Aspirin maker to appeal ruling WASHINGTON (AP) - The makers of Bufferin and Excedrin say they will fight a federal administrative judge's order that future advertising state that their products have not been ,proved gentler or more effective than plain aspirin. .Montgomnery Hyun, an ad-- ministrative law judge for the Federal Trade Commission, also ordered Bristol-Myers Co. and its advertising agencies on Friday to disclose that Buf- ferin, Excedrin and Excerin PM all contain aspirin. THE COMPANY has 30 days to ap- peal to the full commission, and of- ficials quickly responded that they will do so. In his order, Hyun concluded that claims that the Bristol-Myers products are faster, safer or more effective than aspirin have not been established scien- tifically. So he ordered that future advertising contain statemepts such as "Bufferin has not been proved to be gentler to the stomach than aspirin." or "Excedrin has not been proved more effective than aspirin."' BRISTOL-MYERS spokesman Harry Levine disputed Hyun's finding, noting that the decision did not say the claims were untrue, but that they are not proven. "Bristol-Myers representations that Excedrin, Excedrin PM and Bufferin are superior to other products are based on clinical and scientific studies and fully comply" with the FTC's requirements, Levine said. He said that in this case, Hyun is ap- plying a stricter standard for adver- tising than has been used in the past, and that this will be challenged before the commission. ALTHOUGH HYUN ordered the disclosures in future advertising, he declined to order corrective advertising for claims that the products relieve ten- sion as well as pain. Such claims have not been made for more than 10 years, the administrative law judge noted. But the order does prohibit Bristol- Myers from referring to aspirin by any other name in its advertising and from stating that physicians recommend Bufferin more than any other pain reliever. Hyun said studies have shown that doctors recommend generic aspirin and non-aspirin pain relievers more of- ten than Bufferin. Renault, AMC to build cars in Wisc. DETROIT (AP)-American Motors Corp. and the French automaker Renault, partners for 18 months, an- nounced yesterday that Renault will provide $150 million in new capital to AMC so the U.S. automaker can build a new Renault model in Wisconsin. Renault will place two represen- tatives on AMC's board and the two companies will form joint financing units, AMC said. THOSE DIRECTORS will represent Renault's interest in the company, which starts with 1.5 million new shares of common stock purchased by Renault on Friday at $10 a share for $15 million-about a 5 per cent interest. The Renault interest may increase to about 22.5 per cent through conversion of two debt securities from AMC. On the New York Stock Exchange yesterday, AMC's common stock closed up 37.5 cents to $8.25 apiece. THE NEW CAR to be built in Wiscon- sin, whose production had been foreseen but not nailed down ever since the original affiliation, will be a front- wheel drive compact in body styles ''aimed at the heart of the American market" in the 1983 model year. It will compete with the "X-body" cars of General Motors Corp. and the Ford and Chrysler models scheduled for the 1981 model year. Engines and transaxles will be provided by Renault, but other major components, including body stampings and production tools, will come from the United\States, the two companies said. It's the first Beal of its kind in the United States, though Renault assem- bled AMC's Rambler models overseas until 1965, and only the second manufacture of a foreign car in this country. Volkswagen started produc- tion of Rabbit models in Pennsylvania last year. The Michigan Daily-Saturday, October 13, 1979-Page 3 New in town? For the latest in news, enter- tainment, sports . . . you should subscribe to Wilerb yArbipan &tod Call 764-05581 to order your subscription today :.- s---------. .- -- 1 If' tiw Gouq Invites You To Join Him For: New "1 I I Happy Hours, Mon-Fri 4p.m.-6p.m. Mon.-$un.'9pm.12a.m I I4 Lj~Aj7U insof Mon.-S Ipago 1140 S. Univ 668-841' ersity 1I 12 A.M. St. 1 A.M.-2 A.M. Sun. 3 P.M.- Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS CRAIG SMITH, DIRECTOR of Grantspeople Inc., talks to people attending a seminar at the University last week. Grantspeople brings together funding agencies and those seeking money for research. GRANTSPEOPL E ASSISTS INDIVIDUA LS, GROUPS: Finding funds is firm's forte By SARA ANSPACH You've got an idea about how to save the world, or a small part of it anyway. gomeone else has a lot of money and a problem they want solved. Working to bring these two groups. together is what Grantspeople Inc. is all about. The three-year-old non-profit firm teaches both groups and in- dividuals all over the country how to convince federal agencies and private foundations to fund their ideas, and helps "grantors" create workable relationships with "grantees." 