PRIOR RESTRAINT See editorial page P Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom 1E aiI MELLOW High-71o Low-44° See Today for details Vol. LXXXX, No. 10 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 16, 1979 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Irish Wolverines, 12-10 Blocked kick costs Blue heartbreaker By BILLY NEFF ABC television could not have asked for a better ending. With seven seconds remaining in the "classic matchup" between football legends Notre Dame and Michigan, Wolverine senior placekicker Brian Virgil's 42 yard field goal at- tempt was blocked by Bobby Crable, giving Notre Dame a' hotly contested 12-10 upset. ABC television could have asked for a better played game. In a contest featuring two of the titans of college football, played before 105,111 partisan Michigan fans, one would have and should have expected bet- ter football. The encounter was marred by inter- ceptions at key moments in the contest and coaching. blunders by both sides throughout the game. Nonetheless, when the dust clears, people will not remember that Michigan outgained Notre Dame 306-179, but instead that the Irish came out on top when they blocked a field goal at the end. TRAILING 12-10 with 2:02 left on the clock, Michigan regained possession of the ball at their own 42 yard line following a short 21 yard punt by the Irish's Dick Boushka. The Wolverines' better passsing quarterback, John Wangler, replaced their better runner, B.J. Dickey, who seemed to lose his poise after playing an excellent first half. Two Wangler passes fell incomplete and another time he was forced to scramble out-of the pocket for a seven yard gain. This set up a fourth and three, do or die situation, for Schem- bechler's unbeaten Wolverines. But Wangler rose to the occasion, hitting Ralph Clayton for seven yards and a first down. Wangler then completed tosses to tight end Doug Marsh for six yards and then to Alan Mitchell for 15, resulting in another Wolverine first down at the Notre Dame 23. Here ensued one of the many "commqnications" blunders; Wide receiver Mitchell ran onto the field and gave a play to Wangler and then ran off the field. This illegal sub- stitution meant a five yard penalty against Michigan. AFTER STANLEY Edwards scam- pered through the middle for eight yar- ds and Wangler hurled an incomplete pass, Michigan committed another fatal mistake. In an attempt to move the ball closer to the middle of the field, the Wolverines tried an off tackle run. There was one problem, though. The play took too long in execution and Ed- Doily Photo CYRENA CHANG NOTRE DAME'S Vagas Ferguson tries desperately to avoid being covered in Owens (53), and Ron Simpkins (40). Ferguson gained 118 yards on 35 carries a blanket of Blue. In pursuit for the Wolverines are Dale Keitz (55), Mel as the Irish kicked their way past the Wolverines. DEATH TOLL REACH ES 17: Gulf coast clean-up continues FromAPand UPI MOBILE, Ala. - Chain saws roared in this port city yesterday as workers cleared a three-day pile of rubble caused by the ferocious winds of Hurricane Frederic. Police and National Guard personnel tried to protect and contain the stunned population. The death toll from the storm also continued to climb as-police blamed the fire deaths of a mother and her three children Friday niglit on conditions caused by the storm. That brought the storm's toll to 12 in Alabama. At least five other deaths were attributed to the storm as its diminished in size and moved northeasterly, passing through western New York Friday night. RADIO HAVANA reported that Frederic killed 10 people when it passed through the island nation earlier this week. Alabama Power said service was still out to about 95,000 people and that a force of 1,100 people was working to restore electricity, The City Council established a $500 fine for price-. gouging. Richardson said there were reports of $400 to $500 generators being sold for $1,200 and chain saws being sold for $400 to $500 over market value. "If they're going to sell anything in Mobile, they better have a list price book with them," warned Richardson. THE ALABAMA National Guard, with local police, was working to con- tain vandalism and looting with patrols and a 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. curfew. Richardson said the looting problem was under control, but that some in- cidents continued. At least 50 juveniles and 14 adults have been arrested and charged with looting since the storm crashed into the 300-year-old city just before midnight Wednesday. ''We arrested a man with nine pairs of tennis shoes. Not one pair fit him. One guy was running down the street with a fire extinguisher, of all things," Richardson said. He said vandals had even stripped insulation from downed power lines and sold the copper wire for scrap metal. Civil Defense spokesman Jeff Mims said 81 people were arrested Friday night on curfew violations. Looting was also a problem in nearby. Pascagoula, Miss., where police and National Guard officials said Saturday that 15 persons had been arrested since the storm hit. A tropical