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September 14, 1979 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-14

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LS&A Schlarship applications for winter 1980 will be
available tn,1220 Angell Hall beginning Sept. 14, 1979.
To qualify for scholarship consideration, a student must be an
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Michigan for at least one fullterm. Sophomores must have a
U of M grade point of 3.7 or better and Juniors and Seniors
must have a GPA of at least 3.6. The awards are based on
financial need and on academic merit. Completed applica-
tions must be returned to 1220 Angell Hall by October 12.

Page 2-Friday, September 14, 1979-The Michigan Daily


SEPT. 16

NEW YORK (AP) - Americans now
give President Carter the lowest job
rating of any president in nearly three
decades, as their unhappiness with his
handling of the economy and foreign af-
fairs has deepened, an Associated
Press-NBC News poll says.,
Despite Carter's midsummer efforts
to change the course and image of his
administration, he is now in serious
trouble with almost every segment of
the population - including politically
crucial ones like Democrats, Souther-
ners, small town, and rural residents,
and his 1976 supporters.
This weakness comes as Sen. Edward
Kennedy (D-Mass.), has revealed in
recent days that he is considering a
challenge to Carter for the party's
presidential nomination next year.
OVERALL, ONLY 19 per cent of
those interviewed nationwide Monday

rating reac
and Tuesday rated Carter's work ex-
cellent or good.
That is down six points from the AP-
NBC News July poll, which was his
previous low.
Forty-nine per cent said his efforts
are only fair and 30 per cent said they
were poor. Two per cent of the 1,600
adults interviewed nationwide by
telephone were not sure.
THE 19 PER cent mark is the lowest
ever received by an American
president since this rating question was
first asked in the 1950s.
Carter's key weaknesses in the
public's eyes are his handling of the
twin threats of inflation and recession
and his reaction to the presence of
Soviet combat troops in Cuba.
Here are some of the questions asked
on the AP-NBC News poll:
1. WHAT KIND of a job do you think
Jimmy Carter is doing as president? Do

you think he is doing an excellent job, a
good job, only a fair job, or do you think
he is doing a poor job?
2. What kind of a job do you think
Jimmy Carter is doing handling our
foreign affairs? Do you think he is doing
an excellent job, a good job, only a fair
job or do you think he is doing a poor
3. What kind of a job do you think
Jimmy Carter is doing handling our
energy problems? Do you think he is
doing an excellent job, a good job, only
a fair job, or do you think he is doing a
poor job?
ON HIS ,HANDLING of economic
problems in general, only ten per cent
of the public gave Carter an excellent
or good rating for his work on the
nation's economic woes - the loviest
job rating ever for Carter in any area.
Forty-seven per cent said his work has
been poor and forty per cent called it as

hes record low point

only fair. Three per cent were not sure.
On foreign policy in general, 22 per,
cent of those interviewed gave him top,
marks - down 11 points from July.
Forty-two per, cent rated his inter-
national efforts only fair and 32 per cent
said they were fair. Four per cent were
not sure.
The recent revelation that 3,0001
Soviet combat troops are stationed in;
Cuba has not helped Carter with the-
Fifty-six per cent of the public said:
Carter is not tough enough in his
dealings with the Soviets - even as the
Carter administration is holding talks.
with the Soviets about the troops. That-
finding is 12 points more negative than-
the results of the February 1979 AP--
NBC News survey.
Thirty-one per cent said this week:
that Carter has set the right tone it
negotiations with the Soviets.


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WCCAA plans disruption
meeting; may occupy LSA

(Continued from Page 2)
discussed by some of the 20 who atten-
ded Wednesday night's WCCAA
meeting. The group acknowledged
security at the Administration Building
was likely to be tight, making a sit-in
there difficult.
The group is requesting that it be in-
cluded in the Regents agendato present
its revisions to the SAACFA report and
to discuss theUniversity's policy with
the Regents. The group will also ask
that Friday morning's meeting be
moved to a larger room to accom-
modate a crowd.
Much of the group's plan depends on
the number of supporters it attracts to
the Regents meeting. It will hold a rally
at noon on the Diag Thursday to draw
students. Wednesday night, the WCCAA
set up a "contingency committee" of
six to make on-the-spot decisions for the

disrupt the meeting until a proposal for
total divestment is presented to the
Regents. The WCCAA hopes Regent
James Waters (D-Muskegon), who has
puonciy ravored University divest-
ment, will propose the action. The
group also hopes a Regent will in-
troduce its set of revisions to the
SAACFA report.
Several WCCAA members who
discussed the University's policy on

of Regents
South Africa with Regents Thomas,
Roach (D-Saline) and Roberta
N'ederlander (D-Birmingham) thist
summer said those Board members!
implied that they feel the policy one
divestment has already gone too far.
. In May, in accordance with its policy,
the University divested itself of stock
from Black and Decker Manufacturing
Co., because the company did not:
respond to the University's request fort
information about its South Africanr

Frederic cuts 100-mile
sw ath through Gul f Coast

(Continued from Page 1)'

reported injured

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SCATTERED looting broke out with
the dawn, and Mayor A.J. Cooper of
Prichard, a suburb of 50,000, told police
to fire two warning shots at looters,
then "shoot to kill."
Police Maj. Winston Orr of the Mobile
police said six people were arrested on
looting charges. National Guardsmen
were sent into the streets to curtail thef-
Catherine Hawkins, a member of the
Mississippi National Guard, sat in the
smashed window of a musical in-
strument- store in Pascagoula with an
M-16 rifle in her lap, guarding against
OFFICIALS SAID streets and roads
were nearly impassable because of
downed timbers and power lines.
(USPS 344-900 )
Volume LXXXX, No. 8
Friday, September.14, 1979
is edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings
during the University year at 420
Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan
48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem-
ber through April (2 semesters); 13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer
session published Tuesday through
Saturday mornings. Subscription rates:
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
ASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
all cotton
beautiful colors

Telephone service to shore com-
munities was cut, and reports of
destruction and injury in outlying areas
trickled in slowly.
The Coast Guard sent 13 helicopters
to the air to searc~h the area. They
reported the heaviesthdamage ap:
peared to be in the area just west qf
Mobile Point to Pascagoula.
"There were a number of vessela
aground in all the areas," said Lt. Torj
Pearson, a Coast Guard spokesman i
New Orleans.
mood low,
study says
Continued from Page 1)
"In the 1950's and 60's, professoris
were paid a relatively high level cont-
pared to other professions. That's less
true now," explained Arthur Miller, an
associate research scientist at the In-
stitute for Social Research (ISR).
"People in academia have takeb
cuts. 'Funding and salaries haven't kejt
up with inflation," Miller said.,"The
strongest researchers are the first to
leave because they have the best oppor-
tunities in the private sector. It's really
a question of how much does it take
before a researcher thinks it's not wor-
th it anymore," he said.
Miller said universities will suffer
greatly from the loss of the top reseat-
chers. Academic administrators will
have to offer incentives to bring them
back. "It's a cyclical thing," he said.
"It will have to reverse itself, but the
70's simply aren't like the 60's were."
But until that time, universities will
suffer, Duderstadt agreed. "It used to
be the best place to do research was on
a campus. That's no longer true. Now
industry attracts research becauso
they don't have to put up with as man'
hassles and administrative burdens, '
he said.

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