Page 6--Tuesday, September 25, 1979-The Michigan Daily WRIST WATCH FOUND on Sept. 20, 1979 on Packard between Cross and Hill Sts. Describe and it's yours. 665-7348, Tom, after 5 p.m. 86A924 LOST-Medium build, blond dog with choke chain collar in central campus area. Name, Oly. Reward. Call 313-694-2232. 76A927 LOST CAT. Male, gray with hint of stripes, very young, very friendly. Ca 11 Ba rbara home, 994- 9013: work, 761-6207. 01A925 LOST-MAN'S RING. Silver with blue and green stone. Also 2 keys on gemini key ring. Reward. C Il 665-1013. - FOR SA LE DORM LEASE-Male single, South Quad. 994-9077. 89B925 2 MONTH'S OLD PANASONIC table modle, color TV. Has warranty. Best offer. 434-5884 eves. 09B927 FOR SALE-JVC Auto-Return Turntable with Ortofon MK II cartridge. Nine months old, still under warranty. $110. Call 668-8528. 58B923 OLIVETTI portable typewriter. Interchangeable ribbon and typing ball. 1/ years old. Superb condi- -tion $225. Bruce: 665-8915. 60B925 OPEN HOLE FLUTE. Excellent- condition. Call Monday, Wednesday, Friday a.m. 994-8448. 55B929 DORM LEASE: Male single, South Quad. 994-9077. 89B925 PIONEER SA100 AMPLIFIER, $150. JVC Tuner, $90. ARS Tuner, $125. Call Randy, 761-2104. 43B926 19 DATSUN pickup truck, 25,500 miles, AM-FM radio, cab, running lights, chrome reverse wheels. 662 -3277.dB927 Dorset 26" four harness floor loom, books and yarn. $300. 662-1050 after 5. 35B923 FOR SALE: Sheepskin coats (2) afghani, brand new $65 ach. 995-7230. 48B923 A.t. MANUAL TURNTABLE, $45.00. Olin Mark IV skis, 150cm, $100.00, with bindings. Ladies golf- clubs and bag, $100.00. Call 665-0998. 16B921 SM'ITH-CORONA typewriters, portable/office m6iels, brand new, full warranty, guaranteed lowst prices. Independent student rep. Call David Kele'r, 764-2748. 24B928 ST$REO. BSR turntable, Jensen speakers, ELCO amp. and tuner. Good condition, clean sound. $150 or best offer. Call 994-4672. (After 5:30, persistently). 68B916 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, small, quiet build- ing, mostly furnished, near campus. 996-5711. 23C926 ONE BEDROOM available for woman student/ professional in sunny, friendly, two bedroom apart- ment. Convenient access to campus on foot/bus. Non smoker, please. Vegetarian preferred but not necessary. Call Myra-668-0201 or 764-2132 and leave message. Thanks! 24C925 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTS-Spaces in apart- ment units for men and women students, reasonable rents, modern apartment. Call 662-5529 or 665- 6575. 45C925 CHRISTIAN WOMAN wanted to share large apart- ment. Own bedroom, 15 minutes from campus, residential neighborhood: trees, families! $137. Karen: 995-4936. 30C923 SPACIOUS SINGLE in a house at S. Forest and Oakand .Cal Tim at96-0016or 763-2794 . SC92S )FFSET AN) XEROl X FAST LOW COST DUPLICATING GRAND OPENING the new GREEN TERRACE ,EW LANDSCAPING {NEW POOL, NEW CARPET, NEW DRAPES Exceptionally large 1 & 2 bedroom apts.., 11 baths, security guard, cable TV, swimming pool, close to St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Only a few immediate openings. From-$260/month Open Mon.-Fri. 9:30-7 Sat. &Sun. 1-5 722 GREEN AT LeFORGE 483-7308 Take Washtenaw to Hogback Rd. to Clark, East on Clark to LeForge, north on LeForge to Green Rd. DAHLMANN APARTMENTS 38C925 CHARMING, OLD HOUSE on campus, With huge work studio on first floor, plus 3 bedroom apart- ment on second. $689 per month. 13C923 CLEAN QUIET CAMPUS ROOMS. no cooking. Near Co-ops, $109 lease. 663-3332. 12C923 One bedroom available for woman student/ professional in sunny, friendly two bedroom apar- tment. Convenient access to campus on foot/bus. Non-smoker, please. Vegetarians preferred but not necessary. Call Myra-668-0201 or 764-2132and leave message. Thanks! 