highest monastic degree, and the foremost representative of the Gelugpa sect, the major Bud- dhist sect in Tibet. The Buddhists consider him a Bodhisattva-one who could leave earth to experien- ce the ultimate state of enlightenment, but who in- stead chooses to turn back and help others until all can enjoy such enlightenment. - On the secular side, since the 17th century, the Dalai Lama has been considered part of the lineage of kings who ruled in ancient, pre-Buddhist Tibet, and thus has been regarded as the temporal ruler of Tibet. So when His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso, the fourteenth Dalai Lama, visited Ann Arbor last weekend, cen- turies of cultural and religious history were em- bodied in one person speaking alone on a stage. There are countless detajls to the story of how the present Dalai Lama was "discovered"-indeed,. there are countless complete narratives. One goes like this: When he realized his death was imminent, the thirteeneth Dalai Lama gave cryptic directions to the place where his reincarnation could be found. Many sources, including the old Dalai Lama's dying words, the consultations of an oracle, and signs found. in nature-such as mushrooms on the northeast side of a pillar in the temple in which the thirteenth Dalai Lama was laid to rest-hinted at the new Dalai Lama's location. The signs indicated he could be found outside the geographical confines of Tibet, in ",See DA1.A-LA MAPage A frescoe detail from t depicts the fifth Dalai La by the Chinese in 1959, an