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October 04, 1979 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-04

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Page 12--Thursday, October 4, 1979,-The Michigan Daily

Susan Matheke
Willie Feuer

October 5, 6
Dance Building
1310 N. University Court
8:00 pm
$2.00 at the door (763-5460)

Defense officials agre
Carter's modest Cuba

Presented by University of Michigan,
School of Music, Department of Dance

WASHINGTON (AP) - Many people
believe generals and admirals always
urge blunt military responses to end a
diplomatic impasse, but sources say
U.S. defense officials concurred with
the modest measures adopted to deal
with the Soviet troops in Cuba.
From a military standpoint, the'
moves announced by President Carter
essentially preserve the "status quo" in
Cuba - the status of the Soviet troops
will not change. Pentagon sources said
this situation was endorsed by Carter's
military advisers.
THE SOURCES would only discuss
the decision-making on condition that
they not be identified by name.
"Clearly, this was not the kind of
situation where you'd think of using
force," said one member of the small

group that helped put together a repor-
ted 30 possible military, economic and
diplomatic options for Carter's con-
While this adviser would not discuss
specific options, he indicated that on
the military side they involved largely
a set of demonstrations and exercises
that would point up U.S. capacity to
marshal its military might.
FOR NOW, CARTER is avoiding any
response that might trigger a harsh
Soviet reaction. Thus, the closest thing
to a show of force is a Marine landing
exercise scheduled for mid-month at
the U.S. naval base in Cuba's Guan-
tanamo Bay.
"That's something we used to do an-
nually," said a civilian official. He
made it clear he regards the exercise as

no big deal and expects
other than rhetorical blust
Cubans and Soviets.
The 1,600 to 1,800 U.S. Ma
be pulled out of Guanta
about four weeks. Defen
believe this will keep the de
from becoming provocative
ter repeated Soviet assuran
Soviet unit of 2,000 to 3,00
not be a threat to the U.S
other nation."
But U.S. officials continu
the Soviet brigade as a c
and one senior defense o
"Our interpretation of those
is that they, the Russians,v
that brigade a power
capability," such as airlif

e with
no reaction that would permit the brigade to be
er from the used elsewhere in the Western
arines are to Another official said that if the
namo after Russians or Cubans "show any signs of
Ise officials exporting a combat force, we will stop
monstration it." He did not say how.
Administration sources say Carter
y night, Car- not only avoided a blunt military
ces that the response to the Soviet troop issue, but
b men "will he also rejected any options that
. or to any smacked of economic warfare against
the Soviet Union. Under this heading,
ae to regard officials said, Carter decided against
ombat unit, granting trade concessions to China
fficial said, while denying them to the Soviets.
assurances Also, sources said Carter blocked a
will not give proposal to clamp tighter restrictions
projection on the export of advanced technology to
t or sealift, the Soviet Union

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perjury by
From AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-The Senate Ethics
Committee said yesterday it believes
one or more witnesses lied under oath
during testimony in the investigation of
Sen. Herman Talmadge.
Other violations of law, including
making false claims against the gover-
nment and conspiring to defraud the
government, also may have occurred,
the committee said in its final report on
the 14-month investigation of
BUT THE PANEL did not single out
anyone who it believed lied or commit-,
ted any crime. The report said only that
the panel had turned over its files on the
Talmadge case to the Justice Depar-
tment. .
"Should the Department of Justice
find evidence leading to the indictment
or conviction of any member, officer or
employee of the Senate, the committee
will take such trdditional action as is,
T'i~ :vestig eac ,t a r
panel to recommend that the Senate
denounce the Georgia Democrat's con-,
duct as "reprehensible" and as a
"gross neglect of his duty."
THE COMMITTEE also recommen-;
ded the Senate require Talmadge to
repay $12,895 plus interest for over-
charges made by his office of his of-
ficial expenses. And it recommended he
pay the interest on $43,436, which the
committee said his office improperly
collected through expense overcharges.
Talmadge said he considers the
committee's final report "a personal

victory" for him because "there is no
finding of willful or intentional miscon-
duct on my part." He said he has "no
reservations whatsoever" to the
Justice Department examining the
committee's files and testimony
presented to the panel.
But Talmadge also said he has not
decided whether to fight the commit-
tee's recommendations on the Senate
floor. The senator had contended
earlier that the recommendation to
"denounce" him rather than to "cen-
sure" him was a personal victory.
ALTHOUGH THE term "censure"
carries no automatic loss of privileges,
the Senate has traditionally considered
it the severest punishment it can give to
a member. There also was no indication
when the Senate might act on the com-
mittee's recommendations.
The panel's report asserted that the
testimony of some witnesses "conflic-
ted in material aspects" with the
testimony of others.
Si n irIncde,
therefore, that one or more of these
witnesses not all of whom are Senate
employees gave false testimony under
oath," the report said.
IT SAID certain testimony, if true,
and certain documents, if authentic,
"would indicate that other serious
violations of law have occurred."

