Page 6--Sunday, October 14, 1979-The Michigan Daily AU ..-11. I.. -2IM tE *i, 421 A fl I A I !0 I ktt.°, otn a mir a ki I A. tR15 Mediate Occ 961-1200 ' ,t~n, n ill W~ux FP i +!!to hoi~t1 n >^n fr hdrm 4 t N. Y h' of%* FOREST HILLS 4RMS $2lA FW1XJ1 LL VWAKiK~IN',. l'1' '"',LE $3.0f'BLE SJ^ "W "lip indvriidRFMERRI8 GENCY CALL 764-0557 Wirto ssi inDivrsiied ADMINSECY-fE i1 tb. fidel, in Sai.isn, qd"1 Soial Slience try.' ' 4an ren-. & s'al'4- jA.1rX.r.j J)jNKccrIK'ASU VxsBLD (desirtxbl&1I florist. MM.g tYPO 8:39-4, FEF ' -F 'wn I2I- D, '-*uti O49 Le v7 )UND-Set of keys in the DIAG at noon on esday. Call 764-1016 or 996-9624. dA116 )ST-Yellow Labrador Retiever. 4 months old, male. Vicinity of Burns Park/campus. No collar. you have her please call, a little boy misses her sperately. Reward. 665-5269 or 665-2359. 57A1017 )ST-Leather wallet with Mickey Mouse painted i front. Vicinity of Liberty and S. Forest (near aude's) on afternoon of Oct. 11. Please call Amy 761-3121. 72A1014 FORSALE [N AROBR'S own DCM Timewindow, QED, d Timebase loudspeakers at Sound Investment. "eatest value-per-dollar in audio. Savings on mo's with factory warranty. SOUND INVEST- ENT. 995-8727. 64B1018 AMAHA FG335 GUITAR. $180. Like new, plus te. Rob, 995-3608. 51B 1010 XCELLENT CONDITION STEREO system. Acou- -phase II speakers, Girard turntable, Kenwood 40 receiver. 663-7044 after 5:30. 61B1019 EN'T COOK? EASY CHINESE/FRENCH GOUR- ET RECIPES, ONLY $1. Write: Recipes, Mu 06, I S. State Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. 47B1014 AMPAGNOLO Parts on 21" Columbus Trek Racing rame. A wise investment at $500. Must sell. Leslie, 94-0703, 761-1170 office. 51B1018 ow Available--MOSS AUDIO SPEAKERS. High ecuracy Stereo Speakers for serious listeners. ust hear to believe. Call 434-0587 after 4. 35B1016 EN'S BIKE, 21" 5 speed. Clean, good shape. 5. 1801 Chandler, Ann Arbor, between 6 and 9 p.m. 36B1014 xcellent condition stereo system. Acousti-phase II eakers, Girard turntable, Kenwood 2400 receiver. MaLE UNTAL stuaent looking tor roommate. Excellent location, near Dental and Medical Schools. Call 994-5428 or 995-8936, evenings. 07C1017 HURON VIEW APTS. has 2 and 3 bedroom apart- ments, available now for students. For information call 483-6007, 8:30-5:00 Mon.-Fri. No pets. 20C1014 HURON VIEW APTS. has 2 and 3 bedroom apart- ments, available now for students. For information call 483-6007, 8:30-5:00 Mon.-Fri. No pets. In Ypsilanti. 20C1014 TAKE OVER LEASE of nice one bedroom apart- ment in older house on campus. $285/month. 995- 0347 73C1011 FEMALE WANTED to share apartment for $118/ month. On campus, laundry facilities, and balcony. 995-3842. 38C1016 FOR RENT-Parking Space, $15 per month. 621 S. Forest (near S. University). 17C1017 PERSONAL BLACK MEN AND WOMEN: Counseling Services is scheduling counseling therapy groups for black students interested in intra- inter personal development. These groups will focus on: love relationships, fear of failure and/or success, self-management, self-hatred, etc. Contact Coun- seling Services, 3rd Floor Michigan Union. 70F1016 Wear a fragrance daily! There are many fine ones to choose from at the Village Apothecary, 1112 S. University. cFtc "PRE-MEDICAL STUDENTS: Current un- dergraduate pre-medical students'may now compete for several hundred Air Force scholarships. These scholarships are to bae awarded to students accep- ted into medical schools as freshmen or at the begin- ning of their sophomore year. The scholarships provide for tuition, books, lab fees and equipment, plus a $400 monthly allowance. Investigate this financial alternative to the high cost of medical education. Contaie "AIR FORCE MEDICAL OP- PORTUNITIES, 23400 MICHINAN AVE., DEAR- BORN, MI. 48124, Phone (313) 561-7018. 