Page 4-Wednesday, October 3, 1979-The Michigan Daily . Ninet y'Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXX, No. 24 NewsPhone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Bo must behave School Board must bury Black English rift to benefit students A CROSS THE midwest, from East Lansing to Madison, from Ann Arbor to Lafayette, college football has become more than just another game. It is a tradition, an event, an outlet for the emotional needs of today's college students. And it is'fun. But sometimes it gets out of hand. Woody Hayes never seemed to under- stand that. For years, he kicked yar- dline markers, hit television cameramen, and simply made a fool of himself in the lockerroom and in front of the press. He embarrassed his school, Ohio State University, and em- barrassed the sport until his final childish act cost him his job when he punched a player on an opposing team . last year. His departure - was a big step for college football as it cleansed the great sport of its worst symbol. The man from Columbus resembled everything wrong with college football-the bickering, complaining and physical assault-while doing very little to enhance the, sport's deteriorating why Bo push he's been un of pressure. out of its fir setback was Dame - but in each gam better than p the offense a lot to be des pure embarr In addition a lot on his confrontation Spartans is o a loss in E ceivably put twenty and a But these member of ti nothing to p simply doing questions ab essing probl( ploded. During hi Schembechl ed the reporter. After all, der a tremendous amount His team has won three st four games - the only a 12-10 decision to Notre has given a poor showing e. The defense has played )ast Wolverine squads, but nd kicking game has left a sired. In fact, it's been a assment. , the Wolverine coach has mind this week. The big n with the Michligan State only three days away, and East Lansing could con- Bo's squad out of the top nother trip to Pasadena. are no excuses to shove a he media who it seems did} rovoke him. He was just g his job, asking probing bout the team's most pr- em when Bo suddenly ex- is ten years as coach, er has acted like a true He must be praised for cool after Michigan's ses in the Rose Bowl, and traditional mid-season ose setbacks would make ut of control. st avoid incidents like the urred this week. Acts like he sport's credibility, and bad example to the ism the sport is supposed to the rest of the student oes not want to become oody Hayes. One was. The reason's behind the Ann Arbor School Board's decision not to appeal a federal district court's ruling against it in the celebrated Black English case are based. on divergent educational philosophies. The most obvious clue to these differences is the Board's 5-4 vote: in July to appeal the decision, which was reversed in two sub' sequent votes against appeal when Board President Kathleen Dannemiller cast the deciding vote with liberal Board mem- bers. IN THE MEANTIME, school Superintendent Harry Howard strongly argues for appeal at the mid-September Board meeting, when the final vote was taken. Included in Howard's presen- tation was input from his staff members, most of whom sup- ported an appeal. If the case had come to trial when any of the six conservative' school Boards were in power, fur- ther litigation might have been sought. But three liberals were elected last June, balancing the Board's partisan composition. The Board's progressive fac- tion emphasizes aid to disadvan- taged students, while the conser- vative posture leans toward traditional, standardized teaching methods. The Black English suit reflected that con- flict. THE CASE originated in 1977, when parents of 11 students at the overwhelmingly white Martin Luther King elementary school charged that their child-en were not being treated fairly. The plaintiff children, who all resided at the Green Housing project on Ann Arbor's east side, were reading far behind their grade levels. The plaintiff lawyers relied on the Educational Opportunity Act of 1974 during the trial, which or- ders schools to help students overcome language barriers. Foreign language barriers among Chicano and Chinese students, impeded their ability to, learn standard English in that case. In July, Federal District Court Judge Charles Joiner ruled that the dialect posed a language barrier of which teachers should be aware and should not destroy. He recognized Black English is the home language of its By Judy Rakowsky speakers and that students could maintain it and still learn stan- dard English. THE JUDGE mandated that the Board come- up with a plan within 30 days in order to supply teachers with sufficient Black English background to help its speakers. Developing the plan and deciding whether to appeal the judge's decision stressed the philosphical dissimilarities of the board. Howard's argument supporting an appeal, with which conser- vative Board members generally agreed, is based on opposition to the extra effort, court interven- tion and costs of providing an in- service program to brief teachers on the grammatical intricacies of the dialect. Those advocating appeal state that research in development of reading skills is inconclusive and that the lack of proven success stories for plans such as this discredit the decision. If lack of guaranteed proof of success con- tinually obstructed progress in education, would new methods ever be experimented adequately? THE LOGIC of that argument avoids seeking solutions to an ob- vious need for special attention in order to standardize instruction. Teachers feared