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The Michigan Doily-Wednesday, September 19, 1979-Page 7
Gold uP U20 an ounce
(Continued from Page 1)
value or that their other investments
will suffer because of adverse economic
When gold booms, the dollar usually
slumps. But the dollar slipped only
slightly against foreign currencies
abroad yesterday and finished mostly
higher in New York after the Federal
Reserve announced late in the day an
increase in the discount rate from 10
per cent to 11 per cent.
IN OTHER financial activity, the
Federal Reserve Board raised its bank
lending rate to a record 11 per cent
yesterday, continuing the trend toward
higher interest rates that are driving up
borrowing costs for businesses and con-
sumers, including homeowners.
The board raised the discount rate
from 10.5 per cent, which also was a
record. It has been steadily increasing
izTerest. rates since Paul Volcker took
ofer as chairman last month.
.But the decision came on an almost
Onprecedented 4-3 vote on the seven-
member board, reflecting considerable
gpposition among the liberal members
to the board's high-interest policies.
VOLCKER VOTED with the four-
rember majority along with Henry
Wallich, Philip Coldwell, and Frederick
Schultz. Voting in opposition were
Charles Partee, Nancy Teeters, and
Emmett Rice.
WHile the rise in,-interest reates is
aimed at controlling inflation by
slowing growth of the money supply, it
has raised fears among some
Slwmakers and economists that it will
worsen the nation's recession.
The discount rate is the interest
m ember banks are charged when they
borrow from the Federal Reserve
THE BOARD said in a statement that
its latest increase, the second in a little
over a month, was intended in part to
discourage borrowing by member
banks, indicating that the discount rate
had become a bargain rate when com-
pared to the cost of borrowing
It had increased the discount rate to
10.5 per cent on Aug. 16. That increase
pushed up interest rates throughout the
economy, including the prime lending
rate of banks, now at a record 13 per
cent in many places.
Higher interest rates tend to slow
economic growth, because they in-
crease the cost of borrowing, and thus
are supposed to take the upward
pressure off prices.
AT THE SAME time, it can increase
the chances of a much deeper
recession, an argument that is gaining
more credence with the release of new
indicators showing unemployment up,
industrial production down and con-
.sumer sales sluggish.
Gold closed in Zurich at $373.50 an
ounce, a $20.50 jump from Monday's
close. In London, it closed at $372, up
At one point during the day, the price
of gold hit a record $376.25 in London.
But it settled back at the close.
In Washington, the government auc-
tioned off 750,000 ounces of gold yester-
day, drawing an average price of
$377.78 an ounce - well above the
previous record of $301.08 set last mon-
th. The government grossed $283.8
million on the sale.
As the administration of the University of Michigan delays
justice through endless litigation over the "true" status of
its graduate student employees, those employees.-nearly
2,000 in number-- suffer the consequences. Low pay, little
control over conditions of employment, and other inequities
are familiar aspects of life for most teaching, research, and
staff assistants. This situation must end now. Therefore, we
the graduate student employees of the University of Michi-
gan, demand the following:
(1) That the administration return immediately to
bargaining with the Graduate Employees Organiza-
(2) That the administration bargain in good faith;
(3) That the administration's claim that TAs, RAs, and
SAs are "'Merely students" be abandoned.
for April intervention
(Continued from Page 1)
$24,000, comprising 31.12 per cent of
MSA's budget. In 1978-1979 MSA's ex-
ternal allocations totatled ap-
proximately $48,000, or 46 per cent of
the assembly's budget.
IN OTHER action, the assembly
briefly discussed the formation of a
committee to review last year's elec-
tions. According to MSA President Jim
Alland, the group will likely be com-
prised of 10 to 15 students, including
MSA members.
As well as examining "the problems
and concerns surrounding the 1979 elec-
tion," the committee will also be
charged with coming up with a satisfac-
tory election procedure for next March.
The Assembly will begin to advertise
election committee openings for in-
terested students this week. Alland said
he hopes the special group will be
finalized within three weeks.
Search procedure to f
administrator post ur
VALJ1UC rm rage 1) '
supervises most functions of the city's
offices and departments. The job
profile prepared by Council details the
education, experience and personality
characteristics the council members
gnsider important in a candidate for
&e city's top administrative post.
BELCHER SAID he expects Korn-
Oerry to receive between 200 and 250
applications for the position. The firm,
Which specializes in placement of city
nagers, worked on the search which
1;sulted in Murray's appointment in
J _he applicants will be "from all over
the country," Belcher said. "Ann Arbor
i$ a plum." The city administrator will
,receive an annual salary of between
' Korn-Ferry has contacted several in-
dividuals suggested by various sources
and has placed a few announcements in
national city trade journals.
