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September 28, 1979 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-28

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Page 2-Friday, September 28, 1979-The Michigan Daily



Pope s trip is mission opeace

Paul II said yesterday "permanent and
effective" peace will be a theme of his
upcoming Irish-U.S. tour. He also
issued guidelines aimed at solving a
boundary dispute between Argentina
and Chile.
The 59-year-old pope, who leaves
tomorrowon his third international
voyage in the first year of his pon-
tificate, has characterized the Irish leg
of his trip as a "pilgrimage of peace
and reconciliation."
fighting in Northern Ireland, where the
Irish Republican Army (IRA)' has been
waging 10 years of bloody guerrilla war
to end British rule and unite the provin-
ce with the Irish Republic. The pope
will visit the Republic but not Northern
John Paul, working as a mediator
between the predominately Roman
Catholic nations of Chile and Argentina,
summoned delegates from those coun-
tries and told them he was "on the eve
of starting a trip in which there will be
no lack of chances to proclaim the in-
terest of the Holy See for peace and its
firm will of contributing to its effective
and permanent consolidation."
At the meeting, he issued a three-
point guideline for the peaceful set-
tlement of the Chile-Argentina dispute
in what Vatican observers said could be
a papal blueprint useful for attempts in

solving other international problems.
THE POPE SAID the two nations
should first look for points of con-
vergence, begin collaboration in other
fields, and finally build a climate of
Argentina and Chile have at times
been on the verge of war over claims to
a group of small islands, and undersea
rights, at the tip of South America.
In January, the Vatican agreed to
mediate the dispute and the pope
designated Italian Cardinal'Antonio
Samore as his personal mediator. If the
mediation is successful, Vatican obser-
vers feel, the pontiff may move to try
and help settling others, including that
in the Middle East.

THE FACT the pope received the
delegations together for the first time
was interpreted by Vatican observers
as a sign the pontiff intended to con-
tinue his activist stand in foreign
policy, expected to be further spelled
out in his address next week to the
'United Nations.
At the United Nations, the pontiff has
a meeting scheduled with Security
Council members and will have an op-
portunity to have his first formal con-
tact with China. That could set the
stage for an historic meeting between
the pope and Hua Guofeng during the
Chinese Communist Party chairman's
official visit to Italy a month later.

Pope Johni Paul II
...touring the U.S.

Jazz festval highlights Mingus

(Continued fromPage 1)
veterans of various Mingus' groups.
IT NOTHING else, it should be a
festival of variety. Performances in-
clude a set by Dexter Gordon, the tenor
saxophonist with roots in the be-bop
music of the forties. Similarly, Oscar
Peterson, the seemingly ageless
Canadian-born piano virtuoso, will also
perform. Contemporary music is
represented by such musicians as
guitarist Larry Coryell, performing
solo and former John Coltrane sideman

and pianist McCoy Tyner.
Also, however, this should be the
festival of the hyphen. There will be a
mixed-media-fif th-dimension-techno-
phonic extravaganza created by Sun Ra
and his Solar Arkestra, and a poetry-
dance-percussion-ritual performed by
Don Moye and Joseph Jarman of the
Art Ensemble of Chicago.
Although only in its second year, the
Ann Arbor Jazz Festival already has
become remarkably well-known in jazz
circles. Tickets for this year's shows



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have been sold to persons who will tre
to Ann Arbor from the east coast, anrd
all over the midwest and Canada.
The number of performers slated to
play at the festival, however, has drop-
ped from last year'' And, while in the
past all shows have been held in Hill
Auditorium, Eclipse has scheduled a
performance in the Residential
College's (RC) auditorium.
"WE CONSIDER IT probably one of
the most ideal auditoriums to hear a
concert in," explained Grant. "We
want to expose more people to what the
hall is about." During the regular year
Eclipse holds special concerts of
rarely-heard music in the auditorium.
The RC Auditorium will also be the
site of a workshop conducted by mem-
bers of the Mingus Dynasty Band. The
workshop, to be held at 3:00 p.m. Satur-
day, will be followed by the showing of a.
documentary movie on the life of.
The lineup for the Mingus band, not
known until recently is: Charlie Haden,
bass; Don Pullen, piano; Mike Brecker,
trumpet; Ricky Rod, tenor saxophone;
John Handy, alsto saxophone; Jimmy
Knepper, trombone; and the Mingus
veteran with the longest record of ser-
vice, Danny Richmond on drums.
From almost the beginning of his
career until his death earlier this year
Mingus always maintained that his
music was never fairly appreciated.
However, this was never the case in
Ann Arbor, where his performances at
the now historic Blues and Jazz
Festivals, as well as his famed drum,
merless show, sponsored by Eclipse,
were well-received.
Performing at Hill tonight will be-
Gordon and Sun Ra. Tomorrow night
Coryell and the Mingus Dynasty Band
will be at Hill. Sunday afternoon, Moy"
and Jarman will play at the RC'
Auditorium, and that night, Tyner and'
Peterson will take over at Hill.
Yesterday's story about a policy
change by South Africa Prime Minister
Pieter Botha was accompanied by a
photograph labelled "Botha." The
Botha in the photograph was South
African foreign minister R.F. Botha,
not the Prime Minister Botha referred
to in the story.
(USPS 344-900)
Volume LXXXX, No. 20
Friday, September 28, 1979
is edited and managed by students at.
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings
during the University year at 420
Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
48109. Subscription rates: $12 SeptenaA
ber through April (2 semesters) ;$13 by'
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer
session published Tuesday through
Saturday mornings. Subscription rate :
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail ouf
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.

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