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September 15, 1979 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-15

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Page 8-Saturday, September 15, 1979-The Michigan Daily
A rea experts blame

Greater technology over the past
two decades have resulted in an in-
creased number of illiterates in the
U.S., according to two area literacy ex-
Both Rosalie Meiland, Washtenaw
Literacy Council president, and
Rowena Wilhelm, University Reading
and Learning Skills Center director
agreed on the reasons for the increase
and on adult educational needs in

separate interviews this week.
also mirrored the findings in a
report to the Ford Foundation
indicated there are anywhere fr
million to 54 million adult illitera
the U.S.
Wilhelm stressed the need for
meaningful and relevant adult in
tion because "reading needs fo
person aren't the same for anothe
Different educational approach

technology for
needed and used with adults because glasses
views they do not function in a classroom as "Min
result well as children, Meiland noted. when t
which MEILAND SAID the stigma attached class,'
om 18 to learning disabilities is so great that it ACC
ites in is hard for an individual to admit his or census
her problem exists. person
more The literacy council head said social seven3
struc- workers often can detect secretive non- county
r one readers even though "the person bor al
r " carries a newspaper as a decoy or catego
es are claims to have left his or her reading The

higher ili
s at home."
nisters often can tell non-readers
hey're reluctant to attend a bible
Meiland added.
ORDING TO a 1970 population
, Washtenaw County has 7,903
s age 25 or older with less than
years of education which is the
's illiteracy definition. Ann Ar-
one reported 1,453 in that same
two experts found the figures

lite racy
misleading, and said they do not ac-
count for those who have more than
seven years of education but cannot
read sufficiently to perform necessary
The Washtenaw County Literacy
Council, which originated in 1971, sees
tutoring as the answer to the illiteracy
problem, according to Betsy Lawrence,
a literacy council board members and
Ann Arbor librarian.

Officers approve pact after months without contract

i i

By a margin of more than two to one,
the Ann Arbor Police Officers
Association (APPOA) yesterday ap-
proved a proposed contract between the
city and the APPOA. The contract will

now go before City Council for final ap-
The final vote was 74 to 26.
"I'M SATISFIED with the contract,"
said Charles Ghent, president of the
APPOA. "I think it's a good one."

The proposed two-year contract calls
for the officers to receive an eight per
cent pay increase for each of the next
two years.
The police officers have been working
without a contract since June 30.

GODFREY COLLINS, acting city city and the police officers appears on
administrator, said yesterday council its way to being resolved, the city is still
will probably vote on the proposed con- plagued with a contract dispute bet-
tract at their Sept. 24 meeting, since the ween members of the city's
contract would not be ready for review Firefighters Association. Talks broke
in time for the council meeting this down last Thursday when the
Monday. firefighters turned down a contract of-
Although the contract between the fer proposed by the city.
Daily Official Bulletin




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Daily Calendar:
Institute for Continuing Legal Education: Fall
Faculty Workshop, Prof. Theodore St. Antoine,
"Labor Law: Major Current Problems, 116 Hut-
chins, 9 a.m.
WUOM: Michigan Football, 3 p.m.
Music School: Guest Recital, Maria Kardas,
pianist, Rackham, 8 p.m.
General Notice:
To members of the University Teaching Faculty:
During the Fall Term, 1979. the Michigan
Memorial-Phoenix Project will award grants to sup-
port faculty research in the peaceful uses of nuclear
energy. This will include work in the social sciences,
physical and biological sciences and engineering.
To continue to support as many research projects
as possible with limited money available, requests

for $3,000 or less will be considered appropiriate.
Grants may cover equipment, supplies, research
assistance, and field trips. Project will not pay the
salary of the principal investigator, nor publication.
Only projects rated "excellent" or "very good" by
Divisional 'Review Boards likely to be considered for
funding. Priority for awards given to: 1) new faculty,
particularly to those who need funding in order to
seek research support from outside agencies, 2)
established faculty who need assistance i opening a
new area of research. Applications from faculty who
have received Phoenix support previously will be
given lower priority.
Applications for grants should be returned to the
Phoenix Project by Friday, September 28, 1979.
Grants will be made by December 1, 1979.
Application materials and detailed instructions
may be obtained from the office of the Phoenix
Project at the Phoenix Memorial Laboratory on Nor-
th Campus or by calling 764-6213.

( Continued from Page 1)
But no early relief was in sight for the
homeless and tens -of thousands of
others without electricity. Food' was
scarce, and the. death toll from "the
storm that tore through here early
Thursday rose to at least eight, with
two others missing and presumed dead.
problem in the Mobile area. Outages
caused by falling lines and flattened
transmission towers caused food
spoilage, made gasoline pumps
inoperable and aggravated police effor-
ts to control looting.
At least 200,000 customers remained
without electricity in the state yester-
day, most of them in the coastal area,
but many of them as far north as Bir-
mingham. For many coastal residents,
Alabama Power Co. spokesman Bruce
Gilliland said it might be next week
before they got power.
State Insurance Commissioner Hal
Sumrall estimated damage at $500
million in Alabama, and Mississippi
Gov. Cliff Finch put it at $50 million in
his state. No estimate was available for
Florida, although observers said it ap-
peared no worse than the $95 million
wreaked by hurricane David a week
THE NUMBER of storm-related
deaths rose to eight late Thursday when
an explosion killed two people in the
picturesque fishing village of Bayou La
Batre, southwest of Mobile. Police said
they apparently were trying to use.
kerosene to light a fire for light or
cooking in a storm-wrecked house.
Meanwhile, Frederic - now labeled a
tropical depression - whirled into the
Great Lakes region, stilll delivering
torrential rains and some tornadoes
over a widespread region.
Carter flew into the Mobile airport. at-
mid-morning aboard Air Force One and
was joined by. Alabama Gov. Fob
James, Florida Gov. Bob Graham and',
Mississippi Gov. Cliff Finch for an
aerial inspection. A convoy of three
helicopters took them aloft.
"WE ARE IN it together," Carter
said after landing at Mobile's Bates
field. "The whole nation cares."
Carter said an estimated 500,000
people were evacuated in a four-state
coastal region.

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