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October 11, 1979 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-11

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Page 2-Thursday, October 11, 1979-The Michigan Daily

Castro to
From AP and Reuter
NEW YORK - Fidel Castro is expec-
ted to arrive in New York today for a
visit that has spawned an extraor-
-dinary security operation to protect the
controversial Cuban president.
U.N. spokesman Rudolf Stajduhar
said Castro will address the U.N.
General Assembly at noon tomorrow.
Other details of the visit - including
Castro's arrival time and the length of
his stay - were being discussed, and
would be made public as they are
decided, he said.
Plans for the visit have been
shrouded in secrecy, partly due to the
security problems associated with the
Cuban leader. U.N. Secretary-General
Kurt Waldheim was not informed of the

address U.]
visit, until last Friday, and Castro's
arrival date was not announced until
STRICT SECURITY measures were
to be put in effect, with city police,
Secret Service, Cuban and U.N.
security forces combining to protect the.
Cuban leader.
Castro will bring his personal army of
21 "aides" many of whom were expec-
ted to be armed. More than 1,000 police
were to be used in the security
operation, including police helicopters,
scuba teams and rooftop patrols.
Castro will be speaking to the 152-
nation assembly both as Cuba's head of
state and as chairman of the 90-
member non-aligned nations



Malmierca Peoli, currently heading the
Cuban delegation to the General
Assembly, disclosed Dr. Castro's plans
at a meeting yesterday morning with
Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim.
U.S.,sources said visas had been
issued for a Cuban party of more than
260 persons. Cuba already has one of
the largest delegations at the United
Nations, with 80 diplomats assigned to
the permanent mission.
Stajduhar said he assumed that
Castro would also address the non-
aligned group. The foreign ministers of
many of those nations are present at the
United Nations.
THE USUAL routine for a U.N. visit
by a head of state includes talks with
Waldheim and the president of the
assembly, Tanzanian Ambassador
Salim Ahmed Salim, and a series of
social affairs. Usually, at least one lun-
cheon and one reception are offered by
the secretary general.
Stajduhar said U.N. headquarters
would be closed to the public while
Castro was visiting.
The New York Police Department,
which mobilized 13,000 officers when
Pope John Paul II visited eight days

The Universi
College of Lit
Second Distin
Lecture Series

ty of Michigan
erature, Science, and the Arts
nguished Seniorfaculty

I 91

Professor Angus Campbell ago, and even more on his second day in
r in a threc-part series, will discuss the city, would use a much smaller for-
ce to protect Dr. Castro, officials said.
They said this was because he was ex-
v p Psy holoi'cal W ell-Being pected to have much less public ex-
y posure than the Pope received.
Unauthorized aircraft will not be
allowed within a six-mile radius of the
October 4,1979 Psychological Well-Being United Nations, and press helicopters
will not be allowed within a one-mile
October 11, 1979 Well-Being Through radius.
the Life Cycle TELEVISION CAMERAS were set.
October 18, 1979 Well-Being and Ill-Being up for surveillance outside the Cuban
mission to the United Nations at 38th
A Street and Lexington Avenue, where,
A reception in Rackham Assembly Hall will follow the final lecture Castro was to stay.
_ The security provisions' were in
T evidence on Tuesday when the Cuban
Rackham Amphitheatre - 8:00 p.m. foreign minister arrived at the United
All lectures are open to the public Nations. As he stepped out of his car, he
A t s r p t pbwas surrounded by guards with rifles
r81z and shotguns at the ready.
* *
75th Anniversary of the Michigan Union *
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Doily Photo by LISA KLAUSNER
BARBITURATES, LSD, marijuana, cocaine, and mushrooms are just some of the drugs used by University students.
Ca-mp_ us pot, acoolus
s prevalent as ever.

(Continued from Page 1


"Despite the illegality of pot, I think
tie general population can easily see
that alcohol is worse (than pot) 'cause
it's so much worse for you physically. A
lot more people, get messed up on
alcohol," said Jill, a pot smoker and
University studert.
Those familiar with the drug scene
also disagree over which substance is
easier to obtain. Many on campus feel
the new 21-year-old drinking law has
made alcohol slightly more difficult for
students to purchase, but law enfor-
Daily Official Bulletin
Daily Calendar:
Center for Western European Studies: Thomas An-
ton, "Elections in Sweden," Michigan League, noon.
Communications: Michael Schudson, U-Chicago,
"Why News in the Way it is," 102 Arch., 1:10 p.m.
Physics/Astronomy: R. Fuduka, Fermilab, "Color
Singlet Condensation in QCD and Flux Squeezing."
2038 Randall Lab., 4 p.m).
Guild House Poetry readings, Lou Brothers,
Carolyn Gregory, 802 Monroe, 7:30 p.m.
Chemistry: Stuart W. Staley, U-Nebr'aska, "Ion-
Impact and Electron Transmission Spectroscopy of
Organic Molecules," 1300 Chem., 8 p.m.
LSA: Distinguished Senior Faculty Lecture Series,
Angus} Campbell, Well Being Through the Life
Cycle," Amph., Rackham, 8p.m.
(USPS 344-900)
Volume LXXXX, No. 31
Thursday, October 11, 1979
is edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings
during the University year at 420
Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan
48109. Subscription rates : $12 Septem-
ber through April (2 semesters) ;$13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer
session published Tuesday through
Saturday mornings. Subscription rates :
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.

