p / The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, October 3, 1979--Page 7 , RAIN IN SPAIN MADRID, Spain (AP)-Will the rain in Spain fall mainly on the plain? ' Scientists are undertaking a two-year study into the feasibility of rain- -making, officially called "precipitation enhancement." The study, in the Duero River basin, is centered on the city of Valladolid, northwest of Madrid. Scientists from the Spanish gover- nment and the World Meterological Organization, a United Nations' agen- cy, will seek to determine "when and under what conditions precipitation enhancement can be achieved ar- tifically in a given region." The study ,will utilize sophisticated reasearch equipmet, including specially equipped aircraft, weather radar, upper-air sounding devices and satellites. The experts will assess whether the cloud systems are suitable for "seeding." If so, carefully designed ex- perinlents of "seeding" will begin in 1981 and probably continue for five years, according to the scientists. PermSpia by Eunice Including Hair Cut until Oct. 13 HOUSE OF BEAUTY 411 Hamilton-662-0023 load presents: Daily Photo by LISA KLAUSNER An ICC member works on one of the Co-op houses undergoing renovation. The facelift was financed by the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment. Renovation of ICC co-ops nears end By AMY DIAMOND On the outside, the old purple house on State St. looks the same. But Min- nie's Co-op and 11 other Inter-. Cooperative Council (ICC) houses have recently undergone a major interior face-lift. After wading through miles of bureaucratic red tape the extensive renovations have finally become a reality for the non-profit housing cooperatives. IN AUGUST 1977 the Council first ap- plied for Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) loan. Six- teen months later, after a long series of negotiations with the Detroit branch of HUD, it received the $2.4 million loan. Lewis Howie, Rehabilitation Coor- dinator for the ICC, said one reason for the delay was that Detroit HUD of- ficials were unfamiliar with the new College Housing Loan Program. Unlike the former plan, which provided a three per cent grant to the University, the new program gives loans directly to the co-ops. The program was delayed further, according to Howie, when HUD, requested a; highly detailed cost estimate instead of the commonly used rough cost estimate.; "IT TOOK US three months to get the incredibly detailed cost estimate done and it cost $30,000 to make they report without any guarantee we would get the loan," Howie said. And because of a mix-up, the restoration process was again delayed. IN 1969, HUD granted a $1.2 million loan to the ICC to construct the nine- house North Campus Co-op complex. HUD took $1.1 million of the newly acquired loan and used it themselves to pay the existing mortgage on the North Campus Co-op Complex, instead of put ting the money towards the ICC Co-op rehabilitation. Curtis Coleman, College Housing Specialist for Detroit's branch of HUD said, "The delay was in the ICC getting themselves together on the nature and extent of rehabilitation." Coleman ad- ded, "They had to revise the plan because of increased costs and they (the ICC) had to arrange financing of repayment of the loan." The ICC, which was established in 1937, is the oldest student co-op organization in the country. The council requires that every ICC co-op menber share all the house's work, including, cooking, cleaning and maintenance. THE ICC GUIDELINES on cooperative living were tested during the renovation period when co-opers had to move into houses that were only partially renovated. Many residents couldn't move into their homes until Sept. 5. "Things weren't thoroughly done when we moved in and people had to hold off for a few days, but it hasn't been that bad," said Jenny Skweirtz, member of Minnie's Co-op and past president of the ICC. Skweirtz added, "For about the first week, Michigan House was feeding everyone from Vail House and Min- nie's. People were out on the front por- ch, in the living room, and sitting on each other in the dining room. It was a lot of fun and the attitude was good. It was like a huge, happy family." MINNIE'S AND the other ICC co-ops received new plumbing, heating, walls and carpeting. And as an extra added attraction, Minnie's got a new hallway that leads out to a winding stairwayfire escape. Previously, the co-op residents had to go through two bedrooms to reach the emergency exit. "The house looks real good. It's very, very, very rare that vany land-owner that's not private will put this much time and energy into improvement. Co- ops seem to be more up to code than anything else," Skweirtz said. Although most of the renovations have been completed, the Owen Co-op on Oakland St. still looks like it was hit by an earthquake. The entrance hallway is laden with paint cans, cloths and ladders, and paint is peeling off the dilapidated living room walls. "OWEN HOUSE was in the best shape and needed the least amount of restoration, so they saved it for last," said Marcy Berman, president of the co-op. But Berman said most of the work has already been completed. "The living room is the only room that has to be painted and the carpeting has to be laid down." Berman added: "People were upset because of the delay but when they un- derstood what the situation was, that the HUD loan got screwed up, they really realized there was no one to really blame. We are our own landlords since the organization is non-profit. We have to sort of compensate." NORTHWOODS WEEKEND at PARADISE C OTAES TAWAS CITY, MICH. Package plan: 3-days, 2-nights $20.00 per person, based on 4 people in a cabin (2 separate Bedrooms) Supplies in cabin for breakfast Sat. & Sun. Dinner at restaurant-Sat. Eve. Call 517-362-3234 i, 4, ' The thrill of victory@.. The agony of defeatll the college party of the year! All Michigan students admitted for $1 with college ID on Friday night Oct. 5. And on Saturday night, free admission for winners of the game, $l 'for the losers!! Be there early!! Doors open at 8:00 For more info, call 538-1645 ooooao a ., DON'T GRADUATE without talking to the Hughes Recruiter visiting your campus soon. In Ann Arbor, contact Tom Henry, 761-8003 I