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September 30, 1979 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-30

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Page 10-Sunday, September 30, 1979-The Michigan Daily

Bad news, Bears:

Blue bounces back

(Continued from Page 1)
Wolverines was 373 compared to 224 for
California. But more significantly,
Michigan possessed the ball for 38:08
minutes, while the Bears maintained
possession for only 21:52, thereby
wearing down the thin California defen-
California just could not contain the
Wolverines who, with Wangler at the
helm, were constantly moving the ball.
The score, however, does not truly
reflect the accomplishments of the
Wolverine offense.
The lack of effective field goal
scoring punch prevented the
Wolverines from putting the Bears
Three times, however, the

Wolverines' defense halted California
drives in the second half, as they
recovered three fumbles, one of which
was responsible for Michigan's first
touchdown of the afternoon.
Aside from the touchdown, the
Wolverine defense made a crucial fum-
ble recovery on their own 20-yard line,
when California back Paul Jones swept
left, only to have the ball stripped from
his hands; thereby nipping the Cal
scoring drive in the bud.
In spite of exceptional play by the
Michigan offense, the Wolverines
couldn't produce any immediate points.
Utilizing both the pass and the run,
Wangler consistently moved the ball
down the field, only to be stopped by the
elastic Cal defense. Three times the of-

fense brought the ball within field goal
range and three times the field goal at-
tempts resulted in nothing.
Haji-Shiekh missed his first boot on a
37-yard attempt. His second and third
were from 45 and 30 yards out, respec-
Prior to Haji-Sheikh's third attempt,
,Wangler directed the offense swiftly
downfield as the Michigan offense
moved the ball 51 yards from the 36-
yard line to Cal's 13. During the drive,
sophomore Butch Woolfolk ran for 22
yards and Wangler passed to tight end
Doug Marsh for 25 yards, but it wasn't
enough as the young Cal defense stop-
ped the Wolverines, setting the stage
for the missed kick.
The Wolverines' second score,

coming 11:17 later in the third quarter,
came when fullback Lawrence Reid ran
straight ahead for the touchdown. The
play came on secnd and goal at the
three-yard line.
The touchdown march, which con-
sumed four and a half minutes, was
initiated on Michigan's 23-yard line.
During the drive, Wangler connected
for three key passes. The first camed on
second and 24 from Michigan's 20 as
Wangler hit Marsh for 38 yards for a
crucial first down, following a Michigan
penalty for clipping. Two plays later,
Wangler again threw successfully, this
time to Stanley Edwards for 22 yards on
second and eight, moving the ball down
to the Cal 18-yard line.
But it was Norm Betts who. was
responsible for sustaining the drive as
the Michigan tight end was in the right

place at the right time. Betts caught
Wangler's 14-yard pass after it was
deflected by its intended receiver, Ed-
wards. This play set the ball up first
and goal to go at Cal's four-yard line.
Edwards then moved the ball one yard
before Reid took it in for six points.
California, which had possession for
only 4:05 of the first quarter in com-
parison to 10:55 for Michigan, still out-
scored the Wolverines as they notched
seven points to Michigan's zero for a
first period lead.'
The opening score of the game came
when California quarterback Rich
Campbell passed for 17 yards to John
Tuggle, who scooted past the Michigan
defense into the end zone.,
The series, which took barely over a
minute and four plays, was the result of
a blocked Bryan Virgil punt at
Michigan's 46-yard line. The punt,
blocked by Bear Ron Hill, was
recovered on the 32-yard line by defen-
sive end Pat Graham.
Prior to the touchdown play, Cam-
pbell passed on third and eight to tight
end Don Sprague for 13 yards to main-

tain the scoring drive.
California then added three more
points in the second quarter when
kicker Mick Luckhurst booted a 47-
yarder through the uprights. The field
goal capped a 27-yard drive in five
plays. Cal left the field at halftime with
a 10-0 lead.
During the first half, the Wolverine
offense gained 166 yards to Cal's 108.
Wangler completed four Out of 13, com-
pared to Campbell who connected on 10
out of 16 pass attempts.
Michigan's big' break came during
the first play of the third quarter. The
Wolverine kickoff unit recovered a Cal
fumble which resulted in Michigan's
first score of the game.
The Haji-Sheikh kick was taken by
Cal returner Terry Wiley in the end
zone. Wiley returned the ball to his 13
where his fumble was recovered by
Mike Harden on the nine-yard line.
.Edwards' first rush toward the goal
line was good for six yards. On his
second run, the six-foot, 203-pound
junior bulled for three yards and the
touchdown, with only forty seconds