'RECEIVING AND giving grants is a big business. This year the federal government and private foundations are expected to give out more than $40 billion. -To get part of that money a person has to have a viable, fundable idea-and he needs to know how to write a convincing grant proposal, ac- cording to Grantspeople Director Craig Smith. Smith held a three-day workshop on prbposal writing skills at the University last week. Sponsored by the Univer- sity's extension service, the workshop taught participants how to locate fun- ding sources and how to prepare a grant proposal. MOST OF THE 17 people who paid $150 each to attend the workshop arrived with some idea for a project. Most did not come as individuals, but as representatives of institutions such as the University's English Language In- stitute, or community service agencies. Project ideas range from setting up a data bank with information for special education teachers to teaching the han- dicapped to swin. The most fundable proposals are what Smith calls "missing link" proposals-projects which incorporate and connect services already being per- formed. The proposals most likely to be accepted are original and compliment other existing projects, Smith said. SOLAR POWER and energy conser- vation projects a'e relatively easy to obtain funds for right now, he noted. People are often embarrassed to be in the grant-seeking business, Smith said, because of a "sneaky, illegitimate" reputation often associated with grants. "In most situations, the employer designs the work of the employee," he explained. "In the fundor-grantee relationship, however, "the employer designs 50 per cent of the work and the gantee designs 50 per cent." This turn- about makes some people suspicious about the whole relationship, Smith said. To Smith, however, the grant's economy system is as American as ap- ple pie. Grants are a way of implemen- ting public, policy, he said, that distributes available money broadly at a grass roots level. There is a lot of room for im- provement in the grants system, Smith said. Not only are funds often misused, he said, but many times no one in the government bureaucracies which fund projects will take the responsibility at the grantors end. When bureaucratic values are placed on the system, in- novation is stifled and "nobody can take any risks," said Smith., So Grantspeople also offers workshops for federal agencies that administer grants. By presenting case histories of mutually beneficial relationship between grantors and grantees, Grantspeople hopes to teach. agency personnel how to establish their own workable partnerships. The first recorded passenger flight in. Canada of a heavier-than-air machine was made in 1907. The flight was made in Alexander Graham Bell's tetrahedral kite, Cygnet, by Lt. Thomas Self ridge of the U.S. Army. I Fresh Cut Meets & Cheesest Great For Michigan Football Games at SCOUNTRY FARM MEATS Maple at Miller Rd.-995-5885 ' with this ad: ; I STEAKS CHEESES .' SIRLOIN $2.97 lb. COLBY $2.24 lb. T-BONE $3.55 lb. CO JACK $2.34 lb. PORTERHOUSE $3.57 l. CHEDDAR $1.99 lb. (Med, Sharp, Mild) I BOLOGNA$1.79,b.1 *All Meat f tpy ' Pickle & Pimento ' Olive Ulrich's offers: Free software from Texas Instruments if you buy before Oct. 31/1979 Fii' akrtirnni Free Pregnancy Testing Immediate Results Confidential Counseling Complete Birth Control Clinic' Medicaid * Blue Cross Ann Arbor and Downriver area (313) 559-0590 Southfield area Northland Family Planning Clinic, Inc. FILMS Mediatrics-Superman, 7,9:30 p.m., Natural Sci. Aud. Cinema Guild-The Harder They Come, 7, 9:05 p.m., Old Arch. Aud. Cinema II - Fearless Vampire Killers, 7, 9 p.m., Aud. A, Angell. Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Short Eyes, 7, 9p.m., Aud.;3, MLB. PERFORMANCES Video and Dance-Doris Chase & Gay Delanghe, 8 p.m., Dance Bldg. Office of Major Events-The Eagles, 8 p.m., Crisler Arena. SPEAKERS Institute of Continuing Legal Education-Prof. Frank Kennedy, "Bankruptcy-Secured Creditors under the New Bankruptcy Code", 9 a.m.- noon, 116 Hutchins Hall. MISCELLANEOUS Univ. Activities Center- Mich. Union, 75th birthday party, 8 p.m., Mich. Union. Come Celebrate The Union's 75th Birthday AND The World Series In the University Club of the Michigan Union-- October 10, 11, 12, 13 and then next week tooll "See the Pirates and the Orioles battle to the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat." New1 6 S T 1 NEW FOOT T.V. CREEN at the r- $20 value 2 FREE software Pakettes with 'Purchase of TIl58C* S4o value 4 FREE software Pakettes with Purchase of a TI-59* University Club!! CELEBRATION GOODIES Coupon with purchase. We're competitive. In fact, we'll match any deal or refund your money. I