The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 21, 1979-Page 3 Italian quake kills 5, most landmarks safe irYUSE CAP4PEN C ALLA High times Neither a sweet young damsel in distress nor millions of dollars in cold cash were the cause of Wednesday's high noon brawl in front of the State Theater. At stake, instead, were a few innocent marijuana cigarettes. Ann Arbor Police reported yesterday that the fight bet- ween three "piobably good friends", resulted when the joints were stolen from one of the participants. The man who was ripped-off found a friend and went after the two thieves. The pair was cornered in front of the State Theater, as reported in yesterday's Daily, and the skirmish ensued. The friend of the victim apparently got the worst end of the deal. Police said he was stabbed severely on both ar- ms and was taken to University Hospital. The brawlers refused to divulge their names and no money was involved in the marijuana"ex- change, police reported. Horsing sround The horses which helped make Ed McMahon famous for TV com- mercials; the Clydesdales, are coming to Ann Arbor. The horses are currently on a national tour and will be in the area for the Slippery Rock-Shippensburg State football game at Michigan Stadium on Saturday, Sept. 29. They are scheduled to arrive in town Sept. 23 and will be staying in a Budweiser-built tent at Ferry Field between Yost Ice Arena and Fisher Stadium until Sept. 30. Joe Dalto, area distributor for "the king of beers" and, you guessed it, Don Canham collaborated to bring them here. The team of eight horses will be out- side the gate at Michigan Stadium during the game. But Mike Palmisano of the University's Athletic Department says they will not venture onto the field for obvious reasons. Palmisano said there will bera public display set up and seeing the one-ton horses should be fun for the entire family. 9S Happenings FILMS Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Silver Streak, 7, 9p.m., MLB, Aud. 3. Alternative Action-One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, 7, 9:15 p.m., MLB, Aud. 4. Cinema Guild-The African Queen, 7, 9:05 p.m., Old Arch. Aud. Cinema II--Girlfriends, 7, 9 p.m., Angell, Aud. A. Gargoyle Films-The Maltese Falcon, 7, 9 p.m., Business School, Hale Auditorium. Mediatrics Films-Kentucky Fried Movie, 7, 8:30, 10:00 p.m., Nat. , Sci. Aud. SPEAKERS Wholistic Health Council-Gail Zinc and Bhaktavar Allekote, "Sur- fism," 7:30 p.m., Wesley Lounge, 602 E. Huron. Philosophy Department-Prof. Frederick Dretske from University of Wisconsin will speak on "Meaning and Information," 4 p.m., MLB, Lecture Room 2. Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies-Geography Prof. Rhoads Murphey, will speak on "Post-revolutionary Travel in Afghanistan," noon, Lane Hall Commons Room. MISCELLANEOUS Noon Luncheon-Steven, Bhaerman, "Breaking Through Writing Blocks," Guild House, 802 Monroe. Hillel-Rosh Hashanah Services-Conservative, 7:45 p.m., Power Center; Orthodox, 7:15 p.m., Hillel; Reform, 8p.m., Hillel. Multi-media presentation-"Terraqueous Incantations," a showing of watercolors and a dance presentation, 8:30 p.m., Pendleton Room, Michigan Union. Starving Artists Sale-Works of local artists, noon to 6 p.m., Canter- bury Loft, 332 S. State, second floor., Exhibit-Canadian Inuit (Eskimo) art, Museum of Art, through Oct. 14. Exhibit-The Great American Medical Show, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon- day through Friday, Clements Library, S. University, through Oct. 12. The National Organization for Women (NOW) pro-choice rally at the Lansing Capitol steps tomorrow has been changed to 9 aim. Carpools will be leaving the First Unitarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw, at 7a.m. Do co-eds have more fun? The results are finally in, the news you've all been waiting for! The September issue of McCall's magazine features,a lengthy story on co- ed dorms. Data for the story was collected from a number of schools, including the University. The results show that: 1) 94.5 per cent of parents with children living in co-ed dorms did not object to the arrangement, and 2) fewer than seven per cent of the students sur- veyed chose co-ed living "to improve my sex life." Nearly 50 per cent of the students said they chose co-ed dorms because "they're frien- dlier places to live." Scholarly research has its place in the scheme of things, but somehow these findings don't seem too surprising. Pontifical protest Inflation is hitting everywhere these days-including the Vatican. And the servants of God are mad as hell and they're not going to take it anymore. Pope John Paul has ordered an inquiry into complaints by Vatican employees of low wages, a Vatican spokesman said yester- day. Employees are collecting signatures for a letter complaining that their basic salaries have remained the same since 1969, and that cost- of-living increases, given at six-month intervals, lag behind the in- flation rate. Current Vatican salaries range from $365 to $610 a month, although employees receive free medical treatment, reduced prices in Vatican stores, and do not pay Italian income tax. The protest was evidently set off by increases in rent following the Vatican's decision to enforce a new rent law, recently passed by the Italian government. ROME (AP)-Hundreds of after- shocks rumbled up and down central Italy yesterday, echoes of a sharp quake that killed five persons and left more than 1,000 homeless as it shook the peninsula from Pisa's Leaning Tower in Naples' broad bay. The Wednesday night earthquake leveled stone houses and medieval churches in the Umbrian hills north of Rome, rattled palaces and basilicas in the capital, and sent thousands of terrified Italians pouring into the streets. Panicky circus elephants smashed their way out of their pens in Perugia, near the center of the tremor. All five deaths occurred in villages around Norcia, 70 miles north of Rome. A collapsing house killed three mem- bers of one family in San Marco, and two persons were crushed to death by falling debris in Chiavano. Rescue officials said they believed the death toll would go no higher; but workers continued to dig through rub- ble yesterday searching for anyone who might still be trapped. After preliminary checks, art and restoration experts repbrted no significant damage to such monuments as the Leaning Tower, the Colosseu, the Roman Forum, St. Peter's Basilica, and other ancient buildings in Rome and the Vatican. But near Spoleto a richly frescoed 16th century church associated with a Madonna miracle collapsed. The oc- tagonal building, the Church of Our Lady of the Snow, stood at 3,000 feet and was decorated with frescoes by the noted Angelucci brothers. It was dedic- ted to the miraculous survival of a local resident said to have been buried for three days under an avalanche. The walls of the Basilica of St. Benedict cracked open in nearby Nor- cia, a medieval town that was virtually leveled. 01 We're all about roller skating. Interested? Good street skates for retail and rental. Everybody's doing it! Safe, clean and fun, or so Cher tells us. Toucan Skate 619 E. William at State (upper) Ann Arbor 668-0311 New hours! Tuesday through Thursday, 12 noon till 8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 12 noon till midnight; - Sunday, 12 noon till 8 p.m.; Closed Monday. Special day rates, overnight rates and best of all PARTY rates. Call for street skating party information. { Good Hows morrnn 4 your feet. You kept them up late last night didn't you? And now they don't feel so good. You should put them into a pair of Rockports. Rockports are your feet's idea of a good shoe. Com- fortable. Very, very comfortable. Because we don't make men's and women's shoes to fit certain price ranges. We make them to fit feet. We're funny that way. For example, our shoes are stitched by hand: Be- cause even the best machines can't stitch as well as people. And the sole isn't one big hunk of crepe. It's at least eight separate layers. This makes our sole softer. More flexible. Easier on your feet. Slip your feet into a pair of Rockports. And let them know what it feels like to beloved. fr i r It 1