24C921 One bedroom apartment, small, quiet building, mostly furnished, near campus. 996-5711. 23C926 SINGLE ROOMS available for rent. $130-150/month. Call Ken at 995-5374. 78C926 ROOM AT semi-cooperative house.available Octo- ber 2. Close to campus and farmers market. Male preferred-$132/month. 665-9480. 04C923 BROADVIEW APARTMENTS, near North Campus, immediate occupancy. Deluxe units, 1 bedroom only, no pets. From $300, including heat. 769-2256. 21C926 NEWLY REFURBISHED, very spacious one bed- room apartment. Prime campus location. Parking. Furnished. $245/month including heat. 802 Oakland. Call 434-2119. 18C925 AVAILBLE 3 or 4 bedrooms, 15 year old ranch, fireplace, 2 baths, on lake, 15 miles from Ann Arbor. Great for 4 or 5 people or family. Lease through to mid-May. Call Centennial Realty, 995-2051, or evenings, 434-5787. 84C922 COUNTRY TOWNHOUSE converted into lovely, spacious 1-bedroom apartments with old fashioned charm (high ceilings, sun-lit rooms) yet new kitchen, ce 'mic bathroom and new carpet. One acre field wild pine trees and area for a garden. Five-minute drive to town near Delhi Park. No pets, please. $369 per month includes heat and water. 663-3332. 11C923 TWO BEDROOM APT: in older North Campus area home. Furnished. $360. 665-2979. 69C927 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE EI L S1T1A1R B ETT0 TR T1 1 1 A A. T I VE LEARNE R MOTORED UNWEAVE ATIP N IDE SALTC R IN E U GE NE D IV E A VE RS E LO0N G M A D SSERIC DESIRABLE I N TE RE STS W H ISK MO0W T A PA ST A NC E PROM PUTSCH TOY AT BAT TET AMECR W CllEH A RA DE RE ROU TE TI T E R A ME N DE S RE A L E'S D E S S E R T THREE BEDROOM HOUSE plus study, close to campus and Burns Park, 7 month lease, carpeting and hardwood floors, immaculate condition, no pets. Cornell Morris, 434-3450. 33C923 FEMALE SPACE in central campus Carriage House apartments. 2 bedrooms, air conditioning, dish- washer, laundry facilities, good atmosphere. $118! month plus utilities. 995-3842. 25C925 STUDENTS of UECHI-RYU KARATE interested in continuing their practice: contact Andrew Pond, 3-DAN, at 994-5620. 61F927 THE GAME NEEDS to be checked-out. Billiards at The Union. Reduced rates everyday till 6:00 p.m. cF923 WANTED BY HUMAN OVEN with broken heart: one handsome, refined German professor. No phone number needed. Please no substitutions. 78F926 INTERPERSONAL CHANGE-An ongoing group. CIl Cam Vozar M.S.W., 663-7061. 12F1007 AUTO OWNERS! Need muffler with Lifetime Guar- antee at the proven lowest price? Call Ann Arbor Muffler Installers, FREE price quote. 769-5913. cFtc BEST IN STYLING and best in hair care products. UM Stylists at The Union. Open 8:30 a.m. Mon.- Sat cF925 UNDERGROUND COMIX-Middle Class Fantasies, Slow Death, All-Atomic Comics and more! We also have paper-cuts and greeting cards from China. A Periodic Retreat. The Second Floor Bookstore. 336 S. State. 663-0215. cF929 WE GIVE 15% DISCOUNT on contact lens prepara- tions. The Village Apothecary, 1112 S. Univesity. cFtc KAPPA SIGMA offers TEKES $5000 for TKE FIRE ENGINE! TEKES REFUSE. KAPPAS RIOT, throw water baloons at each other, worship effigy of fire engine in front yard! _ _dF925 LONG TRIP? Fix Muffler first at lowest price. Call Ann Arbor Muffler Installers-FREE price quote. 