II- I ) 1 1. I- I :.. Ll.. RQGR_ A Ramblin' The Michigan Daily-Saturday, October 12, 1979-Page 5 Jack of all trades i' _ , .._,. .i ,..,.. . 16 mp--Nm.- - -- Roger goes to Mo 'U'. . . T HE CALL OF journalistic duty occasionally comes from unusual quarters, but the good reporter follows wherever it leads. Thus it was that Ifound myself last weekend in, of all places, East Lansing, scouring the dorms for graffiti and cheering on the brave Wolverine footballers. Unfortunately, the journalist must accept the bitter with the sweet, and the gridiron heroics of our fine team barely served to offset the indignities suffered at the hands of the undisciplined rooters for our sister institution. My cap was stolen; a friend was struck on the head by a solid object thrown from above; I was not pushed by either coach, thus keeping my name out of Sports Illustrated for another week; and there was no graffiti. That's right,;State students do not visibly deface their public buildings. One is tempted to characterize this behavior as proof of a dearth of imagination, although one Spartan' claimed it resulted from "pride in our campus." I simply don't un- derstand it, and feel certain that hidden in one of those buildings is a vast quantity of wall abuse. The big local story in graffiti this week concerns the past year's most ubiquitous slogan, "Joe Licks Taint." It was everywhere last spring, and nobody knew what it meant. Through brilliant in- vestigative reporting "Joe" of the phrase was finally contacted by phone; he denied all knowledge of the cryptic fragment, and the matter lapsed. Then, two weeks ago, stickers bearing the legend "Joe Licks Taint" began appearing throughout campus. One at Mie Daily, one at Mason Hall, one on the cube in Regent's - or People's - Plaza, and so on. It is obviously important to someone that we all know that "Joe Licks Taint." Now that we do, it is necessary for the general weal that the meaning of this statement becomes known. I therefore appeal to you, readers, to send to the Daily any infor- mation you may have, no matter how inaccurate, that deals with this puzzling matter. Help us all to sleep better at night. "And what choice samples do you have for us this weekend, Roger?" you ask. Well, I'll tell you. This column was originally in- tendeq to be a review of the Modern Languages Building, and I went there eagerly last week, notebook in hand, anticipating afine collection of clever epigrams. The first stairwell I checked was promising .. ; "Wie heissen Sie? Combien de cours de francais" writes a bitter 101 student. An intellectual provocatively claims that "Herman Hess was right" to which some wag has added the suffix "-handed." Inspired by these examples I began combing through the language lab carrels. After a few rounds of "German sucks," "Spanish sucks," "You suck" and the like, I found, fitted on one of the microphones, a condom. Can you believe it? With the Pope visiting our country? Are we in junior high? The whole business put me off for days; maybe I'll try writing about the MLB again next week. To conclude on a cheerful note, it seems that some bozo at Har- vard has written a song called "Nuke the Whales" and claims to have invented the phrase, although in fact he was in diapers when it originated. His pernicious claim was made public in a letter to the New York Times, which was in turn brought to my attention by graffiti watchdog Matthew Stopler of the Department of Near East Studies. Beyond thanking Mr. Stopler, the Daily legal staff has ad- vised me to say nothing at this time. By STEVE HOOK For most of you, the following brief. review will be as boring as the music it describes. Let's face it: to the majority of you, a Ramblin' Jack Elliot concert is bad enough, let alone a Ramblin' Jack Elliot review. Why? Because Elliot's music is low key - tremendously low key. He per- forms alone 'with an acoustic guitar, singing a; diverse variety of folk songs at a turtle's pace, moving forward with the direction of the pigeons that swoop around Burton Tower all day. Hence the name Ramblin'. Hence his lack of appeal to the majority of music fans. Ah, but to the other ! For those, the ones who manage to slow themselves down to Elliot's pace, there is a splen- did evening. This is why Elliot's performance Thursday night at the Ark went over so well. The 100 or so in the audience were expecting the low key, ramblin' style which has earmarked Elliot through his decades as a folk music legend. The audience was in no hurry, and neither was Ramblin' Jack. HellLit was raining and miserably cold outside, and quite cozy in the Ark - so play on, Maestro. When you hear the name Ramblin' Jack, you picture a burly; Jim Ringerish type that the roaming Stgt- son-bearing folksinger' image implies. But Elliot is a short, bespectacled man with a gentle smile and a stage presen- ce that is unassuming and unin- timidatjng. Elliot is referred to as "the foremost interpreter" of the music of Woody Guthrie and Cisco Houston. Guthrie is clearly his mentor; he was alluded to frequently during the evening. Elliot performed many Guthrie songs, in- cluding a memorable "Pretty Boy RHODESIANS EMIGRATE PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) - Rhodesians are emigrating to South Africa at the rate of 700 a month, the department of statistics reported recently. In 1978, the Rhodesian immigrant total was 8,650, including 822 engineers, 244 doctors, 271 accountants and 257 teachers. Floyd," executing the flat and finger picking styles synonymous with Guthrie. One thing about . his flat picking though; I pity his strings. Being an aspiring guitar player, my heart bled for the six innocent strings being, flailed upon. It is a tribute to his craft that he managed to keep them intact all night, although they were grossly out of tune by the concert's end. Elliot has the Guthrie-Dylanesque voice that, while possessing little range, manages to carry a