Pge 4-Thursday, October 4, 1979-The Michigan Daily TheArab-Israelidisputecomes from decades of hostiiity i -The continuing impasse in the Middle East peace process reminds us of the intricate complexity of the issues at hand, and the bitter dispositions, har- dened by years of tragic losses for both sides. After decades of offensive reprisals initiated by both Arabs and Israelis, there seems to be little hope of either side becoming willing to make the =sacrifices and bestow the trust, necessary for a peaceful resolution. Palestinians insist that the key issue in the dispute is human rights. Indeed there have been numerous violations of basic rights of the Palestinians by the Israeli government, one of which is unr-easonable curfews and the cutting of essential services in reaction to com- patatively mild disturbances. Iti his speech at the Michigan Union Monday, Mayor Fahd Kawasmeh of Hebron-the 2nd largest city in the West Bank-told of a Palestinian,, town near his that had a 17-day curfew im- posed on it, including the cutting of food and' medical supplies-and com- munication services, as a result of a single stone-throwing incident. During that curfew, two Palestinian youths were killed by Israeli troops. Similar incidients recounted by Palestinians livinig in the United States make it clear that Israel has violated the human rights of its indiginant Palestinian , population as a measure for insuring its internal security. JEWS WHO HAVE c\me to under- stand the plight of the Palestinian people are in a precarious position to even discuss the Middle East. They have been harshly condemned by other Jews who mistakenly assume that all Jews must be Zionists. Many forget that there is an- important distinction between Zionism and Judaism, and that some of the most orthodox believers are, at the same time, the most staun- chly'anti-Zionist. The Neture Karta, for axample, are a group of religious set- tlers on the West Bank, who opposed the initial creation of a politicized Jewish state on the grounds that it violated the scriptures forseeing the advent of the Messiah, which is to symbolize the re- creation of the Jewish state. Still other Jews of all degrees of religiousity have come to sympathize with the Palestinians as victims of gross human rights violations. Some even point to the irony of the political circumstances which lead to the creation of the Jewish state, Jews are less likely than Arabs to forget that the Nazi Holocaust was the primary factor which caused the great powers to lend their support to the creation of Israel. Political Zionism became a viable political force only with the help of the 'French, German, and British gover- nments, which cooperated with the Zionist immigration efforts of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This movement was disowned by the religious Zionists, who began settling peacefully among the Arab populations long before the First Aliya in the 1880s. THIS FACT is too easily forgotten by Arabs, especially those who make the obscene analogy of comparing the 'Jewish state to the Aryan ideals of Hitler. No objective observer would deny that the Israeli government has been guilty of repeated human rights violations against Palestine, both Muslim and Christian. But to liken the defensive paranoia of Israel to the aggressive Nazi policy of seeking to ex- terminate an entire race of people is in- deed erroneous and offensive. Israel, on the other hand, has taken its policy satisfying its security requirements to such an extreme that its policy of procuring defensable bor- ders has come to appear as expan- sionist. The new settlements on the West Bank, and the recent government approval to buy Arab land in that territory enforce this observation. This policy is the very one which has lead to the rationalization of Palestinian rights for security concerns-and to incidents similar to the one accounted by Mayor Kawasmeh. By overreacting to mild disturbances within its borders, Israel By H. Scott Prosterman Declaration, and that the land in question encompassed parts of present- day Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan as well. The British government of An- thony Eden made this agreement through its foreign secretary, Sir Henry McMahon, as a reciprocation for the Arabs entering World War I to help Great Britain against Germany and Turkey. Because of the geographical details of the early agreements, and the fact that Jordan controlled the West Bank until 1967, many Jews rightfully ask why no sincere effort was made by the Arabs to create a Palestinian state on the West Bank while it was under Arab occupation. Likewise, the Arabs have a diminished memory of the Holocaust. The creation of Israel was a reaction to centuries of Jewish persecution, which culminated with the Holocaust. It is most unfortunate that some Arabs feel a sort of vengeance for the Holocaust being directed toward them. But because Israel continues to suppress the free movement of its Palestinian population, this attitude is not without foundation, however exaggerated it maybe. , UNTIL ISRAEL demonstrates a greater awareness and respect for these basic human. rights, it can not realistically expect the PLO to recognize its legitimacy as a nation. In an arena of such bitter violence, trust is hard to come by. Israel feels a genuine internal threat from its Ralestinian at- tacks on civilians. Thus, it is compelled to limit the freedom of movement of those whom it views as potential terrorists. Native Palestinians though, find it unthinkable to recognize a nation which symbolizes the destruction of their homogeneity, and which forces them to subsist in "deplorable con- ditions", while maintaining an ar- bitrary power of deportation over them. At the same time, the Palestinians must come to terms with their own paranoia about dealing with the United States. Kawasmeh stated that the PLO refused to cooperate in the process of Camp David, because of the United States' presence and involvement. He stated his insistence that the solution can come "only under the flag of the, U.N.", with Soviet involvement and