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September 23, 1979 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-23

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e 10-Sunday, September 23, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Blue clubs pitiful Kansas

(Continued from Page 1)
he score 7-7 with just under three quar-
ers still to go.
"OUR PEOPLE on that side were
nocked in on that play," said Schem-
echler. "I looked and there was
obody there on that side."
Along with the kicking and offensive
lunders that continued to plague the
/olverines, starting right guard Kurt
ecker went out with a shoulder injury
td did not return to action. Schem-
gchler intends to run John Powers and
sibba Paris at full tilt this week in
opes of shoring up his devastated of-
mnsive line corps.
r he Wolverines began the cloudy,
ld afternoon with a drive that was
&ical in that they finished what they
et out to do - put points on the board.
:nthony Carter grabbed the opening
koff on his own two and raced to the
f4chigan 44 before finally being
'HEN, AFTER Edwards bulled for
Pchigan's initial first down on a ten-
,xd delay play, starting quarterback
J. Dickey faced a third and nine at
is own 39. Dickey rolled out of the
tiket to his left and rifled a nine-yard
hike to Marsh to keep the threat alive.
Vhe Wolverines kept it on the ground
r the rest of the drive, with the strong-
lining Dickey executing the option
risply.. With third down at the Kansas
free, Edwards took Dickey's pitch and
>lted the final three yards over right
uard. Sheikh came on and converted
is first college extra point attempt to
lake it 7-0.
Michigan played the role of the offen-
ve pussycat the next five times it
>uched the ball, fumbling once,
rowing an interception and missing a
eld goal in the process.
Then with Wangler at the helm late in
be second quarter, the Wolverines
ive 60 yards in 12 plays to cruise in
th a tenuous 14-7 halftime margin.

Defense still tough,

but offense
wards at tailback, got things rolling by1
rambling off left tackle for seven.1
Wangler then rolled right and hit Carter;
over the middle on a nifty catch and run
for 15 yards.
Then with the ball at the Jayhawk 11
on third and seven, Wangler hit sub-j
stitute tight end Norm Betts at the goal
line. Fullback Lawrence Reid dove for
the final yard to paydirt and made it 13-1
6, with Sheikh adding the automatic.

bechler followed through with his pre-
game plan of using five running backs
and two quarterbacks in the game, and
alternating the two men in charge.
On second and five at his own 47,
Wangler passed to Marsh for 21. Four
running plays and a short flip to wide
receiver Alan Mitchell moved the ball
down to the eight. From there, Wangler
faded back behind perfect protection,
and gunned one to Marsh over the mid-

die, the stellar receiver hugging it for
Michigan's last outburst of the day.
So now, with two mediocre victories
under their belt, along with the Notre
Dame heartbreaker, Michigan jour-
neys next weekend to Berkeley to duel
There, Schembechler hopes his squad
will sing a different tune, rather than
the stale "no offense, good defense
melody" heard the last two games.
"The inconsistency of our offense and
kicking game - we've got to improve,"
Schembechler said. "We do have a
great defense but. .
His voice trailed off, but everyone in
the room knew what he was thinking.

f ..

" Ijuast(lollt io,ic whato do
(abou oti 1 f0111. t'
-IDon, himbrotig r
"I'd like to (i/lSI f'em (the kick-,
er,) up Ign P1th1Iw1 1.

With Dickey again calling the signals,
Michigan ground out 47 yards in 10
plays the first time it possessed the ball
in the second half.
Edwards carried four times, Dickey
three and Reid twice, as the Wolverines
advanced to the Kansas two. There
Edwards took Dickey's pitch and
floated around right end unmolested for
the six.
THE FINAL Blue score came with
Wangler again in at QB, as Schem-

First dons....... .
Rushing att/yds ..........70/217
Passing att/cmn/inl ). 23/ 5/2
Passing yds .................2202
Puints (no/yvds,)................. /3.0
Fumbles (no/lost ...........3/2
Penalties Itno/yds ).......... 2100
lWIIItXN ................7 7
KANSA.................... 7 0

N K,\Nstl5 ti t i..................... ....
6 Smith .......................
zfi/25f Wooltolk .... ...................

0 - 7

\Iirek -.......................
Sobe e.r.....:......................
Macuk .......................:.....



