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September 26, 1979 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-26

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Mamie suffers stroke

The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, September 26, 1979-Page 7
ID cards too
easily broken?

WASHINGTON (AP) - Former first
lady Mamie Eisenhower, 82, was
rushed to Walter Reed Army Medical
Center yesterday after suffering a
stroke at her farm home in Gettysburg,
A medical bulletin issued two hours
after her admission to the hospital said
the widow of President Dwight D.
Eisenhower was in stable condition and
had been placed on medication.
"THE STROKE has affected some of
dhe functions on the right side of her

body," the statement said. "The per-
manency of these effects .is not known
at this time."
Hospital spokesman Peter Esker said
it was not known how long Mrs.
Eisenhower would be at the hospital.
He said the next bulletin would be
issued at 10 a.m. today.
Mrs. Eisenhower was accompanied
by her personal physician, Dr. W.N.
Sterrett, on the trip from Gettysburg in
a fire department ambulance. After
arriving at the hospital, Mrs.
Eisenhower was taken immediately to

its Eisenhower Nursing Suite, a VIP
facility named for her husband, who
died in 1969.
EARLIER, Julie Nixon Eisenhower,
who is married to Mrs. Eisenhower's
grandson David, said in a telephone in-
terview that Secret Service agents told.
her the former first lady "had a stroke,
but I have no idea how bad it is."
"She's been in delicate health for
many years," Julie said. "She has an
enlarged heart and hasn't been ableto
get out of bed for several months."

... ill for months

(Continued from Page 1)
still break.
At $1 per broken card (and $5 per
lost or stolen card), Olson said the ID
cards are probably a bargain. "The
price of plastic has gone up
drastically," as have personnel,
equipment and bookkeeping expenses,
he said.
Although some students suspect the
University profits when a student must
replace an ID card, Olson said he does
not believe this. He said he did not,
however, have any figures for the
revenue produced from replacement
THE $1 FEE for replacing damaged
cards exists principally to discourage
students from continually acquiring

new cards, Olson said.
There are ways to avoid paying the
replacement fee. If you change your
name or student status, there is no
charge. If there is an error on your
card, there is no charge. And, if you
nurture and protect the same card for
two and one-third years, you can bring
it in for a free new one.
It is possible to finish a University
education on one ID card, Olson main-
tains. He cited one student who used the
same card for seven years without in-
Olson himself got an ID card when
they were first instituted, and has been
carrying it in his wallet every day since
then. He's not sure if it's been 11 or 12
years now.

Israel returns Sinai land; talks continue

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - Israel tur-
ned over 2,600 square miles of Sinai
wilderness to Egypt yesterday as part
of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty.
Sharp differences on self-rule for
Palestinians remained as the two coun-
tries prepared to resume autonomy

Avu Shnaf.
"We have achieved more in peace than
we have by all our wars," Sion added.
That sentiment was also stressed
yesterday by' Prime Minister
Menachen Begin, who said in a speech
that agreement with Egypt was only
the start of an overall peace in the Mid-

'We hare achieved more in peace than we hare by all
our, wrars.'
-Menachem Begin
Israeli Prine Minister
"Both sides are contributing to die East.,
peace, and both sides are making "It never occurred to us. .. that we
sacrifices for peace," said Israeli Brig. should sign a treaty of peace and then
Gen. DoV Sion as he turned over control say, 'enough,' " Begin said. He
of a triangular sector of south central repeated his calls to Jordan and Syria
Sinai to Egyptian Brig. Gen. Saf-el-Din to join the peace talks.
New cem. building
still awaits action
(Continued from Page 1) ASSISTANT LITERARY College
He said the build-up of fumes is so Dean Paul Rasmussen said the longer
dangerous that an average chemist the site of the old gyms remains vacant,
working inside the building eight to 12 the more pressure the University will
hours a day could have his life span face from the State Occupational Safety
shortened by as much as 10 years. and Health Agency to demolish the
Improvements are being made on the poorly ventilated chemistry building.
building's ventilation system, but Dunn "We need it soon and badly," he said
said "even if we do everything we hope, And if funding is not granted by the
it would still be suitable for only half the state?
population of chemistry students. Five "I find it very hard to conceive of
to sixthousand undergraduates and what alternatives there 'are,"
graduates 'presently are enrolled in Rasmussen acknowledged. " There
chemistry labs at the University: really aren't any."
Car strikes U student
By TIMOTHY YAGLE small car and thrown 20 feet.
A 21-year-old University junior was The stUdent suffered from head and
treated for minor injuries yesterday al- ear injuries, was treated at University
ternoon after she was struck by a car Hospital, and then released, according
near the corner of Division and Huron to a hospital spokeswoman.
Streets, Ann Arbor Police reported. Police Executive Major Walter
Police said Debra Kiehner of Ber- Hawkins said that since she was hit out-
wyn, Pa., was crossing Huron Street side the crosswalk, "(the accident) was
just north of Division Street shortly af- the pedestrian's fault." The driver was
ter 12:30 p.m. when she was struck by a released without charge.

