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September 21, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-21

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See Editorial Page

I "I'll ,
c he

Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom


See Today for details

Vol. LXXXX, No. 14

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 21, 1979

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

House. defeats
canal treaty plan

WASHINGTON (AP) - The House of.
Representatives refused yesterday to
approve a bill designed to carry out the
final details of the Panama Canal
treaties, which are scheduled to take ef-
fect Oct. 1.
The measure, approved earlier
yesterday by the Senate, was defeated
in the House, 203 to 192.
THE LEGISLATION had been ap-
ptoved by the Senate on a 60 to 35 vote.
The bill would establish a U.S.-
controlled commission to operate the
canal until Dec. 31, 1999. Under the
terms of the treaty, the canal then
would be placed under complete
Panamanian control.
Supporters of the legislation said the
treaties will go into effect as scheduled,
even if the legislation does not get
congressional approval. The treaties

have been signed by President Carter
and by Panamanian officials and have
been ratified by the Senate.
REP. JOHN M. Murphy, (D-N.Y.),
said if the bill is not passed, President
Carter will issue an executive order
that will do what the bill is designed to
do. Funding to carry out the terms of
the treaties, however, still would be in
the hands of Congress.
Before the House vote, Murphy and
other supporters of the bill argued that
rejection of the measure would kill it.
But after the vote, Murphy said the
bill would be sent back to the House-
Senate conference committee that ap-
proved the legislation in hopes another
,version acceptable to the House could
be worked out.
See HOUSE, Page 9

100 show
at rally
A small jazz band played, ex-
Professor Joel Samoff spoke, and
chanting protesters paraded around
the Diag yesterday in the first
student demonstration of the school
year against the University's ties to
corporations doing business in South;
While the demonstration
proceeded as scheduled, perhaps the
most notable aspect of the noon-hour
protest was a lack of participation
among the general student body. On
the Diag, the demonstration drew
just more than 100 spectators, ac-
tually competing with the crowd
surrounding evangelist Jed Smock.
ONLY 60people joined the march
through Angell Hall to the Ad-,
ministration Building, arriving
during the lunch break of the
University Regents' monthly,.
meeting. The group chanted and
sang one protest song before
dissembling about 15 minutes later.
"We have to start the momentum
See 100, Page 9

Regents charged to,
rethink SLS posture

Student Legal Services (SLS) Director
Jonathon Rose and Michigan Student
Asembly (MSA) President Jim Alland
yesterday defended the student-funded
legal aid service's authority to
represent students in actions filed
against them by the University.
Speaking during the public comments
section of yesterday's University Board
of Regents meeting Rose said, "Legal
Services should be allowed to take on
. such cases subject to lawyers' canons
of ethics, exhaustion of administrative
remedies and common sense."
ALLAND SAID he believed "all
students of the University deserve ac-
cess to the resources of SLS in any,
situation in which they must defend
themselves in a court of law."
A report in yesterday's Daily in-
dicated the Regents would act on a
motion to prohibit the student-funded
legal aid service from representing
students in suits or other actions again-
st the University. The motion was ac-
tually passed at the Board's July
Atthat session Regent Thomas
Roach requested that University
General Counsel Roderick Daane be
allowed to comment on the possibility
of Legal Services representing both the
University and students, in actions
against each other.
ROSE AND SLS representative Paul
Teich, who attended the July session,
indicated they would also make com-
ments at the September meeting.
"In July," Rose said, "we felt the ac-
tion request was still subject to Regen-
tal review pending introduction of the
requested information. That was why (I
thought) they requested the infor-

mation from Daane."
In his report to the Board, Daane said
Legal Services is supported by a man-
datory student fee assessment and thus
by University funds. He considered it
an inappropriate use of University fun-
ds to finance both sides of an adversary

Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS
THE UNIVERSITY BOARD of Regents' first meeting of the school year prompted about 100 anti-apartheid protesters
to rally on the Diag and near the Administration Building yesterday.

Regents talk about tenure and 'U' finances

"WHETHER THE adversary
relationship of the student client to the
University is that of plaintiff or defen-
dant," the report said, "I believe the
procedure and restrictions set forth
above and in the July communication
are equally desirable."
Alland objected to the contention that
University funding precluded Legal
Services from representing students in
cases against the University. "While
the mandatory student assessment
may be technically considered Univer-
sity funds," he said, "it is still ethically
student money."
See REGENTS, Page 12

In one of its more mundane gatherings
of the year, the University Board of
Regents met yesterday to review
voluminous financial reports, and later
briefly discussed faculty tenure.
University revenues for the 1978-79
academic year totaled $540,707,000, and
that figure was among the many the
Regents discussed yesterday in
reviewing the annual barrage of finan-
cial reports. The reports included in-
vestment figures, an audit of the
University's finances, and the
operating budget for the current school
A SEPARATE report was also given
on the status of financial aid during
1977-78. (See related story.)
The tenure discussion was prompted
when Regent Thomas Roach (D-Saline)
suggested that a faculty committee be
set up to review the University's tenure
procedure.? His idea was abandoned af-
ter some debate over the issue.
The cases of two professors who said
they were treated unfairly in the tenure
process have aroused the interest of the
University community. In the past
year, former Professors Joel Samoff
and Jonathan Marwil and their suppor-

ters have brought complaints to the
Department of Humanities in the
College of Engineering, recently filed a
$1.1 million suit against the Regents
and three department members
because he alleges he was unfairly
denied a tenure review.
Samoff and his supporters claim the
Political Science deparment wrongly
denied him tenure.
"I certainly don't feel interference or
change in either case is appropriate,"
Roach remarked. He said his request to
look at the question of tenure did not
refer to any case or any person. But

Roach said he is concerned about stan-
dardizing the process throughout each
college, school and department. .
ROACH WAS dissuaded from of-
fering a motion to set up a faculty
tenure review committee by several
comments from his colleagues, and in-
formation provided by President-
designate Harold Shapiro. Shapiro ex-,
plained that a committee of the faculty
Senate Assembly was slowly studying
the issue.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor)
opposed Roach's suggestion and said,
"the Board makes a serious mistake if
it chooses to -step into the tenure
decisions of the faculty.

