Page 4-Friday, October 12, 1979-The Michigan Daily Kennedy antagonists and protagonists: r Ebe Sidigan BaiIy Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Youngest Kennedy offers leadership . . . Vol. LXXXX, No. 32 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Remembering Dr. King eleven years later T HOSE WHO bemoan the slow pace of government might find fuel for their cause in the case of one bill in- troduced in Congress by Rep. John Conyers (D-Detroit) eleven years ago. That bill, which Conyers introduced four days after the 1968 assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., would make Dr. King's birthday the nation's'10th federal holiday. That the civil rights leader's accom- plishments to world peace are finally being recognized after a decade is enough cause for some solace. And that those accomplishments are finally being acknowledged in Dr. King's own countFy, more than a decade after his commitment and dedication to peace were rewarded by the Nobel Prize Foundation is also in itself good news for those whose lives were made better by King's relentless fight for equality for all. But by that same token, that such an obvious tribute to such a great and deserving American should come only after 11 years should cause each one whose life was touched by Dr. King-and that includes most Americans-to shed a tear for the American system of government by procrastination. It is also ironic that Dr. King him-, self, in his own plight to raise the nation's consciousness and force us to live up to our ideals, was confronted with the same inefficiency and gover- nment malaise that has held up the requisite tribute for the man 11 years after his death. If Dr. King had one fault, it was that he refused to acknowledge that change could-not come immediately and that even those on his side, the side of equality and peace, were too often confronted by a stubborn and intransigent system em- bodied in our national way of doing things. King had no tolerance for procrastination in the pursuit of simple social justice. So just as much of the long-overdue legislation for which King fought was bottled up in that slow-moving system until after his death, so did the one bill to acknowledge his accomplishments meet a similar fate until only this week. So has been the fate of other pr9gressive legislation in a system buit on the premise of gradual, in- cramental change. So is currently the f-ate of other attempts to institute sweeping social change, at the moment, in a system rooted in tradition and slow to move except when shoved by the most extreme of catalysts. It took the great depression to create a climate receptive to social security, it took mass demonstrations in the south to create a voting rights bill in the 1960s, and it took a major efiergy crisis and a summer of long gasoline lines to create at least the consensus that a national energy policy is the next major item on the national agenda. It- took 11 years for the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee to bring the Conyers bill out to the floor. Now, with just a little hope that the system can overcome its own lack of inertia, maybe, just maybe, the banks, schools, and post offices will be closed next January 15 in honor of the late Dr. King. President Carter and his ad- visors have misread two political phenomena, one which is par- ticular to our time, and another which is enduring. They are two reasons why Edward Kennedy likely will be elected president next year. First, people in America are not suffering from a malaise of spirit, as Carter recently claimed. What we are suffering from is repressed goodwill. Second, we do not need "a government as good as its people," because Americans are both "bad" and "good", that is, we are as apt to define our in- terests narrowly as we are to define them broadly. IN THE upcoming presidential campaign, these may be the deciding factors. People may hot choose only on the "issues," which in a campaign are often slogans and distorted ones at that, or even on "personalities" which can be the media's creations. Americans will elect their next president because of something we feel inside. If the 1960's were a decade of the romantic which in the end was disappointed and betrayed, the. 1970's were a decade where generosity was out of style. In three months this decade will be over. Good riddance. Narrow - self-interest will not disappear on January 1, but the question is, what is coming for the 1980's? If it is goodwill, it will be Edward Kennedy. No one doubts that President Carter is a good man; he just has not been able to bring it out in the rest of us. That is what Roosevelt and Churchill were able to do,. and it is the essential task of the political leader. By John Ellis worked under Jimmy