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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
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Vol. LXXXX, No. 33 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 13, 1979 Eight Pages
A drug dealers: profit hunters o
Third in a four-part series
(Editor's note: All those identified by first name
only requested anonymity.)
"Before I came to U-M my picture
of the drug dealer 'was that (which)
was purported by the movies they
showed in grade school. You know,
someone saying 'Hey, kid' on the
playground. Every drug dealer I
know I consider quite bright. Most*
people I know who sell acid are
very involved in the philosophy of
selling acid, the fact that -they would
hints he's
closer to
WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Edward
Kennedy dropped more hints yesterday
about his possible presidential can-
didacy as leaders of the draft-Kennedy
forces in Florida expressed confidence
that, they had a chance to win half the
delegates in that state's county
caucuses tomorrow.
Democratic national committeeman
Sergio Bendixen,; leader of .the draft-
Kennedy forces, predicted yesterday
that winning half of the delegates in
Florida tomorrow would be enough to
coax Kennedy into formally
challenging President Carter for the
Democratic nomination.
IN WASHINGTON, Kennedy remin-
ded a Hispanic audience about his past
support for the nation's minorities. "I
hope you will come and knock on my
door," Kennedy told the League of
United Latin American Citizens'
national board. "Maybe someday soon
I'll be knocking on yours." Kennedy left
the crowded banquet room to a star-
ding ovation and scattered cries of "We
want Kennedy."
Tomorrow's Florida caucuses are
choosing delegates to. a state conven-
tion that will include a non-binding
presidential straw poll, and Carter and
Kennedy forces are pushing hard to
make a good showing.
Although the straw poll will play no
role in selecting Florida delegates to
the 1980 Democratic National Conven-
tion, both the Carter and Kennedy
camps are hoping to gain a
psychological sedge through the poll in
the Democratic Party's presidential
About 50,000 Democrats are expec-
ted to take part in the 67 caucuses that
will elect 879 delegates, to take part in
the November state convention.
Most trade only among friends
like to enlighten people. "
-an LSD user at the University
For all drug users, regardless of
which substance is being sought, a
general rule of thumb seems to be,
"Only buy from someone you know and
"I ALWAYS buy acid from a friend,
and I never do acid that somebody.
hasn't already done. Usually the person
I'm buying it from is a tripper, too, and
has tripped on it before," said Anne, a
University junior.
"Most people know someone, even
remotely, who they would think could
get them drugs," said John, a Univer-
sity junior who sold hashish and
cocaine last year. "Otherwise, if you
just hit a town, and you don't know
. anybody there, you could probably find
pretty terrible quality drugs in a small
amount for a lot of money. And it's
guaranteed to be street quality. It's
nothing you want to do. But I'm sure
you could find it."
Similarly, drug merchants like to
protect themselves by only selling to
people they know and trust. In general,
said John, buyers are all usually part of
"a circle of a few close friends; par-
ticularly when you're dealing with a
substance that carries as heavy a
r benefactors?
penalty for getting caught as it
(cocaine) does It pays best not to deal
with anyone you don't know per-
WHERE A dealer gets his product
depends on what drug he/she sells.
Marijuana is grown in many parts of
the U.S. (particularly Oregon and
Hawaii) as well as being imported.
Most dealers and users, however, say ri
that imported marijuana (which is
usually superior to "home-grown")
doesn't often make it to the city. One e *
See DRUG, Page 2
Castro blasts
.S.; crowds
rotest U.N.
Daily Photo by JO SEIDLER
MORE THAN 100 PEOPLE attended yesterday's 75th anniversary rededication ceremony of the Michigan Union. The
affair was highlighted by the return from East Lansing of the anniversary banner.
Union -marks 75th b.-day
from AP and UPI
UNITED NATIONS-Fidel Castro, in
an impassioned speech bristling with
anit-U.S. barbs, called on the nations of
the world yesterday to end the "ex-
ploitation of the poor," and build a new
international order or face an
"I speak on behalf of the children of
the world who don't even have a piece
of bread!" the Cuban president thun-
dered. A wave of applause from the
U.N. General Assembly hall answered
highlight of his first visit to American
soil in two-decades, ended with a one-
and-a-half- minute standing ovation
ifrom-most of the Assembly's 152 mem-
Shouts of "Fidel! Fidel!" rose in the
packed hall, where Third World
delegates sympathetic to the Cuban's
cause were predominant. The bearded
Castro, clad in his customary green
-fatigues, left through gauntlet of-well--
wishers in a nearby lounge and headed
for a U.N. luncheon with 90 dignitaries,
including American U.N. Ambassador
Donald McHenry.
