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October 02, 1979 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-02

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Page 10-Tuesday, October 2, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Chomsky criticizes America's
'awesome propaganda machine'

Noam Chomsky, an eminent linguist
:and political critic, spoke at Rackham
auditorium last night on what he
describes the government's "awesome
propaganda machine," which makes
the intelligentsia a "priestly cast" that
thinks of itself as "perhaps dangerously
rebellious, but is actually totally sub-
servient to the state religion."
According to Chomsky, this group ob-
scures events in rhetoric and a distor-
ted system of doctrines.

Chomsky is a linguist at
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
His theory of Generative Grammar
radically altered linguistic concepts,
but he is perhaps more widely known
for his prolific criticism of American
His political criticism began with the
publication of "American Power and
The New Man darins," a book on the
Vietnam war and an indictment of
American liberal intelligentsia.
As an example of subservience
disguised as rebellion, Chomsky
discussed liberal attacks on the Viet-
nam war. He said that even critics of
the war accepted the premise that the
U.S. was really there to help Vietnam,
that we had the right to be there, and
that we were "only making a mistake in
judgement." Chomsky termed this kind




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of debate shallow and harmless to the
bombing of Laos" which he said caused
massive destruction and starvation.
According to him, this was barely
touched by the press, though "when
Carter sent a miniscule shipment of
rice to Laos and quietly deducted it
from our U.N. dept." it made headlines.
CHomsky described several
"techniques of repression." The first
mentioned was the omission of some
subjects from general discussion.
He said that although corporations
determine foreign policy, there are
almost no studies on the relationship in
"responsible journals."
Instead, Chomsky said, the U.S. is
always portrayed as uniquely
benevolent even by its loudest critics.
He said another area of omission is
the correlation between "loss of human
rights in countries like Brazil, Chile,
Thailand, Iran, etc., and U.S. support of
these countries." He said this
correlation doesn't mean the U.S. sup-
ports torture and death for its own sake,
but that to "maximize investment
profit, the work force must be beaten
CHmsky said the illusion of the
"wildly rebellious intelligentsia and
press" is created to increase their
propaganda value, and to fuel the
statements that the U.S. is experien-
cing a "crisis of democracy." This
crisis, said Chomsky, is a fabrication,
which will be further used to muzzle the
handover of
Canal Zone
PANAMA CITY (Reuter) - The
United States yesterday handed over
control of the Panama Canal Zone to
the government of Panama, an action
Vice President Walter Mondale said he
hoped would herald "a new chapter in
the history of our hemisphere."
Hundreds of thousands of
Panamanians marched in for a look
and for ceremonies marking the end of
75 years of American jrisdiction.
Speaking at a former U.S. air base in
the Canal Zone, Mondale said that the
canal had served since its construction
as a bridge between the Pacific and
Atlantic Oceans.
"TODAY LET US celebrate a new
bridging of the divide," Mondale said at
a rally marred by scattered boos and
Despite predictions of a euphoric
celebration, Panamanians were
generally subdued. Officials had
predicted a turnout of a quarter of a
million at the ceremony, but the actual
number was estimated to be well under
President Carter, who had staked his
prestige on ratification of the treaties
despite bitter congressional opposition,
was mentioned only in passing by the
keynote speaker, Mexican President
Jose Lopez Portillo.
The new treaties provide for im-
mediate handover of the Canal Zone
and the transfer of the waterway itself
by December 31, 1999. Panama takes
over most basic services in the area,
along with the operation of the ports
and railroads, and becomes landlord of
nearly 1,000 houses in which canal
company employees live.
Under the new treaties, the United
States will have primary responsibility

for running and defending the canal un-
til the year 2000, when the American
presence is to end. It is continuing to
maintain five military bases, which
must be removed by the turn of the cen-

A lunchtime crowd on the Diag sat
rapt with attention yesterday as an
itinerant musician fingered his
mandolin and warbled with glee.
As he led the group in a chorus of
"Roll Some Columbian" - his ver-
sion of a folk tune by Woody Guthrie
- Steven Baird was fulfilling what
he saw as his mission. He was
bringing people, as many as 100 at a
time, together and bringing his
music to the people.
"I'M A STREET singer because I
choose to be," said Baird, a bearded
Boston native who plays a variety of

instruments, including mandolin,
guitar, dulcimer, zither, and the
"I'm not a panhandler," Baird
said. "I make a good living on the
streets by providing people with a
service. I bring live music to many
people I could never reach if I
worked exclusively in folk clubs,
such as the Ark."
Baird said he began his street
singing career as a Vietnam War
protester in the late sixties. "I
discovered the power of the streets
during the anti-war period," he said.
"I have found that if the government
can keep people off the streets, it can

substantially limit their rights of
free expression."
Although he said he seldom sings
protest songs,, Baird considers his
lifestyle a means of political ex-
Spression. "People learn more from
' your example than from your wor-
ds," he said. "Street singers
represent freedom of expression. We
celebrate life."
Baird says he will be in Ann Arbor
only a few more days, and then he
will move on to East Lansing. But he
will return next year, he says,
because he likes the people and
because he receives a lot of money in
donations here.

