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September 16, 1979 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-16

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The Michigan Daily-Sundby, September 16, 1979-Page 7


Low profit$di$appoint


DCM Time Windows
The superb speaker system
High-Definition Electronics
Your exclusive local dealer is
TRANSYSTEMS, call 429-2143
Also open evenings and Sunday for your convenience

. Local'ticket scalpers, who say they raked in huge
profits in the past week, seemed thoroughly
dismayed by the sales prior to yesterday's highly-
touted Notre Dame football game.
While scalpers' prices were origipally quite steep,
they radiclaly declined as the 3:20 kickoff ap-
- AN HOUR BEFORE the game, scalpers said they
were generally confident that they would be able to
sell their tickets for the prices they were asking. One
University senior, asked if she though she would. be
able to sell her ticket for the $18 that she was
requesting, replied: "Oh yeah, eventually. The
people think we'll come down in price, but we won't.
No question about it."
, One medical student, who was attempting to sell
spur tickets for $15 each, insisted he would not lower
his price. "I'd eat 'em (the tickets) first," he said.
At 2:30 the scalpers seemed relaxed and confident,
but as 3:00 approached, the. tension began to build.
Their apprehension about not selling all of their

tickets was made apparent through their in-
creasingly adamant attempts to find buyers and their
decisions to lower their so-called "set prices." At the
same time, their customers seemed to become less
selective as prices dropped and time began to run
"TWENTY DOLLARS. That's the going rate right
now, and you won't do any better," one scalper said
to his prospective buyer who, with only slight
hesitation, consented to the deal.
By 3:15, the crowds had thinned out, and the
scalpers seemed to hve only one thing on their minds:
getting rid of their tickets. It seemed that profits
were no longer the major concern as most scalpers
apparently just wanted to break even..
One male scalper, who said he was selling his pair
of tickets for $35, instantly replied "sold" when of-
fered $20 for the cardboard strips.
As game time became not a threat but a reality, the
anxiety expressed earlier was tranformed into an
easy acceptance. Most of the scalpers accepted the
fact that they weren't going to be reeling in the big

bucks they said they had hoped for.
"I'M GONNA LOSE money today but life goes on.
It's ike the old saying . . . you win some, you lose
some," explained one street ticket vendor.
Claude, a 26-year-old teacher and scalper, said he
wasr't irritated about not selling all of his tickets. His
reasoning? "This is so much fun. You get tok meet all
kinds of people, including lots of pretty women. Also,
you don't do anything, really, and yet you make extra
He said some people are upset if they don't sell all
of their tickets, and that it all depends on how much
you have invested.
One graduate student, who was part of the "cartel"
of scalpers that sells tickets at one fixed price agreed
upon in advance, admitted that he was disappointed
at the day's sales. He said he hadn't expected to en-
counter so many problems in selling his tickets and
blamed the lack of ticket sales on the large numbr of
student scalpers.
The tickets that were sold at game time and the 15
minutes following went for a premium of $5 each.

er veto
Chrysler Corp. asked the government
yesterday for $1.2 billion in loan
guarantees but Treasury Secretary
William Miller rejected the idea
outright, saying the proposal was "way
but of line."
Miller suggested, however, that the
1dministration could accept a loan
guarantee plan "well below $1 billion,"
pind told Chrysler officials to come back
vith a more modest proposal.
IT WAS THE second time Miller.
has turned down an aid request from
the ailing No. 3 automaker, which had a
$207 million deficit last quarter.
In August, Chrysler unsuccessfully
Osought $1 billion in tax credits - tan-
tamount to a direct cash subsidy by
Chrysler officials, including 13 mem-,
ers of the corporation's board of direc-
'tors, met with Miller for two hours.
They proposed a recovery plan which
asks the government to guarantee $500
;million in loans immediately and
°another 700 million on a contingency
basis if the company cannot get the
money on its own.

Chrysler plea for $1.2 billion

Celebrate the
Year of the Child
HAROLD SH A PIRO, Vice-president for Academic
Affairs joined by
School Children from the Ann Arbor
Public Schools
and featuring
Dr. Estefania Aldaba-Lim
SEPTEMBER 20, 1979
The University of Michigan
All events open to children and adults without charge
Problems and Prospects for Children of the world in the 1980's Friday,
September 21 3:30 P.M. PANEL DIS.CUSSION Auditorium C Angell Hall.
John Hagen, Introductions; Rosemary Sarri, moderator. Participants: Dr. Alda-
ba-Lim, Ms. Beatrice Bonnevaux Educational Psychology, Dr. Tsuneko Yoshida,
visiting scholar from Japan, Dr. Teshome Wogaw, Professor, School of Educa-
tion and Center for Afroamerican and African Studies,
/ \ / \ / \/ \

