It . Page 2-Friday, October 12, 1979-The Michigan Daily USE OF BARBITURATES FADING Come Celebrate The Union's 75th Birthday AND The World Series In the University Club of the Michigan Union- October 10, 11, 12, 13 and then next week too;l! "See the Pirates and the Orioles battle to the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat." Newi -,S 6 NEW FOOT T.V. at the Laug (Continued from Page 1) federal restrictions on the needed to manufacture the LSD production might also because the procedure for m much more complex than tha other drugs, such, as phe (PCP). This decrease in a has been accompanied by a d the number of people afraid o LSD users say the drug their perception and makes1 aware of brain activity. "WHEN I'M TRIPPING, thoughts going on at so m, I'm carrying five or ten whereas normally one or trickling through my brain," Most acid uses say the atti person using LSD is impor success of the trip. "Ninety per cent of the ti don't have unpleasant expe LSD)," said Rick Fox, direc Help, an Ann Arbor organi assists people with drug prob mostly your frame of mind. reason it's not the kind of d are likely toget into using-in .excessive way. You're not g it as a method of escape froi but boredom." "YOU HAVE TO be in th mind that you are controllin it controlling you," Carol sai University Club!! CELEBRATION GOODIES INCLUDE 50C BEER and FREE SNACKS hing gas pc While LSD usage has increased in the chemicals last few years, many are still afraid of drug. But the drug and refrain from using it. be down "If you go into it (tripping) with an raking it is insecurity (it could be frightening). It's it for many such-an alteration. If you're not expec- ncycliding ting it, it will just jar you," said Anne. ccessibility ANOTHER PROBLEM with acid, its decrease in critics say, is that tripping takes too f LSD. long. An average trip lasts about 12 to enhances 14 hours. In addition, users often them more require a day of "recuperation," since tripping can be very exhausting there are physically and mentally. any levels, Because so many people fear long thoughts, and "bad" LSD trips, many instead r two are choose "mushrooms." The small, Anne said. dried-up vegetables, which contain the itude of the active hallucinogenic alkaloid tant to the psilocybin, cause effects similar to LSD, though the psilocybin is much less ime people potent. riences (on While .trips on mushrooms usually tor of Drug last only five to six hours, average zation that doses usually cost between $6 and lems. "It's $8-two to three times more than LSD. That's one Sources say that mushrooms were, Irug people more available last year than this year. a chronic, HASHISH, WHICH is similar to oing to use marijuana, but about eight times as m anything potent, is also popular around campus. According to dealers, however, hashish ie frame of is difficult to find in Ann Arbor. Selling g it and not for about $5-7 per gram, the hash that is d available is quickly sold, primarily to marijuana smokers. One drug whose popularity is difficult to gauge is nitrous oxide, or laughing gas. "You'll find it in any college town," said John, adding that the drug can be obtained in large tanks or small canisters called "Whippets." Nitrous oxide is legally used as an anesthetic by dentists and as an ad- ditive for racing cars. Although prescriptions or licenses are usually Daily Official Bulletin required to obtain the drug, people around Ann Arbor say nitrous oxide is easy to get. ACCORDING TO Carol, nitrous oxide "is very popular at parties." The drug is usually inhaled through a balloon filled with nitrogen. Price of the drug vary, but a six-foot tank of nitrous oxide costs about $100. "The advantage of getting a tank (over the smaller cylinders), is that you can fill a beach ball and'get as high as you want until you can't breathe anymore, till you forget what you're doing. Your whole body numbs out; your face runs out, you can't see anything, and you just feel like you're drooling and laughing uncontrollably," John said. . Amphetamines are apparently widely used and easy to get. The pills, which speed up the system, are used more functionally than recreationally, however. "SPEED IS very popular. In a college town, it's very easy to find, because a lot of people need it for exams," according to John. The former drug dealer added that pills are usually about a dollar apiece. Valium, a tranquilizer and muscle relaxant, and quaaludes, which are sedatives, are also popular on campus. Quaaludes, however, are hard to find and very expensive, at about $4 per pill. Quaaludes slow down bodily fun- ctions and make the user feel "very, very drunk," according to some users. BARBITURATES, which also slow down the system, are not very popular in the city, sources say. "People kind of stay away from them in general," John said. Lack of availability and the dubious quality of bootleg barbiturates are factors causing the decline of the drug. Phencyclidine, or PCP, also seems to be shunned by the University