tune. Clearly, it is not the vocal clarity that is emphasized, but the lyrical substance - which runs rampant with integrity. For the majority, Ramblin' Jack gives a colorless, lackluster perfor- mance (in comparison to the more "popular" music heard in the Williams Houses and 6th VanDuren's, the Phi Delt houses and University Towers). But to the few die-hards who managed to slow it down to the pace of a rambler, there was a lot to appreciate. Perry Henzel's 1973 .THE HARDER THEY COME The now almost legendary Jimmy Cliff plays a young reggae musician wanted by the syndicate for his drug operation and for killing a cop during a drug bust. He tops the record charts at the same time as heading the most wanted men list, and the irony of this situation makes him a folk hero as well. Unforgettable Reggae soundtrack, filmed in Jamaica and in 35mm color. Mon.: INUIT FILM SERIES Tues.: Woody Allen's INTERIORS CINEMA GUILD TONIGVT AT 7 &.:5 OLD ARCH. AUD. $1.50 c G INEMAIj presents ~'k 1 Whoa7h! It 's round-up time, youDaohls v FEARLESS VAMPIRE KILLERS (Roman Polanski, 1967) A funny and sophisticated film,;FEARLESS VAMPIRE KILLERS has moments of sheer Gothic horror and, if not for Polanski's tongue-in-cheek, this would be one of the scariest. films ever made. Polanski not only shades the film with his usual dark themes, he turns in a fine performance as the professor's "gofer." Jack MacGowran, Sharon Tate. (98 min) ANGELL HALL $1.50 7:00& 9:00 : s t Uf Tomorrow: L'AVVENTURA Applications'being taken for new members Eclipse announces Peterson rescheduling You see it on virtually every photo ever taken of Jerry Garcia-that big, swallowed-a-cat grin you could drive an 18-wheeler through. Why, you may ask, is this man smiling? It's because of you (or, some of you anyways). It's because. of all the god-blessed Dead heads there, are in this temporal continuum. The Daily is currently in the process of trying to ferret out the absolutely, most twisted, most rabid, most unstop- pable example of that genus of organism known as Deadheadae ex- tremis. That's right-we're looking for the most fanatic fan of those Marin County cowboys, the Grateful Dead. NOW EVERYONE knows that the Grateful Dead by definition attracts some pretty wild-eyes fans, fans who do things like check out an enormous number of their shows, buy crateloads of Dead bootlegs, and such. But for our purposes, that all smacks of, er. the bush leagues. Ann Arbor is of course one of the tightest hamlets of Dead-style ac- tivity extant, and we are searching for the person who stands head and shoulders above all others as the Dead fan with the most frightening gleam in his or her eyes, the staunchest set of jaws. OF COURSE it ain't easy deciding a- y° t , ll DAILY EARLY BIRD MATINEES-A DISCOUNT IS FOR SHOT MON. thru SAT. 0 AM.11 :0P EVENING ADMISSIONS A Monday-Saturday 1:30-5:00, A Sundays and Holidays 1:30 to C Sunday-Thursday Evenings SI just who is the greatest Deadhead of them all in this burgh-it will involve having big record collections and having seen lots of concerts, of course, but it will also involve a lot more. We can't say that we know exactly what would comprise the ultimate Dead fan; but we can't help but feel deep-down that we know that person the moment we see him or her. So come-on down, and register for our Dead contest, pleeze. There is a gift certificate for a local record store at- tached to the first-prize certificate; there is nothing for anyone else. To turn in your entries, come to 420 Maynard (right next to the Student Activities Building), and seek out the Arts desk. Please bring a listing of your Deadliest qualifications-explain the wretched excesses you have attained in order to sate your lust for the Dead. Deadline for all entries (as those big-time game- sters are always saying) is midnight on October 22. KING'S SALOON LONDON (AP)-A 1936 Lancashire saloon, once owned by King George VI, was recently sold at an auction for about $3,600. MONTY PYTHON'S LIFE OF BRIAN The Best Monty Python To Hit The Screen! :: : .: ::...::. .. : :::: : :::r r : :: ::t:: : : . :: :: r:.:: :: Y : .:; . :: :. Honk if you lovec Brian. Fri & Mon 6:30, 8:20, 10:10 Adults $2.50 til 7:00 (or capacity) Sat & Sun 12:50, 2:40, 4:30, 6:30, 8:20 & 10:10 Adults $1.50 til 1:30 (or capacity) Midnite Shows Fri & Sat . I Eclipse Jazz has announced that 'the Oscar Peterson performance can- -celled from the Ann Arbor Jazz Festival's Sunday, September 30, show has been rescheduled for Sunday, November 18, at 8:00 p.m. in Hill *Auditorium. All people who hold ticket 'stubs for the cancelled appearance will be allowed to exchange their stubs for tickets to the rescheduled show. The tickets will be for the same seats. Peterson told Eclipse he could not appear at the festival on the afternoon of his evening performance, because his -wife had become seriously ill. November's show by the ageless Canadian piano wizard will-be his first in Ann Arbor in two years. Remaining tickets for the show will go on sale at the Michigan Union box of- fice Thursday, November 15. ECLIPSE HAS also announced their fall season of jazz concerts. Ann Arbor regular 'Chick Corea makes his current appearance November 7, with vibraphonist Gary Burton. The pianist -and vibraphonis have played many duet shows before including a previous one in Hil Auditorium three years ago. The memorex-perfect voice of Ella Fitzgerald comes to town Sunday, December 9, also at Hill. Fitzgerald will be performing with her trio. Finally, avante-garde revolutionary. humorist Carla Bley brings her big band to the stage of Power Auditorium Saturday, January 12. Bley, a remarkable keyboardist who also creates arrangements of great com- plexity .and wit, has traditionally per- formed in bands containing many top- flight improvisers. TODAY & TOMORROW AT 12:35-2:40-4:45-7:05-9:35 What happens when kids grow up and parents don't. 4,KidEY FRI & SAT ONLY 12 MID :s I ~lw-& m, 7 l-M