769-5913. cFtc SEE OUR COSMETICIAN for your make-up needs. The Village Apothecary, 1112 S. University. cFtc ABSOLUTELY the last call for bowling leagues, men's, women's and mixed. Sign up at Union Lanes. Open 10:00 a.m. Monday-Friday, 1:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. cF927 IN THESE TIMES is a weekly newspaper giving you in-depth coverage of labor, environmental issues, and more. Bring us this ad for your free sample copy. A PERIODICAL RETREAT, 336 S. State. cF1127 TO THE MEN OF APT. 2: Thanks for all your help. Good luck on your concurrents! THE WOMEN OF APT. C dF926 Best in styling and best in hair care products. UM Stylists at The Union. Open 8:30 a.m. Mon-Sat. cF923 TO THE MEN OF APT. 2: Thanks for all your help. Good luck on your concurrents! THE WOMEN OF APT. C dF926 KAPPA SIGMA offers TEKES $5000 for THE FIRE ENGINE! TEKES REFUSE. KAPPAS RIOT, throw water balloons at each other, worship effigy of fire engine in front yard! dF925 SHOPLIFTERS and shoplifting information wanted. Confidentiality guaranteed. Call Amy D., 764-0552. dF928 EARN CREDIT. Be involved. A powerful learning experience at Jackson Prison. Project Community, 2204 Michigan Union, 763-3548. 95F923 LAST CALL for league bowling. Sign up now Union Lanes. Teams or individuals, mens, womens and mixed. Open .10:00 a.m. Mon.-Fri., 1:00 p.m. Sat.- Sun. Reduced rates till 6:00 p.m. Mon-Sat. cF923 MENTAL HEALTH Placements. Geriatrics. Project Community, 2204 Michigan Union, 763-3548. 84F923 PHOTOGRAPHY Fine art prints, books and posters at The Blixt Gallery, upstairs in the Nickels Arcade. Monday- Friday, 10:00-5:00 p.m.; Saturday, 10:00-4:00 p.m. Phone: 662-0282. 26F1020 GESTALT THEHAPY GROUP Wed. evenings. Fee based on ability to pay. Bob Blood, PhD, Margaret Blood. MA.-769-046. cF926 $1.00 FREE PINBALL For all freshmen * Monday, September 24 3:00-6:00 AT MICKEY RAT'S E. William near Maynard around the corner from McDonald's cF923 COUNSELING BY TAPESTRY, certified social workers. GROUPS now forming: Assertiveness, women's sexuality, C-R, ongoing THERAPY. Call 668-8777 for information. 52F926 SECOND SERVE Factory close-outs on ACTION SPORTS APPAREL. 406 E. Liberty-2 blocks off State. cFt ADD EXCITEMENT to your learning. Earn credits while working with children: Elementary Schools, Junior High, International Youngsters, Nutrition. Project Community, 2204 Michigan Union, 763-3548. 83F923 JOIN PROJECT COMMUNITY-Adrian Training School Program and earn credit while learning. Tutorial assistance needed for young people. 2204 Michigan Union, 763-3548. 82F923 DO YOU WANT TO WORK imaginately with young people'and earn credit for it? Try Project's Com- munity's Washtenaw County Detention Center Pro- gram. 2204 Michigan Union, 763-3548. 81F923 CARING/SHARING RESIDENTIAL WEEKEND. Sheer joy in giving and receiving. $25 registration plus ability to pay fee. Details .from Bob and Margaret Blood, 769-0046. cF927 MAKE LOVE!-NOT WAR (It's good for our business) Austin Diamond 1209S. University 663-7151 Specializing in custom engagement & wedding rings. cFtc COPYQUICK-769-0560 1217S. University cFtc RESUMES TYPESET (but not type-written), for less. Overnight service. Call 437-8654 before noon for that professional "printed"look. cF1209 ATTENTION-Anyone who has had an experience at Health Service that they think bears scrutiny, I need information and anecdotes for an investiga- tion. Please call Elisa. I. at 764-0552 or 996-0848. dF923 HOW TO STUDY, $1.00. Papers Dept.. UM, Box 25126, Lansing, Michigan 48909. 55F923 MOVING AND HAULING. Very cheap. 973-9631, call between 7 a.m._and 2 p.m. yh cF1031 USED SHEET MUSIC ** * THE DAWN TREADER SHOP 525 E. Liberty. inside Bill's Bindery 995-1008 cFtc NO FRILLS COPYING-21 ta copy Non-sorted, non-book, left 24 hours Accu-Copy, 524 E. William-769-8338 cFtc aniza- YOU H1002 OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY-Fun orga tion, long hours, easy work, big bucks. CAN AFFORD NOT TO CALL? 996-4012. 11 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe 1 4 8 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 DISHWASHERS FULL OR PART-TIME EVENINGS - Immediate Openings $3.50 per hour to start. Apply in person Mon.-Fri., 3 p.m.-5 p.m. Great Lake Steak Co., S. State at Ellsworth. 