Page 8--Sunday, October 7, 1979 chomsky i-vv (Continued from Page 6) Do you mean the student move- ment when you say there was a challenge to the closed debate situation? Yes, the student movement was an enormous challenge. It has been suc- cessfully contained, though it has had residual-effects. One indication of that is the extent to which the whole propaganda system is denying the facts of what actually happened. The 1960s were very complicated, and a lot of things happened. But only certain things are being selected and made the fundamental characteristics and the rest is being turned aside. If you look back, you find a tremendous amount of moral courage in the American resistance. It was enormous in scale, and almost completely altruistic. It was to save somebody else. The people who went through it suffered severe damage to themselves; they were put in jail or went into exile. But there were a lot of other elements in the 1960s, too. There was a lot of mindless narcissism. Now, there's a tremendous amount of discussion about mindless narcissism and very little discussion about the resistance. The belief has to be implanted, especially in young people now, that the 1960s were just a bunch of crazies after self-gratification. The serious aspects of the 1960s are being wiped out of history. One of the things that happened in the 1960s was that the more ideological sub- jects, like history and social sciences, and so on, came under a great deal of pressure, student pressure. Now universities are somewhat different in this regard. If you go back in '65,,it would've been impossible to find a single Marxist economist 'in the economics department in a major university. Now that's not true. I've read a lot of interviews with 1960s activists, and it's really struck me that a lot of them didn't seem to understand what they were doing. It seemed as if they couldn 't break from their middle-class background. A lot of what they did looked like a blind reaction to that base, and although they very much wanted to create their own base, they didn't seem to be able to build organizations that were effective. There's a lot of truth to that. One characteristic of the 1960s movement was that it developed inf a vacuum, socially and historically. It couldn't assimilate itself; everything had to be manufactured ad hoc. Naturally, people manufactured their programs and ideas on what was available to them. As a result, there was a very short range commitment, and the inability to construct lasting structures. Are you an anarchist? Yes. What does that word mean to you? Well, it's been used in so many ways by so many people, I almost hate to use it. But there is one central heart of the mainstream of the anarchist tradition which I would have to identify myself with: socialist anarchism, or liberation socialism. This point of view believed in the construction of political in- stitutions that were highly unauthoritarian, though perhaps quite complex, in which the principle of, organization would be from below-either rooted in organic in- stitutions, say communities, or in other places ' where there's voluntary association. They were very much op- posed to the idea of central authority. In this sense, I consider myself an anar- chist. But the term has other meanings for other people that I don't associate myself with at all.. In The New Mandarins, you attack the intelligentsia as only pretending to be a viable force for change. If you think it's impossible that change will come from that group, where do you think it can come from? The thesis that intellectuals will be a force for creative social change is a wide- spread view and there are people who put it forth very explicitly. (John Ken- neth) Galbraith gives the technocracy asan example of the rise of power of the atomic physicists, going back to the H- bomb. If you think about that example, it's a joke. Suppose they'd been in- terested in creating some form of technology which would've been har- mful to the ruling class interests. They never would've been able to do a thing. However, it's always been true, and it's true today, that the educational and scientific establishment has some degree of control over things. They cer- tainly have a high degree of control in the ideological sphere-in fact, that's their main job ... It's very striking that. the social scientists are much more concerned with credentials than the physical scientists are. I've given lec- tures on math and worked problems,- and although I'm not a mathematician, no mathematician has ever demanded to see my credentials. Yet when I became interested in politics, everyone started screaming "What are your credentials?" But the social sciences, whatever their contribution, are not in- tellectually very deep. Anyone with average intelligence can understand them. I think that's related to the em- phasis on credentials. It's to make people believe that only those with a special knowledge can understand it. Is there anything one can do to defend oneself against the subtle, diverse repression you describe? The student government found the only way of defending itself, and it worked for awhile. That is, to create mass organizations that created their own instruments of analysis and com- munication. As a result, they influen- ced, to a marginal extent, the central ideology, because it had to absorb them. But as a collective, there are things that can be done and were dpne. Billions of people in the 1960s got a very different pereception of social reality as a result of their actions. It seems to me that now you can find a lot of com- mitment around many issues, such as concern over the destruction of the en- vironment, or nuclear power. That's all potentially positive. There are other things that carne out of the 1960s affec- ting the social structure, say in the area of civil rights. There's a long way to go, but the more blatant forms of racist op- pession that were stranded are no longer around. There have been lasting changes. 