t Page 8-Saturday, October 6, 1979-The Michigan Daily :MANY OPPOSE HARD-LINE VIEWS: Pope's charisma draws crowds (Continued from Page 1) that his human rights pleas have lost credibility because of his opposition to women in the priesthood. The groups - the Boston Women's, Ordination Conference and the Women's Theological Coalition at the Boston Theological Institute - sent similar messages to the pope stating that the credibility of his call to end discrimination based on sex has been diminished by the church's continual denial of women's ordination to the priesthood. Also yesterday, a federal appeals court in Washington refused to prevent the pope from celebrating a Mass on Washington's Mall tomorrow, ending atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair's legal battle to block a service that is expec- ted to attract an audience of one million. SUCH CRITICISMS of the pope, however, seem to have had little impact on the Chicago crowd attending the papal Mass in Grant Park. "I know he's come out with the same traditional views of the religion, but it really doesn't matter. He's our leader and he presents us hope while everyone else seeks destruction," said Rick Brock, a construction worker from Hin- sdale, Illinois. Others at the mass went to great lengths to point out that the pontiff's view of divisive issues were indeed im- portant to the future of the church, but, in effect, had no real impact on their lives. "I think a lot of people may listen to what he says. But more important to me, is what he can do for us and what he can do for the cause of world peace," said Terry Gurgine of North Lake, a Chicago suburb. Those sentiments were echoed by other well-wishers who had waited nearly ten hours at Grant Park to hear the papal Mass. Wrapped tightly in blankets and carrying a full load of food and beverages, many families had camped out near the shores of Lake Michigan. They appeared more like frenzied youngsters seeking concert tickets than a crowd attending a sacred Mass. FOR SOME, while the pope's statements on Catholic doctrine seemed conservative, his views of current international affairs represen- ted a dramatic and radical shift from past positions espoused by the Vatican. During his trips to Mexico, Ireland, Poland, and now the U.S., the pope has taken a much more active role in the world political arena than his predecessors. In Poland, he denounced a regime that violates the human rights of its citizens, and last week, while visiting Ireland, he called for a cease- fire in that country's civil war. Pope lays down law in Windy City visit. BOWLING, PINBALL & FOOSBALL at UNION LANES Bowing-6O0 per game to 6pm, Monday through Saturday OPEN til 12:30 am Sunday through Thursday, 1lam Friday and Saturday im inim - - mmm -mm - -m - - - - - - - U I. 12 FREE 1 2'0. COKESI I I I With Purchase of Any I Item or More Pizza -1 (WITH THIS AD) OPEN SUN-THURS I lam-lam; FRI & SAT 1lam-2am1 Now Delivering to the N. Campus Area1 I BELL'S GREEK PIZZAI 1 995-0232 '700 Packard at State Street 1nm m m m m m m m mmm mm= =e = = = = = = = m mm am m m msse um m -u (Continued from Page 1) of John Cardinal Cody where the pope was spending the night. That group was rewarded early this morning when the pope appeared on the balcony of the house to wave and clap with them. The pope's morning itinerary in- cluded a brief meeting with to predominantly Latino crowd of Catholic charity workers to whoi he spoke in both English and Spanish. The pope also conducted an early morning Mass in Polish, the only one during his tour held specifically for the Polish community. At every block along the papal motorcade route, crowds gathered early to cheer, catch a glimpse of the pontiff waving from the sunroof of his limousine, and to shout "Papey." Many persons in crowds at the Polish church, at the seminary,, and along the streets, waved banners, white and gold Vatican flags, and posters proclaiming "Witamy," Polish for "welcome." The entire city was almost com- pletely shut down for the papal visit. All public schools and some private schools were closed yesterday, as were most businesses and shops. Traffic was banned from most major streets in the downtown area. Tomorrow, the pope - who has ap- peared alternately weary and energetic on his historic, grueling odyssey - flies to Washington for a White House meeting with President Carter. Sunday he conducts a mass on the Mall before flying home to Rome. PARTICIPATING IN THE signing of a contract between the University Cellar and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) are (left to right) John Sappington, assistant manager; Nelson Jacobson, president of the University Cellar Board of Directors; and IWW negotiators Deb Filler, Felicia Casanos, and Lisa Blake. The contract is the first reached between the IWW and the University Cellar. IWW University Cellar Sign their first contract ENERGY. We can't afford to waste it. (Continued from Page 1) organization drive, last fall the em- ployees voted.to be represented by the IWW as their bargaining agent and con-. tract negotiations began in March. In April, the board withdrew a proposal to implement a hierarchical structure in the store, due to vehement union protest. The union demanded the collective decision-making procedures followed in the store be maintained and that language guaranteeing it be in- cluded in the contract. DURING THE summer, negotiations proceeded slowly, marred by misun- derstandings and disputes over grievance and hiring procedures and. definitions of the bargaining unit. The union walked off the job for three' days in August because of the lack of progress in negotiations, and to em- phasize the need for a settlement before book rush. After intense negotiations, the union ratified a version of the contract Labor Day, but revisions presented by the board and then the union delayed a set- tlement. The board ratified another version Sept. 17. THE SIGNERS said the pact would help ease tensions in the store and im- prove services to students. The atmosphere in the store was "on an upswing" Sappington said. Now that the contract has been signed, Sap- pington added, employees and management can concentrate on "run- ning the store the way it should be run." Board President Jacobson said an oversight committee established by the contract totwork out disputes between employees and management will in- clude two student board members and two union members. Jacobson said the contract is "significant" since it guarantees worker input in many aspects of the store which are usually considered management prerogatives, such as hiring, scheduling and ordering. "It means a lot of work," Jacobson said. "It's a very optimistic approach." Union negotiator Cassanos also noted the unique status of the store and the contract that resulted. "The people in the department have a say," she said. "That's not usually built in (to a con- tract)." Before the U-Cellar employees organized last winter, there was a "tendency toward more centralized management" in the store, union organizer Fred Chase said recently. You can read of romance or intrigue, Enjoy a Bach fugue or a gigue, You can weap for Othello, Then let it all mellow By dining in style at The League! Q.A . The chga : Next to Hill Auditorium Located in the heart of the campus. it is the heart of the campus ... CAFETERIA HOURS; .11:30-1:15.. 5:00-7:15 SNACK BAR 7:15-4:00 Send your League Limerick to: Manager, Michigan League 227 South Ingalls You will receive 2 free dinner tickets if your limerick is used in one of our ads. 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