Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
I f r~I
Vol. LXXXX, No. 34 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 14, 1979 Ten Pages plus Supplement
A drug users:
Most don't face
Last in a four-part series
(Editor's note: All those identified by first name
only requested anonymity.)
"There's an awful lot of damn
young kids using this trash and, you
know, they're too young to make a
reasonable judgment, whether or
not it's good or bad for them. It's
just fun, and it's peer pressure, and
if happens to be in vogue at the'
time, and it gets them in trouble."
-Dick Meloche,
Office Commander of the
Washtenaw Area
Narcotics Team
Pot law lenient, rarely enforced
It's no secret that attitudes about
drug law enforcement in Ann Arbor are
more relaxed than those in most other
parts of the country. The city's
somewhat liberal position, while not
strikingly different from that of most
college towns, is especially exemplified
by its lenient $5 fine for marijuana
possession or use.
Aside from sporting such a light
penalty for pot possession, enforcement
of that statute is fairly rare, according
to users.
WHILE ANN Arbor's $5 pot law
doesn't specify a maximum amount,
persons caught with large amounts
may be prosecuted for selling
marijuana, in which case they would
face the state law. The penalties for
selling marijuana include four years in
prison and/or a $2,000 fine -
"I think enforcement for pot is nil. I
think most policemen will just say to
put it out," said Dave, a University
senior and pot smoker.
Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter
Krasny admits that marijuana is not
the prime target for drug enforcement
in the city. "We're not aiming at pot in
particular. We're aiming at the other
hard drugs - cocaine, heroin, LSD,
speed," Krasny said.
WHILE IT is difficult to gauge the
level of enforcement, state drug laws
often provide reason for drug merchan- I
ts to keep on their toes.
Most drugs used around campus fall
under the state Controlled Substances
Under the law, possession of
marijuana or hashish calls for penalties
of not more than a year in prison, or not
more than $1,000. Sale of these drugs
subjects the convict to up to four years
imprisonment and/or a $2,000 fine.
LSD, COCAINE, phencyclidine, and
heroin all fall into the same category.
The penalties for the sale or possession
of these drugs include:
* 650 grams (23.2 oz) or more: im-
prisonment for life;
" 225 grams (8 oz.)-650 grams: not
less than 20 nor more than 30 years;
" 50 grams (1.8 oz.)-225 grams: not
less than 10 years nor more than 20
years in prison or life probation.
For less than 50 grams, delivery can
mean a jail term of up to 20 years
See A2, Page 7
Despite new efforts to put a halt to the
passing of people up the stands at
Michigan Stadium, another University
student was injured at yesterday's
game as a result of that practice.
, Ann Arbor Police officials would not
disclose the nature or extent of the
student's injury, but indicated that the
woman, who had been sitting in section
35, refused treatment from a
paramedic and was not taken to ay
BEFORE THE game, 12 members of
the A.M.A.Z.O.N. collective (the
acronym has no meaning), a, group
created to fight the practice which has
resulted in several injuries this season,
demonstrated in front of the Athletic
Department office at State and Hoover.
Although athletic department of-
ficials posted signs, and several an-
nouncements were made during the
See PASSING-UP, Page 7
KBlue survives
Daily Photo by MAUREEN O'MALL
MICHIGAN TAILBACK BUTCH WOOLFOLK (24) runs for short yardage yesterday in the Wolverines' 31-21 victory
over Minnesota. The speedy sophomore picked up 194 yards on 24 carries as the Blue offense rolled up a total of over
500 yards.
By the looks of the
scoreboard, Michigan ap-
peared to have yesterday's
football game all but wrapped
up at halftime, leading Min-
nesota by a margin of 24-7.
But a dogged Golden Gopher
team came from nowhere with
a pair of second-half tallies to
pull within three points before
back-up Michigan tailback
Butch Woolfolk's 41-yard
touchdown run gave the
Wolverines a 31-21 victory.
