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September 09, 1979 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-09

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The Michigan Daily-Sunday, September 9, 1979-Page 9

UAW strike against GM called
inevitable; money still the issue

DETROIT (UPI) - The talk outside
the main bargaining room has been all
optimism, but there are still diehards
who believe a United Auto Workers
(UAW) Union strike against General
Motors Corp. Friday night is inevitable.
UAW President Douglas Fraser said
such people don't understand collective
YET AFTER days of deadline
bprgaining had produced only scant
discussion of key wage and pension
demands, Fraser conceded his earlier
optimism about prospects for a
peaceful settlement was getting harder
tp support.
There's one thing about which most
participants and outside experts agree
+ the outcome of bargaining on a pat-
tern contract for 750,000 U.S. auto
workers boils down to the size of the pie.
The "pie" they frequently referred to
is the amount of money GM has
available for its operations, including
dividends as well as labor costs.
y GM, UNION officials,say, does not
indulge in what UAW Vice President
Irving Bluestone calls "poor-
miouthing." It does not plead poverty at
the bargaining table.
UAW officials are always quick to
point out the company has made enor-
inous profits in the past several quar-
ters - up to $4 billion - and that its
return on its invested capital has
:emained high.
Union demands in some areas have
Been scaled accordingly, and GM's
initial money proposal to the union was

unusually high - calling for a $2.50 an
hour wage hike over three years for the.
average auto worker, increases from'
$700 to $875 in "30-and-out" pensions,
and seven additional paid personal
SIGNIFICANTLY, the initial offer
did not mention pension increases for

workers already retired - a major
sticking point.
"COLA (cost of living adjustments)
For Pensions" was a major union
rallying cry before negotiations began.
The union carefully avoided saying it
wanted to tie pensions to an automatic
improvement factor such as the con-
sumer price index, and GM said it
would never accept such a demand.
A FACT AUTO industry analysts also
find significant is that there has been
little bargaining on pensions thus far -
leaving the two sides apparently far
apart on an expensive money proposal
with the contract set to expire at mid-
night on Friday.
Because of that gulf, and because of
the threat of inflation, recession,
energy shortages and slumping car
sales and a shrinking profit margin for
the auto companies, analysts believe
the pie is limited.
That translates into a classic union-
labor battle over money, says Arvid
Jouppi, auto analyst for the John Muir
"I STILL feel that it will take a strike
as the only means that we seem to have
to resolve differences as major as
this," he said.
"It's very clear that Mr. Fraser and
the UAW must recover inflation for its
constituency and it's also very clear
that Mr. Murphy (GM Chairman
Thomas Murphy) must preserve the
profitability and the profit margin for
GM so it can continue to be a high-
dividend, high institutional grade stock.

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Rhodesian forces leave Mozambique

(Continued from Page 1)
who has been taken advantage of."
m In what it termed a conservative
estimate of casualties, the military
command said that more than 300
Mozambican troops and Patriotic Front
guerrillas were killed in the four-day
invasion, which it called "a resounding
Band head
mrnain (a ins
'U 'tradition
(Continued from Page 1)
the University bands.
Cavender, who began his career with
the band in the 50s, will conduct a song
from that era at the Minnesota game.
CHANGE IN the band has been
minimal. The flag corps has been ex-
panded from 12 to 16 members, and
Richter hopes to increase the size of the
percussion section. Richter said the
band will continue to perform its in-
famous high-step, with few exceptions.
Andthe familiar voice of Carl
Grapentine, the band's announcer for
about a decade, continues to boom
across the field.
The band, after only two weeks of
preparation, will perform on national
televison at next week's game against
Notre Dame. Richter said there is "a
great deal of concern" among Univer-
sity alumni about the future of the mar-
ching band, but added that he hopes to
'alleviate those concerns."
"The reputation is, at best, very dif-
ficult to keep up," he said.
Richter added that he wants to make
sure there's "very little doubt" that
Michigan's marching band is the best in
the country.

babwe Rhodesian forces were listed as
15 dead - the highest toll suffered by
Zimbabwe Rhodesian troops in a cross-
border operation.
The command said its troops and
planes destroyed 11 joint guerrilla-
Mozambican army bases, several
,military communications centers,
radar sites, supply trains and five rail
and road bridges along the vital Lim-
popo river supply route running from
the border to the town of Guijah, 185
miles inside Mozambique.
The Mozambican news agency said
the raiders were out "to destroy as

much as possible of the existing in-
frastructure, especially road and rail
communications, bridges, electrical
and telegraphic posts and agricultural
The invasion marked the first time
that Salisbury has sent troops across
the border to attack Mozambican army
targets as well as guerrilla bases.
The command justified the action by
asserting that Mozambican troops and
Patriotic Front guerrillas operating
under a joint command were planning
combined incursions into Zimbabwe

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"Pr;BiI IB"

Needs ride
out of town?
Check the a UiI
classifieds under

heres snew company in town..
For The New Musket Company's Production of
A new musical comedy ... with spirit
To be presented in the Power Center
To be presented in the RC Auditorium
*MASS MEETING (Tomorrow)
Mon. Sept. 10-7:30 p.m.
Pendleton Room,
Michigan Union, 2nd floor
Brown Bag Series
The Howard R. Marsh Center for the Study of
Journalistic Performance, an endowed center
within the Department of Communication,
again will sponsor a series of Wednesday brown
bag seminars. All are open to the public. Each
will be 12:10 to 1 p.m. In 2040F LSA Building.
Sept. 12 "Delivering Birth Control Information to Teen-
agers," Rocco De Pietro, Director of Teen Family Planning
Communication Project
Sept. 26 "Interviewing: What the Journalist Can Learn
from All the Research," Professor Charles Cannell, Depart-
ment of Communication and Institute for Social Research
Oct. 10 "B irth of a Nation and Rise of the Klan," Pro-
fessor Frank Beaver, Department of Communication

549 E. University at the corner of East U. and South U. 662- 3201
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The next time you
pick up your car keys and
head for the door, ask
yourself whether a phone
call could save you the
trip.-and the wasted

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