1 4

Daily rhoto by MAUREEN UMALLEY
THE MIGHTY BLUE DEFENSE jumps for joy after stopping another
Kansas drive in yesterday's action. Again, as in the past two Wolverine
outings, the defense played an outstanding game. They held the Jayhawks
to 25 yards on the ground and 79 yards in the-air.
qThe Cl o wn'



MI(II Edwards 3 ,d run I i-Sheikh kick
KAN Irvin 60 yd punt return (I lubach kick
MIC I Reid I '.d run ( Haji-Sheikh kick)
M1ICll Edwards 2 yd run (Ulaji-Sheikh kick)
NIICII :Marsh 8syd pass from iWangler lla ji-Shu'ikh
"IA ill:


Send Ii

Bo jokes, but offense puzzles



In royal defense...
. . Greer is kaing
T HE MICHIGAN DEFENSE was devastating in yesterday's 28-7 victory
over the Kansas Jayhawks, as they have been all year. Defensive
tackle Curtis Greer and company held coach Don Fambrough's squad to just.
25 yards rushing, 79 yards passing and six first downs on the afternoon. And
the Jayhawks lone touchdown was scored on safety Leroy Irvin's 60-yard
punt return early in the second quarter, leaving the Kansas offense with no
points to show for its effort.
Kansas quarterback Kevin Clinton, whose passing was considered the
Jayhawks' only real offensive threat, was stifled in his attempts to mount
any kind of drive against the stingy Wolverine defenders.
The sophomore signal caller, who completed 21 of 39 tosses for 202 yards
in last week's 24-0 loss at Pittsburgh, was successful just nine times in 25
tries yesterday, as the Blue secondary shut down all passing lanes.
Clinton admitted he expected trouble, but felt he could've done a better
"I knew Michigan's defense was tough," said the Wichita, Kan., native.
"Nothing they did surprised me, but I thought we could have beat them deep.
Their whole line was quicker than any I've ever seen. Michigan's defense
was much better than Pittsburgh, but they're not as big."
Big or not, the Blue defenders did the job as they came up with the big
plays time after time. Greer led the way with 10 solo tackles, four for losses
totalling 21 yards, while linebackers Ron Simpkins and Andy Cannavino
tallied six and five tackles, respectively. In the defensive backfield, five dif-
ferent players had a hand in batting away Clinton's passes, a team effort
that could prove invaluable with passing teams like Michigan State and
Purdue to contend with in the future.
Greer explained the defense's success against Kansas this way. "With
.Iohn Hadl being the (Kansas) offensive coordinator, we anticipated they
would throw the ball. But last week against Pittsburgh they only rushed for a
minus 17 yards, so we figured they'd try to come out and establish the run.
"Our defensive philosophy is we feel if we can stop the run and make
them throw into our strong secondary, we have a very good chance of con-
taining their offense."
Tops in the nation
The defense has played superbly in all three games this season. As
"ou'll recall, the Wolverine defenders stymied Notre Dame, permitting the
Irish just seven first downs and 179 yards rushing in the 12-10 loss. The week
_y before, Northwestern was flashed the red light after 189 total yards and one
Michigan holds down the number one spot nationally in rushing defense,
scoring defense and total defense for the period, 1973-78. So, tough defenses
-have been an integral part of the Scbembechler era at Michigan. But fifth
z.rear man Greer feels this year's squad is better than all the rest.
"We've been together about three years now," noted the Detroit Cass
Tech graduate. "Right down the line, our camaraderie is probably the
biggest thing that separates us from most of the defenses that have been
.."I think it's very hard to consistently move the ball on us because we
have veteran guys and'they understand what offenses are trying to do," con-
tinued Greer. "It makes it a whole lot easier."
Greer has played a key role in the success of the defense this year. In
three gamns he has broken through the line for 32 tackles, tops on the
Michigan defense. Nine of those tackles accounted for 37 yards in losses.
Greer stood out among the throng of top notch Blue defenders yesterday
and is a sure bet to win the "Defensive Champion of the Week" award. Yet,
the 6-5, 245 pound tackle is quick to credit his teammates for aiding him in his
-I did a lot of things well today," understated Greer. "But you have to
credit the secondary. I was able to move the blockers out of the way, but they
t fhP c~Andahrvt took awav ait of nass routes and broke un a lot of passes."

flicks ........................
Woolfolk ......................
Clavton ................:........
Sydney............ ........
lersel' ........................
Hliggins .......................
Wangler ................... ix
Dlickey .....................5
Clinton KANSAS5-
Rcthksh............... ........
Edwards ......................:
Carter.............. ........
," - .-

aIi 122
1 7 10



1 2 2. Among the list of celebrated and un-
0 20 2.2 celebrated Michigan football victories,
3i 1s.33 this one fit snugly into the latter
-to 6.0 category. In fact, it would be ideally
placed with the 31-0 pasting of Wake
23 2.1 Forest, the 21-9 throttling of Duke, and
' 1the sinking of Navy, 14-7.
9 3 Yesterday's 28-7 Michigan win over
2 Kansas will not evoke striking remem-
+> +.1 1 brances in too many Wolverine players.
' '-IM But there's one man who will be con-
+.templating that result for some time to
come - Bo Schembechler.
comp in t ds For the Michigan coach, this was the
'- t ' '' one to grimace at during the pre-
season. This was the one which was
6 2 scheduled years in advance, around the
. o 51 time Kansas was fielding bowl-bound
squads. This was the one everyone wan-
ted to finish quickly, as more urgent
:3 70 32business lay ahead on the agenda.
3 Ix 21 SO WITH NOTHING to gain, and
2 N '22nothing gained, Bo once again had to
2 t ]approach a roomful of reporters, who
needed his pearls of wisdom to make

