Page 12-Wednesday, October 10, 1979-The Michigan Daily GM"Chairm DETROIT (UPI)-General Motor Corp. not going to surviv chairman Thomas Murphy says Chrysler before the Econom Corp. will survive, and its return to viability accept the idea th Aoes not depend on financial help from the stay in business." federal government.s Chrysler, he sai RMurphy, at a news conference yesterday, makes good produ laid he doesn't go along with the theory that- tinue." there is no alternative to federal aid for struggling Chrysler. THE STATEME "I WOULD HOPE that it would not be fedMurphy'sC r Decessary for -the federal government to losses this year an become involved," Murphy said. "I would hope billion. that that could be done in the private sector."b "I am not accepting the idea ... that they are The news confer an Murphy: Chrysler will survive e," he said prior to a speech nic Club of Detroit. "I don't at Chrysler is not going to d, "is a good company, it icts and its going to con- NT amounted to a softening viously stated opposition to hrysler, which has said its d in 1980 could amount to $1.5 rence and speech ranged over a wide variety of topics, including the economy and GM's expensive new three-year contract with the United Auto Workers union. In his address, Murphy said the nation is en- dangered by special interest groups that don't recognize a higher national interest. Among them, he said, was the anti-nuclear power movement, which he described as "myopic." "DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE the extent and power of this highly organized movement,' he said. "Its particular special in- terest is so all-consuming that its disciples recognize no other superior interest-there is no room for compromise. Even the national in- terest is subverted to their own. "America needs nuclear energy, those plants still to be built and those already providing 15 per cent of the nation's electricity. We have the knowledge and the necessary technology. We know the hazards and we know how to handle them safely." Murphy's forecast for the state of the national economy was optimistic. "I DON'T THINK there really has been a downturn in the accepted sense," he said. "I'd say we're going through a flat period." Real growth should come next year, said Murphy, adding he doesn't believe reports the nation is headed for another gasoline shortage. Current supplies are better than this -past spring and last year at this time, he said, altough "if you start beating the drums hard enough you could cause anything to happen." He described GM's new three-year contract with the United Auto Workers union as "one of the most reasonable contracts that's been arrived at" in recent years. "It's a contract that I'm proud of," he said. PROTEST ARRESTS OF SEABROOK ACTIVISTS: M Police disj HAMPTON, N.H. (AP) - Acting on the governor's orders, police yesterday picked up and threw aside anti-nuclear activists protesting the arraignment of 12 fellow demonstrators arrested uring the weekend "siege of eabrook." (About 150 demonstrators, the rem- rants of an estimated 2,000 who perse anti-nuke demonstrators repeatedly were repelled in attempts to occupy the Seabrook nuclear power plant construction site, gathered at the wood-frame courthouse here to protest the arraignments. THE PROTESTERS slashed tires on two police vans and blocked a sheriff's van being used to take the 12 demon- strators back to jail from the Hampton 4 t4 3 i "a 4 ~ Acreer in law- witout law school. After just three months of study at The Institute for Paralegal Training in exciting Philadelphia, you can have a stimulating and rewarding career in law or business - without law school. As a lawyer's assistant you will be performing many of the duties traditionally handled only by attorneys. And at The Institute for Paralegal Training, you can pick one of seven different areas of law to study. Upon completion of your training, The Institute's unique Placement Service will find you a responsible and challenging job in a law firm, bank or corporation in the city of your choice. The Institute for Paralegal Training is the nation's first and most respected school for paralegal training. Since 1970, we've placed over 2,500 graduates in over 85 cities nationwide. If you're a senior of high academic standing and looking for an above average career, contact your Placement Office for an interview with our representative. We will visit your campus on: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 District Court, police said. State and local police then moved in, grabbing demonstrators and flinging them out of the way. The protesters - who had not resisted when police used Mace, tear gas, hoses, and riot clubs to force them away from the plant during the weekend - this time fought back, kicking and swinging. In 15 minutes, the way was cleared, and the van pulled away, one demon- strator clinging to the bumper for a short time. "FORCE WAS met with force, as much as was needed," said Hampton Police Chief Robert Mark. Earlier in the day, Gov. Hugh Gallen said the state had emerged victorious during what he called the "siege of Seabrook" by showing protesters that attempts to destroy property would be met by force. "I am not going to allow what I JOIN SKI TEAM believe to be nothing more than anar- chy," he said. "New