Among possible violations listed by
the committee were:
" The making of false statements to
the government.
" The making of false, fictitious or
fraudulent claims against the gover-
" Willful evasion of income and gift
" Failure to keep adequate records
as required by the Internal Revenue
Committee Vice Chairman Harrison
Schmitt joined his five colleagues in
their cautiously worded findings, but
added a separate, harsher statement of
his own.
ANALYZING THE evidence in detail,
he concluded that Mr. Talmadge "knew,
of funds being diverted and that he was
in receipt of such funds."
The citizens group Common Cause
complained in a statement issued soon
after the report was released that the
punishment of denunciation would be
insuffic A. It posed that Talmadge
be stripped of his post as chairman of
the Agriculture Committee.
Declaring that Talmadge had
dishonored and disgraced the Senate,
Common Cause said that failure to
remove him as chairman "will once
again say that the ethical standards of
Senators are to be ignored."

Sycor panel action
stalled, layoffs coming
BY WIL6I1AM THOMPSON workers Ann Arbor's largest private
The Sycor Crisis Committee attem- employer plans to lay off.

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pted last night to improve com-
munications between Sycor Corp. and
workers scheduled to be laid off, but
without representatives from two im-
portant parties - the company and the
The committee staged its second
meeting at City Hall in its attempt to
coordinate services available to the 600
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ALTHOUGH A number of workers
and union and government officials had
volunteered to serve regularly on the
committee, fewer than 20 people atten-
ded with no representative from either
the union or Northern Telecom, System
Corp. (NTSC), of which Sycor is a sub-
"It was my understanding that we
were going to have Sycor represen-
tatives here tonight," said State Rep.
Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor), who
organized the committee.'
The lack of interest among Sycor
workers is due to uncertainty over their
fate at Sycor, according to Bullard's
aide, George Smeltzer. "They're not
going to be interested in these things
until they see what they are going to get
from Northern Telecom," Smeltzer
HOWEVER, Fred Veigel, an obser-
ver from the Huron Valley Central
Labor Council, suggested the union
would be better able to provide services
to laid-off workers than the committee.
"It's almost an exercise in futility to
keep this thing (the committee) going,'
Veigel said, adding that finding new
jobs was all the committee could do.
"Other than that, what purpose are we
Smeltzer disagreed, noting, "Half the
people affected aren't in a union. They
don't have that intermediary. The
biggest problem is communication -
who's going to be affected and when."

Connally.. .
cites Domino Theory
Cuba rcolicy
Presidential hopeful John Con-
nally yesterday severely
criticized President Carter's
handling of the Soviet troop
situation in Cuba, saying the
issue is not Cuba, but Soviet ex-
pansion worldwide.
"I am not alarmed about the
troops in Cuba and I don't think
the American people should be,"
the former Texas governor told a
news conference. "What we
should be alarmed about is that it
is another natural step in Soviet
expansionism. We have let them
get away with it.."
former President Gerald Ford's
hometown for a Republican din-
ner in his honor.
The Democrat-turned-
Republican already has gained
support from many long-time
Ford supporters and pledged that
even if Ford decides to become
an active candidate for the GOP
1980 presidential nomination, it
would not push him out of the
Connally said if he were
president, he would have asked
the Senate to put aside con-
sideration of the SALT II pact,
asked for a six per cent increase
in defense spending and deman-
ded that Soviet and Cuban troops
be pulled out of Africa and the
Middle East.
night, Carter said he had
received Soviet assurances that
the several thousand troops
stationed on Cuba pose no threat
to U.S. security.
He said the issue should not be
linked to consideration of the
SALT II proposal because arms
limitation is too serious an issue
to force into the political arena.
Connally, however, charac-
terized Carter as a weak leader
and said the issue is the spread of
communism itself.
"We used to hear a lot about
there being nothing to the domino
theory," Connally said.

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