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October 07, 1979 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-07

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An AP news analysis nearly all sj
LONDON (AP) - After four weeks of though white
slow but visible progress in the Zim- tains his oppo
Pbabwe Rhodesia peace talks the "MR. SMIT
'prospect of a crisis looms not very far in a new era
ahead. day of the for
There is a real possibility the talks a minister-v
will collapse this week if, the Patriotic bishop's gov
Front guerrilla alliance turns down member. "M
Britain's virtual ultimatum on a new along with ou
.constitution. Muzorewa
4 THE TALKS have made more expect Smith
progress than any previous British at- British draft.
" ,tempt to end Africa's most publicized The prime
war and rid itself of the rebel colony, with the Br
But in the history of that troubled land, draft. He m
progess to peace and political accom- early, agreeir
t,'modation is strictly relative. population, o
It is the guerrillas now who are in the strong power
hot seat, not Abel Muzorewa, the current, unre
eMethodist bishop who became the coun-
:try's first black prime minister in June THE BRITI
after nearly nine decades of rule by the two per cent
y: three per cent white minority. tary seats fo
" Muzorewa said on Friday his but with no
delegation accepts the British stitutional ch
proposals - which strip the whites of and citizenshi
SWorld smokin
WASHINGTON (AP) - Smoking stnoking in pa
took a sudden jump in the world last way:
year, the Agriculture Department says, "Throughou
qwith increases recorded largely in the must break of
poorer areas of the world. tes one by one
World tobacco consumption reached "In isolate
h, a record 4.96 million tons in 1978. The example, one
increase, more than 3.5 per cent, was nual incomes
,,the largest since 1973. hundred doll
MOST OF THAT tobacco went into hedges cigar
k cigarettes - 4.2 trillion of them, 100 BETWEEN
.,billion more than the previous year. to the Agricu
Smokers paid between $85 billion and made about
°$100 billion for their cigarettes. year and imp
But while smoking is on the increase, it made seve.
it is occurring in different places. million.
.,.Americans and those living in some of The story is
a: the advanced industrial nations smoke America. B
,ess than they used to because of high world's poor
,taxes and warnings that cigarettes con-
tribute to death and illness.
At the same time, the world's BO
emerging countries are smoking more
often American cigarettes exported
under the government's "Food for
#,Peace" program. Other industrial
'countries also are sending the poorer
' countries the cigarettes they.
discourage their own citizens from
THE- WORLDWATCH Institute, a
non-profit research organization sup-
ported by the Environmental Progam
of the United Nations, described

The Michigan Daily-Sunday, October 7, 1979-Page 9.

pecial political power
minister Ian Smith main-
'H does not realize we are
," Muzorewa said yester-
rmer prime minister, now
without-portfolio in the
ernment and a delegation
Most whites at home go
r understanding.''"
told reporters he did not
effectively to oppose the
minister has little quarrel
itish-style constitutional
lade his big concession
rng to take from the white
n whom he depends, the
rs given them under the
cognized constitution.
ISH document envisages a.
allocation of parliamen-
r whites for seven years
veto rights over con-
ange and strict property
ip rights for a decade.

might c
The guerrillas' immediate problem is
accepting a draft that runs contrary to
some of their fundamental beliefs and
insists that enmities of a seven-year-old
war be forgotten. The guerrillas began
their war against Smith's white gover-
nment and continue it against
Muzorewa, saying he perpetuates white
rule behind a black facade.
British Foreign Secretary Lord
Carrington, chairman of the con'-
stitutional conference that convened
Sept. 1, handed the two sides the 34-
page draft on Wednesday and asked for
responses by Monday.
SATURDAY HE called Muzorewa's
acceptance "a major step forward"
and said he hoped to get a positive
response on Monday from the Patriotic
"We have spent many hours
discussing the constitution," he said in
a statement released to reporters. "But
what is at stake is not the language of
lawyers but the life of a people."
Robert Mugabe, the Patriotic Front's
co-leader, gave notice Friday that the

guerrillas will not give a final answer
on Monday, but will seek continued
"I AM SURE Lord Carrington is not
going to insist that we take it or leave t
unless he wants a deadlock,"
Mugabe told reporters.
Britain has said the draft is as far as
it can go in accommodating both sides.
But Carrington probably will permit
more constitutional talk while he gets
past this week's annual convention of
the governing Conservative Party,
where right-wing lawmakers will press
for quick recognition of Muzorewa and
an end to 14-year-old trade embargoes.
It remains clear that within a week
the conference appears to be set for a
make-or-break crisis.
If the Patriotic Front rejects the con-
stitution, the embattled Muzorewa will
come out looking good. The bishop's
pleas that his government deserves
recognition and an end to sanctions, if
not outright military aid, would carry
new force.
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arts of t
ut mos
pen pac
ed Su
sees y
Lars b
ettes at
v 1969
639 m
n milli
s simil
rest c

habit increases
the Third World this 10.1 billion cigarettes in 1974 and 11.65
billion in 1977.
t of Africa, vendors In countries where wealth is growing
cks and sell cigaret- more rapidly, the use of cigarettes is
making huge jumps. Venezuela
danese towns, for manufactured 16.22 billion in 1974 and
young men with an- 20.3 billion in 1977.
alent to only a few
uying Benson and IN JAPAN, an estimated 35 million
one cent apiece." smokers went through a pack a day
and 1973, according each in 1977. The Office of Smoking and
Department, Sudan Health - part of the U.S. Public Health
pillion cigarettes a Service - says the Japanese are in-
666 million. 1f1 1977, creasing their daily consumption,
on and imported 900 despite an anti-smoking drive that in-
cludes education programs, health
ar in Asia and Latin warnings on packages and limits on ad-
desh, one of the vertising.

SPECIAL on Burritos
and e"The Earl,





ountries, produced

Bowling-60C per game
to 6pm, Monday through Saturday
OPEN til 12:30 am Sunday through Thursday,
1 am Friday and Saturday

Friday, Oct. 5 Nicaragua: Patria Libre 0 Morir
4:00 pm Film beings with scenes of Fall 1978 uprising by FSLNexplores history of
Aud A andintervention in Nicaragua and, role as Sandino-Eden Pastora (Commandante
Cero) discusses organization and armed struggle--interviews women and men
SU of FSLN-Ernesto Cordenal celebrates Mass in camp and speaks of the oppressed
,and liberation.
8:00 P.M.t
AUD ' Six Days In Soweto
SUN.,. OCT. 14 "Six Days In Soweto' is a cinematically stunning and emotionally powerful
0 Mfilm--not merely a record of rebellion against the violence of apartheid, but
" " "an insight into the daily lives and consciousness of the people of Soweto.
8:00 P.M . Venezuela as it is today-on extreme contrast between the wealthy, and the
poor, Luxury apartment houses are seen against makeshift shocks called
AUD ' '" ranchitos.
LISTEN CAR A CAS tshe first documentary
% in a series that examines the soci-economic realityof the indigenous groups
that inhabit the federal territory of the Amazon (Venezuela).
The COST OF COTTON is a documentary on the effects of the international
demand far cotton on a developing nation. The cotton workers, Quiche Indians,
imported by the thousands from the distant highlands, are the ones most
ti immediately affected.

For information:
Ethics and Religion

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