Page 8--Thursday, October 11, 1979-The Michigan Daily SPURS, ROCKETS CLOSE BEHIND Hawks to soar in NBA Central BY DAVE P014ERANTZ Daily Sports Analysis When the pressure's on, the Atlanta *Hawks have proven time and again that they are the class of the NBA's Central Division. Despite last year's third place finish behind San Antonio and Houston, they quickly disposed of the Rockets in the first round of the play-offs and went on to give Washington all they could handle in the Eastern Conference semi- finals before falling in seven games." The Hawks took every inter- divisional series except that with In- diana, who join the Central this year. Atlanta should win the division with a balanced attack that includes a strong bench. COACH HUBIE BROWN will once again depend upon his front-line to lead the Hawks both offensively and defen- sively. Forwards John Drew (22.7 p.p.g.) and top rebounder (865) Dan Roundfield are the men to watch as the Hawks soar this season. SAN ANTONIO - Judging the Spurs' fortunes this year sounds distinctly like an NBA soap opera. How much will the' Spurs miss forward Toby Dietrik? Will Larry Kenon play with less intensity and leave at the end of the season? And what about George Gervin's try for his third consecutive NBA scoring title? Alas, the bad news is that Coach Doug Moe's run-and-gun attack will miss Dietrik, but the good news is that the Iceman and clutch James Silas will be an awesome backcourt duo once again. Nevertheless, watch for the Spurs to slip to second in the Central. HOUSTON- As the new season opens, Rocket fans mustnbe asking themselves: What has center Moses 1 STAR BAR 109 N. Main St.-769-0109 APPEARING TONIGHT: Blue Front Persuaders "Ann Arbor's Original Honky Tonk Dance Bar" I I I With Purchase of Any 1 Item or More Pizzaj * (WITH THIS AD) OPEN SUN-THURS 11am-1am; FRI & SAT 11am-lam Now Delivering to the N. Campus Area I BELL'S GREEK PIZZAI 995-0232 1 1 700 Packard at State Street' I raI,. . a _rr" _ _ rmrmr_ aA Pomz' Picks 1. Atlanta 2. San Antonio 3. Hous toi 4. Indiana 5. Detroit 6. Cleveland MICHIGAN UNION =p' SE-VENTY "FIFTH' ANNIVERSARY The Michigan Union Swimming Pool was built in 1924 after six years of appeals for funds. Until it was built, the Michigan Swim team had to practice in the YMCA, sharing it with grammar school kids. The pool was remodeled for the Assembly Hall and the Alumni Assoc. in 1967. i 'i Malone left himself to accomplish this season? His MVP campaign a year ago ircluded a record-shattering 587 offen- sive rebounds, and a team-leading 24.8 p.p.g. average. LED BY Malone, Houston is nearly everyone's pick for a Central Division championship. Undoubtedly they will score lots and lots of points, with Rick Barry, former U. of M. star Rudy Tom- janovich and Calvin Murphy leading the offensive surge. Furthermore, they acquired playmaker Tom Henderson from the Washington Bullets to stabilize the backcourt. Nevertheless, the Rocket defense may be suspect, and the older players such as Barry and Murphy will need to be spelled often by a questionable ben- ch. INDIANA - Indiana's 79-80 cam- paign may best be remembered for the brief NBA career of Ann Meyers, the first woman signed to a pro basketball career. On the other hand, Pacers' Coach Bobby Leonard expects big things out of his teamafter their recent shift from the Midwest to the weaker Central Division. YOUNG 7'1" center James Edwards is the catalyst of the Pacer attack. He is surprisingly quick and agile, as are double figure scorers Johnny Davis and Alex English. Since they've moved out of the ABA four years ago, the Pacers have yet to reach the play-offs.,If one of the top three in the Central fold, this could be the Pacers' year. DETROIT - Yes, Dick, there is a Santa Claus, and your belated Christ- mas present is strong forward Bob McAdoo. But Piston Coach Dick itale has lost more than he's received this year. McAdoo came as compensation for M.L. Carr, who defected as a free agent, as did Kevin Porter and Ben Poquette. BECAUSE OF his great loss of talent, Vitale has secured the services of freshmen Greg Kelser, Roy Hamilton and ex-Wolverine Phil Hubbard. Also part of Detroit's youth movement is 1978-79 All-Rookie first teamer Terry Tyler., Finally, Bob Lanier, the ageless one, must come off his injury riddled '78 season for the Pistons to outlast the Cavaliers for fifth place. But Detroit has enough youth and raw talent to make the season interesting no matter what the outcome. CLEVELAND - Bill Fitch, the only coach the Cav's have ever had, is gone, and Stan Albeck faces a tough rejuvenation job. Add to his burden the absence of Notre Dame draft picks Bruce Flowers and Bill Laimbeer, who plan on playing in Italy. Former Wolverine Campy Russell is the team's high scorer (21.9 p.p.g.) and top assist man (348). Strongman Jim. Chones is also tough up-front, but Al- beck has little else in the