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October 10, 1979 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-10

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Upgraded health care projected
via continuing medical education

The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, October 10, 1979-Page 5
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Officials at the University's School of
Public Health evidently believe it's not
enough for students to get their degrees
and pursue health careers without ever
opening a book again.
Last December, the Center of Con-
tinuing Education for Public Health
Professionals was established by the
school so that health professionals and
para-professionals across the state can
keep up with the latest developments in
their field. The center set up shop in
FUNDED BY. A $559,000 grant from
the Kellogg Foundation, the center is
the only University-sponsored con-
tinuing education program inthe coun-
try that is practitioner-oriented.
To determine what sort of continuing
education projects it should conduct,
center officials "try to determine what
public health officials need to better
their jobs," according to Assistant
Prof. Peter Dual, who specializes in
health behavior and health education at
the public health school. "We then
strive to find ways that the School of
Public Health, or other sources, can
provide that knowledge."%
Local study groups, seminars,
workshops, courses, and conferences
are among the methods through which
the center can deliver educational ac-
tivities or technical assistance. And to
assure that their programs are
relevant, Dual said public health
professionals from throughout the state
will participate in planning curricula
for the center.
DUAL, WHO initially conceptualized

the center, said once it becomes more
established, representatives from the
center will visit and even live in various
parts of Michigan to organize and work
with groups of public health workers.
"These committees will form a vital
two-way communications link between
the center and public health workers,"
Dual stated. "We will make available
the expertise of the school and will also
furnish a channel by which the latest
'One of our primary fun-
ctions is to provide an in-
troduction/orientation to local
health care systems.'
-Helen Bielous,
administrative associate for a
public health professional group
research innovations can reach the
Dual said participants in center
programs will be eligible for
educational credits. Public health
professionals often are required to earn
a specified number of credits annually.
HELEN BIELOUS, the center's ad-
ministrative associate, said her office
primarily serves hospitals, community
health centers, state and regional

health departments, and other health
"Many of these organizations don't
provide an orientation program for
their staff," said Bielous. "One of our
primary functions is to provide an in-
troduction/orientation to local health
care systems."
In addition to its orientation fun-
ctions, the center also conducts ac-
tivities related to communication and
management skills, adolescent health
care, environmental health,
epidemiology, and other areas.
"Our activities are tailored to our
client's needs," Dual maintained.
"This makes our project very unique."
ACCORDING TO Bielous, the state
will come out with a new Public Health
Code in 1980 which will outline various
services that present public health
organizations should provide.
"If the organization.is not providing a
service mandated by the state, the cen-
ter can assist the organization in ob-
taining that particular service, be it of a
technical, organizational, and/or
theoretical nature," Bielous said.
Richard Remington, dean of the
School of Public Health, said, '"By
decentralizing some of our educational
functions in this way, we hope to apply
the most up-to-date technical infor-
mation to the sites where it will do-most
Dual said the goal of the center is "to
enhance the lifelong learning of public
health workers in this state."
Ultimately, he added, that will result in
improved health care for Michigan

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(Continued from Page 1).
the main coordinators of a police force
which at times numbered nearly 400
when trying to control potential street
riots and violent demonstrations.
Hawkins, who assisted Krasny in con-
trolling the protest, said the primary
reason for less trouble than expected
was Krasny's intelligent and .rational
approach to quelling campus unrest.
"He approached .the 60s with some
degree of nervousness and trepidation
... and a large degree of common sn-
se," Hawkins explained.
"He kept a restraint on the use of
violence in response to (student)
violence, his reactions" were based on
logic and projections on what would and
might occur. .. a very highly controlled
reaction. The key to controlling them is
you don't let them know when your'
troops are coming and going."
HAWKINS, WHO HAS been on they
city's police force for 25 years, said
demonstrations were staged for the
press and. "furthering ideologies."
Protesters, he said, claimed police
were creating the problem and that
"Krasny couldn't control his own
Hawkins conceded that "there were
times when things got out of hand when
not enough force was used or they
(police) waited too long to act." He said
police use a "large amount of finesse
and a tremendous amount of restraint.
They took an awful licking. They were
the political football. They were the
way you got publicity."
Ann Arbor Police Captain Kenneth
Klinge, who currently heads the
University patrol, worked with Krasny
during those troubled years, and had
nothing but praise for him.
"I DIDN'T SEE anything that wasn't
reasonable. I think he was an excellent
chief. The city was fortunate to have a
police chief like him. He would analyze
things and take the proper action."
Klinge, too, said the chief's greatest
attribute is the willingness to change
with time and meet the city's needs.
HAWKINS ADDED Krasny main-
tained an open door policy towards the
city. "It's one of his strongest points,"
he said. Someone could walk in off the
street, ask to see the chief, and the chief
would somehow see him."
Hawkins said the other major issue
Krasny had to deal with was the incep-
tion and development of powerful police
labor unions. "The previous ad-
ministration didn't face that. Krasny

had to learn how to deal with the 'alive
and powerful' labor unions by ex-
Krasny has seen his department grow
from a force of 35 with a budget of about
$60,000 to one of more than 200 officers
with a budget of $5 million. His force is
now covering a town whose population
has tripled and which is six times
larger than it was in 1939, when Krasny
joined the force.
KRASNY SAID while modern police
equipment and communications are
much superior to that of the "old days,"
the present police system may have lost
its most valuable asset.
"We have better educated, better
trained, better conditioned officers
tlian ever before," the chief assertid.
"But the very nature of their job today
does not permit them time to cultivate
personal community support of former
"It was gonsidered part of our job to
do what I guess you'd call public
relations work. Today, officers don't
have time to stop and chat. They have
too much territory to cover. The whole
system has become massive, imper-
sonal. Now, the only time a citizen sees
a policeman to talk to, its about
James Stephenson, who was Ann Ar-
bor's mayor from 1973-75, said he had
"a great deal of personal confidence in
Walt Krasny. He was' cognizant and
sensitive to everybody's rights in the
community. The police department and
Krasny could anticipate events and
handle them appropriately."
STEPHENSON SAID in a recent in-
terview that when he was mayor, he did
receive some phone calls from citizens
who complained about certain police
practices, "but none of those ever had
any substance," Stephenson claimed.
Former Mayor Albert Wheeler, a
long-time acquaintance of Krasny,
recently recounted the story which oc-
curred a few days after Wheeler
became mayor. Wheeler said he
received several requests from a
variety of people to fire Krasny because
"folks felt they just couldn't deal with
him," Wheeler explained. But under
the city charter, he added, he had no
power to fire him.
Wheeler, like other city ad-
ministrators, saw Krasny as a police
chief who was easy to sit down and talk
with to straighten things out with. "You
could always talk with Krasny and get
reasonableness out of him."
But Wheeler saw another side of
Krasny that few people outside the city

administration were aware of.
"A number of cops didn't like
Krasny," Wheeler said. Many believed
he was just another part of the city's
bureaucracy; "that Krasny didn't push
as hard for this and that and wasn't
tough enough on people. It was a small
percentage, but it was there."
Several younger officers, Wheeler
continued, were discouraged from
joining the city police force because
"there really was no opportunity for

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