Hampshire will no longer be the focal point for this type of demonstration because we have shown demonstrators that if they come again they must be prepared to pay the con- sequence." IN ALL, 20 demonstrators were arrested during the weekend, 19 on charges of criminal trespass, one on a personal mischief charge. One demonstrator outside the Ham- pton court, Janice Betteman, 31, of Cleveland, was treated at Exeter Hospital. "The police have gotten mean," she said, "and we can do the same." Her left ear bandaged and dried blood on her collar, she said: "They were making a mockery of the court system and our rights. We can't let them get away with it." U-M student assaulted at State game, (Continued from Page 1) volving both University and MSU chap- ters. With the game ball in hand, mem- bers of each house alternated in the marathon run, between chapters. Madias was one of four students given a pass to the game, and the privilege to hand the game ball to the captain of the kicking team. Madias said he watched the first half from the sidelines, and then made his way to his friends in the student section when the fights occurred. Madias, who spent his freshman year at Michigan State, explained that "it was never that bad" when he went to school there. In addition to his frequent attendance over the years at Spartan and Michigan Stadiums, he said that he has travelled to Ohio State for "at least five" Michigan-Buckeye games. "I've never seen anything like what hap- pened Saturday," he said. AP Photo PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER answers questions in his first press coin- ference in 76 days. During yesterday's news session, Carter commented on a variety of subjects including inflation and the Soviet troops in tuba. Carter, NATO to. upgrade nuclear arms (Continued from Page 0 fare in the upcoming Florida non- Pa TI The '4 nrtitute 235 South 17th S for ! Philadelphia, PA (215) 732-6600 raining operated by Para-legal, Inc. Approved by the American Bar Association. Street k19103 First meeting Wednesday, Oct. I 10 7:30 pm 2003 Angell Hall *Cross Country Skiers Welcome ?' , k4 tunes since an apparent presidential candidacy by Sen. Edward Kennedy surfaced. BUT CARTER side-stepped most of the questions, suggesting to one repor- ter that she was delivering a campaign speech for the Massachusetts Democrat. On other subjects, Carter: " Declined to state whether he would debate any Democratic or Republican presidential opponents. * Refused to predict how he would 1 ~ binding "straw" balloting on presiden- tial candidates; " Declined to offer any detailed comment on the problems associated with allegations of cocaine use by Hamilton Jordan, his White House chief of staff. Carter reiterated his determination to stick with Vice President Walter Mondale as his running mate in any re- election bid. There have been reports that Carter political aides have questioned whether Mondale should be part of the 1980 ticket. The president defended his decision to wait until Dec. 4 to announce his campaign plans. "I want to do all I can without being an announced candidate, to work with Congress," he said. 1 Carter said he presumed he would support any Democratic candidate nominated for the presidency, and stated that when he referred at a town meeting last month in New York to his refusal to panic in a crisis, he was not referring to Kennedy's response to the death of a woman when his car plunged off a bridge at Chappaquiddick. SED. Thursday, October 11th at Noon. STAR BAR Topic: Loudspeaker Design, with Jon Dahlquist E 4 By now, most { anyone involved with audio com- ponents is aware of the contri- butions that Jon Dahlquist has made to the aud- audio industry. his world famous DQ-10 speaker system, with its 'phased array' driver configuration and diffraction-less baffle plate design has established new stan- dards for loudspeaker performance. As an ex-NASA aerospace scien- tist, Jon formed a partnership with hifi pioneer Saul Marantz in the early Seventies to develop and manu- facture the DQ-10 speaker. In recent years, the growth and success of Dahlquist, Inc. has led to the intro- Loudspeaker seminar with Jon Dahlquist, Thursday October 11th at Noon. and the new ALS-3 auto speakers. In this, the fifth seminar of our Fall 1979 series, Jon will discuss loudspeaker design in general, as well as answer any questions you may have about audio equipment. Be sure to take advantage of this unique opportunity to meet one of the audio industry's most interesting and knowledgeable individuals. Don't miss our next seminar on tape decks scheduled for November 8th! Our special seminar guest will be Ted Nakamichi, marketing director for Nakamichi Research. (12 a.m.) 1979 Absolute Sound Buying Guide now available. Get your free copy! 32 pages of the latest information on high accuracy audio, plus special system values. 109 N. Main St.-769-0109 APPEARING TONIGHT: JUMPSTREET "Ann Arbor's Original Honky Tdnk Dance Bar" ARE YOU UNINFORMED? For the latest SCOOP on .. . duction of other well-received pro- ducts like the DQ-lW sub-woofer, an active and passive crossover system s ' R T s CAMPUS NEWS t]tanadnson INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS DAN Ls ID U SSV i ab~oIutxz THE ECONOMY C l k s v .... .P t !, P E R S 0 N A L tO. I t ,mj