12F224 Variety's the spice of life, that's why we have so many famous brand cosmetic lines to choose from. Village Apothecary, 1112 S. University. cFtc STOP! Are you really getting a discount? Major Brands-AKAI, JBL, KENWOOD, SONY, MARAN- TZ, KLH, TECHNICS, TECHNICES-PRO, OR- TOFON, NAGATRON. Call Rob-663-6375, 5:00-7:00 p.m. Call BEFORE you buy! All equipment brand new in sealed boxes with full warranty. cFtc TO MY ROOMMATES IN 2420: HOPE EVERYTHING IS GROOVY AND MOD HAVE YOU CHECKED THE CHILDREN? dF1014 ATTENTION LADIES Young professional male, new to Midwest area, in mid 20's is interested in meeting lady, any age between 18 and 35. For friendship or companion- ship. Let's go out to the Discos, dinner or a park. Write P.O. Box No. 1213, Peoria, Illinois 61654. 65F1014 SECOND SERVE Factory close-outs on ACTION SPORTS APPAREL. 406.E. Liberty-2 blocks off State, cFtc COMING TO THE UNION-BeLinda Campos. Pocket Billiard Champion in a free exhibition. See her Thurs., Oct. 25 at 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. cF1014 SENIORS-Please return your scheduling card to the MICHIGANENSIAN Yearbook by the end of this week in order to be assured a place in the 1980 MICHIGANENSIAN. Call 764-0561 between 9-9 to schedule your appointment. dF1020 CABANA NO. 12 lives on at 1522, "The Haven." dF 1014 PE RSON AL U.M. BOWLING TEAM, tryouts Thurs. Oct. 14, 10 a.m. Women and men sign up Union Lanes for Michigan Intercollegiate League Association of Col- lege and Universitites and Big Ten. This is big time! Don't miss it! cF1014 TECHNICAL DIRECTOR New interviewing technical director for Black Sheep Repertory Theater. Please send resume to P.O. Box 507, Manchester, MI 48158, or call 313-428- 9287. 55H1021 INDOOR TENNIS and Racauetball at CHIPPEWA RACQUET CLUB $25.00/year Student Memberships avail Call 434-6100 DIRECTOR OF PROMOTION & AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT able A full time position in growing theater for enthusi- astic, adaptable person. Send resume and refer- 59F1031 ences to: Association for the Performing Arts, P.O. Q ^-4("7 1 ^- ^'^^^^- *"''" R "" "'" FOOTBALL GAMES Have you ever been passed up? Please call 663- 7627 or 995-1959 anytime. dFi2 SENIORS: This is your LAST opporturity to have your senior portrait taken. The Michiganensian yearbook will be making appointments through.October 19. Call 764-0561, 9a.m.-9 p.m. for an appointment. dFtc FREE DAN PERRIN. dF1014 DR, DAVE:-I ARE YOU A SMOOTH OPERATOR? dF1014 Monotheistic DOCTRINE of Reincarnation in the Torah, the Prophets and the Gospels. Write: The Truth of Islam; P.O. Box 4494, South Bend, Indiana 46624. 37F1014 IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Send $1.00 for your 306-page catalog of collegiate research. 10,250 topics listed. Box 25097G, Los Angeles, CA 90025. (213) 477-8226. cF807 RESUMES TYPESET (but not type-written), for less. Overnight service. Call 437-8654 before noon for that professional "printed" look. cF1209 Box 507, M~anchesuterx, IM148158I. iJ'tUG1 Computer People. DISPATCHER/CLERK wanted permanent, full- time, afternoon shift. Prior experience helpful but not necessary. Call Mr. Blair at: 662-2253. 77H1011 FREE QUALITY MEALS for 1/2 hour of light kitchen work at EAM fraternity. People needed for lunch and/or dinner. Call Scott at 663-3390 or 994-1336. dH1014 WE'RE LOOKING for reliable people to deliver the Michigan Daily mornings. Campus routes, bonus for supplements and NO COLLECTING. Call 764- 0558. dH1017 HALF-TIME POSITION for Producer at Canterbury Loft (Episcopal Campus Ministry) to begin January, 1980, to develop performing arts events which raise current ethical, spiritual, political, and social issues. For further information call 665-0606. 