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September 13, 1979 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-13

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Quick cash
Despite widely circulating rumors, a huge gorilla is not about to
make Ann Arbor his new home. A sign affixed to a cage-like structure
on the first floor of the Michigan Union claimed that the animal was
being brought to the University as part of a "continuing effort to im-
prove student faculty relations." Actually this new construction will
be a universal automatic money machine. The computer system will
be hooked up to all area finacnial institutions allovying students with
accounts at any bank to complete transactions. The machine will be
installed Friday and Ann Arbor Bank officials expect a brief testing
period before they open for business. A caged animal might be in-
teresting to watch but students seem to agree an opportunity to cash
checks without lines and hassles is infinitely better.
High as a kite
Western. Michigan University, apparently having given up its bid to
match intrastate rivals Michigan and Michigan State's football spec-
tacles, has scheduled a different kind of sports extravaganza for next
Saturday-a kite flying contest. A rugby game, hot air balloons,
t" frisbee competition and skydiving also highlight the festivities at
"Kite Flite IV", an all-day outdoor bash sponsored by Western
Michigan University's student radio station. First prize in the contest
will go to the highest flying kite of the day. Beer will be sold to patrons
who wish to compete for the prize themselves.
Let your fingers do the walking
Collaborationcan often be an asset in research and a new com-
puterized information storage and retrieval system will help Univer-
sity researchers in making these key connections. SCRIPT, a system
developed at Stanford University was purchased by the Division of
Research and Development Administration (DRDA). The com-
puterized system will house 2,000 profiles of faculty, primary resear-
chers and technical experts at all three University campuses. The files
will hold faculty member's research objectives, two recent
publications, campus mailing address and phone number. Key words
will link the person making an inquiry with specialists in the relevant
areas. Information will only be a button press away.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Coogan's Bluff, 7 p.m., Dirty Harry, 9
p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
Cinema Guild-Birth of a Nation, 7 p.m., Michigan Theatre.
Mediatrics Films-Foreign Correspondent, 7, 9:15 p.m., Michigan
Union Assembly Room.
Graduate Program in Cellular and Molecular Biology in the
Health Sciences presents Dr. P. Conn, "Molecular Mechanism of
Gonadotropin Releasing Hormones," 4 p.m., North Lecture Hall.
School of Metaphysics presents Laurel Fuller, "Dreams, The
Door to Self-Awareness," 7:30 p.m., 2191/2 N. Main.
Arbor Alliance-Orientation meeting for new and prospective
rnembers, 7:30 p.im., Michigan Union Anderson Room.
Gay Advocate Office/Gay Discussion Group-Welcome to Ann
Arbor Party, 8 p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe.
Art Exhibit-"The Grat American Medical Show," Sept. 10-Oct. 12,
Clements Library.
' Birth control
It's Margaret Sanger week. If you're the Pope and/or a virgin that
name probably doesn't mean much to you - Sanger was a pioneer in
birth control and founder of the Planned Parenthood Federation.

Governor Milliken has declared September 9-15 Margaret Sanger
week in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of
Sanger, who believed that every child should be born wanted.
Although there are no special activitied planned in Ann Arbor this
week, the local Planned Parenthood is looking for people who would
like to give an oral history of Sanger. It is believed Sanger passed
through Ann Arbor around the turn of the century.. . Anyone with in-
formation should contact the Ann Arbor Planned Parenthood.
The naked truth
Everyone is striking these days - even the nation's most striking
people. Nude models for art classes in Boston are threatening to strike
due to low pay, cold stools and studios which are too cold for their un-
protected anatomies. "Art models have been ignored for too long,"
complained model Randy Jansen. ".We're tired of being treated like
objects. We are professionals and we demand respect." They are also
demanding a pay increase of $2 an hour over the $4 they now receive.
Models who pose full time have complained that they do not make
enough to live on despite the savings on clothing expenses.
Sniffing out the answer
What some people won't do for medical science. Twenty-five
residents of Vancouver, Canada will begin eating beans next year as
part of an experiment designed to find a way to take the toot out of the
round vegetables. Dr. Brent Skura, the head researcher behind the
project, said beans are high in protein, cheap, and easy-to-grow. He
added, however, that he didn't think beans would ever become popular
until someone could find a way to eliminate the classical gas. The
volunteers will get $25 a day for their efforts, which will include eating

Bikers fi
mile trek
Wher. . finally crossed the Go de
Gate Briage after biking 3,195 crss
country miles for charity, the last thin
tired, saddle-sore Eric Nichols planned
to do was bicycle back to Michigan.
But an anonymous benefactor offe >
him an additional $1,000 for his c
and the 23-year-olti Univer
Engineering junior began pedali
again. Nichols and his third parn
Todd Teachout, who is also a junior
the College of Engineering, arr
back in Ann Arbor last week
pedaling the last 700 miles of the trip
just seven days.
NICHOLS BEGAN the coast-o-co
trek "A Ride for the Autistic Child '
at the Staten Island Bridge on Ma 2
after being recruited for the tr
Joseph Shields, a recent Univs
graduate. Shields persuaded .
Lowenbrau division of the
Brewing Co. to sponsor and finan
trip designed to raise money f t
Michigan Society for Autistic Chir
Nichols and Shields were s
thousand dollars short of their s$
goal when the anonymous donor o
to contribute. Nichols and Teah
began the trip back, but Shields
behind when he was offered a po
with the Miller Brewing Co. in
The "best" summer of Nichol
ended yesterday with a final rece
given by the 'Michigan Sociefor
Autistic Children, which will su
the distribution of the money piedged
during the trip.i
ALTHOUGH A final tally has not
been made yet, the bikers ras '
"several thousand dollars" in pleds
for the Michigan charity, accordi
director Bill Walsh. The money iC
used for programs for autistic childrn
and to educate parents of ausn
children about the develop n t
disability, Walsh said.
Four days of "living" on pean
ter and banana sandwiches ,
waiting for a late expense
Utah, flying in a crop duster in K
and showering in a coin-operated
wash when "we were in bad s
were only some of the adventr
Nichols related about the trip.

The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 13, 1979-Pc

was the
he said
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pay Nichols
e33flats he

JUNIOR ENGINEERING students Eric Nichols (left) and Todd Teachout
cycled 3,195 miles from Staten Island to the Golden Gate Bridge to raise
money for autistic children.

and Shields repaired on the way west,
the innertube company was a welcome
TEACHOUT, A three-time state
bicycle racing champion, said the trip
provided the vacation he was hoping
for, andsaid he is looking forward to

another trip next summer, if he can
arrange it. "It worked out real nice,"
he smiled.
After 5,000 miles and 14 weeks on his
bicycle, Nichols said he still rates his
ocean-to-ocean adventures as "the best
time of my life."

Thursday Sept. 13-Friday Sept. 14
10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.-2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Mr. Chuck Paly, factory representative from Hewlett-Packard, will be at
Ulrich's Books to demonstrate and answer your questions about
Hewlett-Packard calculators

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