The win, witnessed by 104,677
EY 'Michigan Stadium patrons, was the
fourth consecutive triumph for the 5-1
Wolverines. Their 3-0 conference
record keeps them on top of the Big Ten
alongside arch-rival Ohio State, which
handily whipped former "co-leader In-
diana 47-6 yesterday.
offensive totals of 25 first downs and 537
total yards,'on the day, 456 of which.
came on the ground. Minnesota coun-
tered with a potent air attack as Gopher
quarterback Mark Carlson threw the
de ball an astounding 51 times.
est Carlson completed 27 of those throws
in- -
nd 7
for 339 yards, by far the most the Blue
secondary has given up all year. The
Michigan defense stopped the Min-
nesota running game cold, though,
holding highly-touted tailback Marion
Barber to just 38 yards on the day. The
Gophers could muster only 29 net yards
rushing on the day.
Woolfolk and senior fullback
Lawrence Reid were the prime movers
of the Wolverine offense as both had
their best days ever in Michigan
uniforms. Woolfolk sprinted for 194
yards on the day while Reid also set the
controls at full throttle, rushing for 179
yards against the Gophers.
Woolfolk, who, played the whole
second half in place of starter Stanley
Edwards, set the tone with long touch-
down jaunts of 58 and 41 yards. Reid,
meanwhile, countered with a one-yard
dive and a one-yard pass reception as
the pair accounted for all four Michigan
Both credited the improved offensive
line with enabling them to perform so
"THE OFFENSIVE line was doing
the job for me," said Reid.
"Anybody could've run through those
holes. You could drive a truck through'
there and bring Coca-Cola bottles."
"I'm very happy," said Woolfolk.
Carter ahead in Fla. caucuses
From AP and Reuter
MIAMI-President Carter stretched
his lead over Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-
Main) - yesterday in Florida's
Democratic county caucuses by cap-
turing many small counties and run-
ning close in Kennedy's Miami
Unofficial results showed Carter with
518 delegates, Kennedy with 291, and
labor candidates with 39; uncommitted
and others, 31.
WHITE HOUSE press secretary Jody
Powell described Carter as "very
Carter's campaign manager, Jay
Hakes, claimed victory in the late af-
ternoon based on the results of surveys
his campaign workers took at caucuses.
Hakes also claimed victory in the
Miami area-a feat he and the Kennedy
campaigners had agreed beforehand
world be a "knockout punch" for the
The Florida primary had been regar-
ded as an important test for Carter
because it pitted him for the first time
against his arch Democratic party
rival, Kennedy.
F NEITHER CARTER nor the senator
have as yet officially declared them-
selves in the presidential race. Carter
has said he would do so on December 4
and Kennedy's followers expect him to
declare by the end of November.
A victory in Florida was considered
crucial for Carter because the next
major test will be the February New
Hampshire primary, an area where
Kennedy is strong.
The Florida campaign focused on the
election of 879 delegates to the mid-
November Democratic State Conven-
tion. They'll join 838 other delegates,
including party leaders, elected of-
ficials and their appointees, to vote in a
non-binding presidential straw ballot.
AT STAKE IN the caucuses and
straw ballot is nothing more than atten-
tion from the press and public.
Florida's delegates to the 1980
Democaratic National Convention in
New York will be chosen in the state's
March 11 presidential primary.
Nevertheless, the caucuses and straw
ballot may have a psychological effect
on the national political scene, in part
because of the interest that developed
after Kennedy (D-Mass.) hinted
strongly in September that he would
challenge Carter.
With hundreds of names on the
ballot in the larger counties, party of-
ficials estimated it could be days before
official results are tallied in some
Press survey of most voters leaving
caucuses in four of Florida's largest
counties indicated Carter and Kennedy
in a dead heat in Miami and Tampa, a
Carter sweep in Jacksonville and a
Kennedy victory in Fort Lauderdale.
The four counties-Dade,
Hillsborough,. Broward and
Duval-elect 394 delegates, but there
was no way to conclude from the poll
how manyeach side had won.