forecourt. Austin Carr leads a deep corps of guar- ds that include playmaker Foots Walker, recent acquisition Randy Smith and promising ButchLee. Albeck may be contemplating a patented Cleveland trade in the near future involving a guard for a big man. Even with an astute trade, the Cavs will have a tough time improving upon their uninspired 30-52 record of a year ago. (Tomorrow: the Pacific Division preview) BILLBOARD Students interested in purchasing Michigan season basketball tickets should do so at the Track and Tennis Building on Friday and Saturday, Oc- tober 19th and 20th, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students will receive a stub, redeemable for tickets at Crisler Arena from November 5-7. Cost will be $28 and priority will be determined on the basis of credit hours earned. Each student must apply in person. The Department of Recreation needs touch football officials. No experience is necessary, and anyone interested should contact Moby Benedict at the In- tramural Building on Hoover Street or call 763-1313. ENOUGH. By Billy Neff Media perspective.. ... clouded controversy HAD VISIONS of being a journalist! After the press' handling of the recent shoving incident involving fellow senior sports editor Dan Perrin and Bo Schembechler, these visions became very clouded. The situation was handled both in an inaccurate and biased fashion by many newspapers in this. area. The word 'fact' became archaic, as writers rushed to grab the story. My name and a story I had investigated were tossed around-inaccurately. The label 'responsible journalist' became taboo. Let me explain. It had come to my attention prior to the season's opening of a kicker who had attempted, and failed, to secure a tryout with the Michigan football team. As a responsbile journalist, I questioned both sides. I asked the recruiting coach, Fritz Seyfreth, about this particular kicker. Seyferth was the coach who this kid claimed had spun a great deal of red tape in the way of him securing a tryout. He claimed this kid was a "hook" and that it took a long time for any kicker to have a tryout. An hour later, I went to see kicking coach Jerry Hanlon, who had a run- in with this kicker. Hanlon said this kid "had taken things into his own han ds." In a desperate attempt at a tryout, this kicker had taken a ball from the equipment manager and was booting field goals while the football team was taking the field for practice. He hoped to catch Bo's eye. Instead, he caught Hanlon's ire and was chased from the playing field. As I expected, Hanlon already knew of my conversation with Seyfreth and he proceededito scream at me. An audience developed around Hanlon's office. Despite his attempts at bullying me, I had received the answers I wanted-the tryout to became a kicker does take a long time and this par- ticular kid was probably an isolated case since other kids were given tryouts. Sufficiently satisfied that no wrongdoing had been committed, I never wrote a story and dropped the issue. In my mind, there was no issue, or maybe at the most, one unintentional mistake. After reading the papers last week, you would have thought I had writ- ten the story. Tuesday, October 2nd's Detroit Free Press said, "Apparently a different Michigan Daily sports writer has been writing about students wishing to kick for the Wolverines. The paper has been trying to get a tryout for one particular student." This is a paper that a college newspaper tries to model itself after. All it would have taken to ,insure accuracy was one phone call to the Daily and this writer could have verified his story. Some model! Fasten your seat belts The Free Press received this inaccurate piece of information from Mich- igan Sports Information Director Will Perry. Always the company man, Perry alleged that the Daily has been "campaigning" to get this kicker a tryout. Perry knew damn well that such a story was never written by the Daily and obviously, this was his way of attempting to clear Bo of wrongdoing. If you thought the Free Press handled the situation poorly, look at its competitor, the Detroit News, for equally weak coverage. The headline in Tuesday's News reads, "Reporter gets to Bo." I ask you this question: Who is at fault for the shoving incident, Perrin or Bo? Any responsible journalist knows that the issue was not whether a reporter got to Bo but instead that the reporter was shoved. Now, fasten your seat belts and prepare yourself for the worst case of irresponsible journalism yet--the Ann Arbor News. How about this headline in Oct. 2nd's A2 News, "Kicking queries get Bo's goat." If that is not enough, how about this piece of objective journalism in the story's lead, "Bo Schembechler apparently is getting tired of an- swering questions from Michigan Daily reporters about Michigan's struggling kicking game." This is not the issue at all. It doesn't matter how