Meanwhile, just across the street, an-
ti-Castro chants filled the air as about
5,000 Cuban exiles burned bearded,
cigar-smoking effigies.
cluded Castro's sister, Juanita, were
kept cordoned off at Dag Hammarsk-
jold Plaza by police and security agents
fearful of possible assassination at-
While Castro was at the United
Nations, a demonstrator hurled a
Happy smiles, high expectations, and
great relief marked yesterday's
celebration of the 15th anniversary and
rededication ceremony of the Michigan
The festivities, which took place in
*e lobby of the Michigan Union before
a crowd of more than 100 people, began.
with a statement from Suzanne Young,
interim Union director.
"THE UNION has a special
mission," Young said. "The Union
should be a facilitator for experimen-
tation. Furthermore, its displays, ac-
tivities, and speakers should com-
plement the classroom learning en-
vironment. Finally, the third oldest
student union in the country should be a
place where students, faculty, ad-
ministrators, alumni, and others can
relax and enjoy themselves."
Young also stressed the Union should
be a place where people can form
University ties and create a link to their
alma mater.
Assistant Vice-President of Student
Services Tom Easthope pointed towar-
ds the hobby shop and the theater arts.
complex as positive achievements of
the Union over the past year.
"THE STUDENT union has made,
some great strides and will continue to
make more," said Easthope. "We owe
special thanks to the students who ef-
fected the change; Jeff Lebow, Larry
Pulkownik, Dave Laverty, and Eric
The third speaker, Henry Johnson,
Vice President of Student Services, said
the University has an' obligation to
provide for the Union.
"Our Union has enormous potential,
and can be as good as any union in the
country," exclaimed Johnson.
who attended the ceremony, reaffirmed
Johnson's statement, saying he has
great hopes and expectations for the
Union and that Johnson's leadership
facilitates this feeling. He also said he
expected this attitude to carry over to
the incoming president Harold
Shapiro administration.
Jeff Lebow, assistant director of the
See MICHIGAN, Page 2
small, homemade bomb wrapped in a
Cuban flag at his temporary residence,
tpe Cuban Mission.
The weapon did no damage, but
police arrested William Bargana, 17, of
Long Island City, N.Y. Police said they
believe Bargana acted alone.
Some of the heaviest applause of
Castro's U.N. speech came when he
denounced the U.S. peace process in the
Mideast, declaring the non-aligned
nations movement's support for the
Palestinian "right to a homeland" and
calling the Palestinians "the living
symbols of the most terrible crime of
our era."
Eager to end the crippling U.S.
economic sanctions against his island
nation, Castro has been pushing for
normalization of relations with the
United States.
The Cuban, who arrived in New York
early Thursday, said his stay in the
United States will last five to 10 days,
but the rest of his schedule was not
publicly known.
Rep. Bullard
pushes fo
S. Afr ican
Despite the recent defeat of a state
bill re-instituting the draft, momentum
is mounting for a - professional army
which would lay the basis for future
U.S. military intervention in South
Africa, according to State Represen-
tative F~erry Bullard.
Bullard, who spoke to about a dozen
people yesterday in an informal talk at
Guild House, cited the momentum as
one of the many reasons to end U.S. in-
vestments in South Africa.
IT IS necessary to focus debate on
"the major role American capital plays
in South Africa and it is very important
that we reject that role," Bullard said.
Bullard is currently pushing
legislation in the state Legislature in-
tended to prevent investment of state'
pension funds and state educational in-
stitutions' trust funds (approximately
r$4.6 billion) in corporations doing
business in South Africa.
The 'current U.S. support of South
Africa is wrong from several perspec-
tives, according to Bullard. He said
there is "the moral reason" that "we
rshould not be supporting an oppressive
government based on four million
(whites) oppressing 20 million (non-
whites) ."