In Miami and surrounding Da
County, which has the large
delegation with 188, the AP surve
showed 1,727 for Carter, 1,672, for Ke
nedy, 688 for the labor slate thati
cluded both Carter and Kennedy su
porters and 187 who were uncommitt
or refused to answer.
IN THE TAMPA area, the cont(
over Hillsborough County's
delegates drew 740 Democrats for Ce
ter, 796 for Kennedy, 586 for labor a
220 uncommitted or not responding.
In Broward County, Kennedy led wi
2,054 for his slate, 960 for Carter's, 6
for labor's and 411 uncommitted or n
See BLUE, Page 9
Mayor pushes pinball ordinance
The small silver bounced off a
bumper, sparking a chaotic outburst of
bells, horns, and flashing lights.
Oblivious to his surroundings, the
player's expfession changed from
frustration to exhilaration as the score
box tallied higher and higher numbers.
At the game's end, he reached into his
pocket, dropped another quarter into
the coin slot, and pulled the lever again.
This picture was repeated all over the
darkened arcade, as others lined up to
take their -turns playing pinball,
foosball, and electronic games.
BUT CONCERN over problems
resulting from loitering and crime out-
side of some of Ann Arbor's pinball ar-
cades has led Mayor Louis Belcher to
propose an ordinance to license pinball
arcade owners and to restrict their
hours of operation.
The proposed ordinance passed its
first reading at the October 1 City
Council meeting by a 10-1 vote. If coun-
cil approves the ordinance again
tomorrow, it will become law.
But since the first reading, coun-
cilmembers and owners of some of the
city's pinball arcades have raised both
questions and doubts about the need for
the ordincne and whether it can be ef-
fectively enforced.
ACCORDING TO the proposed or-
dinance, establishments with five or
more coin-operated game machines
must close between 12 and 7 a.m. The
ordinance will not require businesses
already licensed by the state to sell
alcoholic beverages to purchase
separate pinball licenses. But other
machine owners will be forced to pay
$50 to license their operations.
At the October 1 meeting, Belcher
said he proposed the ordinance because
of drug traffic, prostitution and
assaults-"violent things . . . worse
than rowdyism"-at the establishmen-
Belcher said the city's pinball arcade
owners have been asked to police their
own establishments, but "obviously
they're not going to do it. It's the
responsibility of government to police
ANN ARBOR Police Chief Walter
Krasny said Friday, "We did have
some problems in the summertime."
See MAYOR, Page 2
rain wreck kills twoAP
Workers attempt to separate the wreckage of two locomotives after a head-
on collision between an Amtrak passenger train and a freight train in a south
Chicago suburb. The crash killed twopersons and injured 44 others. It was
the second fatal crash involving an Amtrak train in two weeks. See story,
Page 3.
0e4% 4
Williams is recovering well from the hard blow. 1
Giacolone at 'U' Hospital
Reputed Mafia chieftain Anthony "Tony Jack" Giaco-
lone was moved from the Bay City Medical Center to the
University Hospital Friday. Hospital sources said
Giacolone would probably remain in the cardiac intensive
care unit for about a week while he is tested to see if he
needs a coronary bypass. He suffered a heart attack two
weeks ago while en route to Bay City from federal prison to
face loan sharking charges. City police say only immediate
family members are authorized to visit Giacolone's
skeptical. They say that fitting the birds with the lenses will
take too much time and labor. Maybe they should try a less
expensive option-glasses.
A shrouded mystery
The word is out-the Shroud of Turin (below), the same
shroud that allegedly enveloped the body of Jesus Christ, is
definitely not a hoax. So say some scientists who are,
studying the 2,000-year-old cloth. But before you get too ex-
cited about the news, the same scientists say they have not
yet proved the shroud was Christ's burial cloth. Some
people say an image imprinted on the cloth may be the
outline of Christ's body, and although scientists are unable
to prove that the image was created by a body, they have
ruled out the possibility that it was done with dyes or paint.
Chemist Diane Soran also says she may soon be able to
prove that through analysis that the red-colored stain is
blood. The shroud has been housed in a Roman Catholic
chapel in Turin, Italy for the past 400 years. F