CUBA See editorial page rIIiE rigau N\iirt VlI'Years (Eitia l FI~ree(Iom~ kt1g BUTTERY High- rI Low-600 See Today for details Vol. LXXXX, No. 5 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 11, 1979 Ten Cents Twelve Pages plus Supplement Teddy I'll - know in Nov. ghetto o r-zz-year-oias, sne sai.. Steinem stressed that women must Daily Photo CYRENA CHANG Steinem told the diverse crowd, in- maintain an autonomous group GLORIA STEINEM, noted feminist leader and founder of Ms. Magazine, eluding men and older people; that the working on women's issues, in addition called on the more than 3,500 persons in Hill Auditorium last night to use presence of middle-aged persons on their advantages of education and social awareness to challenge existing campus is helping students to recognize See CHALLENGE, Page 9 social power structures. SOVIET VLASOVA 'SOLD HER SOUL,'INSIDERS SAY: Ballerina Shu1nned by colleages From AP and Renter WASHINGTON - Sen. Edward Kennedy, under growing pressure to run for the 1980 Democratic presiden- tial nomination, has indicated he will decide whether to challenge President Carter in time to enter the primaries. Kennedy told two New York Democrats, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Gov. Hugh Carey, that "by Thanksgiving I'll have a pretty good idea" whether or not he will run, according to sources familiar with the conversation. TOM SOUTHWICK, Kennedy's press aide, acknowledged that the conver- sation took place but refused to discuss the substance. Southwickalso said that "clearly, a number of people in the party have said he (Kennedy) ought to run." Meanwhile, House Speaker Thomas (Tip) O'Neill said yesterday that the nomination belongs to Kennedy if he wants it. O'NEILL, BREAKING a long silence of the subject said, "I don't think that he (Kennedy) could be denied the Democratic nomination if he were to run." " The latest flurry of speculation about a Kennedy presidential candidacy began late last week when the senator acknowledged that he had discussed the possibility with his mother and wife and that they both had said they would not object to his running. The senator had lunch with the president on Friday. According to one published report, Kennedy told Carter the president could not be re-elected and would hurt other Democratic can- didates in1980 if he ran. "THE STORY was inaccurate," said Southwick. Carter served notice yesterday that he will concentrate on his legislative program, not on campaigning, amid new warnings that Kennedy could oust him as the Democratic Party's presidential candidate. White House spokesman Jody Powell said the president in particular wanted his energy program passed by Congress and the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II) ratified by the Senate. "WE'RE GOING to do everything we can to prevent the premature injection of presidential politics from detracting from theserissues," Powell shid. He made his statement in the face of questions about the .Carter-Kennedy meeting. Powell shed little light on what he termed a private meeting, but said he doubted whether they discussed the Democratic nomination and Kennedy's role in it. CARTER HAS not formally announ- ced his candidacy, but there has been little doubt that he would run. The conversation Kennedy had with Moynihan and Carey occurred Aug. 9 at Brockport, N.Y., where all three atten- ded the Special Olympics. Moynihan and Carey had lunch together that day and talked about the See KENNEDY, Page 9 MOSCOW (AP) Bolshoi ballerina Ludmilla Vlasoeva center of a Soviet- U.S. confrontation last month when she left her defector husband in New York, is regretting her decision to come home, Bolshoi insiders say. Vlasova is being shunned and ridiculed by fellow dancers who will not talk to her because they think she "sold her soul" to Soviet officials in return for better roles, Bolshoi sources say. Ambition is the explanation cir- culating in the famed Moscow dance troupe for the 36-year-old ballerina's. decision to come home from the United States instead of defecting with her husband, Bolshoi star Alexander Gudunov. IS SHE happy with her choice? Bolshoi insiders sayno. The picture that emerges is of a dan- cer scorned and insulted by past frien- ds, conmuting to and from ballet rehearsals from her elderly mother's Moscow apartment trailed by two Soviet security men., Vlasova has been accessible only to the Soviet media since her hero's homecoming almost two weeks ago. U.S. authorities had grounded for three days the Aeroflot plane she was on in New York while they determined whether she was returning to Russia by choice. She convinced them she did not want to stay. SOURCES SAY Soviet officials wan- ted the ballerina to- meet 'with the foreign press soon after her return but that she refused. She has isolated her- self from her friends, insiders reveal, and does not wish to return to the spacious apartment she shared with the 29-year-old Godunov on Nezhdanovoi Street: "I think there are too many memories there," a source said. She has kept busy since her return rehearsing in the Bolshoi ballet, "Love fors Love," a choreographic version of Shakespear's play, "Much Ado About Nothing," to be performed this season. The ballerina will play Beatrice, an important role but not the lead, con- sistent with her status in the troupe as a soloist who was not quite good enough to be singled out for demanding starring roles. BUT BOLSHOI sources claim that to get Vlasova to agree to return to Moscow, Soviet officials promised she soon would receive more prominent parts. T he bait worked, insiders say, because the ballerina reportedly feared that her own career would be eclipsed in the West alongside that of her younger, more famous, and more talen- ted husband. And at the Bolshoi now, angry troupe members treat her as a pariah. "They think she is an opportunist," one source said. "They think she sold her soul for her career.'' As punishment, the dancers are giving Vlasova the silent treatment - refusing to greet her, ignoring her at rehearsals, sources say. Some male dancers have said privately that they will refuse to be Vlasova's partner if she is given leading roles. Students adjust to food service plan-at least i By PATRICIA HAGEN Dorm residents were not enthusiastic, but University Housing Office officials said the first attempt at con- solidation of weekend cafeteria service in the residence halls went more smoothly