Shippensburg stones'The Rock

(Continued fromnPage 1)
rambled 75 and 63 yards for touchdowns
the first two timgs he was handed the
ball. Junior halfback Scott Flinn, senior

wide receiver Steve Looney and
sophomore halfback Eric Payne also
scored in the first half for the Red
Raiders as Shippensburg ran up a 31-0

halftime lead.
The second half was no different as
sophomore halfback Dave Friese ran
for seven followed by another Payne
touchdown gallop as Shippensburg
widened the gap to 45-0 before allowing
Slippery Rock to score with just over
five minutes left in the game.
THE SLIPPERY Rock rooters, which
included most of the crowd, refused to
get depressed as they cheered mightily
for The Rock throughout the relentless
slaughter. The fans waved their green
pom-poms repeatedly and thoroughly
enjoyed the halftime performance
which featured a mass band of between
10,000 and 13,000 musicians.
The band, which consisted of 130 high
school bands, the Slippery Rock and
Shippensburg bands and the Michigan
Marching Band, received hearty ap-
plause from the crowd after playing a
show which included en masse ren-
ditions of The Victors and Stars and
Stripes Forever. Both were conducted
by the recently retired Professor
George Cavender, a long time favorite
of the Michigan supporters.
Slippery Rock had received con-
siderable pre-game promotionias the
main attraction of the day. According
to Rocket running back Rick Porter,
who gained 124 yards and scored one of
the Rock's two touchdowns, the atten-
tion may have been the downfall of the
"THE PROBLEM was the team
stayed in a fantasy world too long,"
said Porter. "They dreamed about
being there and not about playing."
Slippery Rock coach Bob Di Spirito
put it another way. "We felt our pass

patterns were open but our quarter-
back's were throwing knuckleballs. We
couldn't get our quarterbacks to relax.
We had a number of opportunities to
execute and we didn't. That was the.
main thing."
On the other side of the line of scrim-
mage, Shippensburg defensive end
John Wertz felt the print Slippery Rock
received worked to the Red Raider's
"IT GOT US madder," said Wertz.
"It got us up more. Everyone else
thought that they (the Rockets) were
the stars, not us."
Halfback Payne added, "Coach.
(Vito) Ragazzo pointed out that we
should keep in mind we were going out
there to play a game, not just for fun."
Shippensburg's Moskowitz was
probably the happiest Red Raider at
the end of the day. The 6-1, 215 pound
rookie from Glenmore, Pa. lumbered
for 146 yards on just six carries, after
carrying the ball only 10 times prior to
the Slippery Rock contest.
AFTER THE WIN, Moskowitz
revealed his approach to the contest.
"Before a lot of games, I'll fantasize
how I'll do. If I fantasize that I'll do
great, I usually don't. So I tried to keep
my fantasies down and didn't expect to
do this good.
"I've watched this stadium on
television and I just dream about what
it's like," Moskowitz added. "Scoring a
touchdown would be the greatest thing
and that's all I thought about."
For Steve Moskowitz and the Ship-
pensburg State Red Raiders, yester-
day's game was a dream come true.
But for The Rock, it was a nightmare of
the worst kind.

ROCK'S Rick Porter raises a hand in jubilation following a touch-
r-too soon! The touchdown was disallowed.

