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September 20, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-20

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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXX No. 13 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 20, 1979 Ten Cents Ten Pages
Student legal aid may be banned romsuits
By TOM MIRGA have had enough time to deliberate on the mat- Jonathon Rose. "The Regents currently prohibit this office better performed "at a slight distance."
Students won't be able to obtain free, Univer- ter to feel comfortable approving the proposal. Rose said the changes "would not interfere from initiating litigation against the Univer- Daane said OS was better suited for the job
sjty-sponsored legal aid to defend themselves with Legal Services operations" and the sity," he said, "but last year remained silent on because direct contact between his office and
in actions initiated by the University if the In addition to preventing SLS lawyers from organization would be responsible to a planned the defense of cases that the University brings SLS would hurt the credibility of legal service
University's Regents approve a proposal in defending students in University-initiated ac- overseeing board composed primarily of against students. lawyers with their clients. The general counsel
their agenda this week. tions, the proposal also directs the legal aid students. "Well, we took on one such case," he con- said that the added workload of administrating
The plan to be presented to the Board was group to counsel and advise - but not tinued, "and some of the Regents got upset SLS would erode his office's capacity to
drawn up by the Office of Student Services represent - students in actions they take CURRENTLY, A temporary board staffed over the matter." provide legal services to the University.
(OSS), University General Counsel Roderick against the University. by Rose, MSA President Jim Alland, and Daane defended the prohibition against SLS
paane, andStudent LegalServices (SLS). The request would also have SLS report to Easthope, oversees SLS operations. Rose said DURING THEIR meeting last July, the conducting litigation or other proceedings on
the administration through the OSS on "The he hoped the new board could be functioning Regents requested that Daane produce a report behalf of students against the University on the
"."I SUPPOSE they (the Regents) will act," implementing of regental guidelines there may within a few months. on the possibility of his office maintaining ad- grounds that other free legal services are
University Assistant Vice-President for be about using SLS against the University and According to Rose, the debate over student ministrative responsibility for SLS. Daane available to those who meet their standards
Student Services:i Thomas Easthope said administration and on the organization's finan- funded legal offices handling cases between the suggested his office could perform the function and many private attorneys are available to
yesterday. Easthope said he felt the Regents cial accountability," 'according to SLS Director University and students is old and complicated. with additional staffing but that it would be those who do not.


A 2board:
No appeal
on Black
The Ann Arbor School Board voted
5-4 last night not to appeal a federal
judge's July order that the board devise
a plan to take into account district
students who speak 'Black English.
Federa) District Court Judge Charles
Joiner ruled that Black English, with
negative teacher attitudes, could be a
learning barrier for black students. The
board then developed a plan that in its
amended version, calls for an instruc-
tional plan for teachers, to help them
recognize students who speack Black
Board Superintendent Dr. Harry
Howard issued a memorandum earlier
this week to the school board citing 16
reasons for the appeal and nine against.
The superintendent recommended
that the board take two actions. One, to
reaffirm its intention to implement the
King School plan, and two, to ask for an
immediate appeal of Joiner's decision.
LAST NIGHT'S meeting began with a
lengthy briefing on the black English
case by the superintendent.
Howard read a letter written by
See A2, Page 2
* Frank Wilkinson, Executive
Chairman of the National Com-
mittee Against Repressive
Legislation, speaking last night
at Schorling Auditorium,
severely criticized Senator Ed-
ward Kennedy as a "liberal ar-
chitect of repressive legislation."
See story, Page 2.
" The Clash's "Take The Fif-
th" tour came to Detroit Monday
evening, pledging less than
allegiance to their Masonic Tem-
ple audience. The group,
however,was never complacent
in its stance-it was confron-
tational. For a review of Monday
evening's conflict, see Page 5.
Road tho Today
toiumn, Pago 3

U.S. to help
monitor Siniai,
peace accord

From Reuter and AP
WASHINGTON - Up to 200 U.S.
civilians would remain in the Sinai
Desert to help monitor the Egyptian-
Israeli peace treaty under a tentative
agreement announced yesterday.
American aerial reconnaissance also
was assigned a key role in the formula,
reached during two day of. intensive
negotiations. The principal
peacekeeping role was given to Egypt
and Israel, which will form mixed
-SECRETARY of State Cyus Vance,
flanked by smiling Egyptian and Israeli
ministers, announced the settlement to
reporters in the State Department lob-
Egyptian Defense Minister Kamal
Ali and Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe
Dayan, who headed their countries'
delegations to the talks, said Egypt and
Israel would maintain their own
military patrols in addition to the U.S.
But they left unclear whether Egyp-
tian and Israeli units would operate

THE ANN ARBOR BOARD OF Education ruled last night not to appeal Federal District Court Judge Charles Joiner's
recent decision to force the board to take Black English into account in instructing students.