57H1024 EPIDEMIOLOGIST with background in use of MTS and interest in health promotion in industry. Call Health Analysts, 769-1197. 66H1018 DOOLEY'S is now taking applications for part- time day preparatory cooks and part-time pizza cooks. Apply Monday-Friday, 2:00-5:00 p.m., at 310 Maynard Street. 68HI020 POSTER PERSON wanted 2-4 hours a week. $3.75 per hour. Call Hillel, 663-3336. cH1016 NEW SMUGGLERS INN The Boardwalk. Near Briarwood 21H1003 STUDENTS-McKinley Properties is looking now for persons to shovel snow this winter. Work at your convenience. $3.25/hour, must provide own tran- sportation. Call 769-8520. 75H 1003 Kup and delivery. 663- 67Jf1028 THANKSGIVING BREAK FLIGHTS Detroit to: JFK $106, LaGuardia $129, Chicago $78, Boston $180, Philadelphia $115, Space limited. Call: Great Places Travel., 216 S. Fourth Ave., 769-1776. 56P1021 Riders wanted to New England, leaving October 19. 971-4016 before 9:30 a.m 40P1017 1966 COMET, 32,000 miles, new transmission, brakes and tires. Needs exhaust system. 994-1195. 14N1014 We're helping many companies in the area fill a variety of permanent, shorter-term and consulting positions, and we want to talk to people looking to apply their experience in either applications; or system software in commercial, scientific, realtime or engineering areas. We'd also like to talk to technical writers and experienced people for sales, tech support and marketing of hardware, software and services, and to digital designers and technicians. We're knowledgeable, and we think you'll like working with us. Call, mail in your resume, or drop in, and we'll give you an idea of how we can work with you. SOFTWARE SERVICES CORP. 320 N. Main, Ann Arbor 48104 994-0044 cHtc OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer/year round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia. Etc. All Fields, $500-$1200 monthly. Expenses paid. Sightseeing. Free infor- mation Write: IJC, Box 52, Corona Del Mar, CA, 92625. 87H1026 time. 58, any- 47Q1012 STUDENT TICKET Ohio State game for sale: Best offer. Call 764-8783. dQ1020 I NEED 4 tickets for the OSU-Mich. game. Call 434-9672. dQ AMERICAN AIRLINES HALF PRICE TICKET. CII 994-0299, after 6:00 p.m. 26Q1016 NEED FOUR SEATS, same section, for Indiana game Oct. 27. Sue, 764-0552. dQ1017 FOR SALE-Two tickets for Eagles concert, Sun- day, October 14. Excellent seats. Call Don, 665- 9002. dQ1014 TICKETS WANTED-Pair together for Homecom- ing against Indiana. Call 994-9322 before midnight. OFFSET AND XEROX FAST LOW COST DUPLICATING COPYQUICK-769-0560 1217 S. University Match your schedule with his so you will be free for holiday breaks. You can work when you want on either short or long-term assignments. Call us for a personal interview. Positions available: iommate wanted to share large one bedroom apar- ent near campus. $165/month. 996-5540. 75C1019 JRNISHED ROOM-Quiet grad-student preferred. > cooking, smoking. 665-7267. 73C1014 EMALE-Own room in two bedroom modern artment. $150/month, one third utilities. 995-9393, anne. 71C1018 OMEN-OWN ROOM in apartment near campus. vailable immediately or November 1. No lease. 25/month plus utilities. Cathy, 668-8434. 60C1016 OODBURY GARDENS, spacious 2 bedroom town- use apt., beautiful lot, near campus, pool, tennis, uuna. Available Oct. 10. 9 month lease or longer. 3-5781 (days); 996-1938 (evenings). 