their stories somewhat interesting.
Luckily for all concerned, Bo obliged.
In trying to pinpoint Michigan's of-
fensive problems, Bo tossed out this
paradox to reporters. "Maybe we're
passing too much! Yep, probably are."
Then, the continuing problems with
the kicking game were brought up. Bo
joked, "I'd like to put 'em (the kickers)
up against the wall and shoot'em."
But Bo wasn't finished with his self-
effacing humor. When speaking about
the 60-yard punt return by Kansas'
Leroy Irvin for a touchdown, he asser-
ted, "I didn't see my left end. I didn't
see my left tackle. I didn't know where
they were. Maybe they went up the tun-
If those two defensive men were up in
the tunnel, they probably, would have
found the offense already there.
"Ninety-two offensive plays for 460
yards and only four TD's. That's how
bad we really are. We've got so much
work to do; I don't know where to
start," said Schembechler.

ON THE SUBJECT of who would be
quarterback in Michigan's revolving
door situation, a situation used effec-
tively by teams like Alabama last year,
Bo 'joined his offense in the tunnel.
"When you had (Dennis) Franklin and
(Rick) Leach, you don't consider
anyone else," he noted.
Both quarterbacks, B. J. Dickey and
John Wangler, had their carbon-copy
answers: "It bothers me a little, but it's
healthy for the team," Dickey opened
somewhat positively.
Wangler approached the topic a little
more skeptically. "It's bad knowing if
you messed up, someone else might be
coming in. But I have to be ready
whenever," said the senior from Royal
ONE SUBJECT where Schembechler
is not in any tunnel and gets the last
laugh is his defense. "I got a good
defense... They've all been in there.
They know what they're doing. They
know their way around," Schembechler
said, with a thankful tone in his voice.
Kansas' strong-armed passer, Kevin
Clinton, was in agreement. "Their
whole line was quicker than any I've
ever seen. Michigan's defense was
much better than Pittsburgh (reputed
to have one of the finest defense's
around), but they're (Michigang) not as
The quickness Clinton referred to
could be directly attributed to
Wolverine defensive standout Curtis
Greer, who contributed 10 tackles, four
for losses.
GREER, THE soft-spoken senior
from Detroit, was pleased with his per-
formance, too. "I did a lot of things well
today but I have to give credit to the
secondary. They took away a lot of pass
routes and broke up a lot of passes so
we were able to rush the passer."
"We are a unit. We play as one. We've
been together for three years now,"
Greer said. Without hesitation, Greer
added that this year's defense is the
best he has played on;
Right now, Bo can laugh, joke about
tunnels, and admire his defensive play.
But if the offense doesn't come out of
the tunnel it is in now, then humor may
only come from East Lansing and West

Daily Photo by uISA UUk:
SOMETIMES, BUT'CH WOOLFOLK blazes past defenders. lHowever, he doesn't do it every time. This was one of those
times as a Kansas defender puts the cla mps oilthe Michigan tailback.


Harriers tr
"I think we'll be much improved," said Michigan
cross country coach Ron Warhurst. "I'm very op-
timistic about the upcoming season."
The Blue harriers open the '79 year with the
Springback Road Race today in London, Ontario. The
Wolverines have entered the meet four years in a row
and won the team title three times. The 4.3 mile race
includes a field of runners made un largely of in-

ample Can
"Next year all the other Big Ten schools loose their
'studs' but we don't," added Warhurst.
BUT THIS YEAR Michigan will have to contend
with all the other 'studs' in the Big Ten. According to
Warhurst, Indiana is the team to beat followed by
Wisconsin The Badgers were Big Ten champs last
year with Michigan second.
The Wolverines are missing their top two runners
from last year. Steve Elliot and Doug Sweazey are
gone. but Warhurst has rounded up two very capable

idian roads
guys to Springback so that means we're leaving a
couple of good guys behind."
Following Heikkinen in the Michigan depth chart
are Lewis, Bill Weidenbach, Mark Pruente and Dan-
ny Beck along with Gerald Donakowski, and Steve
Brandt, a converted half-miler.
Beck has been a most pleasant surprise to Warhur-
st. After slumping through his first two seasons, Beck
trained with Weidenback over the summer and came
back to move to the forefront of the squad.

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