jointly, as under the agreement
reached by President Anwar Sadat of
Egypt and Prime Minister Menachem
Begin of Israel earlier this month, or
THE IMPORTANT thing, Ali said,
was that the forces of the two countries
would operate "in coordination" in or-
der to police the treaty which formally
ended more than 30 years of warfare
between them.
Ali said the Egyptian and Israeli for-
ces would include observers, check-
points and reconnaissance patrols, sub-
stituting for the United Nations
Emergency Force (UNEF) whose
mandate expired this year.
Congress will have to give its ap-
proval for Americans to remain in the
Sinai. Vance said the formula also will
be submitted to the Egyptian and
Israeli governments.
INITIALLY, the UN Emergency
Force was to monitor Israel's with-
drawal over three years under terms of
the peace treaty with Egypt. But the
Soviet Union, in deference to Arab
allies opposed to the treaty,' blocked'
that approach by threatening to veto it
in the UN Security Council.
"Obviously, we had to find a way to
deal with that important issue, and we
have done so satisfactorily," Vance
Vance said it would still be necessary
to work out a permanent peacekeeping
plan for Sinai after Israel's three-year
withdrawal was completed. This would
provide another opportunity to bring
the UN into the picture if Israel ap-
Asked if the Soviet veto threat was
responsible for the impasse that led to
the negotiations this week, Vance
agreed, saying: "If the UN force had
been able to stay there, the problem
would never have arisen."

U Cellar union ratifies contract

The University Cellar Employees' union ratified a
contract Tuesday night that was nearly identical to
a version passed by the bookstore's Board of Direc-
tors Monday. However, further discussion of a
revision proposed by the union will be necessary
before the contract can be signed.
According to a statement issued yesterday by the
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Local 660,
which represents the cellar's employees, the
revision would exempt certain non-bargaining unit
employees from a proposed committee to discuss
management structure at the student-owned
THE UNION voted to accept the Board's version
of "agency shop," which includes a controversial
"grandperson clause," (according to the
statement). The clause states that employees hired
on or before September 2, 1979 - the date the one-
year contract is to be in effect - would not have to
join the union or pay monthly union fees.

After seven months of negotiations, the IWW
ratified a version of the contract - without the
grandperson clause - September 3. Union mem-
bers had argued that store employees should be
required to support the union, at least financially,
because the IWW negotiates for all store employees.
AFTER CONSIDERING the Board's actions of
Monday night, "We decided that we would say that
this (the grandperson clause) would be alright,"
said union member Lisa Blake. According to Blake,
the union accepted the grandperson clause as a
gesture recognizing the non-union employees
presently employed at the store.
"This (the membership of the proposed structure
committee) is much more important to us than the
singling out of the granperson clause," Blake said.
"If the Board of Directors ratifies our change in
Article IX, (the proposed change) we can meet,
proofread, and sign," according to the union
BOARD PRESIDENT Nelson Jacobson, an LSA

junior, said he was "really happy" with the union's
ratification vote, despite the proposed revision
which still must be settled. "We've gotten out of the
adversarial position. . . We're ready to roll."
Jacobson said the board members were to discuss
the matter by phone last night, and if the revision is
approved, preparations will be made for the con-
tract signing.
In order to guarantee more union input into
decision-making at the bookstore, the contract also
provides for the election of two IWW represen-
tatives to the Board of Directors. At the IWW local
meeting' Tuesday night, union members Leslie"
Brown and Ralph McKee were elected to the Board..
IWW members Nancy Berg, Doug Sherman, Bill
Vargo and Blake were selected to represent. the
union on the joint committee on decision-making
structure for the store.
The store's 70 employees have been represented
by the IWW since January.



Divestment to head

F4 Z

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federal law boosts middle-income
'U' office swamped with

agenda for
When the University Board of Regen-
ts meets for its monthly session today
and tomorrow, the major issue confron-
ting it is likely to be the University's
policy on investment in U.S. firms
which do business in South Africa.
At the center of discussion will be a
student-faculty report requested by the
Regents last March in the face of heavy
protest from a local group advocating
total divestment.
ALTHOUGH the Regents are not
scheduled to formally act on the report
r ..ha Cana +a A namhl1 Advi.nr

moral or political stands, while one,
James Waters (D-Muskegon) came out
in support of total divestment last
spring. Yet others contend the Univer-
sity should not divest itself of its stock,
but rather use its power as a
shareholder to influence the companies
to promote change in South Africa's
racist apartheid government.
Other items to be discussed by the
Regents today and tomorrow include a
1977-78 financial aid report, the
operating budgets for the current
school year, a report on the hospital
replacement project, faculty-proposed

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thousands ofl
-IN---ALWhile students have been borrowing money
- -to put themselves through school for years, a
new federal law is making it easier to obtain
~~- funds than ever before.
---- The Middle Income Assistance Act, which
-". ----became law early this year, included a
- - provision lifting the family income ceiling for
-~ - those seeking Guaranteed Student Loans
* (GSLs). The lifting of the ceiling has
------ a " I -W produced the expected results, according to
~"' iiIil_ loan officials, and already the University has
.received almost as many apolications as it

loan requests

funds and broadened eligibility requirements
for Basic Educational Opportunity Grant
Patrick Cummings of the Michigan Depar-
tment of Education said it is usually the mid-
dle class student that pays the most for
education. "The very poor have a free ride,
and the rich have no problem (paying
educational costs)," he said.
WITH TWO weeks left before the end of the
fiscal year, the number of state-approved
loans is already up by more than a third over
last year. with almost 46.000 stidnts aD-

s :4

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