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October 02, 1979 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-02

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Page 2-Tuesday, October 2, 1979-The Michigan Daily

abortion .
Free Pregnancy Testing
Immediate Results
Confidential Counseling
Complete Birth Control Clinic
Medicaid . Blue Cross
S(313) 941-181 "Ann"Arbor and
' (313) 559-0590 Southfield are
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"When the intellect, mind. heort. and actions ore profoundly developed. education is fulfilled
Profound thinking and profound action alone result in the state of fulfillment With all the glories of
the present system of education and the rapidly increasing technology they've. brought about
with all the ability of modern science to look into the great picture of the universe and know some
thing of the vast galaxies, and to know the mechanics of the world of atoms and electrons and use
them for good -with all this knowledge, what is lacking? COMPLETENESS of knowledge The thirst
for knowledge is not satisfied One knows something of history, something of economics, something
of physics or chemistry But the field of knowledge is so vast, it is not possible tr everyone to hove
all knowledge
However, the total value of knowledge con be grasped on the level of one's awareness if the conscious
mind is sufficiently expanded By expanding the conscious capacity of the mind. it is possible to create
the home of all knowledge on the level of one's awareness Building this home of all knowledge in
one's awareness creates the ability of comprehensive achievements in life. this in turn builds in one's
mind and heart. in one's understanding. in one's perceptions and actions. the result of all achieve.
ments. the state of fulfillment
In this structuring of fulfillment in everyone's heart and mind lies the fulfillment of education Here is
the solution to the great lock in education today "A gate to complete knowledge has been opened
through which every individual con gain enlightenment and progress to the fulfillment of life *
"The purpose of evolution is accomplished through the natural human ability to expand consciousness
and develop life to its full potential
The Transcendental Meditation technique allows the individual to experience more refined states of
thought until the source of thought. the state of unbounded energy and intelligence. is gained The
TM technique expands the conscious mind and enables one to use full potential in all fields of thought
and action in this scientific oge. it is vital that the so for forgotten. ignored. or unknown field of
consciousness be developed During one's student years the time in life devoted to gaining knowledge
it is now possible to have COMPLETE knowledge and to systemically expand one's consciousness
until on enlightened state of life is enjoyed
This complete knowledge is the basis of fulfillment in life it involves the total knowledge of the
knower and the total knowledge of the object of inquiry
The Science of Creative intelligence with its practical aspect the Transcendental Meditation technique
directly provides this ability to gain complete knowledge improve the quality of one s life. and
fulfill the age-old aspiration of humanity to create on ideal society through the enlightenment of
the individual

John Paul
a (Continued from Page1)'
the pontiff sk.id amid a downpour that
had turned the historic common into a
sea of mud.
As many as 400,000 people crowded
the park, waving flags, banners, han-
dkerchiefs and whatever else was
available as the pope, dressed in white
and gold, raised his arms in blessing.
The. crowds had stood under um-
brellas, singing while they waited for
the pontiff, who landed at Boston's
Logan Airport in mid-afternoon. His
motorcade from the airport ran about
four minutes late, but when he finally
approached along Beacon Street, stan-
ding in an open car, his arms outstret-
ched, the throng broke into shouts and
UMBRELLAS were lowered as the
stirring hymn "Praise to the Lord the
Almighty" signaled the pope's arrival.
He stood on the altar brightly
spotlighted against the dusk, and began
the Mass: "In the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost."
Tk* motorcade had changed its route
to avoid a demonstration by an
estimated 1,000 persons protesting the
shooting of a black youth at a football
practice Friday.
The pope had spoken of the city's
racial problems in a visit to Holy Cross
Cathedral en route to the common,
noting that "people of all races, colors
and creeds. . . have created workable
THOUSANDS lined the city's narrow
streets as the pontiff's motorcade drove
from Logan Airport, passing through
neighborhoods that represent Boston's
- and the nation's - diversity.
This is the nation's second-largest
Catholic diocese. More than two million
of the area's 4.7 million residents are
Waving flags of papal gold and white,
crowds a dozen deep along the
sidewalks shouted "Viva il papa!" 'as,
the motorcade passed through the
Italian North End. Rosaries were held
aloft as it' whisked too, through Irish
"Southie" and the Hispanic section of
the South End.
First Lady Rosalynn Carter
welcomed John Paul II for the'week-
long tour that will also take him to New
York, Philadelphia, Des Moines,
Chicago and Washington. She had in-
vited the pope to visit when she had an
audience with him last May at the

, F
Founder of the Science of Creative Intelligence
and, the Transcendental Meditation Programs.

Oct. 2
at 8:00 p.m.
Room of the
Undergrad Library
at noon and 8 p.m.
Room 4313
Michigan Union

POPE JOHN PAUL II exchanges similing greetings with First Lady Rosalynn Carter yesterday on his arrival at
Boston's Logan International Airport. Boston is the first stop on the pope's six-day tour of the U.S.
29 CETA workers ousted
as 18,-month limit expires