that in- dividualizing instruction would result in tracking and isolating those who need it. Fortunately,. the plan and the judge recognize that separating students only enhances cultural and achievement schisms that are already present. Howard also rebuffs the pressure to expand the teacher awareness plan to other Ann Ar- bor schools before it is proven. The King School plaintiffs are already in high school and will not benefit by the plan that will be impler'ented this school year.; Proving this plan may take five or ten years, and could result in massive waste of young minds while they are still mammeable, the Board has pointed out that many experts support the plan. If they are confident in professional support for it, the plan should be applied to several schools as soon as possible. THE APPEAL argument also claims that providing aid to these children will amount to discrimination. "Many prominent black Americans have spoken out on this issue and have expressed concerns that it will result in a setback in learning for black children and in some in- stances have even said it will relegate theseestudents and parents to second-class citizen- ship," the argument to the board states. Howard stated, that Judge Joiner's finding "simply affords another generation of black children, most especially the plaintiff children, another rationale and yet another excuse for poor academic performan- ce." Howard obviously missed the judge's point that if schools do not deal with these disparities now, illiteracy will continue to' climb unnecessarily. Another discrepancy in Howard's reasoning lies in his recognition that poor academic performance exists among Black English speakers while discounting the barrier the dialect poses as more surimountable than that of a foreign language. The impressive group of linguists and related experts who testified for the plaintiffs provided proof that Black English constructs a barrier, so the degree of difference between it and one caused by a foreign language seems irrelevant. , Howard's point also fails to recognize the impetus for the plan: to create sensitivity to speakers of the dialect and to play down any notion of second- class citizenship. Surely, such condescension is reinforced more by labeling Black English speakers with learning and emotional impairments, as the King school plaintiffs, than by improving teachers' awareness of the dialect's impact on lear- ning. Likewise, the burden of a9hievement can only be placed upon the students if they are armed adequately to succeed. Howard also contends that federal court intervention in school districts results in th Board's loss of autonomy in con- trolling the curriculum. But if that were a purpose of an appeal, it seems ironic that the Board would ask for more intervention, risking further loss of self- determination. THE LIBERALS have argued that the courts should intervene only when school districts do not deal sufficiently with a problem, such as in the Brown vs. the Board of Education Supreme Court ruling. The Board's plan for educating teachers and hiring reading ex- perts will cost $40,000 for one year at one school. The appeal. argument opposedhthis cost because it would divert fund from the majority of students The liberals said the potentia benefits to students far outwei the extra expenditures. Again, the conservativ( position for appeal does not ac count for the cost of litigation which could lead to the Suprem Court. If proponents of appea truly opposed the decision, i would seem that they would wan to avoid a nationwide mandate t aid Black English speaker which could result from a highe court ruling. Also, the federal ap peals court in Cincinnati has liberal reputation which probably would weaken the legal standin of thd case before the Suprem Court. Without an appeal, the Ian dmark value of the case relies on benevolent school officials here in making the plan work, and those throughout the system t( consider disparate dialects t improve learning. Likewise, th decision buttresses the liberals case for diversity and in dividualized treatment of studen ts. It is hoped that teachers an school officials can smooth ove the discord the case ha precipitated, and can unify t benefit the students. Ann Arbor can prove this pla feasible and lead the battl against illiteracy in this count and possibly around the world. Judy Rakowsky is the Daily' City Editor. image. professional. But Hayes' exit into exile apparently keeping his hasn't resolved the problem, as string of loss demonstrated in an incident on this the team's campus Monday. collapse. Tho Bo Schembechler, who has fallen any man go o victim to a few outbursts over the But Bo mu years but has maintained a generally one that occu cool composure, shoved a Daily repor- that injure th ter who questioned the team's inability serve as1 to convert field goals during its first. professionali four games. The Wolverines have to representI made only one of ten attempts this body. He do season. another W( It's not too difficult to understand enough. If C 146 GAME ~~ T E,!! oTN DoA S f / / Letters Concert review was sexist - - WY Defusing a potential crisis To the Daily: I regret the homophobia and sexism which was so evident in Mary Finn's review of Meg. Christian's concert, written un- der the trivializing, sexist headline: "Feminist Folkie: Christian Fellowship." It is sad- dening to see a woman journalist mimic the male styles which routinely degrade women's ac- complishments. First, her article begins with a description of two women's affec- tionate interactions. Never have I seen