MSU fails Irish test

By Billy Neff
Cal road trip , .
..* what a hard li fe,
"W~ HAT ARE YOU doing this weekend?"
~"I'm going to California, how about you?"
-'You're doing what? Sure, and my father is Pete Rose."
"His wife says that's true of some other people too; but i am going to
California. The Daily has to send somebody there to cover the football
"Can I carry your suitcase, take notes for you, or at least do your
typing? "
Unfortunately, there was simply no way to bring this person along.
Thus, I was stuck with going to California and had to carry my own suitcase,
did not take any notes or do any typing. You'd think if the Daily was sedning
me on an all expense paid trip to San Francisco they could have at least sent
someone to tote my suitcase.
It was bad enough that they were sending me into the land of the Sym-
bionese Liberation Army, the haven of cults, student unrest, Black Panther
country and the home of the earthquake.
Worse yet, the Daily was making me miss the Slippery Rock game. I had
waited for years to watch those small college titans do battle on the artificial
turf of Michigan Stadium. Instead, I had to watch two other teams, Michigan
and California, push each other around. You know, some people just get all
the :breaks...+
Oh, you want to know about the game. It was a matchup of a Big Ten and
a Pac Ten team. Need I. say more? Ask Purdue about playing California
.teams (Purdue. lost to UCLA this year). Then again, why should we be
asking anyone about playing California' teams, considering our previous
Bears immortalize Roth
Then there's the pride factor. California has not had a good team in a
few years; since the time it possessed one of the finest quarterbacks in the
country, Joe Roth. It also had a game-breaking runner, Chuck Muncie,
who's now performing for the New Orleans Saints. This season, they were
undefeated, having knocked off perennial toughies Arizona and Arizona State.,
Roth died of cancer shortly after completing his career at Cal. He knew
he'd had the affliction for some time, but played on anyway. The doctors told
him the end was near and he played for the Golden Bears, figuring he had lit-
tle to lose. And although the movie has not been made about him, he as one
courageous human being. California has been dedicating seasons to him for
some time and now that they are winning, look out.
Not only that human factor, but -on the physical end California was
predominantly a passing team, possessing one of the most feared quarter-
backs in the nation. In addition, three of his Feceivers were among the
national leaders. It kind of reminded me of Michigan State last year and we
all know what happened to Michigan in that contest.
And who can forget that Michigan had three of its best offensive linemen
sidelined, or ailing with injuries. The Wolverines, we all know, have not
solved the persistent riddle of who will be their quarterback and that is
another problem.
If the situation is not ominous enough, how about the fact that the game
was being played before California's biggest home crowd of the season and
that the game was to be played on natural grass.'We all know about previous
Michigan fiascos on natural grass (a loss at Purdue three years ago, 16-14,
and the setback at Minnesota, 16-0).
California, why me?
Anyway, what do all those omens have to do with the nightlife in San
Francisco? Or the fact that the Daily had the gall to send me to California?
First, the Daily made,me get to Ferry Field by 10 a.m. Don't they know I
usually do not wake up until 11; To show you how much I really wanted to see
the Slippery Rock .game, I forgot to set my alarm, and did not wake up until
9:45. So I had to dash down to Ferry Field, knowing full well my duties.
Then, we had to be whisked down to the airport with the football team.
Not a minute was lost; it was like clockwork. Don't they know how much I
like waiting in airports? We were in the air an hour after we left Ann Arbor.
Now for some even worse news. The writers had to be subjected to what.
the players eat-first, a sweet roll and beverage, then we were brought Filet
Mignon and shrimp for lunch, ice cream sandwiches for desert and snacks o*

fruit and cheese. Don't they know how much fun it is to consume vile air-
plane food-and we get filet mignon.
'To add insult to injury, I had to spend the whole day Friday in San Fran-
cisco. It was really terrible visiting such places as Fisherman's Wharf,