45C1017 COOPERATIVE HOUSING aces available for men, women in North and ntral Campus co-ops. Friendly, economical living perience. Room, board, utilities for $185/month, ared work. Inter-Cooperative Council, 4002 Mich- in Uion, 662-4414. 28C1025 . ........ .r ...... ..j ........ .e MAKE LOVE !-NOT WAR (It's good for our business) Austin Diamond 1209 S. University 663-7151 Specializing in custom engagement & wedding rings Full or part-time temporary people needed for elec- tronic test and repair. One year electronic experien- ce required. Day or evening hours. Call 665-8632, cFtc David Squires. 63H1020 Musicians-Entertainers wanted to perform for oc- casional coffee houses at Hillel. Pay negotiable. Call 663-3336. cH1017 CHILD CARE Monays and/or Wednesdays 2-6 p.m. Pay negotiable. Paid travel time. Marian Avenue near Packard and Stadium. Call 663-5978. 08H1012 Typists Bookkeepers Secretaries Receptionists General Office MANPOWER 665-3757 MATURE, .NEAT, quiet proressional or student needed to share apartment. Master bedroom w/ bath attached, telephone, air conditioning, swim- ming pool, laundty facilities, etc. $165/month plus utilities. 769-1714. 69Y1014 Do a Tree a Favor: Recycle Your Daily cJ1017 cFtc For a Good Time, Call Charley. 49F1014 IN THESE TIMES is a weekly newspaper giving you in-depth coverage of labor, environmental issues, and more. Bring us this ad for your free sample copy. A PERIODICAL RETREAT. 3361, S State. cF1009 CASHIER AND CONCESSION. 20-25 hours weekly. $3.25/hr., must be able to work evenings, weekends. Apply in person. Ann Arbor Theatre (formerly the 5th Forum Theatre), 210 S. Fifth Avenue. 15H1020 RADIO SHACK Part or full-time retail sales personnel needed. Experienced in retail sales or knowledge of elec- tronics, stereo hi-fi or computers required. Should be able to work through Christmas. Call 663-3040. Or see Pat at Briarwood. An equal opportunity employer. 06H1025 FREE SCRATCHPADS Made from recycled scrap Copyquick on S. University REGULAR COPIES-3Q-overnight No Frills Copies-21t-24 hours Accu-Copy, 524 E. William, 769-8338 UNIVERSITY CELLAR is currently accepting cFtc applications for winter book rush, temporary jobs _____ beginning in December or January. Applications will be accepted through Oct. 15. Apply at the in- formation desk at the back of the store. University Cellar, Michigan Union Basement. 59H1014 1.11 1 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe 0 IM79Los Asadua ThansSydkas. 1 5 ACROSS Useful vehicle Social or service group 9 .Jeu de Pomme Museum city 14 Unicorn fish 15 Old Teutonic alphabetical. character 16 Portents: Lat. 17 Nostalgic coiffure 19 Tibet's neighbor 20 Glut 21 Test 23 Adjective ending" 24 More or less 25 Professions of dressmakers: Fr. 46 See 43 Down 47 Party supporter 50 Without moisture 51 UN labor gp. 52 Companion of 35 Down 53 Area of the Western world 56 Scale 58 One of 43 Down 60 Italian poet Torquato -- 61 Bad 62 Greek mountain 13 Chemical substancees 18 Cloth for adisco outfit cFtc USED SCIENCE FICTION POETRY USED SHEET MUSIC THE DAWN TREADER SHOP 525 E. Liberty, inside Bill's Bindery 995-1008 cFtc For a Good Time, call Charley. 48F1014 PRIMAL/FEELING THERAPY-The Personal Growth Center, 403 Miller, 973-9764. cFtc FREE Pregnancy Tests. Safe, legal abortions, immediate appointments. Gynecology clinic. Helping women since 1972. Women's Center, (313) 476-2772. cFtc WORKSHOP FOR SINGLES (5 ,men, 5 women). Skill training in initiating, deepening, renegotiating relationships. October 19-21. $25 registration fee plus sliding scale. Bob Blood, PhD, Margaret Blood, MA. 769-0046. cF 1018 LSA STUDENT Government is now accepting applictions for the following committees: The Ad- ministrative Board, The Curriculum Committee, The Academic Judiciary, The Admissions Com- mittee, The Student Faculty Policy Board, The League Board of Governors. MSA, and The Griev- ance Appeals Pannel. Interviews will be held on Monday and Tuesday, October 15 and 16. Sign up at 4003 in the Michigan Union. 