IN THE NEAR future, blacks in
South Africa will continue to organize
for the revolutionary change, 'the only
- See BULLARD, Page 2'
Nicaragua, Cuba threatened by
U.S., Mexican exile declares
Marroquin said he is on tour "to ex- plicate him in the murder of a librarian
yICKKASARLA$eheofth~e'nrter nd- He said be held several jobs in Texas
A Mexican exile who is seeking
political asylum in the United States
told more than 50 people at Trotter
House last night that the U.S. "is
willing to risk a new war against
Hector Marroquin, who fled Mexico
in 1974 because of what he said was a
"frame-up" by the government to
arrest him, said the U.S. is threatening
the governments of Nicaragua and
Cuba "because of their revolutionary
MARROQUIN is in Ann Arbor as part of
a continuing tour to speak on U.S. threats
to the people of Latin America, to seek
support for his defense campaign for
asylum, and to campaign for the
Socialist Workers Party's candidates
for president and vice-president.
ministration on the so-called Soviet
troops in Cuba."
"The United States has no proof or
evidence," Marroquin said, of the
presence of Russian soldiers in Cuba,
"and is trying to justify a possible in-
vasion of Cuba and Nicaragua and any
other countries in Latin America which
attempts to challenge the domination of
U.S. imperialism.,"
"IF THEY (the Cubans) 'have
military troops, it's because they have
to defend themselves," Marroquin said.
He added that the allegations of.Soviet
combat troops in Cuba were made "to
deepen. the war sentiment of the
American people."
According to Marroquin, he left
Mexico five years ago after the
Mexican government attempted to im-
and in September of 1977 was arrested
for carrying false identification papers.
He said he was kept in jail for six days
without being able to communicate
with anyone. He was then sentenced to
six months in prison, but actually ser-
ved three and a half months before his
DURING HIS tenure in jail,
Marroquin and his supporters started a
defense campaign to grant him political
asylum in the U.S. In an attempt to
clear his name, Marroquin returned to
Mexico and met with attorneys. After-
wards, he decided his life would be en-
dangered if he stayed.
He was again arrested when he at-
tempted to cross the border into the
U.S. last spring. In his six-day depor-
See U.S., Page '2
Daily Photo by LISA UDELSON,
HECTOR MARROQUIN, a Mexican exile seeking asylum in the United
States, spoke last night to a gathering at Trotter House. Marroquin said
that the United States "is willing to risk a new war against Cuba" and was
threatening the government of Nicaragua.
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and a touch of makeup-and went for a sorority Sunday
dinner recently. Accompanied by a female co-conspirator,
Jonathon-turned-Joan had no trouble getting past the door.
Once inside, however, Green decided to play it out as long
as he could. During his/her hour visit with the sisters,
Green said no one seemed overly suspicious of the rushee,
even though 'Joan' hadn't plucked her eyebrows or tried to
change her voice. "I was sitting at the dinner table, feeling
very comfortable until all of a sudden I realized ... I hear
people referring to me as 'she' ", said Green. The evening
ended wothout incident, but the sorority later discovered
Joan's true gender and invited him back to join the sorority
good college humor," said Long, an LSA sophomore. "Also
we have lady friends who are little sisters at frats so we
wanted them to feel comfortable here," he added. Besides
humor, the banner is intended to imply "subtle innuendoes
that might make frats think about the game of it all, and
how intensely they should think about their organization,"
said Long.
Locked-up freshness E
Sexy Rexy, the beleaguered
Bay City go-go boy, was
a rrPCtpd fnr indpet-~n t Px w-.-- ,.k
ties. 'The audience included a mother-grandmother-
granddaughter team and one woman who exclaimed, "My
husband thinks I'm at a Tupperware party." Sexy Rexy
and company hope to make the centerfold of Playgirl and
retire early, they said. C J
On the inside
Palestinian militancy in this country is analyzed on the
editorial page ... The arts page features a review of Ram-
blin' Jack Elliot's low-key performance at the Ark. . . and
sports covers the World Series from Three River Stadium
in PittsburgTh.
I d4-? _h To