The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 20, 1979-Page 5 THE CLASH TAKE COMPLETE CONTROL: The Ann Arbor Film Cooperative Presents at Nat. Sci. Thursday, September 20 STAGECOACH $1.50 White men in Masonic By R. J. SMITH I spent the summer working nights sweeping french fries from behind oil vats in a suburban McDonalds, and one night I called a typically Detroit hack d.j. after he announced he was going to play a song by The Clash in a few moments. I wanted to ask this guy to play something bsids "I Fought The Law" - a great tune, but by far not their best. So why did radio stations always play, only this one, a song not even written by anyone in the group, when there are so many other Clash songs around? "We have to break these guys in gently to the Detroit market," it was explained to me, "not everybody is ready for The Clash." Judging from The Clash's show in Detroit Monday evening, Motown still ain't ready for them. What happened Monday evening occasionally went beyond being what anybody could have bargained for and moved over ner- vously into the realm of a confron- tation. And you had better believe that if there is a confrontation between The Clash and their audience, one of those groups is better equipped to come out heads-up from the fray, and it isn't the audience.. Before igo any further, I just want to say that if you are looking for any- great think piece on The Clash or eren an in-depth examination of their show at Masonic, read somewhere else, okay? I mean from the moment the smart guys get ahold of some group like The Clash, they start to drain out all the fun and discorerv. And eren the incredibly powerful feelings 4You feel towards something or someone can dissipate, or at least get screwed up,.when you begin to talk wildly about your feelings. And let me tell you, I had a great tim' at The Clash's show Mon. day erening, and I learned a couple of things that I think I'll be digesting for a long time to come, and ap- plying far beyond that. I plan to hold onto these things. SO, THERE WAS a lot of tension. From the start, the audience didn't get into the slower reggae tunes The Clash were doing, and soon after the show began, so did the boos. Halfway through, when Joe Strummer in- troduced "White Man in Hammersmith Palais" as "White Man in Masonic Temple" (an acknowledgement of the crowd's hostility?), he delivered to the audience his version of the Mason's greeting, a thumbed nose. After a while, when the audience booed, the lights would go out and the group would boo pack. But what better way to hear The Clash? If we lost out on the coiled fir- mness of their reggae songs and anything that didn't sound rave-up to the crowd, it was in exchange for even more anger and intensity from the band than usual. We were steeped in an at- mosphere of confrontation from the moment we came into the auditorium and were frisked from the waist down, by the security cops. And when one is listening to music that denies escape and demands direct confrontation, a confrontation between and the audience can be a healthy thing. If not everybody in the audience knew that, The Clash sure did. THE CLASH have the most apocalyp- tic sound in rock. Imagine the fire and brimstone finality of reggae encased in enough guitar-overload to level a city, and yop have The Clash on record. On stage everything is battered flat - the rhythm changes, the dynamics, solos, vocals - and almost washed away in the torrent of intensity. With each song you feel the music getting harder and faster, and you find yourself pulled into a world where fists rise up from nowhere. Songs like "English Civil War," "Janie Jones" and "What's My Name" are fractured, like a brick thrown through a store front, by resonant-drumming only hinted at on vinyl. Mick.Jones and Joe Strummer know when to axe out solos and when to pound out the chords, and they know when they don't have to do either to get across their rage. One of the most miraculous parts of the performance was when "English Civil War" was per- formed with only one guitar - Jones' acoustic - and yet telegraphed a horrible feeling of special impezdancy no number of electric guitars could match. I have no words to describe the way some of those songs flashed by. "Safe European Home" had little of the jum- piness its beginning has on Give 'Em Enough Rope, but a dozen times the cyclotronic frenzy of the rest of it. When they did "Capitol Radio" they canned the hilarious ersatz disco ending, let- ting guitars and vocals get across a story of frustration and disappointment with radio stations that on paper is fairly incomprehensible to anybody not British. AT THE SHOW, as if we were in any doubt by this time, they proved that if we can't hear what they're saying, it's because they want it that way. It should have been clear after the issuing of The Cost of Living e.p. that even with strong production, we aren't going to be able to hear at least half their words on a first listening. But still it was a surprise to hear the occasional between-song comments (as often shouts at the crowd as any sort of dialogue) sound as garbled, say, as 90 per cent of "What's My Name." I know I'm keeping out of the emotional sector, but, after thinking about it for a while, I think I should say a few things about The Clash in general. A friend asked me after the concert if it was the ultimate Brent in my college career that I was hoping it would be. Well, no, it wasn't. I thought the show was great, perhaps the best concert I hare erer seen, and I learned stuff at The Clash's show - and how often does that happen at a rock concert (nerer.)