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October 09, 1979 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-09

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 9, 1979-Page 3


Pope's conservative stands cause discontent

From Reuter. AP and UPI
VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II
arrived home from his triumphal tour
of the United States and Ireland yester-
day to a groundswell of discontent
among church progressives over the
firm orthodox line he took during the
Visibly tired, the 59-year-old. pope
spent six hours in Rome and then flew
on to what Vatican officials said would
be a two-day rest at the papal summer
residence at nearby Castelgandolfo.
THE PONTIFF hinted he would like
to go back to the United States some
time, saying he wants "more direct and
familiar contact" with the American
When he returns to the Vatican
tomorrow, Vatican sources said he is'

sure to face some unfavorable reac-
tions from progressives on the way he
spoke out repeatedly against abortion,
birth control, divorce and the or-
dination of women.
The sources said they expected the
issues to be debated again next month
when the pope meets 130 cardinals from
every continent to assess the first year
of his reign.
THE POPE celebrates the anniver-
sary of his elevation to the papacy on
October 16.
He arrived at Rome's Fiumicino Air-
port yesterday from Washington to a
welcome from a crowd of 2,000 headed
by Italian Premier Francesco Cossiga,
20 cardinals and Rome's Communist
Mayor Luigi Petriselli.
Summing up briefly his 10-day
pilgrimage, the pope said that in

Ireland he had prayed for peace and
reconciliation of the Irish people and
later, at the UN, reaffirmed the
Vatican's keen interst in promoting
peace, justice and human rights.
JOHN PAUL II then flew by helicop-
ter to Vatican City, where several
thousand tourists cheered him in St.
Peter's Square.
"I am back, I am back," the pope said
in a brief appearance at the window of
his apartment. "I am grateful for the
providence which has guided me in
these days and which has brought .me
back to Rome."
In Washington, groups favoring the
right to liberal abortions planned
massive campaigns to counter the
pope's message which gained un-
precedented exposure.

THE POPE ALSO left behind an
American Catholic Church now braced
for heightened internal conflict.
Both liberals and conservatives had
hoped for a papal blessing for their
views and Pope John Paul came down
emphatically on the side of the
traditionalists, thus helping to polarize
At no point did the pope bend on
traditional Catholic codes, and this
provoked an unexpected public
challenge Sunday from a gray-haired

nun who nervously implored him to*
consider letting women hake a role in
all the ministries of the faith.
The challenge came in the Shrine of
the Immaculate Conception from Sister
Theresa Kane, a member of the Sisters
of Mercy of the Union order and
president of the U.S. Leadership Con-
ference of Women Religious.
"I URGE YOU to be mindful of the in-
tense suffering and pain which is part of
the life of many women in the United
States," Sister Kane, wearing street

clothes instead of a nun's habit, told the
pope Sunday at the beginning of a
prayer service with 5,000 sisters in the
"The church must respond with the
possibility of allowing women to be in-
cluded, as persons, in all ministries of
our church," she said, her voice
quavering with emotion.
The pope had rejected the idea of
women becoming priests, claiming that
Jesus had specifically barred them
from the priesthood.

EngineeringSchool. centralizes
study on-'future 'auto technology

Now that the federal government is
looking harder for a car suited to the
nation's future energy and pollution
standards, the University has cen-
tralized its own automobile-related
research efforts.
The University's Office for the Study
of Automotive Transportation (OSAT)
was established by the College of
Engineering one year ago to coordinate
auto-related research on campus. Since
dozens of auto research' projects are
simultaneously conducted at the
University, a major purpose of OSAT is
to keep a tally on the various research
projects and to prevent project
OSAT IS operated by a director who
works only half-time and is aided by a
half-time assistant. But OSAT Director
David Cole said since his office doesn't
-conduct research itself, a larger staff is
Cole, a professor of medical
engineering, said since many factors
that have to be considered in
developing new automotive designs and
transportation systems, research won't
be restricted to engineers. He said
availability and cost of energy sources,
environmental effects, consumer
awareness, and industrial interdepen-
dence are vital topics that haven't in
the past played a large role in auto
Those factors, Cole said, have com-
plicated the relationship between con-
sumers, manufacturers, and the gover-
AND TO DEAL with new technical,
economic, and social challenges, the

professor said OSAT will encourage
various University research groups to
work together.
"In areas such as engineering, the
basic sciences, business, medicine, and
many of the social sciences, Michigan
is eminently qualified to provide the
various support services needed by
leaders in the automobile industry by
government officials, consumer ad-
vocates, (and) resources planners,"
Cole stated.

Cole added that OSAT will seek to in-
volve undergraduate and graduate
students in developing alternative
automobiles and enhance interaction
between industry and government
In addition, OSAT intends to provide
a "focus for the automotive industry's
major problems, both technical and
non-technical" and to help University
research groups win grants from
private and public organizations.

--- V

Why get caught up
in the pack,


Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS
DAVID FAUMAN, assistant manager at the newly-opened wood- and metal-working shop, tried his hand on some of
the equipment.
Craftsmen acquire headquarters;
new workshop opens in SAB


when we at the PAPER CHASE CAN
meet your copying of graphic
needs all under one roof?
Centrally located on the basement floor
of the Michigan Union makes it easy for
obtaining the quickest service possible.
With services like these why go anywhere else?