ROBERT SAID the firm will submit a
progress report at the mid-point of the
screening process and will submit a list
of finalists by November. Finalists will
undergo extensive interviewing and
reference checks, Robert added.
Belcher said he plans to appoint a
nine-member committee of citizens,
most of whom will be chosen from the
citizens now serving voluntarily on city
committees and commissions.
The citizens' committee vwill' recom-
mend between five and 10 candidates to
Council, Belcher .said. "Hopefully, c6n-
sensus (on the list of finalists) can be
reached with City Council."
BECAUSE OF the state's Open
111l City
1der way
Meetings Act, the meetings of the
citizens' committee and Council to
discuss the search and candidates will
probably be open to the public, Belcher
said. He said an applicant, but not city
officials, may for personal reasons,
request that meetings to discuss their
candidacy be held in a closed executive
The candidate chosen by Council will
have a college education and will have
at least seven to 10 years of experience
as city manager in a city with a
population of at least 50,000, according
to the profile. Experience in fiscal and
budget management, employee
development and the workings of a
major state-owned facility are con-
sidered desirable.
4 :1
Stephen Trombino
Ellen Vaneck
Nancy Heckman
Helen McClellan
Rena Soifer
Tod Sloan
Steven Greene
Robert Hagwood
Nancy Conklin
Paul Killey
Bernard Pace
Linda Argote
Steven Guerrier
Lawrence McDaniel
Michael Clark
Barbara Kritt
Marcia Froelich
Martin Friedman
Jane Remler
Michael Foley
Ed Bitner
Robert Bruhl
Pemela Robinson
Roberta Cutler
Michael Rubino
Theresa Kamyck
' Stephen Jacobson
Michael Plantholt
Alicia Bozarth
James Foreman
Sandra Mendiola
Janice Reid
Yvonne Johnson
Bob Martin
Stanley Kaminsky
James Mace
Jose Fresquez
Susan Cook
Karen Kaderavek
Marypot Abowd
Glenn Smith n
Marilyn Johnson_'
Warren McGuire,
Karl-Hans Wurzinger
Dario Rodriguez-
Douglas Verstrate
Mark Fly
Michael lkeh
Jean Pearson
Steve Martin
Steven Sidebotham
Bernard Goitein
Eitan Fenson
Mark Wilkinson
Dobroslaw Lachowicz
Randy Schwartz
Keith Gallagher
Lawrence Margolis
Timothy Bartel
William Miller
Miriam Baer
Misagh Parsa
Mihai Grunfeld
John Tannenbaum
Carolyn Kawecki
Charles Kieffer
Kathryn Long
George Exner
Scott Hedberg
Anthony Dasilva
William Chiat
Timothy Hoekman
William Abbley
Jeffrey Daykin
Kevin Zahnle
Alejandro Martinez
Cathleen Santa
Michael Lesnick
Alan Segal
William Acton
Frederick Nelson
Steven Marlin
Cynthia Chertos
Robert Sutton
Thomas Brainerd
Josef Vn't Dck
Roy Meyers
Howard Roth
Mary Russell
Rodney Snelling
Joanne Yaffe
Michael Price
Michele McCullough
Sandra Browne
Bruce Knuft
John Guthrie
Robbie Lieberman
Mark Hosley
John Guthrie
Stephen Crow
Miriam Pemberton
John Conrey
Cristin Carpenter
Ingebord Walther
Weiling Yih
Nancy Smith
Michael Thornton
Cheryl Johnson
Gary Strong
Gary Leavens
Marcia Plunkett
Katherine Kelly
Linda Mullaney
Linette Poyer
Peter Goodrich
Godfrey Bourne
Charles Horton
Susan Carlton
Christopher Irvin
William Kelleher
Carol Todoroff
Michael Dompierre
Karen Dennis
Amy Ronner
Michael Wiley
David Steel
Scott Shalkowski
Jo Aebersold
John Oppenheim
Jonathan Bell
David Vinter
Ronald Guengerich
Bruce Levy
Ali Kazemi
Carol Steffanni