than they anticipated. Saturday and Sunday meal service in several University dormitories was eliminated and residents were assigned to nearby halls in an effort by the Housing Office to cut board costs. Hours were extended and staffs increased during Saturday lunch to accommodate the larger than usual number of students dining in Markley, Couzens, and South Quad. HOUSING OFFICE officials said they expected some confusion and longer than usual lines because the new plan began on the first weekend of the term and on the day of the first home football game. In some dorms students reported both short lines and overcrowded dining rooms at Saturday dinner. While students said they didn't really mind .walking to another dorm for weekend meals, they predicted there would be more complaints during rainy or snowv weather. "There were no lines at all Saturday in South Quad," ob- served Housing Food Service coordinator Lyn Tubbs. "It went very well." TUBBS SAID he heard no adverse student reaction while he was in the dorm Saturday. Hill Area Food Manager Carl Christoph said the "lines were not out of the ordinary" compared to a typical weekend in Markley, even with the Mosher Jordan residen- ts eating there. Next weekend "may" not go as smoothly because more students are expected to eat in the dormitories, Christoph 4Thile sun shines said. But he added that he expects no problems because the staff has had a weekend to practice. GEORGE MAJORES, a freshman in Mosher-Jordan, said he ate his meals at Markley during the weekend, but said, "I don't want to have to do that in winter." "I think you will hear a lot of complaints the first time it rains," Majores added. Another Mo-Jo resident, sophomore Carol Miller said, "Most people don't really like it. It's a hassle." MARKLEY PRODUCTION Supervisor Dave Roos said there was only a two-minute back-up of students waiting to get into the cafeteria "at the worst point" on Saturday evening. When he went to eat lunch at South Quad on Saturday at about 11:30, West Quad resident J. P. Adams said there was no line. But Adams was quick to add: "I would rather eat in West Quad." Adams noted that there was a short line at Saturday din- ner, but said the dining room was very crowded. HEIDI MULSO, a sophomore resident of West Quad, said a long line at South Quad's Saturday dinner was probably unavoidable because of the football game. She said she didn't mind going one block to South Quad,; but added, "It won't be much fun walking over in the win- ter." Alice Lloyd residents were assigned to eat weekend meals at adjacent Couzens Hall. Bill Mitchell, a freshper- son, didn't have to wait in line very long but said he had a "hard time finding a seat" in the Couzens dining room after the football game. Mitchell said the inconvenience of leaving his own dorm to eat didn't bother him. i i Shapiro discusses great Unirersit' By HOWARD WITT Harold Shapiro, in his first speech to the faculty as the University's president-designate, said 'yesterday "we must not let the word's 'great University' fall too easily from our lips" when referring to the University of Michigan. Speaking to some 300 faculty members at the first monthly meeting of the Literary College (LSA) faculty, Shapiro said, "you'll hear a lot of talk about the University of Michigan as a 'great University.' Unfor- tunately, the term 'great Univer- sity' is used rather loosely" in contemporary society. SHAPIRO DECLINED to state whether he thought the Univer- sity was "great," but did outline four criteria which he saidust be satisfied before the title "great" can be earned. "A great University has to be a stronghold of scholarship in the pure theoretical sciences upon which future knowledge expan- sion depends," he said. It must also have strong undergraduate and graduate programs; it must be selective in those activities in which it chooses to participate; and it must maintain a sense of community, Shapiro said. The president-designate, who will assume office on Jan. 1, 1980, also welcomed new LSA professors and lecturers to the University's "community of scholars," which he said included most, faculty members and several students. "A scholarly community gives the University its distinction," he said. THE UNUSUALLY large tur- nout for the LSA meeting was chiefly attributable to the Tellico WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate voted Monday to authorize completion of the multi-million-dollar Tellico Dam, despite the threat it poses to the tiny snail darter. On a vote of 48-44, senators followed the lead of the House and agreed to grant the $115 million dam an exem- ption from the Endangered Species Act and any other law that might prohibit its completion. WORK .ON THE dam was halted when it was discovered that its com- pletion would lead to the extinction of the snail darter, a tiny fish. The vote represented a reversal of the Senate's previous position, and may have set the stage for a veto by President Carter of a key ap- " z propriations bill. Interior Secretary SCecil Andrus has said previously he gets Sen the figure by $5 million. The House of Representatives already has approved the conference report, including the provision to com- plete the dam, which has generated in- tense controversy in Congress over the past 18 months. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has spent $115 million on the Tellico, on the Little Tennessee River, A spokesperson said before the vote the cost of completing the project is tuesday " No substantial progress has been reported in the search for Michigan State University com- puter whiz James Dallas Egbert III. See story, Page 3. " The funeral of Antoinette -I..L .- ....0f 4. .1."I- UTC ate OK estimated at about $19 million.. WORK HAS BEEN halted for over two years because of court rulings that completion of the dam would threaten the tiny snail darter with extinction and thus violate the federal law that protec- ts endangered species. The snail darter is on the government's official en- dangered species list. Supporters of the dam have been trying to win an exemption from the law for over a year. They maintain the fish is not threatened by the dam and has been transplanted successfully to a nearby river. They also maintain that the dam, if completed, would provide electricity for 20,000 homes in a time of national energy shortages. Opponents dispute claims that the snail darter is thriving. They also say