com- opularon campus munity. The pre-anesthetic sedative. has gained a reputation as a very,.. dangerous drug. Among the alleged' side-effects are vomiting, agitations, .. and catatonic rigidity. "The older you get, the less you see of.. it just because you generally know to: stay away from it," John said. DR. BRUCE GRAYSON, a. , psychiatrist in the University Hospital Emergency Room, said that next to, alcohol, PCP is the drug that results in,- the most emergencies. "They usually come in grossly out of. contact with reality. Often they're. brought in by the police, who find them acting bizarrely out on the highways.' They're often very frightened,", Grayson said. The doctor added that 'PCP users of- ten behave violently when using the drug. Grayson said the violent activity includes "jumping off the tops of buildings, jumping through windows,, and running in front of cars. "Another thing, when you take acid,, when you come down, you're down," he continued. "With PCP, you can come down, and a day later be high again. And this can go on for a week or two." . WHILE IT IS generally agreed that' there is some heroin use on campus, it is said to be far below the levels of 1970. and very hard to find. "Heroin is extremely hard to get a, hold of now. The purity is about 20 per cent of what it was even two years ago . . . now it's less than one per cent, and there's very litt* available," Fox said. Several sources attribute the dwin-' dling heroin supply to cooperation bet-' ween the U.S. and Mexico (a chief- heroin supplier) in reducing heroini smuggling into the U.S. TOMORROW: Drug merchants on campus. i The University of Toledo STUDENT UNION BORD Presents YTH.E DIRT BOND KARLA BONOFF. Thurs., Oct. 18-x'8:00 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 25-8:00 p.m. $5.00 at Schoolkid's Records $5.00 at Schoolkid's Records These Shows Will Be Meld In The Univ. of Toledo Student Union Auditoricum .. .. . ..:... : . . . I*. . .., - . . . . i. . 1 : * *. ..-1 --- - L A . "'- '- . .. . . . . . . ..*- ~~~~~~~~~~~~. *. . . . . . . . ... . -. . . . .*.... ....-- .,....." . . . . . . . . . . .. ..". ... . ..** '..' ,''-, ".,..... ............ h e a d.-. .::::::............. 1:', fn.n . ..... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ." . . . .,,-. . . .. . . . . ..I. . . . .....:. ~ :::7:::.2. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ..W. R~cO D ...... ........ ...3 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12.1979 Daily Calendar: Guild House: Noon luncheon, "Mirage" A teaching and Performing Creative Dance Collective, 802 Monroe, noon. Center for South & South East Asian Studies: James D. Clarkston, "Guest Workers in Singapore," Commons. Lane Hall, noon. Physics/Astronomy: R. Kirshner, "The Luminosity of Galaxies and Large-Scale Inhomogeneities in the Universe," 807 Dennison, 4 p.m. Astronomy: Dr. Hugh D. Aller, "Quasara-Are They Self Destructing?", Aud. B., Angell Hall, 8:30 p.m. Pot bill goes to Milliken LANSING (UPI)-A bill legalizing apparent success to disassociate the' the therapeutic use of marijuana to measure from the highly emotional treat glaucoma and cancer patients issue of marijuana decriminalization clea red its last legislative hurdle for the general public. yesterday and was sent to Gov. William Under it, participation in the Milliken's desk. marijuana program is limited to cancer- The action came on a 33-1 Senate vote chemotherapy patients and persons approving minor House amendments to suffering from glaucoma. the bill which has proved surprisingly To qualify, the patients' physicians noncontroversial. The bill passed the must certify they likely are dying and House unanm meuss'y. ,' are not "esponding to copvntiona . BACKERS OF the pot bill sought-with treatmet. THE MICHIGAN DAILY (USPS 344-900) Volume LXXXX, No. 32 Friday, October 12, 1979 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the University year at 410 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem- ber through April (2 semesters); 13 by Simply the lightest, mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer fis session published Tuesday through purest, fnest Saturday mornings. Subscription rates: ;"% cigarette papers $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out- side Ann Arbor. Second class postage money can buy. paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POS - MASTER: Send address changes to Ave of The Americas,New Yor .Y.10013 THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. . \sb BE A LEADER. At G.H. Bass, we've been leaders in the handcrafting of casual shoes for over 100 years. If you wear our Bass Tack- shown below, you don't settle for imitations. Com- fort, style and durability are what make the Bass Tack original. Others might try to look like us, but look closer: The name on the outside will assure you of the genuine Bass quality on the inside. Available for men and women. 3 (9! ) tom 6 ,2 IW- -, i v , j -0 -W 1- -W 6-6 i i - 1 ii i i Aliksblb&"Pllwp ADS-l&"% t! i v