depression brewing off the Yucatan Peninsula showed signs of strengthening into tropical storm Henri yesterday, but forecasters said it posed no immediate threat to the northern gulf coast. . Ho Schembeeiler wards was thrown for a five yard loss, setting up Virgil's long field goal at- tempt. _ Middle linebacker Crable then leaped up and smothered Virgil's attempt. "We sent everyone in on that play. It was open over the center. He (snapper Mike Trgovac) stayed down and I step- ped on his back. I got the ball on my left hip. I was hoping he'd stay down," said Crable. Down was where the Michigan See IRISH, Page 12 'Ping up' protest Faculty reports key to S. Africa policy By JULIE ENGEBRECHT The uproar expected later this week over the University's holdings in cor- porations which do business in South Africa will center around a report prepared by a faculty financial ad- visory committee - the second such document to be reviewed by the University Board of Regents in the last 18 months. Both reports were prepared in response to groups and individuals on and off campus which called for the University to cut all financial ties with South Africa. THOSE TIES, which include stocks and bonds the University holds in cor- porations which have South African operations, help maintain apartheid - the South African system of segregation and discrimination, say the groups. Sunday- " Senator Edward Kennedy says he's "heartened, and encouraged" by the response to his potential presidential candidacy. See story, Page 2. " Treasury Secretary G. William. Opponents of divestment contend both that the University should avoid taking moral or political stands and that, more change can be achieved by maintaining the investments to influen- ce the corporations. When they reviewed the first ad- visory report in March 1978, the Regen- ts adopted a policy that pro-divestment groups, especially the Washtenaw County Coalition Against Apartheid (WCCAA), say achieves less than the report recommended. THAT FIRST document, as well as another .released in June, were prepared by the Senate Assembly Ad- visory Committee for Financial Affairs (SAACFA), which has been studying the South African controversy on and off since September of 1977. In the June report, SAACFA referred to its February 1978 document, saying, "These (recommendations) represent progressively stronger actions in the support of corporate social respon- sibility in South Africa." However, divestment advocates say they are still not satisfied with the ter- ms of the report, and will continue to protest the University's investment policy until full divestment has been By HOWARD WITT "Stop passing up!" 'chanted the demonstrators. "You know you love it!" came a reply. "Grow up, don't pass up!" the group shouted. "You'd need a crane to pass you sows!" someone yelled. There were dozens of similar ex- changes in front of the Athletic Ad- ministration Building early yester- day afternoon, where demonstrators from a women's rights group rallied against the practice of "passing up" women at Michigan Stadium. In the end, however, it seemed the demon- strators won out over the hecklers. Passed- up. student describes t ra u -ma By MARION HALBERG "It was late in the third quarter and we were all watching the game and then we heard behind us a count of 'one, two, three,'. . . then I felt this hand grab my arm and start pulling. I screamed for them to stop, but they wouldn't." Last weekend Diane (who asked that her last name not be used), an LSA freshwoman from Bay City; Michigan, was injured-possibly permanen- tly-after she was "passed up" at the Michigan-Northwestern game in Michigan Stadium. When a person is Spectators at yesterday's Michigan- Notre Dame game reported markedly fewer incidents of women (and occasionally men) being grab- bed against their wills and forcibly passed above the heads of others. MORE THAN 60 demonstrators, many from the A.M.A.Z.O.N. Collec- tive, (the acronym has no meaning) marched at the corner of State and Hoover, and carried signs, placards, and petitions protesting what many call the barbarous practice of passing up. The demonstration was prompted by the injury of one freshwoman at the North game last week. "People think it's (pass just a college prank, but wha tell the girl who has been s injured? That it was meant said Lesley Choate, sophomore. "Last year," she contin was walking up the steps stadium and the next thing I was grabbed by two men an air. Guys say girls like it makes me angry." PETER KOVACS. a C succeeds western graduate student in mathematics who has been in this country only ing up) several weeks, joined the demon- t do you stration even though he has never eriously been to a football game. "Such a well?" thing is incredible to me. Some an LSA people think Europeans are under- civilized, but I think you are a little ued, "I bit here. This passing up could never in the happen in Germany." knew, I Many members of the id in the A.M.A.Z.O.N. Collective blame the - that University administration and athletic staff for the passing up in- German cidents. See PASSING, Page 7 now, 1