cooperation. This suggestion is not even considered to be realistic to most political observers. It has loiig been un- derstood that the Soviet Union has no' vested interest in solving the Middle East conflict, and furthermore has an ideological interest in maintaining a state of turmoil there. Palestinian leaders also ignore the fact that the State Department has lost-many Jewish friends because it has been putting pressure on Israel to deal more lenien tly with the PLO. Likewise, Israel's insistence that the U.S. not even speak to the PLO is en- tirely self-defeating. Someone must at- tempt to bridge the impasse; nothing, was ever accomplished by not negotiating. Andrew Young was an un- fortunate victim of circumstance in ef- forts to accomplish this, as he recognized the dire need to have some kind of dialogue with the PLO. It is even more regrettable that his forced resignation was followed by a host of self-righteous demagogues, in- jecting their own personalities into the process. The present situation can only worsen now that it has become fuel for the egotistical demogogery of Jesse Jackson. By default, he has assumed 4 role that should be performed by the State Department. The State Depar-" tment must re-assume this role at all costs, even if it means offending Israel and the American Jewish Community' by negotiating with the PLO. Otherwise the cost will continue to be measured in billions of dollars, and loss of life. In spite of its shortsightedness in dealing with many of these current issues, the Department of State remains the most viable force capable of resolving the conflict. H. Scott Prosterman is a graduate student in the Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies.) Kawasmeh is only aggravating the bitterness among the Palestinians and leaving it- self open to what should be harsh criticism from its primary weapons supplier and financier-the U.S. So with the current impasse, we ask who will be the first to give in by recognizing the rights and existence of the other party. Palestinians insist that the issue is "rights", rather than "trust". They "trust" the Jews, we're told by Kawasmeh, after all "we lived side by side for thousands of years before the Zionists came." Thus, for Palestinians the single issue is recognition by the Israeli government of their basic human rights. Only then, they insist, can they negotiate. "We are not the enemy of the Jews", we were told, but "of anyone who takes our right to live." ACCORDINGLY MANY Arabs insist that the avowed PLO goal of destroying the state of Israel, speaks of the elimination of the "pure Jewish state" and not of the Jewish people. Arabs and Jews alike have demon- strated a short memory for history in presenting their views on the Middle East. Few people outside of academic circles seem to realize that the land of Israel was promised to the Arab Nationalist cause a full two and a half years before the signing of the Balfour Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXX, No. 25 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan lsprin age oMnila oY PERMITTING Westinghouse the plant down ahead of time. Electric Corp. to export the key But such assumptions take un- *component of a $1.2 billion nuclear necessary risks, placing far too much ,power plant for, the Phillipines, the responsibility for human safety on the bState Department is ignoring vital same kinds of failsafe mechanisms concerns of health and safety in the that indeed failed at Three Mile Island. name of expediency. The result is that If there is one thing that the Pen- :no longer is this country engaged in the nsylvania near-disaster should have deadly exportation of commercial demonstrated, it is that in the nuclear nuclear power, but in the exportation power game, uncertainty and the of the dangers so markedly illustrated potential for human error are the by the accident at Three Mile Island. dominant dynamics. Sources have suggested to the press ,The administration approved that that the only reason the administration dale despite the fact that the proposed is pushing the project is to salvage the Philippine plant will be built at Nabot health of the U.S. Atomic power in- Ioint near Manila within erupting dustry, which has seen a lack of ac- distance of'four volcanoes. The edge of tivity since Three Mile Island distur- one huge lava flow from one of those bed America's faith in the nuclear age. volcanos, Mt. Natib, is less than two But if the market for the deadly power a::les from the site of the proposed plants is shrinking, that is because plant. The Philippine Atomic Energy these plants are still too unsafe and too Commission has already surrounded by uncertainty to become ,acknowledged the possibility of erup- the major source of eney for this or tion" of Mt. Natib, and the State any country. Department said in its 6Q-page report The Nuclear Regulatory Com- that the "volcanic history of the site mission still has to approve the region is not well known or under- project, so the people of the Phillipines ood." ..can only hope that that body - if not But the administration has approved the State Department - has learned the proposed plant, ignoring the ob- from the lessons of Three Mile Island tious dangers, and content that a and the dangers of pushing ahead too "volcano surveillance system" will be quickly .with commercial nuclear able to anticipate eruptions and shut power. - 4 It started out as a form we used in the English Department to report "incompletes" in the courses. (For the information of you older readers, "incompletes" are what you report instead of failing grades for students who don't complete the work for a course on time: it's as simple as , that.) But the gentleman-a colleague-who created this form in a fit ofwadministrative zeal outdid himself; and now, as a result,.the:whole world may be changed, or changing. The form he made up was headed "Report of Incomplete Course Work," and it asked first for information like the student's name, class year, college of enrollment, and so forth. Below this there was a place for you to note what work had actually been