79H929 THE UNIVERSITY of Michigan's Survey Research Center is presently adding to the staff of professional interviewers who conduct ongoing telephone re- search projects. Candidates should be available to work at least 20 hours per week and willing to work evenings and weekends. Pay starts at $3.80 per hour. No interviewing experience necessary. We will train. Interested persons must attend one of two informational'meetings to be held in room, 6050, ISR, 426 Thompson St., Ann Arbor. The meet- ing will be held at 6:00 p.m. sharp on Monday, October 1, and Tuesday, October 2. A non-discrim- inatory affirmative action employer. ' 88H1002 ACROSS Navy amphibian Birdcalls Lord Peter Wimsey's Bunter and others -- Jima Scope Ancient Hispania Lincoln - Luscious The 37th state Patisserie purchases © 1979 Los Angeles Times Syndicate 44 Biddy 1 46 Medieval French I 47 52 poem Stanzas Where Athens 22 Journalist Lincoln 23 24 25 26 29 Cries of surprise Chemical suffix Brother Subside Vaults was 55' Art gallery feature 56 Doubting fellow 57 "Three Men - :" Phrase 58 So far 59 Plexus 60 A kind of rose 61 Washed as clothes' 62 St. Petersburg title 63 Purpose DOWN 1 Portrays 2 Piece of candy 3 Grave: Fr. 4 Decanters 5 Sprung from 6 Faults 7 Rooms in a parador 8 Mother of Edward VII 9 Presidential first name 10 Sly looks He was: Lat. Occasion Recites Small fish Portraitist's color effects Relative of etc. English historian and theologian, 673-735 Harsh sound Places Get Similar Epistolary abbrs. Reply: Abbr. Part of the UK Fair Mollify One more List of mistakes with corrections Certain beans Fun Type of athlete American author 1836-1902 Iron: Ger. Stand one in good ---- Lawyers: Abbr. Biblical pronoun Noble Prize winner of 1957 Alexander GRADUATE STUDENT OR SENIOR in psychology or physiology wanted for work-study position in a research lab. Concerned cerebal dominance and lateralization in the automatic nervous system. This is an excellent position with important oppor- tunities for professional growth. Call Claude Chem- tob at 764-6443. 11H1002 PUBLISHER NEEDS assistance to collect infor- mation and/or write copy: Equitable pay. 971-5139. 13H925 RECEPTIONIST-Personality and good typing skills needed for busy position. $9000 fee paid. Personnel Systems, 761-5252. 96H925 FREE QUALITY MEALS for % hour of light kitchen work at EAM fraternity. People needed for lunch and/or dinner. Call Scott at 663-3390 or 994-1336. dH930 PART-TIME GENERAL OFFICE HELP-College background required. 25-30 hours/week. Call 662- 3149. 80H926 GET PAID TO STUDY. Full or part-time night work. Cashier for self service gas statioA. Male or female. 475-9009, ask for Bill. 04H1009 MEN AND WOMEN touch football officials needed. No experience necessary. Meeting for interested persons on Oct. 2,'8 p.m. at the IM Sports Bldg. If unable to attend contact Moby Benedict, 763- 1313. 02H1002 BORED? Put your office skills to work and earn extra money for Xmas shopping. TEMPORARYJOB If you can type 50 w.p.m. we will work around your schedule. Call Yvonne at: ARBOR GIRL, 761-5252. 99H925 GRADUATE STUDENT OR SENIOR with serious interest in Gerontlogy or Developmental Life Cycle Issues wanted for research associate position in project focusing on the developmental aspects of retirement and intervention to facilitate it. Work- study grant required. Call Claude Chemtob at 764- 6443. 1OH1002 BEGINNING WOMEN JOGGERS wanted for thesis research. Will instruct and develop individual programs. Days: Call Tom Flagg at 763-1334 or 994-4341; Evenings (ex. Tu., Th), 994-4341. 01H930 COLLEGE STUDENT wanted. Flexible to your hours to baby sit for 6 mo. old girl twice a week. Pays well. 996-3845. 06H1002 ACTRESS WANTED-Theatre Company of Ann Arbor. Call 994-4360 days, or 995-2804 evenings. 