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Page 8-Saturday, September 29, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Mosher-Jordan residents 'slave s
away for local ChIds Fund
Going once... going twice.. . Sold!
Volunteer "slaves" stood on a milk crate auction
block and fellow dormitory residents bid for their ser-
vices Thursday night in Mosher Jordan lounge, raising
$293.50 for a local charity.,
THE MOSHER-JORDAN social committee spon-
sored the "slave auction" to raise money for the
Washtenaw County Department of Social Services
Children's Fund, in , commemoration of the Inter-
national Year of the Child.
Volunteers "slaves" ended up sacrificing their
freedom for six hours last night as part of the fund-
raising event. Social Committee chairman David
Woisard said any resident could volunteer to be a slave
by submitting their name along with a brief description
listing their "saleable" qualities.
Prospective buyers filled the Mosher-Jordan lounge
to witness the auction. Bidding began at $1.00 and in-
creased by 50 cent intervals, as residents tried to out-
bid each other for the "slave" of their choice.
AFTER A SALE was completed, each new "master"
and "slave" signed a "title of ownership" which'
stipulated the conditions of the purchase. The master
had command of the slave last night from 5 p.m. to 11
Bids ranged from $2 to $22 and one group of three
"slaves" was sold collectively for $26.
Anthony Chin purchased a group of eight "slaves"
for $16. "I'm not sure what I will do with eight 'slaves,'
but those women on the first floor are really crazy,,"
Chin said. '
ACCORDING TO rules set up by the dorm's house
council, "slaves" could not be asked to do menial tasks
such as homework or laundry. "Slaves" could not be
forced to serve beyond the allotted time and physical
contact without mutal consent was prohibited.
Both "master" and "slave" were also expected to at-
tend the "toga party" held at Mosher-Jordan last
.Many of the "slaves" appeared ill-at-ease during the
"I was scared to death," Margot Snyder said. "I'm
still shaking. It's strange having all those people
looking at you."
"It was weird to be up on the stage and kind of em-
barrassing to be sold for such a low price," "slave"
Richard Rayos explained.
"It might be a little embarrassing but we are all
doing it because it is for a good cause," Donna Smith
IN MOST CASES buyers bid for-members of the op-
posite sex. A resident of Alice Lloyd who wanted to
purchase a particular woman had to enlist the help of a
Mosher-Jordan resident to act as his bidding agent.
"She is a good friend and we planned to do this. Plus,
it's a good way to raise money," Lloyd resident Mitch
Panter said.
It was a warm night and many windows in the dor-
mitory were left open; the auctioneer's bark drifted
upstairs where many residents were diligently
studying. Some residents said they could only leave
their books for a quick look at the auction, since they
"just had too much work."
Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS
AN AUCTIONEER ups the bid as a Mosher Jordan "slave" goes on the block. Two unidentified rough characters stand.
in the background. The auction was held at MoJo Thursday night.
Stanley Kaplan defends testing business
(Continued from Page 1)
the majority of his students coming
from the Detroit area. Although Kaplan
says he hesitated to leave Brooklyn, he
finally took the plunge, and Stanley
Kaplan Educational Centers began
blossoming across the country.
The Kaplan courses are offered for
nearly every standardized test
available. Courses run on a lecture
basis, followed by the "Test-n-Tape"
method,. or audio-tape reinforcement,
and finally homework. Courses also
feature sample tests. "In class we try to
discuss every area of what will be on
the test," Kaplan said.
KAPLAN SAID most courses run 40-
50 hours over an eight to 10-week
period. "I don't believe in cram cour-
ses," he said. "I know of no other
(coaching) organization with a per-
manent location. Some just rent a hotel
room for a weekend."
Kaplan explained that courses are
taught by college graduates in the same
field as the class they are teaching. For
example, a law student would teach a
class preparing for the Law School Ad-
missions Test (LSAT).
Prospective teachers are judged on
the amount of interest they show in
teaching, Kaplan added, rather than
"someone who is interested in making a
KAPLAN ADMITTED that the cour-
se doesn't work for everyone. "We have
students who don't get results," he said.