a review of a performing artist begin with a description of affectionate interactions between a male-female pair of concert goers. The titillating sexual con- tent of the introduction reminds one of other forms of cheap jour- nalism. On to the second paragraph where Finn slights the performer of the warm-up set by neglecting to even mention her name. Ann Doyle performed three of her own compositions beautifully and plays regularly at the Salad iCellar on Wednesday and Thur- sday nights. Furthermore, the "plug for women's music" which Finn quickly dismisses concerned the vital role of both Olivia Records, a producer of feminist music, and Oasis, the commendable non-profit collec- tive which made this and other significant cultural events possible. Neither did Finn deem it impressive enough to even mention that Christian's perfor- teresting, but alas, Finn was too taken up with Meg's "chatter" and her facial expressions, calling them "endearing and childlike." Will the image of women ever be separated from that of children; Are empathic and funny male performers ever described as "endearing" "child- like" and "charming"? Finn is also obsessed with the reaction of males and straight women to lesbian-feminist music tipping the reader off to her own insecurities. She was so careful to count the number of males present. Wouldn't it be con- sidered racist to count the num- ber of whites attending a black artist's performance? Why did Finn find it important to state that ".. straight men and women may be intimidated and confused by her music." Was it a warning to keep straight people away from future lesbian- feminist cultural events? It is my assessment that the men and straight women who at- tended the concert did so because they appreciated Meg Christian's music. To imply that the straight audience was intimidated and confused is an insult to that audieance's sophisticated awareness of Christian's talent. Finn's insensitivity is revealed by her account of Christian's courage to openly discuss her past life as an alcoholic and her loving concern for her audience by urging us to struggle to heal ourselves. Finn can only call the having sent a music Vri pears that the Daily sent to the concert. There' wrong in noting that the ce of the audiencev ticularly warm and app given the cohesion women's communil Christian's gift at de audience rapport. Hoa dwell on that aspec detriment of a more description of her musi sult both the artist audience. In the future, the Dai send a women-identifie to cover the women munity's cultural even least one who has taken in Women's Studies. -Mart itic, it ap-Irritated by the presence of the t a voyeur Cuban deformed workers state, s nothing the sabre-rattling senators want e ambian- to turn the Caribbean back into was par- an"American lake." reciative, Ultimately, reconquest of all of our the deglenerated/deformed ty and workers states, most crucially Iveloping the USSR, is the goal of all sec- wever, to tions of the American t to the bourgeoisie. We insist that Cuba accurate has the right and duty to take all c is to in- necessary measures-including and the Soviet troops, planes, missiles and anything else it can get its ily should hand on-to defend the gains of d reporter the revolution against bloodthirty n's com- U.S. imperialism. U.S. out of its-or at Guantanamo! For unconditional a course military defense of the deformed workers states against im- t Bomnbyk perialism f In contrast to the cofinter- revolutionary Stalinist bureaucrats and their U.S. flunkes of the Communist Par- Cuba ty/Young Workers Liberation League who peddle illusory disarmament schemes, we realize there can be no peaceful ver Wash- co-existence between the im- of a 2000 perialists and the deformed and "combat degenerated workers states. The he biggest only real defense of the gains o ;ured im- these social revolutions will come e Lyndon not through phony detente but )nkin red 'through political revolution to ds for full- oust these class collaborationist nt in the Stalinist bureaucrats and replac omething them with rule by the working roops "or class through 4emocratically partment elected soviets. Defense of vincingly) working class property forms N HIS measured response to the issue of Soviet troops in Cuba, President Carter has avoided turning the diplomatic squabble into the inter- national crisis that some doomsdayers would like. Carter's announcements of a military build-up in Key West and in- creased surveillance of Cuba were calculated to sound tough, to appease those hardliners who would make the Soviet presence in Cuba a test of the United States' military resolve. On the other hand, the president has shown that he would not succumb to the pressure from his right flank, to Soviet competition can be played with economic tools of advancements, not the arsenal of weapons of destruction. In his well-planned and well-thought out response to this crisis that never was, Mr. Carter succeeded in turning the issue of Soviet troops to his own ad- vantage. The President rightly pointed out that such differences and diplomatic quarrels are common in an adversary relationship like the one between the superpowers. Thus, the treaty to limit strategic arms is all the more important, to prevent one of those squabbles from ever turning in- To the Daily: The Senate blow-up o ington's "discovery"t 3000 strong Soviet brigado" in Cuba is th outburst'of manufact perialist hysteria sinc Johnson's Gulf of Ta herring greased the ski scale U.S. involveme Vietnam War. Do s about those Russian t else," the State. De blustered (not very con