Christopher Stark
Daniel Peters
Doran Smith
Abraham Aharoni
Douglas Finton
Laurette Bradley
Tessie Liu
Helene Rottenberg
Calvin Bittner
Lois Kalloway
Paul Pintrich
Mary Mcver
James Runner
Stephen Tyma
Janet Landman
Kathryn Kohl
David Cohen
Ellen Gross
Gary Bass
Martin Wattenberg
Paul Kyprie
Claudia Beckwith
Lynn Bossert
Ward Harper
Mark Nickerson
Linda Kaboolian
Fouad Bsat
Barbara Kitzner
Charles Randall
Chalmers Knight
Josselyn Moore
Denise Bronson
David Harper
Winniefred Anthonio
Barbara David
Paul Adams
Michele Johns
John Gourlay
Esther Martinez
Barbara Hauck
Mark Lezotte
Edward Devol
Sandra Silberstein
Charlotte Nekola
Mary Moules
David Furchtgott
Alfredo Canales
Anne Mueller
Richard Fedder
Paul Schulte
Rosanne Loesch
Philip Fleming
Rohini Prakash
Bryan Jackson
Mark Sebastian
Lisa Gold
Thomas Gais
Ned Rosen
Mary Murray
Becky Prophet
Jessica Musoke
Mahamud Hesaaraki
Mary Hodge
Elaine Carlson
Marva-Lee Evers
John Lepp
Jay Rathbun
Peter Axilrod
Peter Ward
Shirley Denton
Mark Silverman
Douglas Moran
Abe Ellenberg
Patricia Otto
Mitchell Marks
Carol Willson
David Pollitt
Virginia Lush
Mark Peterson
Janice Cook
Charles Cowan
Oscar Morales
William Squires
Mitchell Marks
Garth Gerber
Johnny Brown
Heather Wicke
Thomas Riis
Philippe Blanchard
Susan Taylor
William O'Dowd
Michael McCin
Joan Weber
Charles Seifert
Diana Ransom
Jerome Katz
William Loizeaux
Linda Grant
Barbara Boyk
Melmet Ozoklav
Linda Laughlin
Richard Hogan
Gary Aalto
Virginia Blankenship
Carole Seidleman
Norweeta Milburn
Theodore Stone
James Rothenberg
Gina Jordan
Joseph Saccio
Alan Levy
Gregory Robel
David Carlson
Robert Deans
Stefan Ehrenkreutz
Daniel Sharphorn
Donald Bieman
Mary Olson
Robert Young
Lois Martin,
Colleen Birchett
Jacob Ludwig
Ellon Walker
Clarence Wilson
Perry Fine
Lewis Oberlander
Brian Dalder
Susan Grundstrom
Kathleen List
Bonnie Rape
Mark Stevens
Debra Matthews
Brian Dufresne
John Reiff
William Kincaid
Constantin Sevici
Lee Goldstein
Neal Hoptman
Michael Cole
Charles Morn
Andrew Post
Aysenur Unal
Jerald Kabell
Celia Hooper
Michael Kozura
Martine Danan
Jeffrey Baker
James Maffie
Michael Robinson
Elizabeth Margosches
Alisop Edwards
David Talburtt
Joan Stepenske
Kathleen Pottick
Daniel Ray
Carol Yorkievitz
Paula Waterman
Joseph Pehrson
Johanna Wilson
Richard Meckel
Loren Van Buren
Elizabeth Danko
Luke Tripp
Bette Skandalis
Peter Holding
Michael Shenker
Stephen Gottron
Doreen D.Cruz
David Meulman
Cheryl Johnson
Patricia Kenney
Susan Pollock
Barbara Winkler
Susan Allen
Abdolhamid Mohtadi
Duane Wittkamper
John Eichenseier
Edwin Jackson
Alice Echols
Mike Conjar
Edward McCord
Joseph Pickett
Michael Shott
Karen Lindgren
Frank Wilson
Irina livezeanu
Mark Meerschaert
David Doyle
Sharon Boylan
Cheria Scales
H. W. Perry, Jr.
John Banks-Brooks
Katherine Giscombe
Karin Olson
Gregory Dow
Ellen Watson
Patricia McAskin
C.N Constantopoulos
Daphne Swabey
Nancy Goldstein
Samuel Cohn,
Jeffery Chin
James Akerman
Thomas Bloom
Brian Pedell
Eliot Malumuth
Donald Hart
Daniel DuRoss
Eric Fogel
Brad Osgood
Terry Keck
Kathryn Grasso
Steven Plotnick
Janet Christian
Anamarija Rubinic
Benjamin Newhouse
Steven Reynolds
Mona Phillips
Robert Vogt
Clarence Wilson
David Kitts
Arthur Powell
Claire Boge
Robert Guth
Carmelo Comberiati
Celinda Lake
Lloyd Simpson
James Leonard.