cement officials - including Ann Arbor
Police Chief Walter Krasny - think
beer-drinking tops marijuana smoking.
Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office
agrees with Krasny: "I think it's still
easier to get alcohol. I think it's back to
being a fad to have a few drinks."
Those interviewed agreed that no
other drug is used by more than half the
student population. But they said the
third most widely-used drug - cocaine
- is skyrocketing to new popularity.
"Cocaine is definitely o the up. I
think it's generally more accepted,"
John said.
"I THINK coke has gotten a lot more
popular in the last few years. It's a lot
more availablei" said Carol, a Univer-
sity student.
"Think of society in general, how
cocaine has been more in jokes, more in
the media about how people are getting
busted for it," she continued.
"It's the accepted thing. It's the three-
martini lunch of the younger
Dick Meloche, office commander for
the Washtenaw Area Narcotics Team,.
said that in the last year to year-and-a-
half, "Coke is probably the 'in' drug."
Krasny also noted the recent popularity
of cocaine.

associating the white, powdery cocaine
with hallucinogens, fears about its of
fects subsided and its popularity
soared. A derivative of the coca platit
native to South America, cocaine
provides short-term rushes of energy
and euphoria. Users claim no
noticeable after-effects except fatigue
experienced immediately after the
drug wears off.
"People aren't as afraid of cocaine as
they are of acid (LSD)," Carol ex-
plained. "Every once in a while there'll
be someone who comes to the dorms to
lay out lines (of cocaine to be sniffed),
and everybody will come in to try it.
Not that many people would eat part of
a hit of acid."
But while the drug is increasingly
sought in Ann Arbor, the student user is
often deterred by its high price..An
ounce of marijuana sells for about $35
in Ann Arbor, but a gram of cocaine
(about one-twenty-eighth of an ounce)
sells for approximately $100. That eX-
pense will provide about four six- to
eight-hour highs, or a larger number of
short-term highs.
"Cocaine is definitely my favorite
drug, but who can afford to spend $25 br
$50 more often than every few months
or so," said Bill, a University junior.
TOMORROW: LSD use on campus.

* -*
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Low MSA budget may
cut group allocations

We don't play
games here,.
We are serious!
U-M stylists
at the UNION
Dave, Chet, and Ted

Several student organizations are
likely to be disappointed Friday when
the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA)
announces its external allocations for
October. The assembly, which has
already received more than $22,000
worth of requests, has only $12,000 to
dole out for the entire semester.
Earlier this week, 19 student groups
submitted funding requests, totalling
$22,506.99. MSA's budget for the whole
year is only $24,000.
"I ANTICIPATE that some groups
will be upset," said Budget Priorities
Committee (BPC) Coordinator Alan
Abrahams, "but the money simply isn't
According to MSA Treasurer Brad
Cahale, the Assembly has had a history
of liberal funding policies in the past,
but that will not be.the case this year.
"On paper last year," Canale ex-
plained, "MSA-s budget looked right.
But BPC was not a stiff operation as far
as process or correctness went. Groups
could have come in asking for $1,000
and got it, when in fact they only needed
ABRAHAMS emphasized that not all
groups asking for funds will be affected
by MSA's more stringent allocation
procedures. "We may give some
groups absolute funding," he said.
"The committee will evaluate each
program on its own merits, look at how
it will benefit all students at the Univer-
sity, then come to a decision.
"But we want to destroy the fallacy
that any group asking for funding will
automatically be given something,"
Abrahams said.

'I anticipate that some.
will be upset, but the
simply isn't there.'


A letter stating that MSA was restric-
ting itself to $12,000 in external
allocations per semester was sent to all
student organizations recognized by
MSA. But Abrahams said he believes
the groups are not aware that MSA will
not fund a group's program alone.
"WE'VE RECEIVED a number of
requests from groups who've asked

-Alan Abrahams,
-MSA Budget Priorities


Earn the credentials that count as a

MSA to be the sole sources of their
program's revenue," he said. "It is the
position of MSA to help groups and sup-
port certain projects but not fund the
entire program."
Two weeks ago, MSA approved
provisions in its operating procedures
that allow groups to appeal what they
feel are unfair allocations. However,
according to BPC memberKathy
Kelly, groups affected by the funding
committee's tight budget will not have
access to the appeals process.


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