95H1002 GENERAL OFFICE-Busy department needs diversified person with good clerical skills to handle a variety of duties. $9000 fee pay. Personnel Systems: 761-5252. 98H925 General Office Busy department needs diversified person with good clerical skills to handle a variety of duties. $9000 fee pay. Personnal Systems: 761-5252. 98H923 BORED? Put your office skills to work and earn extra money for X-mas shopping. TEMPORARY JOB If you can type 50 w.p.m. we will work around your schedule. Call Yvonne at: ARBOR GIRL 761-5252. 99H923 RECEPTIONIST: Personality and good typing skills needed for busy position. $9000 fee paid. Personnal Systems 761-5252. 96H923 ACTRESS WANTED: Theatre Company of Ann Arbor. Call 994-4360, days, or 995-2804 evenings. 95H930 YOUNG HANDICAPPED woman needs minimal help morning or night. North side. Call Martha at 996-1485 after 5:00 or weekends. 49H925 COOKS, WAITPERSONS, DISHWASHERS-Full, part-time. Bill's Coffee Cup, 201 E. Liberty, 665- 7462. 92H926 PART TIME HELP for General Health Maintenance in Ann Arbor. 434-1195 evenings. 53H923 BUSBOYS NEEDED for meal job in Greek system. Lunches and dinners. 667-2176. 87H930 MODELS WANTED: Fashion, photo, T.V., experience not necessary. 1-498-2842, or write Models Unlimited, 589 Pleasant Drive, Gregory, Michigan, 48137. NOT A SCHOOL. 57H930 STUDENTS 2-4 hrs./day. $3.50. Possible benefits. Car. 663-4114 or 973-2078. 48H926 KITCHEN HELP wanted for lunch'and dinner. Short hours, free meals. Beta Theta Pi. Call 995- 1746. 41H928 RESPONSIBLE BABYSITTERS with car needed 2-10 hours/week. Pay $3.00/hr. minimum. Work- study students preferred. Call 763-4450, 763-4739 weekdays, 8:00-5:00 p.m. 38H923 PART-TIME OR FULL-TIME. Pleasant working environment. Packing and shipping books to Chris- tian Bookstores. Arbor Distributors, 994-4053. STUDENTS-McKinley Properties is looking now for persons to shovel snow this winter. Work at your convenience. $3.25/hour, must provide own tran- sportation. Call 769-8520. 75H1003 MORRIS ENTERPRISES/ CREATIVE DESIGN ASSOCIATES IS HIRING ANIMATED, FERVOROUS, WITTY PEOPLE WITH UNRUTTED, CRAZED IMAGINATIONS FOR PART-TIME WORK IN ART & COPYWRITING DEPARTMENTS. Here's a chance to work in the business world, develop your portfolio, assert your creativity and talents towards real ad- vertising problems, and earn some spending money at the same time. ALSO NEEDED ARE STAFF FOR: -Marketing/Media Planning Sales -Photography -Typing/Reception We are new, arduous, young, and we have plenty of work. We will require a constant influx of your talen- ts, enthusiasm, and loyalty to what we're trying to accomplish. For an interview, call 668-2496 immediately. 57H923 Secretary. In exchange for your clerical skills and business aptitude, Great Lakes Information Systems Ltd., a distributor for Texas Instruments Computers, offers you the opportunity to learn about business computers, as well as a variety of exciting growth potentials. Must be accurate typist. Immediate full' time position. Good pay. Benefits. Call Stan Zcra, 663-6402. 5611925 TAXI DRIVERS WANTED. No experience neces- sary. Call 481-1404, after 8:00 p.m. 86H921. NEEDED-People to work indoors, drivers with own cars. Apply in person. Bell's Pizza, 700 Packard. 85H926 PATIENT WATCH SITTERS. UM Hospital assign- ments. State Security Services, North Ingalls Building, 1000 Cornwell Place, Ann Arbor. 80H926 HOST OR HOSTESS at Stage Door Restaurant. Full or part-time, days, 10:00-6:00. Good pay and benefits. Apply at front desk, Bell Tower Hotel, 300S. Thayer. 90H923 CAMPUS ROUTE GUARDS, 11:30 p.m.-7:30 a.m. 'State Security Services, N. Ingalls Building, 1000 Cornwell Place, Ann Arbor. 