? But watching The Clash took an in- credible amount of real work. There was so little feeling of release, of the annihilation of one's problems through loud noises and larger- than-life personas, that the whole show must be marked down as, well, difficult. I once wrote that "the Ram ones are the Beatles of the Aerenties." Whether or not that's true, it's pretty irrele rant, because that's exact l what we don't need. We'll nerer again hare any Elris, any Dylan, any Beatles or Stones, take away the real pain we feel by the music they make. We hare seen what happens when we try to let the music we like run our lires; whether it's Wood- stock-era empty-headedness or disco boredom, the fact is nothing hap- pens when music is anything like the be-all and end-all. What we need is a group for the eighties that will do the most important thing music in this age can possibly do - make us face up to our problems erery waking second. What we hare is The Clash, and if that's all we erer hare, well, that's far more than we could erer hope for. Facing up is so rery hard to do. That's why listening to the music of The Clash is such work. In their words there ain't no Springsteen to prance around onstage, because unless you don't hare any problems much more consequential than passing French 101, he isn't going to help. The Clash talk about class struggle and ciril war and racial conflict, all in terms of the fist fight on the corner or the tussle in the dark alley. It is the details of op- pressions that haunt them. And The Clash don't write songs about romance (except for a single B-side, which I am tempted to disarow), because lore is so irrelerant to what they are talking about. With so many people singing about lore and romance as the only reason for life, The Clash come on almost like they disarow totally its importance. And that's not true: it's just that they realize that no loer or friend is going to make you feel safP walking the streets at night, or get you a job, or change the rarious oppressions hanging orer your head. That other stuff - the Springsteens, the Stones, the Elris' (take your pick) - is all fun, and there's a place for it. But The Clash are a lot more. This is all not to say that The Clash are the only group interested in something besides romance or creating a larger-than-life> mythos. Lots of groups hare been into con- frontation in the past, and lots hare wanted to tear down the barriers between audience and the group. But after hearing The Clash, you can almost draw a line between them and ererybody else. OH YEAH, I should probably say how A'TS David Johanson and this punky British group called the Undertones played before The Clash came on. The Under- tones were proficient and forgettable, and Johanson was real good. His band is very, very bad, but as long as they Temple' did Johanson songs they were more than okay. They did a good amount of stuff from In Style, and the prerequisite "Personality Crisis." The trick, I think, to enjoying Johanson's set was to not think about how "all the peacemakers turn war officers," put away all thoughts of the clanging of jail guitar doors. It wasn't easy. Least easy of all, though, were The Clash. How often can one have dissent and antagonism waved in one's face, how often will one turn to confrontation instead of to unreal rock "heroes" or the panacea of guitar backwash? These are questions we were asking ourselves after seeing The Clash in Masonic Temple. Just what answers we come up with depend on the nature of all our troubles, but, also, on the nature of our strength to overcome them. (John Ford, 1939) T only NAT SCI Probably the purest Western ever and the film that showed how a popular genre could become art. JOHN WAYNE as the Ringo Kid became a star with this film. A stagecoach full of misfits inches its way across the desert through Indian attacks and personal conflicts. A film of power and subtlety with a view of society turned on its head-seeing the respectable as crooks and hypocrites, and treating the outlaws and marginals as heroes. CLAIRE TREVOR, THOMAS MITCHELL, JOHN CARRADINE, ANDY DEVINE. Classic. RIO Grande (John Ford, 1950) 9 only NAT SCI Underseen and underrated, this is the final film of Ford's cavalry trilogy (Fort Apache, She Wore A Yellow Ribbon). JOHN WAYNE plays a troop commander with conflicting loyalties-the cavalry and his family. One of the few movies to truthfully depict adult marriage. 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Offer good Offer good * Sept. 21 "U 1Sept. 21 thru Oct 7, thru Oct. 7, 1979 1979+ I COUPON IE flANl*flUCOUPON 3345 East Washtenaw Ave. (Across from Arborland * Shopping Center) On West Stadium BId. (Just North of Intersection of Stadium and Liberty) These folks would be Jim Ringer and Mary McCaslin, folksingers a pair. The Ark will be the setting'place this weekend for two concerts by Ringer and McCaslin, and Daily critics promise catchy tunes and stirring harmonies when theduo get together. They call their latest album, "The Bramble and The Rose,"with Ringer, we suppose, playing the part of the Bramble. ENERGY. We can't afford to waste it. A skinny young golfer named Joe Was distressingly listless and low. 'til he ate at the League k Where the menus intrigue; And now he's a PGA pro." L.L. Theftchigan Next to Hill Auditorium Located in the heart of the campus. it is the heart of the campus . CAFETERIA HOURS; 11:30-1:15' 5:00-7:15 SNACK BAR 7:15-4:00 Send your League Limerick to: Manager Michigan League 227 South Ingalls You will receive 2 free dinner tickets if your limerick is used in one of our ads. - NOTICE GEO ELECTION, The GEO's Return to Bargaining Position which appeared in the Wednesday, Sept. 18 issue of The Michigan Daily was signed by people who were GSA's during Winter Term 1979, not 1969. The Daily regrets any misunderstanding that may have been caused by this error. L 1 I 1 I Any Quiche Dinner, Crepe 1 °Dinner or Shrimp Delight 1 Sandwich. I _, 1 1 Great idea for half-time - pick I 1 up one of our giant club sand- I 1 wiches to take to the game! I 1 Everything available for 1 1 take out. I I I TODAY CTA DUIhII ADTICTC CAI I