The Michigan Daily-Sunday, October 10, 1979-PageĀ°
Six stories,one plot:
The Romance of OurAge
is Technology
In Spain.
You're a software
When you picked
this career, you
never dreamed that one day you'd
rendezvous in Barcelona, Spain
with two Navy destroyers.
But when your company is Texas
Instruments and one of your cus-
tomers is the U. S. Sixth Fleet, you
learn to expect the unexpected.
The destroyers are equipped with
TI computers and they need new
software fast. You come aboard and
sail with the Fleet until your job is
Not a bad assignment for a soft-
ware specialist named Susie. You're
glad you got into technology.
The Incredible
Talking Chip.
You're an inte-
grated circuit
designer at TI.
You've helped
find a way to make
a chip talk, something no integrated
circuit has eevr done before.
First application: an electronic
aid that helps children learn to-spell.
The world's first talking textbook.
And that's just the beginning.
The talking chip's potential is mind-
bending. You're glad you got into
The Salesman's
You're a TI sales
engineer. You've
got what is prob-
ably one of the
most irresistible
selling messages in the history of
It goes like this: "Hold this TI-59
Scientific Calculator in your hand.
Now, let's compare it to the most
popular computer of the 1950s-
the IBM 650.
"The 650 weighed almost three
tons, required five to 10 tons of air
conditioning and 45 square feet of
floor space. And it cost $200,000
in 1955 money.
"Now look at the TI-59 Calculator
you're holding in the palm of your
hand. It has a primary memory
capacity more than double that of
the 650. It performs its principal
functions five to 10 times faster.
And it retails for under $300."
With a story like this, the hardest
part of your job is holding onto your
sample. You're glad you got into
The Joy Of
You're in semi-
conductor design
at TI. You love it
when people at
. parties ask you
what you do. You say, "I make
things complicated." (Pause.)
"In fact, I got promoted recently for
creating some major complications."
What you mean (but seldom
explain) is this: the more active
element groups (AEGs) you can put
on a single chip of silicon, the more
the average AEG cost goes down.
In short, you make things cheaper
by making them more complicated.
Your work made it possible for a
TI consumer product that Sold three
years ago for about $70 to sell
today for $14.95.
Your future looks'wonderfully
complicated. You're at about 100,000
AEGs per chip now and 1,000,000
is in sight.
You're glad you got into technology.
You've always
designed air-
borne radars for
TI customers.
Now, all of a
sudden you know your next radar
design is going to stay at the airport.
On the ground.
It's on the ground that traffic
controllers at Los Angeles Inter-
national Airport have a problem.
They can "see" incoming and out-
going airplanes on their radar just
fine, so long as the airplanes are in
the air.
But when the airplanes are on the
ground-touching down, taking off,
taxiing, parking-they are some-
times impossible to see and control.
Ground smog obscures them.
You believe you have an answer
to the smog problem. You dig out
the plans for an airborne ground-
mapping radar you helped design.
You adapt the design so the L. A.
controllers can use it to see through
smog. It works beautifully.
Today your smog-piercing radar
is widely known as Airport Surface
Detection Equipment (ASDE). It's
standard equipment at L. A. Inter-
national and at the airport in
Geneva, Switzerland. Other airports
with smog and snow problerms are
expected to have it soon.
You're glad you're in technology.
Oil Sleuths
You're a geo-
physicist. A good
one. You could be
with any of the big -
oil companies. But
you wanted to get with a company
whose specialty is the same as
yours. Exploration.
That's why you're at TI, in
Geophysical Service.
TI explorer ships, TI photo-
geologic aircraft and TI truck- and
tractor-mounted vibrator systems
are working all over the world.
They're finding oil. And they're
identifying areas where no oil
exists, thereby saving huge losses
in drilling costs.
Also, TI's worldwide computer
network and its Advanced Scientific
Computer is making 3-D recording
and processing possible. This ex-
clusive exploration technique is the
only practical way to unscramble
"no-record" areas on land and sea.
You're a happy sleuth. You're in
on the biggest hunt in history. And
your team is out in front.
You're glad you got into
If you're not in technology yet, think it over.
If you are in technology, talk to Texas Instruments.
Campus Interviews
Oct. 24-25,30-31
Send for the 34-page picture story
of TI people and places.
Write: George Berryman, Texas Instruments
Corporate Staffing, P. O. Box 225474,
M. S. 67, Dept. CG, Dallas, Texas 75265
See what TIis doing in:
" Microcomputers and microprocessors
" Semiconductor memories
" Linear semiconductor devices
" Microelectronic digital watches
" Calculators
" Minicomputers: hardware, software
and systems featuring software
compatibility with microprocessors
. Distributed computing systems
" Electronic data terminals
" Programmable control systems
" Data exchange systems
" Advanced Scientific Computers
" Digital seismic data acquisition.
" Air traffic control radar and Discrete
Address Beacon Systems
" Microwave landing systems
" Radar and infrared systems
" Guidance and controls for tactical
" Worldwide geophysical services
" Clad metals for automotive trim,
thermostats, and electrical contacts
~ Interconnection products for elec-
tronic telephone switching systems
" Temperature-sensitive controls for
automobiles and appliances
Keyboards for calculators and for
many other products
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