"We make no guarantees."
Course prices vary according to the
test involved, Kaplan said. The
cheapest class available is the Miller
Analogies Test, which costs $50 for five
lessons. The Federation Licensing
Examination (FLEX) for medicine is
the most expensive course, Kaplan
said, costing $750.
But according to Kaplan, the fee
structure is justifiable. "Fees are
reasonable in terms of what we give,"
he said. "Harvard is a business, U. of
M. is a business, and although I'm an
educator, so are we.
CRITICS OF coaching programs say
such courses discriminate against the
underprivileged who can't afford to pay
for the courses. But Kaplan refutes this
argument, by pointing out his scholar-
ship program for minorities and disad-
vantaged students.
The scholarship program, he said, is
based on need. College counselors sup-
ply the Kaplan organization with names
of qualified underprivileged students,
who then can take the course for free.
Kaplan said he thought the Univer-
sity prepared its students well for tests.
"U. of M. has an excellent reputation,"
Kaplan said, adding, "How did it get
that reputation? It must give good
BUT KAPLAN said, the grade in-
flation the University suffered from
several years ago, has "absolutely"
harmed it.
Although standardized tests have
fallen into some disfavor recently,
Kaplan said he still thinks highly of the
system. "The National Education
Assocition is trying to get a moratorium
on testing.
,"I think testing is important because
of grade inflation and differing stan-
dards. Testing helps to give another
picture of the student. I know of a
school in California where the average
test grade is an 'A'," Kaplan said.
There are 88 centers in the country,
as well as one center each in Puerto.
Rico, Toronto, and Zurich, Switzerland.,
Kaplan was in town visiting the local.
branch, after seeing the center in East.
Lansing Thursday.
Ford contract deadline
set as GM workers vote
DETROIT (UPI)-Confident its
settlement with General Motors Corp.
will be ratified, the United Auto
Workers (UAW) union yesterday set an
Oct. 4 strike deadline at the Ford Motor
. UAW Vice President Ken Bannon,
chief negotiator at Ford, served notice
its current contract with the No. 2
- automaker will be terminated at 11:59
p.m. next Thursday.
A strike is possible-though
unlikely-after, that deadline if Ford
and the UAW fail to come to terms.
A PATTERN contract was reached
Sept. 14 at GM just hours before a strike
deadline. The union's 450,000 GM
workers currently are voting on the
Establishing a strike deadline at
Ford signified the UAW is confident its
GM contract will be ratified.
Ratification votes have been held
around the country all this week, but
the union has declined to release-
piecemeal results. UAW officials say..
they will announce a final vote tally
Negotiations have been going on at
the No. 2 auto company sporadically
since mid-July, mostly at the subcom-
mittee level.
"We are hopeful ,that an equitable
new pattern contract agreement can, be
reached by the deadline without the
necessity of a strike by our 197,000
members at Ford Motor Co., and we
will be working diligently toward that
goal between now and 11:59 p.m. next
Thursday," Fraser said.
The GM pact, unofficially estimated
to boost labor costs between 30 and 33
per cent, would give the average auto
worker a pay increase of about $10,006
over the next three years.
ELI prepares foreigners for American life
STANLEY KAPLAN, founder of the StanleyHff. Kaplan Educational Center,
said yesterday the University has a "good reputation" for preparing its
students for various standardized exams. Kaplan was in town, visiting the
center here.
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(Continued from Page 1)
"Study" often takes on new meaning
for the students. They must grapple not
only with irregular verb conjugations
and accent rules, but with the proper
American customs pertaining to
dating, friendship, and bathing.
Teaching Assistant Ted Smith had
the class fill out a computer dating
form which led into a lively discussion
of pre-marital sex, and dating someone
of another race, religion, or country.
During the fuel "crisis" this summer,
Teaching Assistant Mitch Meyer set up
a simulated Senate hearing in which his
students played such roles as senators,
oil magnates, and environmentalists.