MILLER TOLD reporters the $500
million was in the general area of what
the administration could accept - but
the additional $700 million was "way
out of line."
Chrysler Chairman John Riccardo
argued that with federal help the com-
pany, which is expecting a record loss
of $1 billion this year, could begin
making a profit -in two years. The $1
billion loss would be the largest ever for
any U.S. corporation.
Miller said the overall proposal needs
to be substantially changed. He. told
reporters the loan guarantee request
was too high and he was not satisfied
with Chrysler's reorganization
THE CHRYSLER proposal said that
without assistance "the company faces
a' peak cash shortfall of $2.1 billion for
its new product program" in the
coming year with only $900 million of
that expected to be recovered through
the additional sale of assets.
Riccardo called his meeting with
Miller "fruitful" but added, "I really
think we've done all that we can. . . I

think we've been more than respon-
Later, in a news release, the chair-
man said the company's blueprint
would make Chrysler competitive in all
markets by 1981 and allow it to repay
the federal loan guarantees by 1985.
Miller, however, make it clear he
was not satisfied. He would give no
timetable on when the administration
might present a proposal on Chrysler
aid to Congress, but he indicated the
next step was up to the automaker.
The Chrysler delegation meeting with
Miller consisted of 13 board members,
including Riccardo and company
President Lee Iacocca, and various
It blamed its trouble on government
regulations, a shift away from
profitable vehicles such as wagons and
family-sized cars, and the general
economic recession.

Without federal assistance, Chrysler
said, the nation would face an "ex-
tremely serious" situation since it em-
ploys 140,000 workers .in the United
States and Canada, including 80,000 in
the Detroit area.

Daily Official Bulletin
Monday. September 17, 1979
Daily Calendar
WUOM: Marvin Felheim, Retrospective, 10 a.m.
Ctr. N/Eastern & N/African Studies: Harold E.
Hoelslcher, "The Impact of the Current Situation in
Lebanon on the Ame'ican University of Beirut," 200
Lane, 4 p.m.
Computing Center: Edward J. Fronczak, "In-
troduction to MTS: ," Aud. B, Angell. 7 p.m./
Carillon Recital: Hudson Ladd and Stewart Schar
ch, carillonneurs, Burton Tower,7 p.m.
Guild House: Informational discussion on
Harassment, 802 Monroe,7p.m.




Sidney Lumet's 1962
STOCKWELL won Cannes Film Festival Awards for Best Acting. Based on
Eugene O'Neill's sometimes autobiographical play about an aging actor
father, a morphine-addicted mother, an alcoholic elder son and a would-be
port younger son. "The climax is a final half hour of sustained intensity the
like of which has seldom been seen on the screen."
Mon: INUIT FILM SERIES (Free at 8:00)

(Continued fro
"The University ad
ivlg tjlis.issue en
has been negligent,
political science gra
member of the colle
sity is not putting e
preventing problems
guards at the stad
terested in watchin
preventing dangerou
passing up."
University Athle

ng u


om Page 1)_
dministration is not Canham said he "does not know what to
nough attention; it o" about the,.passing up ..problenp.
said Bill McGee, a "We've tried everything. We passed out
aduate student and a letter last year when tickets were
etive. "The Univer- distributed explaining the dangers of
nough energy into this practice. We've got more security
s at the games." here than at any other college stadium
at "Most security in the country. You just can't control
ium are more in- people who don't want to be con-
ng the game than trolled."
xs activities such as Reactions to the demonstration from
passersby on their way to the football
tic Director Don game were predominantly hostile.


7:00 and 9:30


The Comic Opera Guild
An Opertta by Jaques Offenbach
MONDRY, SEPT. 17-7:30pm
Onn Orbor Public Library
(corner of William and Fifth)

Passed-up student



(Continued from Page 1)
Diane said she knew of the physical
dangers involved with being passed up
because of a friend's experience. She
said her friend was passed up several
years ago at a Michigan football game
bnd was dropped, resulting in a con-
cusion and a broken tail bone.
Diane said she was passed up in the
third quarter.
She said she was caught, between her
friends, who were holding her by the
feet, and the strangers behind her who
,were pulling at her left arm. The
strangers finally won the tug-of-war
When one of Diane's shoes came off.
Diane then went up over their heads
-pnd was passed along a large area of
the freshperson section, she said.
Diane added that her left arm felt
funny when she returned to her seat,
Put she said she didn't originally realize
the extent of the injury.
"I noticed finally when I got to the
Oorm and tried to take off my sweat-
hirt off over my head and my arm
;wouldn't move," she said,
Diane said she went to Health Service
Wfter the game, where she was
examined by several doctors and had
X-rays taken.
Diane said'she believes her arm was
pulled out of its socket. She described
ber injury as "ligamentitis or
something like that." Diane said the
doctors were not very optimistic about
her chances of regaining the feeling in
her left arm. The hospital refused to
disclose any information about the
According to Diane, doctors told her

she "should get the movement back,"
but possibly not all feeling in the arm.
Diane is left-handed.
"Right now my parents and I are
discussing the possibility of any type of
suit. I don't think there's anything we
can do to the University itself, but if
there is, we're going to try and do
something because I don't think
anybody should have to go through
According to University General
Counsel Roderick Daane, "if an oc-
curence is not condoned by the Univer-
sity or encouraged, the University can-
not be held responsible. If it were, you
could make a case against the Univer-
Grounds for a lawsuit depend "on
who does what to whom," Daane said.
"If you and I are together and you
clearly tell mepnot to pass you up and I
do, and in the process you are injured,
you would have a case against me."
While no one seems to know the origin
of passing people up, the occurence
seems to have been around as long as
Michigan football itself.

The closer you get

" " "

74the betterwe look.

T. S. Eliot 's
1ixri'rr in tie (TJtbeitralt

September 17



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