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September 21, 1979 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-21

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 21,


Senate to debate draft


WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate
agreed yesterday to hold a closed door
debate on a bill for compulsory
registration for a military draft, but to
let the measure die afterwards without
a vote.
The agreement calls for a secret
session of up to six hours today. It will
be the first closed-door meeting since
May 15, 1978, when the Senate debated
the sale of U.S. warplanes to Egypt and
THE LEGISLATION, sponsored by
Sen. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.), would require
men between the ages of 18 and 26 to
sign up, beginning next January. It
would not apply to women.
Nunn said he did not plan to seek a
vote on the bill in view of a 252-163
House vote last week against
In view of the House'vote and a
threatened filibuster by Sen. Mark Hat-
field, (R-Ore.), Nunn said that seeking
a Senate vote would be "an exercise in
Hatfield also said he was "not about
to engage in a decision-making
process" in a closed-door session.
THE CARTER administration op-
poses registration, while the Joint
Chiefs of Staff have urged that it be
Nunn, chairman of the Armed Ser-
vices manpower subcommittee, said
the closed session was needed to review

classified results of a 1978 manpower.
mobilization exercise, called "Nifty
The exercise showed problems in
mustering sufficient National Guar-
dsmen and reservists on short notice
and in mounting a big enough airlift to
take them to the fighting front.
NUNN AND Sen. John Stennis, (D-
Miss.), chairman of the full Armed

Services Committee, sought to have the
Pentagon declassify the results.
Defense Secretary Harold Brown
said he could release some but not 4f
the information.
Brown said part of the Nunn-Stennts
request "contains the Army's detailed
listing of manpower requirements,
supplies and shortfalls, and cannot be
declassified without serious damage'to
national security.

California blazes continue AP Photo
Cooler, damper weather settled over much of California yesterday, aiding firefighters in their struggle against at least
16 major blazes that have burned more than 100,000 acres of brush and timber.

State Democrats join Kennedy bandwagon
(Continued from Page I

authority given to him in the U.S. Con-
stitution,.rather than on the strength of
any specific law. Candidates for the
presidency are authorized protection;
but Kennedy has not yet declared a
candidacy, saying only that he is'
seriously considering a challenge to
A Kennedy aide released this one-
sentence comment from the senator: "I
have accepted President Carter's
generous offer of Secret Service protec-
tion and my family and I deeply ap-
preciate his action on this matter."
Michigan is one of 24 states which
have formed committees to draft the
Massachusetts senator. Until yester-
day's announcement, a less-organized
Kennedy movement in Michigan collec-
ted financial contributions for the draft
Kennedy movement in Florida.
THE GENERAL feeling toward
President Carter in Lansing yesterday
centered on his lack of leadership and.
President Carter "is perceived by
most American people as a president
who has lost the ability to lead in
national and international affairs,"
said Hood.
Crim said people "no longer believe
Mr. Carter can solve the problems,"
and added it would be "a political
miracle if he were re-elected."

HEADING THE draft Kennedy
committee as chairman will be Ber-
nard Ryan, a Detroit attorney. Donald
Tucker, an attorney from Southfield,
will serve as treasurer.
Ryan called Kennedy "an effective
and good senator who can com-
municate with the American people.
The senator can ably address the crisis
of confidence that President Carter of-
ten speaks of." I
Ryan said the main split in issues
between Carter and Kennedy are.
national health insurance and energy.
IN AN interview last week, Tucker
said "Kennedy is the most popular
political figure today." He expressed
confidence that Kennedy possessed the
leadership qualities to lead the country.
When asked whether the Kennedy
movement would divide the
Democratic party, Tucker said:
"It would split the party down the
edge rather than down the middle.
There will be divisiveness, though, if.
the president fails to see the writing on
the wall."
Ryan said Chappaquidick would not
be detrimental to Kennedy's chances if
he should decide to enter the presiden-
tial race. "Americans are more in-
terested in substantive issues," he said.
" THIS IS only the starting
point ... the beginning of the Kennedy

movement," said Crim, who has been
an on-again, off-again gubernatorial
prospect and is widely viewed as the
most influential legislative Democrat.
"What we're doing is encouraging
him," the Davison lawmaker said. "A
person needs encouragement to run
against an incumbent president."
Hood downplayed the split his choice
represents between him and powerful
Detroit .Mayor Coleman Young - a
strong Carter backer.
"HE HAS to do what he has to do, and
I have to do what I have to do," the
Detroit Democrat said.
He conceded many black voters will
stick with Young due to his con-
siderable stature in the minority com-
munity. But when Kennedy announces,
he said, the powerful United Auto
Workers union (UAW) will move
behind him and bring many blacks with
Although some observers believe the
UAW will support the idea of drafting
the Massachusetts lawmaker, Ryan
would not speculate on whether the
UAW would back the Kennedy drive.
The mood of the news conference -
held in a room festooned with posters
proclaiming "Kennedy: Leadership for
the 80s" - was upbeat and often light-