79H926 ,BUSPERSONS for Stage Door Restaurant. Days, 11:00-3:00. Good pay and benefits. Apply at front desk, Bell Tower Hotel. 300 S. Thaver. 91H923 MANAGER TRAINEES BEST PRODUCTS CO. INC. - America's largest catalogue showroom merchan- diser needs career minded men and women. if you can accept responsibility, are willing to work, show initiative, and desire to get ahead, want an exciting and challenging career, we offer rapid growth, good starting pay, positions of responsibil- ity, full co. paid benefits, management training program. Interested? Apply in person to Best Pro- ducts Co., Inc., 3150 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor, Mi. An equal opportunity employer, M/F. 82H927 PART-TIME POSITIONS available at Marty's Men's Shop and HIS Lady Shop, 306-310 S. State St. 81H927 ADDRESSERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY! Work at home . . . no experience necessary . excellent pay. Write American Service, 8350 Park Lane, Suite 127, Dallas, TX 75231. 83H929 FREE HIGH quality food in exchange for one hour's work at EAM fraternity. Two persons urgently needed for dinner shift. Call Scott at 994- 1336. dH923 PART TIME PROGRAMMER. Minimum 20 day time hours. FORTRAN, MTS necessary. Equal Opportunity Employer M/P. Computer Sciences Corporation, 971-9797. 34H923 SACA TACO needs people full and part-time, day and evening shifts. Pick up application at Saca Taco, 414 E. William. 36H925 MISTER TONY'S NOW HIRING FOR FULL OR Part Time, days or nights, $3.25/hour. Apply be- tween 2-5 p.m., 342 S. State. 38H1003 FREE FOOD! Small, friendly fraternity on Hill Street needs a few good kitchen helpers Light mealtime services needed in exchange for the finest food in North America at no cost. Call "The Steward," 761-6442. dH923 COMPUTER PEOPLE We're helping many companies in the area fill a variety of permanent, shorter-term and consulting positions, and we want to talk to people looking to apply their experience in either applications or system software in commercial, realtime, scientific or engineering' areas. We'd also like to talk to technical writers and experienced people for sales, tech support and marketing of hardware, software and services, and to digital designers and technicians. We're knowledgeable, and we think you'll like working with us. Call, mail in your resume or drop in, and we'll give you an idea of how we can work with you. bid h If s t trr 3bdrs sldgft ,C 049 Lex Av/75 -711 TV. we ' daily. 77* 773. a' BUSINESS SERVICES VIONLIN LESSONS: meet the teacher-first lesson a free. Bachelor and master's degree from North- N western. Doctorate from U. of M. 10 yrs. teaching experience in Ann Arbor. Phone 663-8392. 91J928" PROFESSIONAL TYPING (of all kinds), finest quality work at reasonable prices. 668-7673 or 995- 4084. 17J1002"~ VIOLIN LESSONS-Meet the teacher-first lesson free. Bachelor and Master's degree from North- western; Doctorate from U. of M. 10 yrs. teaching experience in Ann Arbor. Phone 663-8392. 91J929 PROFESSIONAL TYPING (of all kinds), finest quality work at reasonable prices. 668-7673 or. 995; 4084. 17J1008 MISCELL ANEOUS ' Michi-Fish synchronized swim club clinics, Sept. 23, 27, 30 and Oct. 3 8-10 p.m. Try-outs Oct. 7. Margaret Bell Pool, CCRB. Call 994-8064. 88M929 MONDAY NOON FILM: Bring your Brown-bag or other lunch to view LOVE IT LIKE A FOOL, a free film featuring MELVINA REYNOLDS. Wesley Pine Room, 602 E. Huron at State, across from Campus Inn. 12:10 pm tomorrow. 90M923 MONDAY NOON FILM-Bring your Brown-bag or - other lunch to view LOVE IT LIKE A FOOL, a free film featuring MELVINA REYNOLDS. Wesley . Pine Room, 602 E. Huron at State, across from" Campus Inn, 12:10p.m.tomorrow. 90M925 MICHI-FISH snychronized swim club clinics, Sept' 23, 27, 30 and Oct. 3, 8-10 p.m. Try-outs Oct. '77 Margaret Bell Pool, CCRB. Call 994-8064. 