SENA TOR SA YS HE'S STILL NOT CANDIDA TE Kennedy's family lets him decide Neither Joan Kennedy nor Rose Ken- nedy could be reached for comment. BUT BOTH have indicated in the past they opposed Kennedy entering a presidential race. Joan Kennedy has been living in the couple's Boston home since 1977 and working on a master's degree in music and education at Lesley College. She and Kennedy took advantage of the congressional recess to spend most of the month of August together at the family's Cape Cod, Mass.a vacation home, Southwick said. They sailed together and attended the Robert Ken- nedy celebrity tennis tournament in New York. ROBERT KENNEDY and another brother, President John Kennedy, were assassinated and a third, Joseph, was killed in World War II. Despite Edward Kennedy's con- sistent public position that he expects Carter to seek and win a second term, strong efforts are under way in several states to build support to draft Kennedy for the nomination. While repeating that he "expects" to support Carter next year, Kennedy said, "I am very much concerned about the direction the country is going in, and the state of our economy." PUBLIC OPINION polls consistently show the 47-year-old senator leading Carter by a wide margin among Democrats. Some Democratic liberals are urging the party openly to seek an alternative to Carter as the Democratic nominee in 1980. One of them, Sen. George McGovern of South Dakota, the party's unsuccessful presidential candidate in 1972, said he thought Kennedy would be the strongest candidate next year. "I think it's just another step toward putting Kennedy in a tremendous position to run, I don't think there is any way he can resist," said Rep. Edward Beard, (D-R.I.), a Kennedy supporter. "What has been perceived as a tremen- dous pressure from his family not to run now apparently has been removed." Some intimates of the senator have, advised him to stand pat, arguing that he could not do much better in the polls if he were an active candidate. Union claims WCC strike loses students Edward M. Kennedy Bank employees seek to the scene after the incident and iden- tified "the wrong man." Redick was arraigned in Washtenaw County court yesterday morning for destruction of property valued over $100, the sheriff's deputy said. THURSDAY, STRIKING teachers claimed University of Michigan graduate students were being brought in to teach classes at WCC. A spokesperson for the Graduate Em- ployees Organization said the group knew nothing of the claims. Pickets will resume Monday, Bila said. Issues to be resolved are salaries and health insurance coverage. payehike, s (Continued from Page 1) dy Grzelak, assistant vice-president for personnel. "We didn't offer the strikers anything." The bank issued a press release Thursday stating that "service from the bank has not been interrupted. We are continuing to service any and all customers who visit the campus of- fice." Grzelak said several of the striking employees have been replaced. The bank will consider rehiring them when Johnson believes proposed guidelines will help MSA regain control of funds tay off job jobs become available for which they are qualified, she said. THE PRESS release said that "The people protesting include nine bank employees. The other people involved are outside instigators who identified themselves to other employees as representing the International Workers of the World. These are the individuals who our customers have cited as harassing individuals leaving and en- tering the bank." "There's no one here from the IWW," Batuk said. "A friend of one of the strikers is an IWW member, but he is not connected with the bank. He simply advised us on strike procedures." "WE'RE NOT interested in unionizing at all," she said. "We simply want a substantial cost-of-living wage increase.' The bank press release stated,'that "For the last two years our Salary Ad- ministration Program has been reviewed and updated in the Fall. This year was meant to be no exception. However, the protesting employees took this practice into account and chose to make their demonstration to capitalize on our normal procedures." "We understood that anything finan- cial had to be approved by the board of directors," Batuk said. She said that other bank employees told the strikers that the bank offered a 15 per cent pay increase to non-striking employees. Alland said adoption of the guidelines would make MSA more accountable to both students and the University. "STUDENTS PAY the money to the Michigan Student Assembly," he said. "We should be returning the money to the students." Last year, MSA allocated nearly $50,000 to more than 100 student organizations. During the summer, Alland and other MSA members consulted with staff of the University's Office of Student Development while devising . the guidelines. But Alland emphasized that the proposals were developed "by MSA and only MSA." Alland said that this year MSA will give "top priority" to reviewing last April's controversial election, at which time the assembly's handling of funds came into question by the University administration. By December, Alland added, MSA members hope to explain to the Regents where the trouble spots were in the April election and how fun- ding problems can be avoided in the future. AATA bus crews to return to normal routes after sick-out (Continued from Page 1) "Everyone was well aware of the situation and ikow they felt." The one-day action was staged for several reasons, according to T U president Pat Minott. She said the unon was unhappy about outside subcontrac- ting for maintenance of AATA vehicles Pamper your self (or someone else.) Ulrich's carries a complete selection of fine writing instruments and alleged health and safety problems. She also said the union has a list of about 150 grievances. Simonetta did not respond specifically to the allegations, but said that it's a question of contract inter- pretation. "I think we all agree there. needs to be much, more com- munication," he said. LEADERS FROM the union and representatives for AATA management met yesterday afternoon at AATA's downtown information center to discuss the problems. According to both Simonetta and union officials, however, specific differences weren't discussed thoroughly. "We notified them, first of all, that they were violating the law," Simonetta said. Michigan law forbids strikes by public employees. The AATA executive said union of- ficials denied responsibility for the sick-out. "We indicated to them that, 'Thnt'c nir hut we know where you're at,' " Simonetta said after the meeting. "There was very little hostility." UNION MEMBER Hiller said, "They (the AATA management) couldn't believe we were really that upset about (these problems). We didn't get into specifics with them." Simonetta said he didn't know if AATA would pursue any legal action against the union. TEU member Hiller, however, con- tended that union members could ignore the issue since the union didn't organize the sick-out. "People were sick today," he said yesterday. Neither union nor management of- ficials say wage levels are an issue. Union and management officials have not made further plans to meet, but union members will gather Sunday and discuss further measures to bridge the gap with their employers. Simonetta assumed the chief AATA position during the summer. Let The Action Free Press Bring The Action To You First Thing'Every Morning EXTRM SPECI6LI DORM DELIVERY at Discount Rates