Crim jokingly referred to the top
Kennedy backers as "ari Irishman, a
Jew, a hill-billy and a black." Forbes is
Jewish, Kelley of Irish extraction, Hood
black and Crim southern-born.
Asked about Carter's pungent threat
to kick Kennedy's backside in a
nomination battle, Forbes quipped that
the president "would probably only get
to his thighs."
Forbes announced that a formal
Michigan Kennedy for President Com-
mittee filed organizational papers with
the Federal Election Commission
Thursday and will be headquartered in

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Regents discuss tenure and 'U' finances

(Continued from Page 1)
Interim President Allan Smith defen-
ded the tenure process saying the
process works most of the time, but is
questioned occasionally.
SMITH ADDED that the tenure
situation is bound to get tighter and that
the number of professors being tenured
would probably decrease.
In addition to the tenure discussion,
the Regents heard several speakers
during yesterday afternoon's public

comment session. The Graduate Em-
ployees Organization (GEO) demanded
that the administration begin to
bargain with it, and that the University
abandon its suit against the union.
Members of the GEO handed the
Regents a petition signed by ap-
proximately 560 graduate student
teaching assistants who contend that
the University has treated them un-
fairly. Gregory Scott and Richard Fed-
der charged that the University is

violating the state labor law in saying
that the teaching and research
assistants are students, and not em-
The Regents will meet again at 9 a.m.
today in the Anderson Room on the first
floor of the Michigan Union. The only
item scheduled at that time is a report
on the University's policy on South

House votes down canal treaty plan;
bill goes to Congressional committee

(Continued from Page I
again," said Heidi Gottfied, a member
of the Washtenaw County Coalition
Against Apartheid (WCCAA). "This is
September. We've got to talk to the new
people on campus and get people in-
volved again."
Gottfried predicted a "resurgence of
activism" on campus by year's end, so
students learn about the issues.
DURING THE demonstration on the
Diag, the small but vocal group of spec-
tators cheered denunciations of the
University's South African investments
and chanted for divestment.
Former Political Science Professor.
Joel Samoff made the afternoon's
longest address, citing statistics
illustrating the continued oppression of
native Africans in South Africa. He
stated that people who sit back and wait
for things to get better are hurting the
anti-apartheid cause, because "the
changes are simply not happening."
According to Samoff, "to do nothing is
to perpetuate the racism, and I don't
think we should accept that."
As musicians pounded on conga
drums in front of him, Tim Feeman,
another WCCAA speaker, exclaimed
that "as sure as the drum beats will
strengthen, aprtheid will fall."

(Continued from Page 1)
legislation, the Senate defeated, 50-45, a
Republican effort to attach restrictions
to the treaties. The proposal, by Sen.

Bob Dole (R-Kan.), would have halted
transfer of canal property and cut off
payment of Panama's share of canal
revenues if the president determined
that Soviet or Cuban troops were in the

Financial aid to students

up more than 10% in


Dole's proposal was opposed by Sen.
Carl Levin, (D-Mich.), floor manager
of the bill, who said any such change
would delay Congress' final approval of
the measure.
Levin also said he would be willing to
consider a new bill offered by the con-
ference panel, but voiced doubt that
changes acceptable to the House could
be made. He said the measure rejected
by the House "went about as far as the
Senate can go without violating the
Panama Canal treaties."
OPPOSITION TO the treaties has
been stiffest in the House, which at-
tached a variety of amendments to its
version of the legislation.

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(Continued from Page 1)
bor) suggested that the University
should be "more aggressive" in
recruiting outstanding students, citing
Michigan State as an example of a
school with a strong recruitment
program. English admitted the Univer-
sity could improve in this area and
suggested administrators send award
notifications out sooner.
Merit Scholarships were not included
in the report, but $350,000 was received
by top students here. "There were
significant gains in the bright young
men and women that were attracted to

will not be available until next summer.
The expansion of the GSL program and
an increase in work-study money
should make this year's financial sup-
port figures very high.




f I
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SUN., SEPT. 23
8:00 P.M.
AUD. "A'
SUN., SEPT. 30
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Mexico: The Frozen Revolution
The film's examination of modern-day Mexico includes scenes of the Presidential
election of Luis Echeverria; the depiction of a day in the life of a tenant former;
the living conditions and customs of the Indian communities; +plus interviews
with a hacienda owner, a union official, a Socialist Party leader, and aging
veterans of Zapt's legions
Quelmada! (Burn)
Marton Brondo plays Sir William Walker, a cynical free-lance secret agent and
adventurer who is hired by the British government to dismantle Portugal's
sugar trade monopoly in its Caribbean Island colony of Queimada. Sir William
came to the same stratetic conctusion in the 1840's as did the Pentagon in the
1960's, that the way to fight a guerrilla movement with a broad popular base

- S' &YA

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