All classroom discussion and instruc-
tion is in English.
teaching at ELI since 1959, explains the
strategy is not merely to use the
classroom to teach English, but "to
lead the students into American culture
and ways of using language."
In addition, students are urged to
take advantage of the English speaking
environment and many eagerly seek
out American contacts. Jorge Ripalda,
an Ecuadoran, although at a low level
at ELI, manages American slang com-
fortably and says, "I go to the bar to
meet other Americans, since it is the
best way to practice."
Roderick Fraser, head of Student
Services and of admissions has long ex-
perience worldwide teaching English
as a second language. "It is impossible
to distinguish in practice what the
student learns at ELI and what he lear-
ns in discos, bars, TV, and at the
ballgame;" he says.
The composition of the student body
this term is fairly typical of past tren-
ds: 70 from South and Central America
including, 51 from Venezuely (a resilt
of a major Venezuelan government,
program), 67 from Japan, followed by
'35 from the Middle East and North
Africa (excluding Iran), and a handful
from Europe. The most significant
change this term, ELI reports, is the
great drop in Iranians from 30 or 40 in
past years to 11 - a consequence of
recent political upheaval there.
Many are sponsored by governments
or employers and include a mixture of
those motivated by a desire to later
enroll at American undergraduate or
graduate programs, those already in
the midst of careers, and a smaller
number who have accompanied
spouses - who just received a new
position in the United States, and need
English in their daily lives.
Applications are accepted on
basically a "first come, first served
basis," although ELI assumes a rate of
roughly 20 per cent "no-show" and
over-enrolls accordingly. Potential
studentsrneed onlythe necessary visa
forms, a high school education, and the
$500 tuition payment per eight-week
TOMORROW: ELI's place in the Univer-
sity and its new push for a research role.
New Led Zep: The Pop- Weed Factor
- e-- - a~
(Continued from Page 5)
Fresh and boisterous, this shoot called
itself punk and begot the Sex Pistols
and the Clash. Hundreds of other
neophytes sprouted near them,
smothering the new shoot, rendering it
harmless, and finally killing it.
Euterpe sadly looked on her creation
for she saw that New Wave merely
echoed the music of the 1960's. Mour-
ning the impending loss of a once
beautiful fruit, she wondered, "What
hasn't been done yet?" She toyed with
the idea of rock music performed on an
array of rubber bands and cellophane.
But wait - did her ears deceive her?
An alluring new sounds was coming
from near the very base of the plant, a
section that had not been productive
since 1976.
AND HERE it is, Led Zeppelin's
latest album, In Through the Out Door.
Released a full 10 years from their first
effort, the new material shows the
same spirit of innovation that their first
album did.
Aptly titled Led Zeppelin, their first
album featured intense music since
branded a heavy metal. At the time,
their music was not well received;
however, it quickly came of age,
rewarding them with critical acclaim
and sold-out concerts.
After eight other albums in the heavy
metal idiom, the band has snubbed
those expecting rehashed "Black Dpg"
or "Communication Breakdown." By
daring to explore new territory, they
have created an album considerably
mellower than any of their other works
and infinitely more varied.
Once again, oft-copied guitarist
Jimmy Page has-ledthe way, dashing
off enough licks to keep bedroom and
barroom guitarists alike busy for the
upcoming months. Page experiments
demonstrates that he had come to ter-
ms with the death in "All My Love."
Plant pictures himself as fabric on the
loom of time and his son as a "feather
in the wind." In this context, both are
powerless over life and death. Plant
therefore acknowledges that he must
carry on.
The other half of the band, bassist
John Paul Jones and drummer John
Bonham, make their presence well-felt.
Bonham's talents are particularily
evident in the carefully interwoven
marimba and drum parts in the
Jamaican-influenced "Fool in the
Rain." Jones not only plays bass, but
also contributes more keyboard work
than on any of the band's other albums.
Of particular merit are the bold syn-
thesizer fines that dominate
"Caroulambra" and the classical
To the Rushee:
It wouldn't be the Deke House if there weren't
rumors about it. Just for the record, here are some
M the +hings we're no+-: