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October 09, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-09

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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom


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Vol. LXXXX, No. 29

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 9, 1979

Twelve Pages

Smith says 'U' to

confront fiscal woes

The Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs (SACUA) yesterday
released two conflicting and previously
confidential reports on the case of
Jonathan Marwil, the humanities
professor in the College of Engineering
who claims he was unjustly denied a
tenure review.
Both the Senate Advisory Review
Committee (SARC) report on Marwil
and the letter written to the Regents by
University President-designate
HaroldShapiro-which countered
several of SARC's contentions-were
sent to members of the faculty Senate
in preparation for the group's monthly
meeting next week.
MARWIL, A professor at the Univer-
sity for six years, was informed in May,
1978 that as of the following May, his
appointment would not be renewed. Af-
ter exhausting all channels for appeal
within the University, Marwil' filed a
federal suit against the University.
In supporting efforts to grant Marwil
a tenure review, SAR.C bases much of
its report on a statement taken fromthe
College of Engineering's promotion-
tenure guidelines which reads, "Cer-
tain cases shall be considered
automatically, such ,as professors in
their sixth year at the University
without tenure."
Shapiro, however, contends that the
cited document does not represent the
official rules of the College, nor is it a
See SACUA, Page 12

State of 'U' address
looks at past, future

Confronting the scarcity of economic
resources while assuring academic
programs maintain current levels of
quality will be major concerns of the
University in the immediate future, In-
terim University President Allan Smith
said last night in his first - and only -
State of the University address.
Smith, speaking to some 350 faculty
members, administrators and a smat-
tering of students in the Michigan
League's Lydia Mendelssohn Theater,
also shared highlights of his brief stint
as president.
"COPING with the problems which are
engendered by scarce fesources will
require in this next decade some
changes in thought pattern among our
faculty and staff, and may require new
allocations of time by our faculty and
staff," Smith said.
Before Smith's address, awards were
presented to distinguished faculty
members. (See related story.)
The interim president reported on the
University's progress since former
President Robben Fleming gave his
last major University speech one year
ago and cited four problems the school
would face.
"I REGRET toreport that in these
nine months not one of those problems
has been solved;" Smith said, receiving
understanding chuckles from the

audience. "Indeed, it is fair to say that
the problems referred to are the con-
tinuing kind, not the soluble kind."
The trouble spots noted by Fleming
were the impact of governmeht
regulations and controls on the Unvier"
sity, the declining number of persons
18-24 years of age, eaonomic pressure
working against Illocating state.
resources toward education, and the0
change in economic programs.
Smith pointed to faculty salaries as
an illustration of economic pressures.-
He said in order to remain competitive,
salaries must keep pace with peer in-
Smith stated that it would be difficult
to seek adjustment from a state gover-
nment experiencing a mild recession,
troubles with its auto industry, and with
the restrictions of the Headlee tax
limitation amendment.
SMITH SAID students are already
forced to bear a disproportionate share
of budget increases.
"Indeed, we know that our salaries at
the full professorial level have lost
ground with some institutions and that
we are far below the top in the nation
for full professors' salaries," he said.
Despite the bleak picture Smith pain:'
ted, he did note program changes which
can serve both t improve the quality of
the University, and to upgrade faculty
See SMITH, Page 12

Daily Photo by CYRENA CHANG
Biological Sciences Prof. John Pringle receives a faculty recognition award from Interim University President Allan
Smith after President-designate Harold Shapiro spoke of Pringles' achievements on the faculty. The annual awards
were presented before Smith-gave his State of the University address.
Outstandnfaculty recognize

University faculty members were recognized for profes-
sional achievements in a ceremony last night when 20 awards
in six categories were presented.,
Of many ceremonies held at the University, none are
more important to the faculty in recognizing academic ex-
cellence, Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA) Chairman Richard Corpron said. ,
BOTANTY PROF. William Anderson, recipient of a
Faculty Recognition Award, quipped yesterday afternoon,
"One does tend to wonder, 'Why me?' I guess you're sup-
posed to be an all-round good Joe."
Most recipients were nominated by their, departments.

The final decisions were made by two committees, each
composed of faculty members from different departments in
the University.
Anderson said he thinks he was nominated for the award
in part because of his efforts to pass on his enthusiasm for
botany to the students in the introductory biology courses.
"You can imagine that a lot of premeds are not that in-
terested in plants. . . . I view myself as playing a certain
missionary role; it's my one chance to get across to people
the part plants play in their lives."
FACULTY MEMBERS who received the Distinguished
Faculty Achievement Award are Elizabeth Bergmann,
asssociate professor of dance; Rolf Freter, professor of
microbiology; Sigurd Ramfjord, professor of dentistry;

Newly-formed group
to link arts,, politics

Out-stater SAT

scores rise

Out-state LSA freshpersons this fall
boast better SAT scores and higher high
school class ranks than recent previous
classes, while academic quality
statistics for in-state students show lit-
tle change, the LSA faculty was told
yesterday afternoon.
At their October meeting, some 60
LSA faculty members heard a report
from the Admissions Steering Commit-
tee outlining current admissions prac-
tices, enrollment figures for this term,
and the possibility , of using the
American College Testing Service
(ACT) in addition to the Scholastic Ap-
titude. Test for admissions to the
(ECB) Chairman Daniel Fader, an
English professor, also reviewed for the
faculty the progress ECB has made
since the inception of the new English
composition requirement.
Chemistry Prof. Adon Gordus,
chairman of the Admissions Steering
Committee, explained that because of
the large number of out-state applican-
ts this year, the University was more,
selective in its admissions offers. Con-
sequently, students of higher academic
caliber were admitted...
Nearly 12 per cent of out-state studen-
ts ranked in the top one per cent of their
high school classes, compared with
slightly under 11 per cent for last year's
freshperson class.
Also, more than 19 per cent of this
year's freshpersons scored better than
650 on the SAT-verbal test, and 36 per
cent scored better than 650 on the SAT-
math test. Last year,,only about 14 per
cent of entering freshpersons scored
that well on the verbal test, and only 31
per cent scored 650 or better on the
math portion.

THERE WERE no significant in-
creases or decreases in the figures for
in-state students, Steering Committee
data show. More in-state students tend
to be ranked higher in high school
classes than out-state students, but
more out-staters score better on the
SAT, figures show.
Gordus said that out-state students
comprise about 27 per cent of this fall's
freshperson class. "The University has
one of the largest percentages of out-
state students of any public institution

in the country," Gordus said.
In previous years, the state
legislature has limited the number of
out-state students the University could
admit without state-inflicted financial
penalties so that an ample number of
spaces would remain open for in-state
students. As college enrollments across
the state begin to decline, however,
LSA Dean Billy Frye said he expects
the legislature to ease up on its out-
state restrictions.
POLITICS AND demographics will

force the legislature to allow more out-
state students into the University, Frye
said, because otherwise, the University
will begin to draw in-state students
from the many smaller colleges around
the state.
Such loss of students could force
many smaller colleges, located in
various state legislative districts, to
close - prospects which are not
eagerly awaited by the legislators in
those districts.

The histories and legacies of two
labor leaders were celebrated Sunday
night in an evening of music and
theatre which served as a springboard
for the formation of a new political
Against a backdrop of performances
depicting the lives of Joe Hill and
Mother Jones, Networks: Artists for
Political Action (Networks APA) was
created because "political artists are
isolated in society and they need a sup-
port system to do their work," accor-
ding to coordinator Heidi Gottfried.
ABOUT 325 people concerned with
the relationship between arts and
politics watched the performances in
the Frieze Building's Trueblood
Gottfried said the group, which is
composed of people from Southeastern
Michigan, includes poets, playwrights,

journalists, political scientists, an an-
thropologist, architects, people in-
volved in film and the performing arts,
and University professors.
"We have come together to ask what
the role of art is in America and what
we'd like to do to change society," said
"WE HOPE to be an alliance of in-
dividuals and groups working, using
their heart to fight oppression and in-
justice because that is the best way to
celebrate Joe Hill's birthday," ex-
plained Joyce Kornbluh, another coor-
Hill was a Swedish immigrant who
joined the Industrial Workers of the
World (IWW) in 1910. He was accused,
convicted, and sentenced to die for
killing a grocer in Salt Lake City, Utah.,
Hill called his conviction "a frame-up"

See NEW, Page 2

Exiled Tibetan Buddhist leader
brings peace message to AZ

Criss-crossing North America for the
first time in world history, the Dalai
Lama, spiritual leader of Tibetan Bud-
dhists and the de facto head of the
Tibetan government until he was forced
into exile in 1959, spent most of last
weekend in Ann Arbor.
His Ann Arbor itinerary included
several receptions around the Univer-
sity, and a speech before a large crowd
at Hill Auditorium. He also participated
in a workshop for peace, and met with
Thomas Banyacya, a visitor recognized
by members of the Hopi nation and
many others as a Hopi prophet. '
THE DALAI Lama represents an
unusual combination of secular and
sacred leadership. Although the
Chinese occupation of Tibet in 1959 for-
ced the Dalai Lama to flee to India, he
still is regarded as the rightful head of

Tibet by many now living in that coun-
try, as well as by countless exiles and
Buddhists throughout the world.
To the millions of Tibetan Buddhists,
a Lama is a Buddhist monk. The Dalai
Lama (the phrase means "Ocean of
Wisdom") holds the highest monastic
degree in Tibet's largest Buddhist sect,
and thus becomes the nation's spiritual
leader and dominant ruler.
Tibetan Buddhists belie e each per-
son to be essentially a spiritual being
who, until the end of time, will through
reincarnation continually exist. To
them, each Dalai Lama is a reincar-
nation of the first. The current Dalai
Lama is the fourteenth representative
of the four-century-old institution.
THE SLENDER, bespectacled, 46-
year-old Dalai Lama said earlier
during his North American visit that he
had come "not as a tourist, but to meet

people interested in peace." Speaking
before a small Rackham Auditorium
crowd early Sunday afternoon, at a
workshop on world peace, the Dalai
Lama said "One of the main sources of
human happiness is peace - that which
is kind, gentle.
"Without peace, it is very difficult to
utilize real human values. From that
viewpoint, peace is essential.., it is a
responsibility for everyone, not just a
politician or a religious leader."
At 4:00 p.m. Sunday, the Dalai Lama
spoke on "The Buddhist Path to World
Peace" at Hill Auditorium.
IN BROKEN English which frequen-
tly gave way to long statements tran-
slated by a pair of interpreters, the
Dalai Lama told the audience that
"real peace is impossible without inner
See DALAI, Page 7

Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS
THIE DALAI LAMA offers a packed Hill Auditorium a traditional Tibetan
Buddhist greeting. Making his first visit to the United States, the Dalai
Lama told his audience on Sunday that to achieve world peace each indi-
vidual must first achieve inner peace.

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whiz and avid player of the "Dungeons and Dragons" fan-
tasy game. Byron Baker of MSU's State News said Los
Angeles producer Hal Landers told him the movie is not
based on the Egbert case. "He said he has been developing
the idea for the last three or four months," Baker said. Ac-
cording to Baker the producers are tentatively planning on
starting the film next spring..
Bum steer
Although they were about to get milked for $15, the
mnre thn An 00Fltn Inhn fans wh enAnt a lnn enr (nld1


Dead concert-and they have one more night of waiting
left. Tickets for the Nov. 10 concert go on sale tomorrow. F-


Washington to attend the annual Association of Graduate.
Schools meeting. Luckily, the top cats left their underlings
behind to keep the grad school on course and keep it fun-
ctioning in its usual manner. But you remember what hap-
pened to Emperor Bokassa when. he left town for the
On the inside
A look at the Carter and Brown ticket for 1980 is on the
edit page ... a review of the Black Sheep Repertory
Theatre's production, "An Evening With Cole Porter," on
page 5 of Arts... and in Sports, Dan Perrin's column
fnllnme n, bn nhn hahmh hlh,' ehnvi nnAono nf 1 N14


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