04F1014 PHOTOGRAPHY Fine art prints, books and posters at The Blixt Gallery, upstairs in the Nickels Arcade. Monday- Friday, 10:00-5:00 p.m.; Saturday, 10:00-4:00 p.m. Phone: 662-0282. 26F1020 For a Good Time, call Charley. 47F1014 MOVING AND HAULING. Very cheap. 973-9631, call between 7p.m. and 2 p.m. cF1031 TRANSPORTA TION DRIVER NEEDED to drive Dodge Dart to San Francisco within one week. 1-545-6696. 46G1013 RIDER TO San Francisco. Prefer female. Driving with trailer. Leave October 26. 996-1451. 62G1014 SACA TACO Needs people evenings. Good starting wage. Call Tom 419 E. William or call 995-0405 21H 1007 LSA STUDENT GOV'T. is now taking applications for fall Elections Director. Applications at LSA-SG office, 4003 Mich. Union (763-4799). Turn in appli- ctions to MSA-3909 Mich. Union from 9-5. Apply by Tuesday, October 16. 52H1014 STUDENTS-McKinley Properties is looking now for persons to shovel snow this winter. Work at your convenience. $3.25/hour, must provide own transportation. Call 769-8520. 44H1019 PROFESSIONAL TYPING, Specializaing in Dis- sertations. Reasonable rates. 769-2255, LEAVE MESSAGE 42J1016 WRITING SERVICES. Creative, Technical, Editing, Research. Experienced. Professional. 996-0566. cJtc n L _. 22 25 Furrowed President's advisory council These features showing Oct. 19 & 20 26 Coffee server 27 Pointers 28 Grocery purchase 29 -,tac, toe 31 'Fish with suction disk for clinging 33 Pompous and FREE TICKETS 63 Make - at (try) 64 Steak order 65 Fall mo. 27- 29 30 31 32 Hat Person of irri- table temper Founder of Troy Tease: Slang Stinging sensa- tion 1 2 3 4 5 DOWN Mugs' cousins Asian ox Part of the police department Yawn-producing Its capital is Canea 34 35 37 38 41 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 53 54 showy Skin diver's gear Farm products Relative of 17 Across Cattle genus Equal: Prefix Coiffures Indulge La -, Holly- wood boulevard Judicial opinions They: Span. Damp Plenty Afghan noble Horn of a to STATE 12-3-4 MIDNITE MOVIES 36 Vegetable 37 .Unit for measur- 39 40 42 43 44 ing sound Rya One of 13 Down. "Yes" signal Pend Mining excava- tions 6 Name in publish- ing lore 7 Burmese states- man 8 Gambler 9 One of 43 Down 10 Soul: Fr. 11 More mellow 12 Vapid crescent moon 55 Smell - (have one's suspicions) 57 Scholastic deg. 59 See 35 Down - I - 6 17 8 10 11 ~1~ iii ZIONIsT YouTH movement seeking part-time director for Michigan. Car necessary. Call Larry: 663-3307, or Marsha: 1-355-4350. 31H1016 Herman's World of Sporting Goods Briarwood Mall. Sales positions, full and part time. Gary Lewis, 662-8000. 39H1014 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 P.M. Fri. for Sun.) including corrections-ond cancellations. The Daily is not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad. Advertisements may be removed from publication but will be billed according to original number of days ordered. Find You r Name & Address: in the CLASSI FIEDS AND YOU WIN! BgTES SCryhg 0e r His Hangups Are Hilarious! RUTH r uD GdDON Maud BUD GORDON CORT THE AREA'S FAVORITE CULT CLASSIC A STR 0 Oe JIMI HENDRIX & Directed by Hendrix at his peak. Peter Pilaf ian, The historic in color from Berkeley Concert, _ I-N. i 0 31- i i - I CONTrEST STARTS: TUES, OCT. 16 n~m+,.i;n~ - -- .. I I I VIQ a 11 A m"'i t--i W kim I I