John Yates
John Cameron
Penelope Prime
David Berson
Paul Martyka
Craig Dixon
Brian Etter
Robert Milbrath
Richard Mero
George Greenia
Jean LaPointe
Ann Alvarez
Leon Slota
Christopher Martens
Sankar Dutta
Shirley Gaddie
Jeffrey Koch
Richard Shelton
William Monach
Robert Simmons
Jennifer Church'
David Jeuda
Anthony Weston
David Wagner
Tony Jackson
Gail Mack
Sandra Kinghorn
Gregory Scott
Mark Evans
Gary Letchinger
Linda Hormes
Beverly Zibrak
Beverly Fried
Glen Williams
Mark Peterson
Robert Moffat
Emily Kling
Rae Andre
Carolyn Tzitz
Robert McKay
Robert Nado
William Wu
Stephen Taylor
Roberto Cattaneo
Angel Vargas
William Blair
William McGee
David Simen
Jonathon Ross
David Spadacene
Alireza Mohammadian
Ted Hamilton
David Horne
Robert Foote
Richard Greene
Stephen Bernhardt
Helen Levy
Mary Watson
Graham Clayton
Martin Burke
Lois Bass
Todd Cochrane
Richard Melvoin
David Lechner
Gerald Ledford
Gordon Klein
Mark Vaitkus
Joan Stigliani
Rose Adamek
Rhonnie Washington
Anthony Eldis
Ali Alidoost
Kathy Weinman
David Guy
Barbara Weinstein
Jose Gomez
Peter Caulfield
Georges Schmit
Patricia Mcaskin
Leonard Garfield
Virginia Popper
James Mitchell
Grace Osborn
Keith Mskus
Naomi Miller
David Bartlett
Katherine Moore
David Foltz
Michael Crouse
Henri Marti
Laurence Peters
Sandra Oster
William Driver
Wirt Wills
Thomas Will
Priscilla Rogers
Thomas Hudak
Dale Mathews
David Warren
Christopher Cantrell
Richard Henry
Sharon Bossemeyer
Patrice Muller
Emet Scheiderman
Carolyn Steinhaus
Barry Chernoff
Jeffrey Resnick
Craig Watson
Daniel Kohler
Ellen Dubas
Mary Sies
Douglas Elf ner
Ronald Berg
Lrry Ford
Mary Denyes
David Kadlecek
Miles Woken
Linda Burdell
Christine Henrich
Patricia Anderson
Mary Bendig
Jee Koh
Paula Mindes
Tovey Bachman
Nancy Gobin
Ethel Klein
Bijan Amin
Douglas Woodhom
John Magley
Howard Brick
Stewart Schwab
Lebriz Tosuner
Mark Weiser
Jeffrey Pliskin
Lynne Robins
Gregory Wegner
Catherine Elliott
Susan Dycus
Harry Thomas
Dale Avery
Patricia Bridges
Mark Fichman
Janice Walker
Chong-Kyu Han
Kensaku Yoshida
Donald Swartwout
David Herron
Robert Allen
David Lampert
Frank Ma
Pansy Ku
Richard Bedient
Michael Gordon
Mary Nemeth
Janis Holm
Demetrios Zadelis
Russell Newmark
John Ford
Douglas Shaller
Sandra Huron
Stephanie Bunker
Bijan Rafailzadeh
Edward Hughes
Susan Tischler
Chih-Chin Ho
Abdollah Dashti
Mark Pittenger
Allen Baldwin
Matthew Steel
Martin Shell
Matthew Wyneken
Richard Nesper
James Sheerin
John Temple
Ann Wehmeyer
David Leep
Joseph Langsam
John Stark
Belt Mi*drasm
HEBREW FOR BEGINNERS............ Mon. & Thurs. 7:00-8:30 p.m.
INTERMEDIATE HEBREW .............Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 p.m.
ADVANCED HEBREW ............ . . . . .Thursdays 7:00-8:30 p.m.
YIDDISH FOR BEGINNERS ...............Tuesdays 7:00-9:00 p.m.
INTERMEDIATE YIDDISH ...............Thursdays 7:00-9:00 p.m.
HEBREW LITERATURE ........... .. Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 p.m.
THE ISRAELI KITCHEN ........ ... 5 Wednesdays 7:00-9:00 p.m.
BASIC JUDAISM ........................ Mondays 7:00-10:00p.m.
READINGS IN MIDRASH .... .. .............Mondays 8:30-10:00 p.m.
TALMUD BETZAH .................Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 p.m.
THE 48 WAYS TO WISDOM .............Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 p.m.
.... Tuesdays 8:30-10:00 p.m.
A NEW ERAA ..... .............. Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 p.m.
PERSPECTIVES .......... .....Mondays 7:00-8:30 p.m.
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