Daily Photo by JIM KRUZ
STEVEN BAIRD playing folk music for a lunch-hour group of over 100 people on the Diag yesterday.
Street musician sings his views

Revamped AATA bus system begins;
passengers display mixed emotions


The world changed yesterday for
those who ride the Ann Arbor Transpor-
tation Authority (AATA).
After years of servicing the area with
the controversial Dial-A-Ride system,
AATA began its major switch toward
increased route service.
THe only' daytime Dial-A-Ride
available to the public now is on Sun-
day, but the service still is available on
week nights. Dial-A-Ride for the han-
dicapped and elderly is still available at
all times.
part of AATA's long-term "1990 Plan,"
approved by the board last February.
Board members said the plan is inten-
ded to increase cost efficiency and
provide more complete service than
Fares were increased to 50 cents
from 35 cents, but are half price for
senior citizens, elderly and low income
groups. They can be paid in change or
with new tokens,,.which allow discounts
for passengers purchasing 20 tokens at
35 cents each. The monthly pass has
been eliminated.
*AATA passengers generally were
aware of the changes yesterday, but
some confusion arose over specific
routes and times. Drivers and riders
were working together to figure out the
new system.
"THE PEOPLE are pretty well in-
formed, but they're a little confused
and so are we," said Davis Fields, bus
driver on the new Pauline-Miller line.
"So we're learning together."
He added that one problem yesterday
was that several bus lines, previously


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named for shopping malls, are now
named after the streets they run on.
This has been especially confusing for
riders on the Briarwood bus which is
now called S. Main-Huron Parkway.
AATA officials are scheduled to be at
major transfer spots this week and on
some buses to answer questions from
confused riders. Fares are free this
week so riders "do not have to pay for
their mistakes," said AATA Executive
Director Richard Simonetta.
NOT SURPRISINGLY, the switch to
fixed routes is considered an im-
provement by those for whom it is more
convenient and a mistake by those for
whom it is less convenient.
"I think it's a great idea because I'm
going out to Research Park, and I
wouldn't have been able to take a bus
out there before," said Univeresity
Engineering student Don Evans. "With
Dial-A-Ride, I would've had to call up
and wait 40 minutes, and this is a lot
Barbara Vieira, however, said she
liked the system better before. "I took
Dial-A-Ride a couple times a day, and it
was better because it would come right
to your door and you don't slip in the
snow and fall," she said.
reliability and dependability, are the
main priority for the system. "Even
though it (the new system) won't be as
convenient for some people, national
surveys show that reliability is what
people look for most in a transit
system," he said.
But four senior citizens who had been
waiting for over an hour for a Dial-A-
Ride thought the AATA service cut was
Dial-A-Ride now is available for the
elderly and handicapped every hour,
while previously it was available to the
public every half hour.
One elderly woman said, "The people
who need it the most, the people who
vote and pay taxes, we're the people
that it's hurting."
AATA several times daily were
angered by the elimination of the mon-

thly pass, which offered unlimited
riding for ten dollars.
"The fare increase hurts," said Myr-
na Neighbors. "I used to get a pass, now
it costs me 70 cents a day no matter
what, because I ride twice a day."
But for the riders on the Ann Arbor-
Ypsilanti segment, only one fare is
being charged instead of two.
"THIS IS GREAT because now it
costs me half as much to go to work,"
said Ypsilanti resident Benjie Blake.
AATA marketing efforts to inform
passengers of the changes were suc-
cessful, according to AATA marketing
coordinator Ron Ricciardi.
Primary publicity tools were signs
and advertisements reading: "The
Ride" which included the, AATA infor-
mation telephone number at the bot-
"THIS GOT people interested so they
called to find out what was going on.
There was no way we could fit the in-
formation on a sign or advertisement,
and this got our point across," said Ric-
Marketing efforts included adver-
tisements in newspapers and on radio
stations, a four-page flyer which con-
sists of a new timetable and a systems
map available on buses and at AATA,
increased information telephone
operators, and a new downtown infor-
mation center.
Addressing City Council last night,
Simonetta said yesterday was a "very
busy day." There were more than 600
phone calls, which is three times
heavier than usual.
AN ESTIMATE of the number of
passengers that rode yesterday will not
be known until this afternoon, accor-
ding to Simonetta. But he added that
early estimates showed AATA carried
8,400 passengers yesterday, compared
to a daily average of 6,500-6,700 over the
last three to four months.
Looking to the future, Simonetta said,
"I know, we need to expand our ser-
vices, but I firmly believe we've seen
the last of service cuts. We've adopted a
plan (1990 Plan), so now we can build on

- _ --- - - - - -



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