"There is one thing the University.
must work towards protecting : . . and;
that's the freedom of the faculty... to'
choose their own peers and associates,-
Baker said.
But Roach added that he did not feel a
study would interfere with the faculty's
"I'm not the one who should decide,"
Roach said, "but I think there is a con-
cern among the faculty."
"JUST BECAUSE the process works
now doesn't mean it couldn't work bet-
ter or be reviewed," said Regent
Gerald Dunn (D-Lansing). "There's
nothing that can't be improved."
See REGENTS, Page 9

Financial aid to U' students
increases over 10% in 1977

D ems form
eOnminittee to
draft Teddy
With Wire Service Reports
Michigan legislators and Kennedy
supporters gathered in Lansing yester-
day as two top state Democratic
leaders announced the organization of a
committee to draft Sen. Edward Ken-
nedy for the presidency.
The announcement, which has been
expected for nearly a week, was made
by House Speaker Bobby Crim and At-
torney General Frank Kelley. The
meeting was attended by House Floor
Leader Joseph Forbes (D-Oak Park),
Rep. Morris Hood(D-Detroit), Rep.
Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor), and 34
other legislators.
ALMOST HALF of the state's
representatives support the Michigan
Kennedy for President Committee,
while only three members of the
Michigan Senate have joined the Ken-
nedy camp. State Sen. Ed Pierce (D-
Ann Arbor) is not among the three.
The announcement came only hours
before President Carter authorized

Financial aid to University students
on the Ann Arbor campus increased by
more than 10 per cent from the 1976-77
school year to the 1977-78 year, accor-
ding to a 'recently-published report on
the Student Financial Support
Program. That report, compiled by the
Office of Academic Affairs, was the
opening item on the agenda for yester-
day's Regents' meeting.
Most of the growth occurred in the
student loan programs, which was up
almost $6 million from the 1976 year to
the 1977 year, from $8.1 million to $13,9
The report also contained the following
" Total support for Ann Arbor cam-
pus students was $59.8 million, com-.
pared to $52 million for 1976-77;.
" Over 62 per cent of Ann Arbor cam-
pus students received some form of
" Thirty-nine per cent of the students
received scholarships and grants,
representing 43 per cent of the aid;
" Minority students receive a sub-
stantial portion of all awards; at 8.4 per
cent of the total student body, they
receive 16 per cent of the total financial
aid funds;
" The University's general fund was
the primary source of student support
F The Sycor Crisis Committee
met Wed. night to help find jobs
for workers facing layoffs. Page 5.
" International Year of the
Child festivities were held last
night at Rackham Auditorium.
Page 6.

expenditures, accounting for 30.5 per
cent of all aid awarded.
RICHARD ENGLISH, associate vice-
president for academic affairs, said
that while minority enrollment has
dropped, minority students' proportion
of the aid has not declined. He told the
Regents that this aid sufficiently
fulfilled the needs of minorities who
want to attend the University.
An 80 per cent increase in Guarn-
teed Student Loans (GSL) is expected
this year due to the removal of the
family income limit on the applications.
English said this represents "a
significant number of students who

were in the past unable to apply" for a
Several University officials .at
yesterday's meeting expressed concern
that the University's National Merit
Scholarship program is not attracting
enough participation from top students.
English attributed this to the attraf-
tiveness of other universities aroun(I
the country. Since these awards are
given to outstanding students in all fifty
states, who need not demonstrate
financial need, these students have
their pick of the country's higher lear-
ning institutions.

U.S.-Soviet talks on Cuba
approach bargain stage

WASHINGTON (AP) - The United
States will act on its own to alter the
status quo if negotiations on Soviet
troops in Cuba fail, President Carter
told congressional leaders yesterday.
Reporting this, White House press
secretary Jody Powell said Carter; who
has said he will not accept the status
quo in Cuba, told the congressional
leaders the situation could be changed
through negotiations "or by action on,
our part."
POWELL SAID the president told the
group the administration was
preparing options for use if the con-
troversy "is not resolved satisfac-
torily" through negotiations..
Powell said Carter in that case would
"be prepared to take whatever actions
are appropriate."
House Democratic- Whip John
Brademas of Indiana, who was present,
said Carter nsoke of ontions "that

members of both parties, Carter
disclosed that previous discussions with
Soviet officials focused on a search for
information rather than on efforts to
resolve the controversy.
AN ACCOUNT of the presidentks
early morning conference was provided
by an authoritative administration of-
ficial who asked not to be named.
This source said new discussions with
the Russians will aim at substantiv:e
results that would "alter the situation;'
in Cuba.
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance was
meeting yesterday for the fifth time
with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly
Dobrynin. They were reported to be
arranging direct talks in New York
next week between Vance and Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko.
The presence of the Soviet brigade of
2,000 to 3,000 men has endangered
Senate ratification of the SALT II


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