(Continued from Page 1)
find jobs, Langford said the county
could obtain federal funding to continue
their employment, because the coun-
ty's unemployment rate of over seven
per cent qualified those employees for a
waiver from the new CETA
Langford said one county employee
was laid off only after he refused a
county job similar to his CETA position.
Turner said the city's CETA em-
ployees did not qualify, for waivers
because the city's unemployment rate
is lower than seven per cent.
lHE SAID THAT although the city's
CETA office would continue its efforts
to find jobs for the 28 people laid off
yesterday, most of them did not have
the skills necessary to compete in the
Ann Arbor job market, with its em-
phasis on jobs that require education or
specialized training.
There are many clerical jobs
available in the city, Turner said, but of
the 28 laid off yesterday, most had

maintenance or custodial skills. ,
The new CETA guidelines, which
were signed into law in October, 1978
and took effect in April, 1979, limits the
time a person can be employed through
the program to 18 months. The time
limit clause took effect retroactively on
April 1, 1979, and thus yesterday
marked the end of the first 18 month
ALTHOUGH MARTIN said she did
not know the number of people affected
nationally by the time limit, the New
York Times yesterday said Labor of-
ficials estimated that about 150,000 of
the 600,000 CETA employees were due
to be laid off. Labor officials told the
Times that about 50,000 of those would
receive waivers of three months to a
The new guidelines also tightenup
eligibility requirements for those
seeking jobs through CETA, and they
forbid local governments from sup-
plementing CETA employees' salaries.
In the past, the job money could be used

SOCIETY -668-8256
01976 World Plan Execut ve Counc i United States. All rights reserved
Transcendental Meditation'TM'* Science of Creative Intelligence and World Plan'
ore registered service marks of WPEC US.,,a nonprofit educational organization.
Printed in U.S.A. by MIU Press 03.1009.1 175

Go f pe With Your Camera
Photo Contest!

UAW likes first Ford offer

DEARBORN (AP)-Frd Motor Co.
presented its economic offer to the
United Auto Workers union yesterday
and the union said it seemed to provide
a basis for a settlement of those issues.
But Ken Bannon, the UAW vice
president in charge of Ford matters
warned: "There are special problems.
It's not going to be easy. There's time
and we'll work on it."
THE UNION had imposed a strike
deadline against Ford of midnight
UAW president Douglas Fraser said
there were "variances" in the Ford of-
fer, but he hoped there were no "sharp
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differences" from the General Motors
Corp. contract ratified by UAW mem-
bers last week. UAW experts would
complete their analysis of the offer by
Tuesday afternoon, he said.
The GM settlement, estimated to
raise GM's labor costs by 33 per cent
over the next three years, provides hef-
ty pension increases and continues the
industry's traditional wage for-
mula-3 per cent annual wage increase
plus cost of living protection.
Bannon identified some problem
areas in the talks as issues affecting
skilled tradesmen, parts warehouses,
protection of jobs against new
technology and the order in which
workers should be laid off when tem-
porary layoffs are ordered.
Fraser indicated that Sidney McKen-
na, Ford's vice president for industrial
relations, had said Ford could not af-
ford what union negotiators
traditionally call "icing on the
cake"-little extras that enable them to
tell their members they did better than
their counterparts at the previously set-
tled company.

to simply :etch out a local gover-
nment's budget. Turner said he had
heard that in Atlanta an engineer, who
could obviously compete in the job'
market, was employed by the city at a
salary of $35,000, $10,000 of which came
from the CETA program. He said this
kind of misuse of CETA funds did not
occur here.
Although funding for the'CETA
program nationally is not expected to
be cut much below the $10 billion it'
received in the last federal fiscal year,
according to Martin, money is to be
diverted into a new Private Sector In-
centive Program, enacted this sum:
The program places the untrained
and disadvantaged in on-the-job
training programs in the private sector,
funded by the federal CETA program.
The Daily incorrectly reported in
Sunday's article on the English
Language Institute (ELI), "Sales from
ELI texts publications .account for
nearly half of the approximately $12.
million annual revenue of the Univer}.
sity of Michigan Press." The annual,
revenue is $1.2 million.
Daily Official Bulletin
Tuesday, October 2, 1979
Daily Calendar
CEW: Re-entry 79 brown bag lunch for women
returning or recently returned to school, 328.Thom-
pson, noon.
Health Services Research: Richard G. Cornell, Ir-
ving Feller, "Evaluation of Emergency Medical,
Services with a National'Burn Registry," F16O8
Mott, 4 p.m.
Bioengineering Program: Les Rogers, "Gamma
Ray Tomography with Time Coded Apertures," 1042
E. Eng., 4 p.m.
Physics/Astronomy: J. C. Buchholz, Generar
Motors Research Laboratory, "Surface Electronic
Structure Characterization of Solid-Liquid Inter-
faces," 2098 Randall Lab., 4p.m.
Computing Center: MTS Files and I/O,1011 NUBS,
Music School: University Symphony Orchestra,
Gustav Meier, Conductor, Hill, 8p.m.
Musical Society: New York City Opera Theatre,
"Gianni Schicci," "I Pagliacci," Power Center, 8
(USPS 344-900)
Volume LXXXX, No. 23
Tuesday, October 2, 1979
is edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420
Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
48109 Subscription rates: $12 Septem-
ber through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer
session published Tuesday through
Saturday mornings. Subscription rates:
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Second 'class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.

1st Prize:

$25 gift certificate





2nd Prize: $15 gift certificate from PURCHASE CAMERA


3rd Prize: $10 gift

certificate from PURCHASE CAMERA

1. Photographs must be black and white only, no smaller than 5" x 7" and no
larger than 11" x 14". Mats and mounts are acceptable. Entries will be
judged on content and overall technical quality.
2. Individuals can submit as many photographs as they wish. Photographs will
be judged on an individual basis. Name, address and phone number must
accompany each photo.


Marilyn Monroe, who, as Norman Mailer put it, "was every man's love
affair with America," becomes the ultimate, transcendental GODDESS
in this romp through the nether world of sexual identity and sexual
politics. With Tony Curtis doing a great Cary Grant imitation, and Jack
Lemmon tottering on high heels, this film remains a curious examina-
tion of sex roles, yet an examination which cannot help but be permeated
by the ineffable beauty of Marilyn in one of her greatest films. (121 min)
7:00 only


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