done, and what the grade was for that work. Then it asked you to list the work still outstanding, the "incomplete" part. At the bottom there was a line for your signature. RIGHT IN THE middle of the form, however, after "Term of Enrollment" but before "Description of Work Complete" there was a line that said "Reason for Incomplete." For a while, when the form was first in- troduced, we shook our heads and wrote in "Work incomplete." Then, disgusted, we wrote in "Guess." Then we became creative. Reason for incomplete? "Frogs." "Bananas overripe." "Civil strife on Mars." "Time and Space." "Sailing to Byzan- tium." One year as I was turning in my grades for the term, and in need therefore of several copies of the form to take care of my usual run of "incompletes" from the Dickens course, I discovered that there were only a half-dozen copies left. "Make some copies of that," Toby said, "before you use the last one." I used five, and A new world of incompletes, By Bert Hornback then gleefully covered over the offensive "Reason for Incom- plete" line on the sixty copy. Iran off a hundred of the revised form and put them in the filing cabinet where they belonged. But correctness achieved never ends in mere correctness: that's a law of Nature. A couple of mon- ths later, in mid-summer, I noticed that the supply of the revised form was almost exhausted. So I took one, and in the blank space where it had once said "Reason for Incomplete" I typed "Handicap," and ran off twenty-five. Then I took one of those with the new revision and revised it, replacing "Handicap" with "Astrological Sign or Sexual Preference," and did twenty-five more. Then, I replaced "Astrological Sign orSexual Preference" with "Recent Gain or Loss of Weight." I ALSO DID "Student's Height" (revision 5), and changed that (revision 6) to "Student's Longitude." And I put them all in Toby's file. Subversion is a form of tyran- ny, and tyrants always subvert themselves in the end. I could't stop. Next I invaded the space traditionally occupied by "Num- ber of Course," and replaced it with "Student's Weight." Then I, gave them back "Number of Course," but put "Favorite Color" where the form had previously asked for "College of Enrollment." By this time I knew what the end of my work would be. Revision 17 replaced all the original information (except for "Reason for Incomplete") in the proper places, but added in the upper right-hand corner-in the index position-"Favorite Author." I kept that one there, varying it occasionally to "Favorite Food" (revision 19) and "Favorite Color" (revision 20), for eighteen months. FINALLY, WITH brazen and presumptive malice, I replaced "Last Name" with "Favorite Food" (revision 21). ThenI filled out mine for the term, giving in- completes to Craig Spaghetti and Andi Artichoke, Cindy Lamb Chops and Arlene Steak au Poivre. And to the Oysters Rockefeller, Otto and Jerry (no relation). Today there are more than four hundred blank copies of revision 21 in the top file drawer behind Toby'srdesk, in the folder marked ".Report of Incomplete Course Work." In the second drawer, there are maybe forty or fifty completed copies, filed alphabetically according to favorite tooa. There are still some Jacksons and ' Churchills and Brewers in there, but they should be moving out soon, as the Jacksons and Churchills and Brewers get their work done. And they will be replaced by Jam- Cakes and Corn on the Cobs and Baked Alaskas. Most of us got out family names; from our fathers (Jacksons, Dickson, MarArthur), or from some place our ancestors were associated with (Church on the hill, Lancaster, Wickfield), or from a nickname somebody gave one of us several centuries ago. What all of these kinds of names have in common is that they neither are now nor ever have been in any way personally our own. They are all somebody ' else's identification of us, in ter- ms of our relation to that which is not us. Hornback is my name-but as a name it is .T irrelevant to me. My favorite food, however, is my favorite, food-and I'll be the one to choose it! Eventually we will all be known, I suppose, by our favorite foods, and what we now know as'" family names will disappear. The', English department has already, lent a form or two to the History'- Department, and our supplemen- tary grade reports have in- filtrated the Academic Records office. Transcripts will influence Financial Aid, and Financial 4id will pass things on to Washington. Diplomas for Mary Ellen Cheese and Adam Aubergine will result in marriage, perhaps, and their children will enroll-the Moussala twins, or the young Stuffed Eggplants-someday. And all because of that dumb:, form made up by old Professor What's-his-favorite-food. Bert Hornback is a Univer- sity English professor. Letters to The Daily To the Daily: This is in response to the Daily's Sunday Magazine article, "Goin' Nuts: Ann Arbor squirrels speak out." As a member of the canine community of Ann Arbor I would like to direct my rebuttal specifically to the comments of one Hedda Buttrey. Statements such as, "Dog attacks. . . are the 'leading cause of death among Ann Arbor squirrels, second only and cannot communicate rationally with a squirrel and thus attack them. We, the peaceful majority, condemn such action. To them we say, "ARF!" The latter part of the article gave the impression that Ann Ar- bor dogs were vicious killers. But, has the Daily ever thought to investigate the canine as a vic- tim? I know for a fact that many of my four-legged friends have but Michigan's mongrols are willing to give it a try. For now, however, let sleeping dogs lie. Devotedly, Buddy Cohen Hydrant Local K-9 To the Daily: The cartoon in this Sunday's is- sue depicting a "terrorist" with a machine gun was a blatant example of bias and poor clumsy propaganda. I am not going to quote Ant :drew Young, or deliver a harrangue about my owi political beliefs, although spacd in this newspaper for such a let' ter is more than due. I merely wish to point out that te Israeli army is killing women and children in Lebanon every day, yet a cartoon on this issue would be met with much indignation.