Israeli and Egyptian honor guards
and bands accompanied the brief
military ceremony at Abu Durba, a
desert outpost on the Suez Gulf. Israel
lowered its flag at the site at 11:25 a.m.
local time, and the Egyptian flag was
then raised over the area. The
ceremony marked the third time Israel
has turned over a Sinai parcel to Egypt
under terms of the March treaty.
Israeli and Egyptian negotiators
resume talks on Palestinian self-rule
today in Alexandria, but the two coun-
tries have yet to grapple successfully
with the issue of autonomy for the more
than one million Arabs living under
Israeli occupation on the West Bank of
the Jordan River and in the Gaza Strip.
Israel has accepted several U.S.
proposals for accelerating the talks, in-
cluding the establishment of technical
committees to work out details concer-
ning agriculture, education and finance
for the West Bank government.
The suggestions, brought by special
U.S. Mideast envoy Robert Strauss two
weeks ago, do not touch the delicate
issue of the legal status of an autonomy
government. Israel wants the body to
have narrowly defined powers, while
Egypt is pushing for a more indepen-
dent government.
In other Mideast developments:
- Western diplomatic sources in
Beirut said three of four Syrian jet-

fighter pilots downed in a dogfight with,
Israeli warplanes were located yester-
day but one remained missing. Western
military sources said one of ,the three
pilots suffered a broken leg in the
dogfight Monday, but the other two
were unhurt.
F The director-general of Israel's
Foreign Ministry Yosef Tchekanover,
said in Jerusalem that Israel and Egypt
had begun preparing for an exchange of
ambassadors, to take place in
February. With the ambassador ex-
change, he said, all relations between
Egypt and Israel would be normalized.
* At the United Nations, Foreign
Minister Moshe Dayan said Israel
reserves the right to attack Palestinian
bases in southern Lebanon, but that
Israel was trying not to hurt civilians.
" Also at the world organization, it
was learned that talks on a fresh U.S.
effort to replace a fragile cease-fire in
Lebanon with a more permanent truce
arrangement would be heldhover the
next few days both at U.N. headquar-
ters in New York and in Israel.
" Jordan's King Hussein said the
United States cannot exert a construc-
tive influence in the Middle East if it
continues to back Israel while that
country refuses to withdraw from all
land seized in the 1967 Mideast war and
to recognize Palestinian rights.

We canP't afford
Discussions with CAROLINE RICHARDS,
Author of Sweet Country
"So authentic a portrait of contemporary Chile that it
supplants all news reports I have read" (Jose Yglesias).
Caroline and her husband went to Chile during the Frei
government and were there for eight years through the
Allende government and the Coup.
Thurs., Sept. 27, 11 a.m. Rm. 2233 Educ. School: Seminar
about Parent, Child Education Project in Chile
Thurs., Sept. 27, 4:00 p.m. Rm. 124 Res. College: Chile
from Allende to Today
Thurs., Sept. 27, 7:30 p.m. St. Mary's Chapel: Justicia y Paz
en Americalatina-The Church in Latin America
Fri., Sept. 28, 4:00 p.m., Rm. 124 Res. College: Writing
Sweet Country, a political novel-"What a novel is sup-
posed to do but is now seldom even attempted" (Jose

MSA is now Accepting Applications for Positions Avail-
able on Internal and External Committees:
Economic Affairs, Faculty Affairs, Special Projects, Budget
Priorities, U-Cellar Board, Personnel Interviewing.
Applications Available at MSA Office
3909 Mich. Union
Deadline for Applications Fri., Sept. 28-4:00 p.m.



. ............ ,

't like dogs.




Detroit, Michigan
September 28, 29


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The destruction of human life, young and
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Some companies think we're foolish to work so hard
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