Carter because the participan- ts-organized lobbies, the Congress, geographical regions, each of us-have been talking "take." Why will Edward Kennedy bring out the "givhe," which remains one-half of the American "No one doubts that President Carter is a good man; he just has not been able to bring it out in the rest of Roosevelt a us. That is what nd Churchill were Hunter Thompson in The Rolling Stone once spoke of the duality which is the peculiar character of the Americgn nation, both the souless giant and the wellspring of hope. If that latent desire to reach beyond our narrow interests is tapped, w~ will elect Edward Kennedy. ALMOST EVERYONE in this fragmented country will find at least one issue where we will disagree with what his campaign will say. Some of his positionssreb only beginrging to emerge, but in civil rights, the economy, foreign policy, Kennedy's stands will likely reflect the practical and creative abilities he has shownin 17 years in the Senate. A Much of what we hear now abouthSenator Kennedy's'views are the distortions and second guesses of his critics. Soon we will hear him and he will likely speak to our heart and our will ,as well as to our mind. Senator Howard Baker was only half-right when he said that Edward Kennedy's charm will not resolve our differences or solve our problems. Not his charm, but what he can get us-to do. John Ellis, a frequent con- tributor to the Daily's editorial page, was a campaign worker for Senator Kennedy's broth er Robert in his presidential campaign. able to do, and it is the essential task of the political leader. " In private industry, the motivation is clear: money - which becomes comfort, power,. mobility, acquisition. In gover- nment, the motivation is ser- vice-redressing grievances, making available. subsistence, guaranteeing freedoms, perhaips in the end, only minimizing the damage. In one, it is take, in the other, give. character? No one fully knows why Kennedy can inspire so many people; we just know that he does. When he asks, people seem ,to want to give, not only give to him, but give to each other. John and Robert Kennedy had that ability but it does not come from a bloodline. Each of these men individually, with the lights available to them at time, has asked us not only what we need, but what we can do to help. GOVERNMENT HAS NOT t %6.+ b ribf9 I IE '.1II.Vt KEMJOUlRNALI 0,wio :.' Sen,. Edward M. Kennet is 4 man of many roles. as leader of the disunited left, as a legacy of the legend of his brothers, and as, many people say, the only man who can move the country from its current state of malaise. .0 .But is charisma alone enough? Sometime next month, the media will have a field day on Capitol Hill. For it will be Teddy Kennedy Day, and the whole world will know ; it. Surrounded by loyal congressional leaders, his 95-member staff, and scores of media representatives, the Massachusetts senator will deliver the speech he's spent months put- ting together. As the enthusiasm, tension, and excitement builds to a peak, Kennedy will an- nounce his candidacy for the White House. HE'LL TELL US he's running because the country desperately needs a leader to cope with the economic crises of our time. He'll tell us Jimmy Carter is a good; honest man but is incapable of leading the country into the decade of restraint. He'll tell us that he is that leader. On that dark day for Jimmy Carter, Ted Kennedy will be on the top of the world. The momentum will be overwhelming; he'll be in the headlines in every newspaper across the country. With such a powerful mandate, the youngest Kennedy may seem impossible to stop. Well, not exactly. In fact, from then on it will be a horserace to the finish. FOR TED KENNEDY will have to start talking, and nearly everyone will be listening. As a powerful senator and non-candidate, he was a free man, immune from the media's prosecutors, he could ramble on about how Jimmy Carter has messed up the nation, and nobody would disagree with him. In May, he criticized Carter's plan to decon- trol oil prices and call for a windfall profits tax. He insisted the consumers would be the losers under Carter's proposal. Maybe, but did anyone ask Ted Kennedy what was his alternative? Did anyone ask the youngest son whether the status quo would present the nation with a solution to the escalating oil prices, the longer gas lines and an ever-increasingly disconcerted public? Of course not. He was only one of 100 senators responding to a president's proposal. AND WHEN HE put down Carter's health insurance plan as nothing more than a By Michael Arkush. there are some people who will not like his an- swers. IN ALL THE political polls conducted in the last few months, the senator has whipped the president among voters of all political philosophies. Even staunch conservatives prefer. the heavy-spending liberal over the frugal chief executive. But that surprising statistic has more to do with the public's unawareness of Kennedy's stances than a willingness to ignore them. People simply don't know how liberal Kennedy really is. Sensing this public mood, the 47-year-old senator has already begun shifting to the right - ever so slightly. Speaking before business leaders in Boston last month - a constituency that has been Kennedy's fiercest enemy - the senator said he supports gover- nment intervention in the economy only as a. last resort.°That news was just what the business leaders wanted to hear, a liberal Democrat opposing government interference in the private sector. In addition, Kennedy has become in- creasingly vocal in his strong support for revisions in the criminal judicial system. As chairman of the influential Senate Judiciary Committee, Kennedy has reported out a bill that would impose stricter penalties, give the FBI brogder wiretapping powers; and establish the death penalty. AND TO APPEAL to hard-liners in the military establishment, Kennedy has come out in support of registration for all 18-to-20- year-olds. Thus, there's no question that he's been moving away from his liberal image. For while it's true the Kennedy mystique is so overwhelming, many voters will begin to ignore his name if they disagree with his policies. His spell-bounding charisma will. mean little if the public perceives him as a wild-spending liberal who could put inflation into even higher orbit. In the last decade, the Democrats have stituency. They won't desert him; after all, there is nobody else. If Kennedy does win the nomination, and the election, it will be because he was able to capture a coalition of liberal and middle-of- the-road Democrats plus a bunch of moderate Republicans. Such an alliance would give Kennedy the mandate he needs to prove his ability as a leader. But it won't be the utopian liberal leader- ship desired by some of his supporters. Those liberals who supported McGovern and Udall are not as enthusiastic about Ted Kennedy. Though he espouses many of their same views, his leanings to the right are real apd likely to remain stable if he is elected. Sup- ported by this coalition, Kennedy will not be able to risk losing it. DURING THE DEMOCRATIC mid-term convention in Memphis last year, Senator Kennedy pleaded to the party organization that it must "sail against the wind" of the current, movement toward fiscal conser- vatism. While Carter supporters lauded the chief executive's "lean and austere" budget for the 1980 fiscal year, Kennedy backlers slammed it, arguing there weren't enough allocations for social service program.s Kennedy has picked up on that thence throughout the past few months, preachir that it is possible to balance the budget and still provide sufficient funds for social service purposes. He recognizes the current inflatidn crisis, but also reminds everyone of tole unemployed and underprivileged in society. By proposing an expensive national health insurance program and calling for-cuts in toe defense budget, the Massachusetts lawmaker has incurred the wrath of many fiscal consor- vatives, both in Congress and across toe nation. Especially when one considers that the majority of Americans favor limitatiobs of the government budget, it becomes df- ficult to see how Kennedy could accomplilh .his aims. And with a moderate coalition behind hiiM, Kennedy will be hard-pressed to push far social expenses while also controlling i- flation. His supporters say he has the leadcersl4p auii 1tie'. to niersua 1d na onse~rvativiu~.nded St I liked that part where he talked about sharing the wealth!' 01 be Micbzgan 19 at-IV EDITORIAL STAFF Sue Warner................................. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Richard Berke, Julie Rovner...........MANAGING EDITORS Michael Arkush, Keith Richburg ..... EDITORIAL DIRECTORS Brian Blanchard........................ UNIVERSITY EDITOR Judy Rakowsky .................................. CITY EDITOR Shelley Wolson ...................... PERSONNEL DIRECTOR Amy Saltzman ............................ FEATURES EDITOR Leonard Bernstein........................ SPECIAL PROJECTS R.J. Smith. Eric Zorn ........................ ARTS EDITORS SPORTS STAFF GEOFF LARCOM ............................... Sports Editor BILLY SAHN............. ........ Executive Sports Editor BILLY NEFF ......................... Managing Sports Editor DAN PERRIN........................ Managing Sports Editor PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF MAUREEN O'MALLEY ................... Chief Photographer JIM KRUZ................................. Staff Photographer LISA KLAUSNER .......................... Staff Photographer