1' LI

Fliers . Logos
Business Cards " Posters
Camera Work * Heat Transfers
Custom printed T-shirts

Student and Faculty Discounts
Quality Reproduction-
Both Offset and Photocopying
Dissertations a'Course Packs
Free Collating * Resumes

University students no longer have to
resort to carving designs in* classroom
deskssto satisfy their woodworking im-
Instead, they can go to the Student
Activities Building (SAB), where a
wood shop opened Sunday for students
who are handy with tools such as disc-
sanders and joiners but find them hard
to come by on campus.
GARY SMITH, the shop's manager,
said while the local Artist and Craf-
tsman Guild will hold woodworking

classes in the shop, the facility will ser-
ve primarily as a "drop-in center"
where students pan work on individual
The large machine room in the
basement of the SAB is connected to a
finishing room, a room for flammable
materials, and a nearly-completed
welding area for small metal projects.
Officials at the University's Office of
Student Programs decided to set up the
shop after a study by the Board of
Regents, Michigan Student Assembly,
and University Activities Center con-

530 S.State-Ann ArborMi.,,48109 313-665-8065

Ann Abor Film Co-op-The 400 Blows, 7 p.m., Shoot the Piano Player,
8:40, ,Aud. A, Angell.
Cinema II-The Connection, 7 p.m., Track of the Vampire, 9 p.m.,
Nat. Sci. Aud.
Cinema Guild-The Seventh Seal, 7 p.m., The Ieasrt is a Lonely Hunter,
9:05 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Ecumenical Campus Center and International Center-Amy Perrone,
"Human Rights issues of reproductive freedom: Abortion, yes or no?",
noon, International Center.
Academic Women's Caucus-Prof. Emily Cloyd, "Tenure vs. Regents
Bylaws," noon, 3050 Frieze.
Center for Research on Learning and Teaching-Prof. Charles Wales,
Univesity of West Virginia,,"Guided Design Teaching Method," 3, 7:30 p.m.,
109 East Madison..
Bioengineering-Deniel Atkins, "Applications Directed Computer
Structures of Biomedical Image Processing," 3:30 p.m., 1042 East
School of Education and Developmental Psychololgy-Prof. Donald
Baer, University of Kansas, "Research Evaluation of Individual Children,"
4 p.m,, Schorling Auditorium.
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology-Prof. Fikret Yegul, University of
California at Santa Barbara, "A Study in Architectural Iconography: The
Kaisersaal as the Seat of the Imperial Cult," 4 p.m., 203 Tappan Hall.
Department of Geology and Minerology-Turner Distinguished Lecure
Series, Ruth Simon, "Animal Behavior as Earthquake Forecasters," 4 p.m.,
4001 C.C. Little.
Research Club in Language Learning and The Linguistics Circle-Susan
Gass, "Second Language Acquisition and Language Universals," Rodney
Moag, "The Language Use Grid: A Versatile Tool for Applied Linguistics,"
Sandra Oster, "A Discourse Approach to Teachjing Articles," 4:30 p.m.,
East Conference Room, Rackham.
Museum of Art/Center for Japanese Studies-Richard Pearson, "The
Prehistory of Japan: Roots of An Ancient Culture,"8 p.m., Aud. B, Angell.
Career Planning and Placement-Public Service Intern Program, 7:30

cluded there was need for campus
woodworking facilities.
The $32,000 needed for constructing
the facility and purchasing equipment
came in large part from the $1.50
assessed to students each term for
Michigan Union and SAB renovation.
The shop has an excess of $8,000 which
will be used to buy equipment in the
THOUGH MOST of the shop's funding
is through the assessments, students
are charged $10 to use the shop for a
term, $8 for six to 10 weeks, $4 for one to
four weeks, and 50 cents per day. In ad-
dition, lockers are available for storing
projects at $9 per semester or 25 cents
University staff and alumni can use
the shop, but must pay a higher fee than
students and have lower priority in
using equipment.
David Fauman, the shop's assistant
manager, said he encourages students
to taketadvantage of the facility, which
takes the place of the Theater Arts
Workshop now housed near Michigan-
"WOMEN SHOULD especially come
because they've been denied the oppor-
tunity to use their hands for
recreation," he said. "After being
buried in the UGLI and you don't want a
demanding intellectual activity, come
by and give it (the shop) a try."
Until Sunday, the only woodshop
available for recreational use was in
the Art and Architecture building on
North Campus. But that facility was
generally reserved for students
working on specific class projects.
The shop is open 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Mondays and Tuesdays, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Wednesdays, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Thur-
sdays and Fridays, and 1 p.m. to 8p.m.
00"wR A q

OCTOBER 7 - OCTOBER 13, 1979
EXHIBIT - MAIN LOBBY - ALL WEEK - 75 years of Michigan
tradition in photos, drawings, scrapbooks, posters.
yourself, your club, or housing unit. Carve the table tops that will go
in the coming student pub and grill,
9 p.m. BALLROOM - THE UAC GONG SHOW - 75ยข- See the best of
Michigan's students make fools of themselves in competition.
cider front steps. Free Billiards / Bowling until 2 a.m. for all students,
staff, and lifetime union members.
8 p.m. - 1 a.m. - BIRTHDAY BASH - FREE - music, dancing,
partying with the UM Jazz Band, the Friars, the aMaizin' Blues, The
Wiz Kids ( Rock 'n Roll and Country Rock Band)
75th Anniversary Souvenir Books & Paperweights at
Lobby Main Stand.
Info: UAC 763-1107 or Jeff Lebow 763-4182
1l /rTiVYT TyiA AT T 1TT1f\1x T

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