88M929 FRENCH TUTORING. Lessons-Conversatiore with native French speaking person. Call.. Michel, 668-6672. 17M928 LIVEN UP YOUR PAD with multi-ethnic crafts. and art objects . . . Indonesian, Eskimo, Egyptian, Peruvian, Greek, Chinese . . . at the EXHIBIT MUSEUM GIFT SHOP, 4th floor of Museum of' Natural History (across from Geddes bus stop; Geddes and N. University, lions in front), n daily. 54M923 1974 FIREBIRD, Esprit. Sharp. 995-2405. 22N925 1975 AMC Hornet Sportabout, standard shift, over-. drive, good gas mileage. Call after 5, 449-2947. dN930 PLYMOUTH, 1968 Belvedere. UNDER 52,000 miles, single owner. Excellent running condition. Call 663-0160, dinner hour. 08N92" 1972 NOVA 6 cyl. 22,000 actual mileage, good shape' Call after 5,,449-2947. dN930 191' GREMIJN-Excellent condition, many extras, good gas mileage, great auto. Call Bob, 994-6298: dN92; '74 TOR INO. Good condition, great radio Best offer. Call Dave, 996-3540 late evenings. 32B922 SITU A T IONS W A NTED SEARCHING for a well rounded, musical q? Piano and vocal expansion guaranteed. Deml( your writing style. Professionally interestedpr* sons, please call, Susan Michawls anytime aftgr' 1:00 p.m for details, 665-4275. 890923 4 EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER seeking position in private homes. Mature and responsible. Own transportation and excellent references. Call Mrs 'awva t 47-29019 _ 400927,- WANTED-Powerful, tasty, new wave, R & L, Ws ROCK DRUMMER. Got it? Please call Andy, 971- 6233. Splork. 50X926 7Sale. Stereo components. All major brands. available. Fully guaranteed. dall Peter at: 769-2078: . _58X925 GUITARS-Mortin, Sigma, others. Discount fo 40%. New, warranty. 434-5959, after 6:00,, Gary. 77X925 i ROOMMA TES FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share one bea- room apartment with graduate student. Older house, very close to campus. Call 996-3848. 00Y927 SOFTWARE SERVICES CORP. 320 N. Main, Ann Arbor 48104 QA-AAd 50H 1006 NEED 2-8 TICKETS on 30-50 yara line aDove raw,, 30 to all remaining games. Tim, 9948087. 15Q9 9,* MINNESOTA Tickets needed. Four together. Price negotiable. Call Billy at 764-0562. dQ927 SEVEN U of M on 40 yd. line. OSU, etc. Make offer. 764-6617, 764-0146. 57Q925 Football Season'Tickets needed (two adjacent). All reasonable prices considered. Box 295, Ferrysburg, Mich. 49409.- 71Q25 -- Need 2 tickets for Indiana game. Call 663-6112 8-11 p.m. _6993 MARKLEY LEASE FOR SALE. Male double. Call John, 663-2830. 76U923 MUSICA L MDSE., RDIOS, REPA IRS STEREO. Highest quality components at tremen- dous savings. Amps, decks, speakers, etc. New k with full warranty. Audio World, (616) 241-2994, 2-9 p.m. 84X103 33 Device for measuring saltiness 36 Trees yielding cork 37 38 39 41 42 Lichen genus Nothing, in Bilboa A quality of new bills ...gang aft - "' Motel of the good old days 43 Certain weighs: Abbr. 14' - ---I --I-- I 11 11-1 11 -* H .1 Female roommate wanted to share one bedroom apartment with graduate student. Older house, very close to campus. Call 996-3848. 00Y926 MALE-SHARE two bedroom apartment. $135/ month. 8 month lease. 663-3963, 5:00-7:00 p.m). 56Y925 PERSON NEEDED for room in nice, 2-bedroom apartment. Good location, rent. Call Mark, 994- 0967, or 663-6409 and leave message. 77Y923 HOUSEMATE WANTED for 8-person cooperative,. house. Own bedroom, close to campus on Walnut St. Male preferred.662-3277. dY925 ~LSATI and (!~ARt V I'U I 21E 3UF31F3 I 3 34 F3,4 PtUFESSIONAL TYPING: THE WORDPROCESSORS. We handle dissertations, manuscripts, resumes, legal and term papers. Rackham quality guaranteed. Also copying, printing and binding. 211S. STATE STREET 7 days 662-3939 cJtc WRITING SERVICES. Creative, Technical, Editing, r I,.' I I I I I I {