SOUTH BEND-Call it a destruction if you'd like, because Notre
Dame's 27-3 thrashing o(seventh ranked Michigan State wasn't reflected on
just the scoreboard.
A swarming Irish defense, led by defensive end John Hankerd, sent
Spartan quarterbacks Bert Vaughn and Bryan Clark out of the game with in-
juries. Vaughn, the starting MSU signal-caller, may have suffered a kidney
injury; Clark, his backup, went out with an injured upper back muscle in the
second half.
The loss, which came before a capacity crowd of 59,075, broke the Spar-
tans' ten game winning streak. Only Alabama and Southern California had
put together a longer string of consecutive victories before yesterday's con-
After the game, MSU coach Darryl Rogers and other team officials ex-
pressed uncertainty over the severity of Vaughn's ailment. Rogers added
that it could be several days before a full diagnosis of the injury cap be
While the Irish defenders were giving MSU poor field position for much
of the contest, Vagas Ferguson led a versatile Irish attack. Ferguson totaled
171 yards and two touchdowns for the day, and Notre D.ame ran up a total of-
fense of 437 yards.
But the margin.of difference could have been wider. On their first
possession, the Irish drove to the State 35 before Spartan linebacker Dan
Bass pounced on a Ferguson fumble.
Later on in the quarter, quarterback Rusty Lisch drove the Irish to the
Spartan one following a 51" yard punt return by flanker Ty Dickerson. And
the Irish were once again denied points when Lisch failed to cross the goal
line on a quarterback sneak. Ferguson was denied a touchdown in the second
stanza from the same distance.
The Irish finally hit paydirt late in the first quarter, as they capitalized
on a 28 yard punt return by Dave Duerson. Lisch capped a 27 yard drive with
a pass to split end Tony Hunter, who caught the aerial at the MSU three and
dodged cornerback Jim Burroughs for the score.
Clark was forced to take over the MSU quarterbacking chores in the first
quarter, when Vaughn was hit from the blind side, just as he unloaded a pass
which was intercepted by Irish safety Tom Gibbons.
Meanwhile, surefooted Notre Dame kicker Chuck Male booted field
goals from 49 and 36 yards to give the Irish a 13-0 lead.
The Spartans mustered their only points on a 53 yard field goal by Mor-
ten Andersen as the first half clock ran out. From that point, the Spartan at-
tack faded into non-existence-it produced only two first downs and 35 yards
in the second half, but the most shocking statistic came in the Spartan
passing column-a meager nine yards.
Ferguson, who in three quarters carried 28 times, capped an 87 yard
drive with a daso up the middle from 24 yards out. Four minutes later, he
made it 27-3 on a nifty 48 yard sideline run which Rogers hotly disputed.
"He (Ferguson) stepped out of bounds twice on the way downfield," said

special to The Daily
SOUTH BEND - Michigan State
must be wondering where yesterday's
27-3 loss to Notre Dame has left them in
the quest of a second straight Big Ten
It's not that a non-conference loss will
hurt the Spartans in the conference
standings, because only the Big Ten
matchups count. What must worry
Michigan State is how they lost and who
they lost to.
How they lost: the Spartans were
mutilated. The score could have been
much worse but twice the Irish were
stopped on fourth and goal with less
than one foot to go.
WHO THEY lost to: Michigan State
lost to a team which fell to Purdue last
week and was beaten by Michigan in
everything but the score two weeks ago.
Michigan and Purdue, along with
Michigan State, are considered the top
three teams in the Big Ten this year. So
if yesterday's game before a full house
at Notre Dame was any indication of
how the three teams match up, the
Spartans are definitely hurting.
After the game, Dan Devine, the
jubilant coach of the Irish, said, "I
can't rate the teams in order because
we've played so differently in the three
games. We were so emotionally high it
was like when we played Michigan. But
we were better technically today than
we were against Michigan."
DEVINE ADDED, "Last year, after
the Michigan State game, we were 2-2
and they were 1-3, and I said that I had
the feeling that we played a good foot-
ball team and that they were going to
win a lot of games. I have the same
feeling today; we played a good football

many fine teams, but I'm afraid we
were not one of them today.'
is the possible loss of starting signal
caller Bert Vaughn, who left the game
with less than two minutes to go in the
first quarter. X-rays of Vaughn's lower
back proved negative, but doctors have
not ruled out the possibility of a kidney
Bryan Clark, Vaughn's replacement,
who came in with only one play of game
experience, also fell to an injured
muscle in his upper back midway
through the fourth quarter.
Rogers said of the injuries, "I don't
know about Vaughn's back. He was hit
in the back and had the wind knocked
out of him. The same thing happened to
DEVINE SAID that he thought the
loss of Vaughn for most of the game
really hurt State and was one reason for
the lopsided score. "I know when
Vaughn is out it hurts their team a
great deal," Devine said.
MSU punter Ray Stachowicz said af-
ter the game, "We played bad ball over
all. We couldn't get anything together.
I'm not sure that the quarterback in-
jury was the key to the game. We have
to forget this game now and go on from
If the Spartans are lucky, Stachowicz
will not forget how he played. The pun-
ter was MSU's top performer as he
boomed nine kicks for a 46.3 average,
including a 68-yarder.
MSU WAS totally dominated
throughout the game by the Irish. The
Spartans were outgained 434 to 143 in
total yardage. This did not include the
fact that the Irish had 184 return yards
to State's 63.

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