5undag l 1 apocalypse (Continued from Page 5) in Conrad's Heart of Darkness), who descends into the Vietnamese jungles to "eliminate" Kurtz (Marlon Brando), a murderous American colonel who's lorded it over a tribe of-primitives. In the final sequence, Willard con- fronts the crazed Kurtz, who spouts quotations from T.S. Eliot and Sir James Fraser as well as his own twisted platitudes. For all its surface "surrealism;" the scene seems less luminously metaphysical and more stagey than intended. Coppola, though, feels the film suc- cessfully rises out of Vietnam and "into the bigger subject matter." He added that Apocalypse was never intended as an adaptation of Heart of Darkness. Although Apocalypse borrows heavily from Conrad's short novel, Coppola is right. In fact, for sheer emotional resonance, the movie owes less to Conrad than to Michael Herr's Dispatches, a crazy-quilt of fear and exhileration that Coppola expands to epic intensity. (Interestingly, the voice- over narration Herr wrote for Apocalypse is probably the worst thing in the film.) "I'm so sick of the movie, as you can imagine," Coppola said at one point. "I could tell you how I felt about this or that. But what the film really accom- plishes, maybe the filmmaker's the last to know. "The movies that I want to make in the future are so unlike anything that's ever been made, that my biggest hope now is that I can figure out how 'to mount the resources they would take. Compared to what I'm thinking about, Apocalypse Now looks like You're A Big Boy, Now (Coppola's first feature)." He added, jokingly, that he was finished with "easy, predictable projects, and looking forward to some really difficdlt stuff in the future." Despite a few moments of wanton ob- scurity, Apocalypse Now rests securely in the tradition of Coppola's Godfather films-an attempt to blend personal statement with the broad outlines of a popular epic. Perhaps that's why Cop- pola looked insulted when a questioneer asked if he'd made Apocalypse deliberately difficult. "I made films for my audiences," Coppola said proudly. "But I want to give them the best that can be, and not just constantly serve them up the same plate of food, warmed up in a microwave oven." This Friday, when the movie opens across the country, Coppola's audiences will finally get their chance to see what the director's been up to for the last five years. Of course, the critics have already spoken. But one feels that for Coppola, the real judges have yet to be heard. clifford (Continued from Page 6) told me still be a kid or he was going to break my head open just like he never had a hard on That's what a neighborhood is sup- posed to be like: where the thug who lives next door loves you enough to warn you that growing up is no fun. And the timing of those last two lines is in- spired. Not all of the poems, sad to say, are so fine. In some good poems there are some awful lines. One has the unlikely opening "Down the road in a valley from heaven" and another begins "a train that is silver but black with smoke/moves like a hula hoop down the cracks of/the rails." These smack of "Poetry," a curse Clifford has avoided so skillfully elsewhere. Both these poems end well, though, marked by that cold eye for the telling image and the clean style that are Clifford's main- stays. Clifford's best quality, and the best reason to read this book, is his honesty, what Dugan called "his courage and frankness." This whole book is thick with emotion, but emotion that does not fall into sentiment; nor is there any of that self=flattery that nurtures con- fessional poetry. Clifford has thrown away all that is facile or false and made poems out of honest responses to believable situations. theater (Continued from Page 7) come to the University the previous year. Until his death in 1956, Windt led the faculty in producing some 25 freshly written one-act and full length shows. He was to aspiring playwrights what Von Washington was to blacks in the department later on, only more prolific and, God knows, longer-lasting. - Bender seems somewhat sour on new plays these days. He notes that as the days of major original shows wore on> into the,1950s, theirquatity plummeted. He claims it is almost impossible for even the most artistically sound ones to make money, and can think of only a solitary full length play, Robert Shed- de's Summer Solstice (1948), that did. While Bender's reservations about the feasibility of original theater may have some merit, enough publicity cer- tainly could bring out audiences even for the most modernistic avant garde spectacles. The stimuli of Hopwood Awards and good playwrighting professors have worked in the past. Who i to say that they,, in league with, "the -uidying spirit.ofValentne.Windt, could not have their way again? 5undag Co-editors Owen Gleiberman Elizabeth Slowik Associate editor Elisa Isaacson Cover photo by Maurben d Maliey Supplement to The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 7, 1979