tired Bo is of answering these questions; he still shouldn't shove a reporter. But I guess all I can deduce from the Ann Arbor News' handling of the incident is that it condoned Bo's shoving. The Ann Arbor News was not done with its brand of yellow journalism. Later in the same story, when reporting on Bo's response to the incident, it said, "he (Bo) reportedly shrugged it off saying 'you know those damn Daily kids." The funny thing is that no other paper covering the story heard the word 'Daily' in Bo's words. But the Ann Arbor News did-do you detect a snipe at its main competition? It is ironic that the Ann Arbor News would take a snipe at the Daily. Earlier in the year, when it needed someone to cover high school football, signs were posted in the Daily Sports Department asking if anyone was in- terested. Or better yet, in the past, when Michigan seniors have graduated, the Ann Arbor News has welcomed them with open arms. Thus, former Daily writers have dotted their pages. What is that called-biting the hand that feeds you? The last mishandling of the situation was done by Perrin himself. In Oc- tober 3rd's Free Press, Perrin denied reports that the Daily had started a campaign to give a kicker a tryout. "We have another writer on the beat, Billy Neff. Billy knew a guy who attempted to get a tryout. Billy claims the guy can kick 60 yards." Then he continued, "But Neff is the only one who ever touted this guy. The paper never started a campaign and whoever said that is way off the wall. That makes us (the Daily) look bad and I don't like it. We never canm- paigned as a paper," he concluded. That kind of points the finger at you know who. But Dan knew very well that I didn't write a story, nor start a campaign for this kicker. Everyone knows this, but we also know that it is much easier to point the finger at someone else. As one can plainly see, there are definitely competing interests here-all competing for the words emanating from Bo's lips. Maybe another Free Press story said it best, "in fact, Schembechler gets treated mildly by a fawning press corps he sometimes bans from his dressing room whether his team wins or loses. If my colleagues along press row would catch on, they'd realize that fawning does not help. No earth-shatteirng news will be wrought, since Bo's vision is clouded too, when it comes to dealing with the press. For once, maybe Iknow why. The FirsMove' to an NSA reer Is Yours. The National Security Agency is seeking top graduating students in Liberal Arts, Business and Mathematics to meet the challenges of exciting, demanding careers. The first move is yours! To qualify for consideration, you must compete successfully on the. Professional Qualification Test (PQT). The PQT will be given on campuses throughout the nation . on November 17, 1979. You must, however, register for the test by November 3, 1979. By scoring well on the PQT, you will be contacted regarding an interview with an NSA representative. We will discuss the specific role you will play in furthering this country's communications security or producing vital foreign intelligence information. The PQT helps to measure your potential forcareer opportunities in such diverse fields as: computer hardware/software. Languages - Foreign languages are valuable, vital tools used at NSA for research and analysis. Advanced training can be anticipated as well as the possibility of learning another language. Information Science - A field, drawing upon a multiplicity of disciplines, involving the collection, storage, retrieval, interpretation and dissemination of information. Communications - Scientifically devised, tested and managed cryptographic systems ensure the maximum degree of security in transmitting sensitive information around the globe. Since cryptography is a rather unique pursuit, the training of new employees is extensive and esoteric. Other Opportunities - A limited Register Now For The PQT Pick up a PQT bulletin at your college placement office. Fill out the registration forn and mail it before November 3 in order to take the test on November 17. There is no registration fee. Those individuals graduating with a Bachelors or Masters degree in Electronic Engineering, Computer Science or Slavic, Near Eastern or Far Eastern languages may interview without taking the PQT. Mathematicians, at the Masters degree level, are also exempt from having to qualify on the PQT and may sign up for an interview. For NSA career positions, U.S. citizenship, a thorough background investigation, and a medical examination are required. " NEW YORK CHICAGO DETROIT * The SUMMER BUSINESS INTERN PROGRAM OFFERS LSA SOPHS, JUNIORS AND SENIORS THE OPPORTUNITY TO GAIN PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE IN PAID INTERNSHIPS: MARKETING, FINANCE, ADVERTISING, BANKING, PUBLIC RELATIONS, ACCOUNTING, TV/RADIO, COMPUTER SCIENCE, RETAILING, AND MOREl